The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-24, Page 8PAGI T THE ,L; UCKNOW' ;SENTINE't.,' 1.UCKNO*ONTARIO en: Ifs _ t.r Time for a Tums -U See: Us A motor that's' running right:;aounds'it is•,. gas ,easy on. gets you :where you want Y LIP govi ithout trouble. Let our expert me chanuc giveyour car a: tune-up-.. ***,**•*,*.**..****•t*•** iii. Port •Elgir... Trophy Third Year In A Row l i'r :iia M id et, hocliev te t t visited '1':t• \ ani brought honte' he 11.9 .Rei.. Ottc0,3 ment trophy o; il;e .Ird \ear in u: row. The first game w iS at 12• noon with Wiarton losing to Luc know by 7 - 4. Goal scorers -were Jim' Murray 3 goals, ;tier. Farr`ish 2, ' Kim Cowan 1, Ian Mlcnt lomery 1. A assists going to Ken r'a is , Kim Cowan 1, Ian Mo t_i`:: e:\ Andy Whitby 1• Dale liumez •Doug. Corrinplayed w ell, it: 'goai for the ,The Second ,gArtt:~proVo t: the hest of the day .with Ld-.�ac,�+`' i, defeating Kincardine � s -' r overtime,.. ti With .the score 4, i 3 for Ktrear- dine and. 50 second;s•,left.. t.a play, Luckno.w tied .thescore.on a goal by Kim' Cowan assisted by Jiro . Murray arid Ken Farrish. • • They then Went on to complete •: the win, with; three overtime WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1971. 'F. -t1$.'Nski.le ki914ng. Kincardine, iCoreiess, • c,FoAls iii tfie; f<uckrtow-Kincar-; 'dine contest were by, Farrish .4 ,, Whitby 2, Cowan 1; itssists to Fairish 1 Graham ." _�. i Ha:ntiltoti l,. Jini Murray I. This tirrie David Cle.land play- ed,.very steady goal for. Luoknow. The championship. ganie •at 8 p,'n. was. played between L icknow and Fort Elgin with L:.cl:now .Coasting to a.7 1 win: o 31 sc.o,:e:'s for Lucknow were •n.al,. Hunter 2 goals and 1, assist,_ aari:l o,oals and 1..asSi:t �`tnsr n,•-.�hss�-�li .411�t� ".;':.:, 1• goal. Ian. Montgomery.: ilartulton 1 ....e l tetdrt4�,,'�� is iiia ided in.; this a:: r: t:4lls •be't,wcen Doti' Cir in and D4vid Clel.ind. lucky ' is stana1nz bv, 1.ii'ttn,' .for the i!t:firmer of the North Coup for 1r';0 A, A Nti'dget .ucknow. Only eight .ladies braved'the, freezing rain On Monday even'= ins Anna.Mae Hunter'rolled the -high single game:.of 219 and Winnie Fisher the high triple rof, • • 494. oa;,a;es=of 29O nd-o e� e vyt.-r�rnra`a-- 'Mae 'Hunter -219, Catherine '. • . Andrew 213., T•helrna 'Brown 204:, •Winnie Fisher `202,,-• ' Team •Point's: 'Anna' Mae Hunter's Opals 7, Marie Greer's . Pearls' 0. Team • Standingsr Rubies. 100; • Pearls 85 ; Opals 81,Erneralds..72, Diamonds :68 , Sapphires 63. • Lucknow Dungannon Week of February 17;.18. 1`'1 e ir'�High=T r i pl:�.• W w as�wnrr=bt'�- Bill Stewart with •842. .1 -le' also had° the High Siiigle of 317. Ladies High Triple was wdn b Marion Cook witli .675. She also :Nen over SC,; 'B,i11 •Stella "1 4'n6'3C3 B h i:rla.y 3.0.5 ba::\ 2 ic.Denach '"S� . �n'alte: A:noi 9 ta- l5onc Kinnar 2 f Ladies over 284 , ,tyarY Fi is 1 .226. ' Points ie.. 'DV, 11111,• Zebrx.s Pole Ca.s'- e. e•r. Wolve:ires ',Standings: . . • � ;"' b .. Tigers 75, Squirrels :s., Z ,, sy Pole .Cats cl, Chi. Gophers r 51,. 1Ca nga rc: •4 ; 23, �t The 'storrr',week has ry,'ew• added to, the statlafti ,4 tea:. have not bowled yet, A. Ohl Donald' I\lacKinrion rolled the. High .Single. game of'30 r: jack 'Caesar'.takes the High. Triple of,the° week with 816.''Jack rolled asingle 'game of 306.. :Fords 5 points; Buick 2.points; Pontiacs. 