The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 16tl KNOW ONTARIO • WEDN.ESDAV,. MARCH 17th' 19,7' . roma bIAlitt.f1. .InR LUCKNYVif S IVTINEl, L :C ... . . ,, . p •OUR - f hasps r.ta fle a few feathers o . r • f;,<,, • ,/%!f ,' : .' , F `' . '- fr.' . 1, j , ;fi �/' • . .. i ;,.,, • , HOME.T.,�W SA Ll It a Tfursda}' morniriga.,I rush ea erl: to the mail box to get our g :, N P11•... ODG H IN 'D �rt.iove.d°front has hortte�town., weekly newspaper d - : the is a link wtrh . erest is,1keen a:n the atmosphere exciting when :two people you ed in a know are en ag battleoi wi.> in the letters to the editor,` , .. . When one• reads the headlines these 'da Y he sees'muc'h.that . :.... lean the.. ickly I,;-. p. st rea s ''of old ;s, . •.. -.- ., : ;, :» ,.• �: + • r , .... .. �. ,:.� .. , • � .: ' '- • . ,.._-.1_ . • ..: r p ' M .:• a ” " •' • • . , ,:: ,>> { : ,. ,•::;-0-.:: .:f : :. :. �.<:, .::�,.{ �r�/� f, , � ,,. • .4•-F,,.,v.' „ , rte:` ., : • :', ,.err ..44.:i,;;., ',iv.' %/- ,. , .• r��r :�� � • ' r ,' . ' • o 1l71�•C:USTOM : 1; door hardto , Vs.avtgmatic, .. ._.. . , �. , P,.. , .• ,:•- r _. z •� 1!6! CHEV Im ,ala, 3 door hatth01. R. VS.:automatic,. power brakes,. . • P. ,... ., - r steering • • �ometown 196! PONTIAC Parisienne, 22.'door hardto, V8, power brakes, • power :steering • . 1969 FORD LTD 4 ;r ha , V8; power.. brakes; power. 'In . , steering . .' • , ,. �' , . `• • • • • 1li9. CHEV impala;�custom..,2 door, ha.rdfop, vinyl roof, Vi, . •'' power 'steering,'power brakes :: a' full'. wer '.. 1965 CADILLAC, 4 Boor h rdtop, power HE 4'•. c Ii r ':automatic :..wer 'steer : C V� doom y ��. Po !"� er, C . toe-a_�'.pa' j t, p o from, the eadlines , inforznati n f_om ,_. h 1oca1 briefs., I cant "and• scam- the -,.'• I know 'to, meet on, the- stxe • s week' Solread on his rrrind this •his eolumn`tfioroughly:' Then I m r• a ersafel . into a draws;' slip„w ,P P'n until evening-, when I'can.pond'er s ' tnfinisheor u- contents -with: no tasks on' my' concience, , . What is it about the h . ,, a er that makes it as.necessary to' our daily. lives as and: • bread. butter, • • the paper, one.' finds everyT •thing: he..needs at.his: firig;ertips A' host of advertisers, has made the price of information norninal:in comparison to other commodities ': , � e' c`rculation Lt. ise ," its wed > 'a.mon members of the commu'n' , _the_ „lie , ;ia -.makes aquaintances w.tth, the nostalg t . he old_ , �. o,,ne feels when 1.1:-.'vtsi.. or. Tott'e school! ' pi :�, PFY - -l: ori'es. r t own -paper offers a � The ha.me• f : . id range ofsubjeets to its var, id iey of ;readers. The housewi:e' , is ' arid' to kes 'hei reads the, speca _ . list to.. the local grocery; .The:busy •l- farmer fin ds time'to read the • • N, F..U..News'and the periodical reports>from his'agricultural repres entative, The politically m inded alues;•the articles by, his local member of Par-liarnent. The a o ian would'n't miss '.':TRokin Backward Throw h the Sentinel' g Files: paper is a r'eaa The weekly g .,la;ce to voice' opinions, .and. per, . � hire sad, "Local Mere' haul Ex eriencesBreak-in .Over the ' p Week -end ,:.. •Ar:u1'Or ,., •,. Under 'a 'e ' Annual Fa i Fai-r • Ex eriences••Financial•Di�fft u' -. c It ies' :,Many. good things see trt to 4e s1t;P�i g , from our ra ,-ri:c`, si: hs ; '' eses- thete.`6 nohin z -he andsettles can •do,,: an, , .conte.ntedl"; . :. . into his easy,c'hair;' :r Apathy•defeats th.e pu,rpose:of . , ,the hometown paper To'rne the ometown paper mea ns n:'rdn' , .:; - things.• .The word , .Communis- ,, .a ti on , e en on a localn a 1,; c`'iit�' • aPA. mea FThey should spurme euuf 'cam help.my paeper comrMun cite- ,for a better omm nit . �o, n . •.. , . , ,r,• �_.1.� � • ' . • ity made the weekly hews= . has • .. ,_-, T�_� . , . , . • �rdtop 196,8 'PON.T.IAC, 4 door, V8 a:utomatic'• " 1947 FORD Custom 500., VS:.automatic .:: 1966 PONTtAC Parisienne,. 4 .door 'hardtop, Vs automatic;. -power.• �, . , rak es steering; : pewee. b•, •:WHITECHURCH at• door tia YS ' autam c 1965' VALIANT 2 r paper a prime place to. advertise 'Almost everyfamily: can afford the locaa paper'and buys it... The jhomeown:pap er isthe . u ..h-. co muni Through-. heart of the m r Y• its sevc-e •.� ••�...... i , ,• Dairy D. AAers. NEktiS •< •., .: „ .. •are * * It * * ,* :a•. * * * *: tr.* *• 4..4_4. •t" *., ' .. , 1i , , �; 1971 FORD ton pickup. _ 2. ; '19Tt 'P..QlAR1S snowinobites'' „ ;.. ' .. • . ' pa' es pages unity 'eve.nt's .new promoted, neighbours are ,welcomed , the.. g sick are visited , and the needy. • Y are hel ed: 'When. o,ne reads :his P `n3me'•a:mong•.the p ,. . ersona s, he•'' . • Fan C'. Pan is .., � pun;gannon II Y•i.Club.heTd�: WhZ;echurch, Da lli erC' Y, PP 7°1( C club,held their. sec and 't lit. the. ho�neaof aRu h Alliott, , The: 'resident hath Purd.' �. p y' or. • opened the'rriee _ tm�g.wiaii all of the warmth one •feels in a _ _ is er �Ir '_:.fi :'ro d._•._ _ f a t s a� '�—�' r -•ea: ing e . - o _�e s.c' to i orifi The:: roll e311 •: M _ , :.,, :: .. . •..,. ••• '. • ',. ; • 9D'E e I .. 1 . '• •. , ■ - 'cirial communit can be' ._ l y,Cul•bert.. t'ed to he loca•1paper.. I' ' . attrtbu ra To the.ehzld., the.�ape•r' is'the` •ant_lead:' . �The''.nien�;hers present chose the•, , wa:lnr.. 7.,'� ed.b `the'7'rrrerti'bers rc,'wtlt',.• , ;y f' • L`ay. Wilkens wa_s,:ahseria.',� :. . ;...: '•� v.out ..r .,... B � YTH • � �S�LE�S• . ..: " ,,�' ' �LTDe:.'Vb. l/. • PH N Q E , 523 r : •� • r - 4342: place ;where aie 'c,an•reaa about' his oaw n actly' izies: at :school • in r sorts, in cubs or'bio;,�nies,';and'in • p ' th'e e it}• . Happy it the 'child o'rrimrunow:ard � who finds his ow mein .the, . • area .he 1 Clip e .it, papzr: • Chances p ... 'and tuck it awa :arnon�t.'his • y � treasures... He can:'remember•the, curre'nr events Tots•, beca•use'ihe :, y :happened to people close to iiiin,,. " �'To'one wa-to has b.e.en long re', u rrrti-t-es••w•�re'-rt'ad;,• • r' ' •;sirs: Ivan •Rivett went over at -I Elliott. The next, rriectin.• , r tt. . ss%sted by the. P � term a;lteratf his a , , r be. *held .1�1arCh l i h r ome economist �"1iss.Fiun [; . Nirs. 3, T' ; . c the assut`ant'le'ad r:.,�i.s.`i� «, ow ,. ',' t, :. 1-; � • Culbert d.eiizonstrated: hn � rai Thten fabric and- went over discussion. centreu. ot. �a,lu.�, �•. The' •discus y hand =out sheets ,, ° of nutrientsimmi k wh.:1: g ref, • a. The Lr'ls took Their va r:ions •: leaders ` \,r . c .: given, } s. 'J'oh:n �i;.tit measurements• a'nd'd.ecid,ed. what • .N . and : 1rs.. Fred Tiffin.. The coo; n alterations were needed' for ihe'ir' , : . ' .Chowder' Demonstration , a'.tterns. Li ht• refreshments p g ren b , were enjoyed by a.i1. • ... ,g• .by.Janine Janine Pti:rdon Jea r. • 'Kath}: •Smpson..a�nd• _E'urdon �; Varue . •c: . � l�nlo� Council �. r :: ` -:• • _ems longi'; • all Council ub °' :net m regular. , arch hist the Rees P resent.. .' errs ; ' y-: ' a e •. _rid..• .i K I =At � rova'l tile' approval Pp ..until notifieda A s: etal rile , P�and ass' Counc rgn ' . not. to be delivered > is he'held � �Ashfield�•'S�t Twice , :. '. eQrlyl..ax:--- ` ' The:D` ., etxionstration rrialrn_ Yo" ur : •. ,Ha. ... t.' Thou 'T o sand lsla • cl _ r •Dr.E•OfS �py.. 'was••done ,bv a•th� •�, .•ben'. Ta a•r,d • . , y: . ' H• n Wend ��En land :,�11 , art�.i �.t`.«i }, ag . P •i: . Ci �ra.f fe rs • ' _. m sampling the Cornho. Th Meeting Thousand'Isla.rid'rDresin e thirdting o : fker•t e _aaiiultCb, of the _-e;-ula . ` ra •' •r-teetinz of Febr at 'Sand '- ciai f -. • : -- :. .' , r.: ,,,.eet>:5 z. o;. eb:u r r, ; - .. - `' r, .a. Z. i e�e.adap.. Ied, .ltlwas decide t'0 c_ll,t�.nde_-s �` •'' - _ . :_ _ .:. , :. o'.r_ t'�� 'ollcvpz�._: . ; ;ar, Ma,_ch .l� to, consider the. .. - S PQ' aeport on,the::RP'541: Qax at p. m: . _ _:_: , .and- the, Laos. Kincardine Drain' :�.: '. r t 3� '-, . -�, .a . • , . p.;aa. At the 3, � otion wzs.�;�ade that ;e,: field 'Townsh en :•larch wales .• *hee.tin of,A'•sh-•:' ,,. Counci:]•the ra4el, , Helens •ila. �' lan.dicra•fters was, PPy ' The roll call fbr• next •n't,e:e'tir.-.• held \larch 13, The roll call• . ' What ' ur v r • r; . Foea > yo Fa o ire 'Dar .. w.as answered b 3 members . `'. " Home Arssi .nment was to o•htlir g rie" do ale read: the.mi:nutes " rises of • ',ski, in r ilk. a •d' k , .. • . y n n x, f - •• P ,. S r. _. . ' . T2, :. r , t r,' ea11 t,.nde: :.o.•.,•p rox- ,.. rr ii atzlw i� w: czic ,3.c..c. - • _ 7 .__,,. , _ r or. c_::.��=:•�.es.te be ��_;;_. .,r ._eL os., __ ., _ , , ,-::,_ :,.• __ , -._ o�`:_ ,, 3w �e... x ,_ _r , _;a', cl , �. , : :. , _ „ -_,_ .� _ :.:_' _ - ;_::�• _c•.: __ . .o �..; �. r - - - --- o __ �, _ r.�.,.';�, 1. ., __... r,- , _ �:_ -: ,.� .... � . : -_- �: '.C__- • �r. ad*.v toe �o,. warble tl; _nspet-oY, ren?der_ were apened. , staw4a_, &aldr. e.. oeted and to _ he.:Iow .tender that 6! Sand • �•':. .a : •: . � .. 'supply-: