The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-10, Page 3WEDNESDA; MARC14 Ifth 1 I THE1..liCKNOW: SENTINEL% leliCKNOW, ONTARIC, • pose mum . • ZMA . 4 y , ; X Cid Time 'Best_BuY! •:: BATHROOM TISSUE WH'IT.E. • Old Time Teatime! OCEAN lONG EYE DEEP BROWNED Pork 19 -oz. tin .73/4-02. Tin Wesf9ns Reg. 49 SPECIAL ...39C• Eiq..oz12 111.1pre ASSORTED •RIP•OT, EIR .Drinks 35c i;ZEPRPRPCED S1.6.91 ' • t , • • •-.;.•• • 1710,WP 17000 . • t Chscken, Beef, Taiker8." PKG: YORICMEAT.PIES 3 for Sppreme.Frozen ; • , ORANGE JUICE 7 for . . Georgian,•:‘PaY Spies $2.99 Macintosh Appies • • .PtEAsE BkiNo $L -1U Bushell YOUR OWN HAMPER • „ • • .•*•••••••••••••••mommi .•.. • • OLE TIME Meat Canada. Packers • DINNER HAMS Canada P ackett.• SAUSAGE 490 lb. i8 ILL ":"•44++,:!'4••:.•:••I•+•:•41. .4640.4‘44.444.4,,..!.:!..!...t.,...t..:..4..::+++.;.,..)+4..4...::!+..:«++++......4,.........,..:... .............% .... „ .. .. . • .. * *,... . , . . . ' • * • 0 * • 4 ....., . . . . ...,,,.......„4„...........,„„0.4.4,40.44...4‘,0,,,,,- ...,„;‘„,,,,,44:. .. . • . , Betty; 6 -year 7'61C.Idaugh‘erpf.'. and Mrs. George Stanley of LuOnow. ad a ton lle torny At, , , m. and. 'DiStelct, Hospital ott TuestiLty of last. week* • • L105:td !tinter of LucknoW° spent the,we kend in London.with ,and Mrs, Herb Hunter and,Trevor visite Wit is wife •.Mdrion Wheis,a. patient in Victor1ia.1,0sp- * • ; r • toti 9 —9 • r, • • on-Tuetday March trid , :the . . ....15townitmeetitig wa8 !opened with 'everyone Joining in a game of Nniy Thcinip8ori was Out Fairy . she'wOre,the'crOwit,, • tnpecion during geOw nie• Ring• " yai to 'see if all,theBrOWnies had amant6 tag .in their beret's*, otio any that didn't Were tOh!ave:' it ITT •: for next meeting. Then Tawny Owl, with the help. of packie presented sonic badges. .13re,ALLAtnoldei_v_ed hat' Colois—_, Badge.. kathrytiMckim and Niary Lynn CSyley got their Toymaker paclge, Stisan. l'hompson received ; her Writer Badge:, Those re.cis',. in their Skier Badge more N4th-i, ryn McKim , Brenda'ArnOld aind' Susan ThOnipson, • . • • ilrownics that'received their. two year Service Stars, were Slavin ThontPson and Jill Mttrray. • We 'then Inid iliort,gn int , Local People In Iultiple Crash . 1' • . . fl1F1 Pc l'ens----weie- take rrt Wingharn and :District 1Iospital by a ritbula lice: about 1 m . Sunday of last week, following a series 'of iciloWed .by 'Pow. Wow. At, it was ata'belle MacDonalde-s birthday', w e • Sa ng Happy,ilirthday-io her Br•enda, Arnold read-her-diary.•••••.-- atotitther tulip -plant* ttia MacDonaltirtold astory-about the ..8roWies France. At work.,Pe.riOd Pacide tatight„,,, rir nta.phofe to the 661den,Bdr: and•` #teri-TIM-13-rawni atchedthe tWe.eniesbnsh and cont their hair, and 'then tall<ed .abottEt. the:c are' of their Brownie • ••• • ' 1aca-th.4 ••Sq,:tleez•c: and 13pOwnie Mayer callisiOns on Highway 86 near., •MorriStank4Cornet caused by poor road conditionsond.extreinely poor visibility.. • - •• • lit_ijf..-110tXty , . Point received' a douhle.fracture of his ioWer right 1e He is the husband of the fdriner Linda •• • Crowston of kincardine grand- klaughter of...Ntr. and Mrs. J01-1 • C.roWston 011,661u -1°w. Mrs. , • Sharon Stevenson injured her left hip and leg when she Was thrOwn, under •the -dash-oforieof the. --- and Miss Lorraine Braun of Guelph received injuries to her left foot..Cregory was admitted to hospital and the two won released after receiving treatment by hand , a Vehicle operated 'by. James Culbert , R„.1Z; I, Dun' pinion .alsO traVelling east , • Struck the Wagier vehicle arid the impact•caused'it•to crash into the • rre-a-rtotItteltWitt 7 .ing Gregory and breaking his leg. • Within Minutes, another. east ,bound vehicle driven, by Wesley J . Kau frn n. slA rtirned into the J"en 01_1 moments. later 'a vehicle operated •. by Brian J.. BarlOot ListoWel ; crashed.into the Side of the •. Another .vehie le driven by ,Rose- mary Jean Rothw.en.bf Norwood struck the left' front corner:of the Barfoot vehicle;, ROseniary is he,dktyllter of -sAn ,• in a vehicle driven by .David Rotliwell'(lielen Thom).of Nor - Jewitt of Xitchener, withhis wood and granddaughter Of Mrs, nother Mrs. Annie Jewitf , 4.1.eltrurov as a passenger became ,sttlekcin a snowdrift while travel - est on Highway SO.; pelford J Nagler of Baden, also east • bound , stopped gehind the Jeyitt • vehicle* •. %taffies1 egory ',. who Wat.tr;wi, •ening wet stopped .his ca'r and goi Ottt.td assist leWitt...While attempting to push the Jewitt Car • • • Ed thotti of 1.,Ucknow.; Mrs. Roth..,.. • : well was driving her Car:behind • her da ughtees,_bui-..escaped collisiOti,.stepping in time.•. A tittle Sett remained it a. nearby farm, •honsiovernight • , 1. until the weathet,:cleated.-She, was not seriously infttred.but,:WAs shaken up by the aceideni.• Went, on tOlitchener where She tjt- yititing with her faniiy