The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-31, Page 17WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st, 1971 • if E MiCKNOW SENTINEk LUCKMOW; WOW* • ' PAGE sEvONTEEN UNROYAL, FIRESTO It LUCKNOW PI-,i01!IE 528-3430 • " . . Mr. .r4Mrs; Elwood Groskorth were in London on Saturday assts. .daughier'Mrs,. Moffar,„ • Moffat a•nd: family of Wiughant, get settled .in their home at London.. 1V1r, incrYkrs:: • .5unday. evening Vititois with Mr!. and Mrs.' Ralph Cameron' of ':: .'...4shfield.• ' ..' :. . ,• ... ' : .• . . ...... . • , • . • - On Sunday Mr, and Mts. Torn. ,.; Morrison'andJini held a birthday. party in honor of Miss .biane'. • Hick' s, tw.entyr•fifst W.al:Way,. ..,fliresent:werg :Mr. and Mrs. ', '• ' GeOrge Iiieks,. Diane ,,,Marsha“,...: •Cardline; Joan and Billie of Pray- • • .ton.,•:13adley Parrot Of,Blyth., Mrs.. :lnez:Canieroh of ErUssels Ivlissi, 2Anne Meyer and Kenneth Morri- son of Wingharn.arid.Mr arid Mrs.. flon.MOrrisOn.of Whitgehurch..... .• :''' :'.. 'Mrs. „Jack 'Tierney and.;Karen .. pf Port ,ElginWere , week: end visitors: with her parents Mr and Mrs. Torn Magoffin'df.Lricknow,.: pn:&inctay.Rustell Ritchie of . s a:ea e .at t e same home • • ."' tiall Mr and Mrs„; TO Evans of . .. Fred il\ilcQu'illin is attending the. Georgetown were Sunday visitors .. •Fire Instrance Convention in the • •• , • ''. with his arents Yr • atIcisMit:..• .King. Edward .11Otel-,L:toOritO":„this..L_.,.. 13i11 Evans and her parents Mr.: and .week i\;16...BertNichOlson:Of Kinlough, ... . . . , ... .. wherethg"fainily.had. been Visit-'. 13oer. Was the baby sitter with .the .‘ ing for the holiday and they re- 'Verheek children. ' ':, • . ' , , . .,.:thrhea hoine444har-..--._paten-t-Fitv--------;,-. ale-tviirs---Pairikilltissey ..:.... IyliSs•Mary Lou Wall visited a . - aildson Seane of Toronto spent. .: few days in the holidays:with.her . a few,. days at the 'I -conic, of her ,•. . .: girster Mrs „.,,peorge,:_tieedifiria--',,...Mr„.-., --aunt-. Mysro.::th-al..igi-vbilyssomirna . Needharrt.and family OfPinkertoq, 'Mr..IkOh,inSorV:.Of East Wawanosh... ..:Bill •wali..,:and friend Miss Linda Mr Mr, .ana Mrs': John (34ont and Smith of Toronto 'spent' the week_ _mi_.--and.--Ivirtsr-,4eor'.. -geL,G:a-Oht,:of • i ,_ - en with his parents . Mr... and Mr 67' :':Exeter were Sunday visitors with Ira wall. , .' : , ... •,.• . : Mr. and Nu -s-:,, 1-.5On'Ress,and 'fami'-, • Mr. and. Mrs. lohri,Cartuthers Of, ty.. ':. ,, • : .,' ' . : ,, : - • . . . London spent the week ,end. with ., • mi: •.atid:mr$,:,dedrgt Young , • • . gr'' arld• Mrs. qeorge Fisher and • and...family Were Monday visitors . • . .. Carin-thzes--.of-wiVani. , . ,viith her. aunt .mrs. Charles Tiffin: . • 'Visitors on Sunday :with Mr.. atid :Oi-,Winiiiii.m.... - ,-,.,•, 1 ... ' • ' . :., Mrs. ' Carl: Mc Clenaghan and .Mr4: • „ , and Mrs. Ben Mc.clena Mr., and Mrs...firii aunt and P ... , • , • ghan were ,„,.. ',Janet of Centraliawere Saturday . .,eveningyisitors with Mr, and Mrs, .Don Ross., , ' f ': • : 'We are pleased to rePort.that .6orge Ctirrie4ms perrnitted,,to . return home from Wirighayn and . LE ' Yisses. Dorothy TaylOr ,and S,ales of 13rampton were.week end. visitort.W.iin.Dorothy'S parents, Mr and Mrs.: Albert Tayior,.. , Mr. and'Mrs.. Tillsonburg 'spelt the micil-term RIPLEY I Vditor Chief 'Robert Rooney, Assistant. Beverley, Sniith, • . • „Mary MacCharles —',Barry MacDonald — BruCe. Aitken Thursday „March 25, the 'Ripley Aink_was. the -scene of excitement' for the: curlers. from the high school.' SeVenty-two ;students competed in the annual • ,Wind Bonspiel. There were three draws with each team playing three games. ;The, flist games were -played during the first week of March leaving the other two to; be played •on Thurs.:, day, Action started at nine ngland. anci 'Scotland:. Ken. •the;•., son of Mr.:And Nts: 'Albert Tay-• lor.; • ,• Miss Milier has been a . , patienyin.yictOria Hospital p...LOtt-. don. this .past ek•.- • c.erald porscht returned,home OP Tuesday. a fter nderi,,Yoinglriajor :surgery recently in $.t.. aoieph!s, Hospital:, London.. • ".• . , Terry Wilson:and.John Andrew •visited in TorontO,during the week, and attended the,§Por:tsniensi - The AntitiaJ,M'eeting..p.f,the Will,.he.held on 'APriLlst in , the 1341)...; The meeting begins at, 12 30 sharp with a Pot tuck:din- ner. On Thursday night, the next Shoot PartY be h-nd„ rn.the: • -,-,4nd:-Mts-i-ti-11:-PaTkpr and Bev-, 'Orley Of Lucan and' Mr. and Mrs. :• Lorne Howe and farnily of :Tees •-• Water, ' Congiatulations. t and Mrs. Amos Martin:Wth day, , March 23.of a baby girl,a WinghaPi and District Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Tiffin Wingham were Friday evening, visitors with his parents Mr.- an Ms i .Dan 'Tiffin; • Bill Wilkens of tistoWel WS, e k end visitor' with his paten •14:,: and Mrs. tad 'Wilkens.. ..Mts. Peter.Verbeek and; Mrs, 1.6nald 16ss spent last Titesday In. Owen -Sound. 'Miss Irene de t •PlOttqATION, f On Monday evening at White.`: church Community Hall Rev., d Robett'Nicholls, on-tchalf,of--„the• 7-- )Unior St,vngert group, addressed a Mr. And Mrs. Erie, Parsont., who' ts leave thig $aturday.for England. They:were presented with a gift from the. grout.: They 41.so' red- eivedA graduatfonplactne for. attending the dlat's, for4the s'OaiO11-- the morning and the, aWards,-yere presented at.'9.36 iry the evenlng. Peter-Walden'sm$k-Of Mr. cHoiT1-4,- .ctes ; Elizabeth :Mae Kay. and Sally 11artison 'mon the first prize ',trophy with 3 wins and a Our of 14. Donald "Moe" Martin, Who skipped Bonnie Nicholson; Mary Angie MacDonald and -Gordon Fair ,,seored a ClOse.sectind of 3 wins and plus 7. Third prize went todleri•Wylds , Bill Bissonn- ette , Boyd Carruthers and .Larry • Irwin. Fourth went tO Tey Elliott, Dianne Kempton, Paul 'MacDonald and 1Linda' Kempton with 2 wins and, pius•11. Judy . 11-1Odge's,rink' of DOrinda Forster :Sally Elliott and David Coiling were fifth with'two wins and plus 10. The consolatiodyinner$ were Robert Rooney, Sherry Pollock, 1Steve henry and Qail, Messenger. Thanks goes:to the. Curling Icommittee Of-Moe-Majtin, ,Dianne Kempton., Mary , ". .„' MaccharieS. Peter 'W.akien'atod Barry MacDonald • Whoorganized° the curling throughout the year and made the hOnspiels a, success. Thanks also go, to the ladies of .'.the .Curling Club who provided the meal andld the Club who•• make it 'possible for us to cUrl eachyear.. • • , LUC NO REG JONES B , 528-2906 FRINGE MASTER WINDO SCALLOPED FRINGED EDGE . CUSTOM CUT TO SIZE We have a domPleteline of window shades in' stock; alsobeautiful shade • pulls, self-adhesive fringe trim and apphques. • °. SEE US FOR YOUR ININDOWiHADE REQUIREMENTS •..• SHADES REG. $1.99 VVALDEC ALLPAPER PRE -PASTED VINYL COATED .15 - 3.50 per 'roil • TOCK LIQUIDATION SALE CONTINUES STILL LOTS OF BARGAINS 'ON HARDWARE; FARM•SUPpLIES,./BOLTS,! . HOUSEWARES, ETC.'. • . •• „ • plgX ANTIQUE FINISHING•.K • Easy 2 - step refinishing ----- no messy paint remover PAINT RIGHT OYER OLD FINISHES • • ':C'8'8 kit * Royal Turquoise * Antique White * Seville Orange * Desert Gold * Old World Green Frenth Provitidal • BARGAINS FOR ALL-AROUND THE HOUSE... PRO SPRAY CLEANER BISSELL UPHOLSTERY it OL 99c. SHAMPOO '2•.,�Z'79e 1)110 .OVEN CLEANER SPRAY 99c IntnvAx QUALITY FLOOR WAX, •LIQUID'FLOOR WAX CLEAR ',Ant WAX FuRNstuRE CREME 10°0 OFF •