5 s .pointDodges 2 points; P g MMustangs5 points ';O1dsmobiles.'' 2 points ;• Games <of. 250:•and 'over; Donald Mac i<innon 307•,• Jack Caesar 306 arid' 281', Howard .Agnew 238', Allan' Johnit 277 Charles And erson 26..0, .Bii1 Stewart.,294, Bill` Button 262• and 2'82 , . !hiss Button • 281.. '•Pornt:•Standin s: Fords 91 oints Oldsmobilpoints', es' 81 Miistan' 5 , 69 points,, *Dodges'"56.points ,. P.ontiaes 51,pints , `Buicks .51 points. On•Saturday morning, February 20 "the locals:played,'an e'ahib.i- iion 'game with •the Brussels novice: The Lucknow team; came: out on; top by a score of ,9 fo l Lucknow goal scorers :were • Mark Frayne with 4, Paddy Murray 2'goals and 1, assist;; 'Grant -Gil- 'christ 2 goals' and 1 assist;' David Errington 1.goal and 2 assists; Kevin, Kilpatrick picked .up the • 'other.3 • •assists.. :�i o �I . an In •t; Scheduie. PUBLIC' SKATING Public School - 15c'. .High School 25c; Adult 40c Sunday Skating. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 5:30 - 6:30 ' Bantam Practise 9 10 Ashfield Recreation' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 4-85. 85 Br 11ookIceside , School Rented' SATURDAY; FEBRUARY : 27 10 Flea Practise 10 12 — School Hockey 12 - 1:30 Novice Practise 2 4 Public:: Skating 4;30 6:0.0 Pee Wee ' Practise 6:30•. -;'Flea, Game ' Lucknow vs. Blyth 8 - 10 Public Skating SUNDAY, FEBRUARY' 28. 2' - 4 Public Skating 6 - 8 Figure Skating 8 - •9 Bantam'. Practise 9 -'10 Midget Practise MONDAY, MARCH. 'TUESDAY, MARCH..2 4 5 Brookside School ? ; Pep ' Wee Practise, 0-Rented • The standing in the Bantam north group as at February 17 shows Lucknow , out _,in . ron Luuknow L, istowel ' Ripley Wingh; Confidence .to: cope with life in Spite of. their disabilities —.that's what 'The Ability Fund (formerly the March' of Dimes) can, give•. to' Ontario's disabled adults: ` • • on ar e� •i r••i e,l.� ' Mens 7 •:p':m •Higti sing of the. ev eninc, wen to Hugh'.Johnstone''with .a..265 score. R.64 Starrlej had higl t>i r e with 'a 708 score, ' Town vnd',,•Country •Reny r 'Carter was "star for the'.. •men with a 234 single .and a 411' ou,ble. For the. ladies Vera 'Purvis had hizb single of 150 and Liella Fin- la.vson and' t efa Ptirvisboth.had•a. double o: • Tea-, j„ o r, ;s:' Potatoes Letts. _ u'r .s 2 rid C. arrO s r Wit✓ SU . • J�` .a : .E ilei tv • Gamesdvr,4. e.r. 2C ;:, Jam r: 238 , Jack Ca pbe3' '.' - • • ,', . i Y L'` �G. 4� ence :George. o,tariie'. • .24.t. • Dan ,Detnls f•4: stone .2ft:. F;or. Starue' ;,' ri •_,• 2' 4 :Preschool; Skating 5 6 Flea Practise 7 • - 8 G'irl's ' Practice -L ' T P _ " 8 10 -Public; Skating .Check bulletin board . • for. Play-off' timers, 10;:5; 1 21 Bantatis Hers�'IiTeart • 6Ob� VREE.R Tuesday: February Ir : the Luck now Bantams played host to Hen-,. sail -far --a 9--tot2.�'ictory'whic:h eliminated .1Iensall• from the pl iy- offs. Goal. scorers for Luckriow'were Ian Montgomery with 5, Stewart'Manner and'Kevin:Ackertt with 12. fidgets' I3Y Bop GREER , Last Tuesday , February 16', Lucknow Midgets: defeated the Hen`sall Midgets' 5 to 3 after coming -from' behind• in .the.third period. • Take ":Pie Wee Series ea d 1n • Luc knoW,tp.e.eWee hockey tee iii; are in the second roynd 'of' the W,'O: