The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-17, Page 2i PAG! TWO; ' THE LUCKNOW :SENT,INEL,.LUCKNOW; .ONTARIO: The LUCKNOW SEN'TINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •"Thi, SePoY Town" — On the.. Huron=Brore Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 - Established 1873 --. Publisheii Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A. end . O.W. .A. Suhscription Rate, $5.00 a year . in advance' to the Donald C, *Pon, . Publisher . WEDNESDAY,,FEBRUARY' '17, 1971 cr•, ••y• LEADERSHIP • 1 tateral LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Suggests Central Point For Listing Community :Events 9. R R:::-5 , LuGk[►6w..t Ont: February 10', 1971. Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow; Ontario. Dear 'Editor ; I. am writing this letter, to ex- press my'views 7e the present sit- uation of community planning for upcoming social, events in Luck-. now: and surrounding areas,.` .So often a society or organiza- tion :make •plans. to hold a social .event ,: only to' find that ! thre'e-ar.- -. "four other events are planned for ,the same night., This. not only , harmsthe society planning'.:the . entertainrrient financially' but. we often hear public .comments. that would like to have'attend,- ed each function so a^choice is made;, instead: • Wefind quite, often 'that •the community -goes for weeks at a. time with no social evenings aid three' thins come up all on the 'sa'me night , 'simply, because: wed :no preset system of booking comm unity events„be,ing planned. for the fu.t'-` ire .I'm sure; no organization, if it can possibly be:,avoided would deliberately'. plan an event cif they..;knew'that. another such eventwai. planned, for the same date•, ` WEDNESDAY,; FEBRUARY:17, 1971 LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY PRESENTS ,FEATURING SWEET ADELINES” Of Listowe plus local talent The Conservative party of Ontario . has a new ea • er an the- , province of Ontario a new premier -elect. Y TV viewing last week included' a•'refreshwg change ,from the.. um_drum--regular programing and. many Ontario viewers watched television until 2 a.ni Saturday. morning until, the finale "vote wa cast giving: the Conservative leadership to Wm. `;Davis over his rival Allan Lawrence. Onewould assumethat the Davis leadership . would offer the people of Ontario, much the' same •type ' of :government e e been 'accustomed to • With all but ;three or four, of the present cabinet supporting Mr Davis, it would be 'expected that they would . be reward ed for their loyalty by an offer of .a position. in the new Davis: cabinet.' The election of Allan Lawrence, a 'virtual loner, as leader;_ v�.otrld hav'ein' a 9xe- sign ie E�ing �ap roac-b^•'• ern ment While he did not have the support of the Conservative "establish went": Mr. Lawrence did have the 'support of- close :ao' 50% of the delegates',This is.a.'point which Mr. Davis will' "have to consider•"very closely in planning the .direction of the tarty in the future 'Third place' runner Darcy McKeough;made sure of his ,political future in the Davis government by publicly running to the side of Wm.' Davis when his own campaign, ground • to a halt: There is little . doubt that Mr-: Mci eoughias•-nore-concerned --about-.•hunself than- he was about Mr. Davis. .McKeough will no •.doubt be appropriately; re- warded:for his public display" of support for' Mr: Davis, such is politics,' While the success of W • • m, Davis at last week's convention is not a 'surprise to, most people, the strength of Allan 'Lawrence is a '. any4 Mr . D yis._ti ay well take a long' lot*. at. Mr. Law- rence's ideas and policies. Almost half' f 'tt a convention• delegates felt that Lawrence "had what it takes.'''' w . t in t ere sh r1 be-sOme , place in Liacknow where ;people may list their intentions' of dates for: planned ,events:c. This :.could be > on: a billbgard type: in" some vacant•window or, perhaps be givers to the head of the recreation com'-: mittee where he could keep; :a record ,. and: people concerned could check with, him in planning. events What are .youur. views? Can something pot 'be done about this situation and 'make it known'to the public th at such a service is .'. aw.. ilall'e? I'm sureit, would -ak!-a titter-re-la-t-ianshhi-p-among all our organizations in the .com- munity .if we could arrange some thing. e. Jurie Gilchrist:; C ,ARKES.3 11 CO'NTI.NUED FROM'' PAGE 1 ' IN. BROOIKS.IDE PUBLIC SCHOOL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th .'AT' 8:30 P.M. ADULTS: CHILDREN 50c. nes .one'year', • To the board of Stewards: - Bob Harris, . Jim. Mac Donald Gordon; .' Bridge and Wes1rwin•wer'e. elect- ed fora .three y.ear teim; Harold Elliott; Doug•M'acDonald, Jim MacTavish and .5urton Collins will have another two years to • serve, and Dan: MacDonald;, Clay- ton .Nicholson', Baas: Vanderhoek • "Don Peterbaugh' one year. Auditors are ,to be• George Tratt• er::and Clayton.Nicholson:; O er., Representative, Mrs Jini Need ham and Murray Culbert will rep, resent the United Ghurefr.men.. Eleven o'•clock seemed to lie .a.` :satisfa'ctory hour for: worship and Union„services with. Knox,.Chu•r.ch during Julyand.August was satis factory and enjoyed: by the •St,; Andrew-s-eo:ngrega*tor d their_-_. wish to.continue would be expres- sed to Rev. K Rooney The of"-' ficial board m eeting will follow the Board' of St.ewardsmeetins on :Wednesday , ' February' 17. ::Thanks was expressed• to„''Rev.. Balfby-Mrs. Wm.: Arno1d and to the Secretary -Treasurer by (,ceor e ..M'lacDonald Ivir Ma L,a.y said Li wished:to,thank a11,for fine. re.Ports':_ and,that he was cornpilint a pack of old,chuich•,reports. Ile would like to find 'reports previous to t hge ”-7 25, al' ►v�,��Eo,3 tle 1J :needs years 4:3 to 47: Ile Liit,.t•h complete' record ftorn If anyone has anyof tt5`eseold rc ports he would likc_.to have. tht ii: for, the records: • Plans proceed for n,ga:• nc w:.,j c li . full of dilallee to doC,od,a t. ori and to.opert wide the,'doors of .tedrew.s-;Gnited'C:.}ultGti tc�•:it1 who wi'll'coni:e and worship: for their ,cor tributior o -f teach-ers-�-= •and helpers: The Choir is" active and under the. leadership.o:f Mrs. Wallace Pollock and organist Margie MacKay has rendered, a goo service;' Mid .week groups all reported J. good meetings and interest in th.e 't_wo-adopted childr.er:thattle depa,trents'`of the Church s-uppott.• ,'-. Only one from the Clarkes con gregation 's;ked for -transfer to an- other church other:than St, Andrews in Ripley': '�iw"�G"..'tti"v..'�^••�"Y";u'4'�^•'�"t • C :d tk.w i+ t c r :1,*Dons W e leo ,t7t w a . v � ��.. i'.. -e w'-�� 4,-•-• �.���-:.� • ..�-c Dora and pleasure to xt keean.,' a ,w'al, ,I:..Meh.irslnx his S't.rtinel:subscrp- althou h man` did •r te; dt ci tr., tiO , Says 'of g l'ge� a•lorinterest= generation have, passed away ; are 'ew.s in the Sentinel. And also: we .still enjoy the �. isits e a e 'get -LOC Z ;ne er. frorr. Yapaskas- frequentl baclt to the old 4 C;!'e a "'" "w e'e 1. s' r ..,N. � i. r y, d r ; rd �i � -V+w �+et'tt �.� . � �.". L:rW Of '�'•. town", , say Twain and Jea;; f r .'ss; wr,o s,ppen4s. McKeith of Vancouver in ;enewii, it.e. was riospitali2.ed 'their-Senr'inet r a• rt. putt r lut5t atr • .. / The 'Election.of officers result•= ed as followst Murray. Wilson, , Gordon Farrell,, Herir.t ;dIo- S camp and'Stewart`Aitken were elteced to 'the Session_' r a'• _. � fosx : • year •tern;• MUrra _, :McDonald y t } a;nd 1,10.d "4Elds;still Lav five .ars or, the session/ 14l I jltr;P:'a' J (uibel. and ✓oral:d4 lvidc`iav�sh ,•y..cat$, Oiive: w.prt har1e a'yttd.•:{�, 5 E:„TTierson ri'�G.' .rs'f .�+'r• 1`.t06i'W and �" eoroe T':ra rater veats and • o o^o A ,5 �f5ALED. ..6 `r.;fr 0 ,.. n� 4 414 60. ' get;rezo The Ability Fund, with its neW symbol of -an- evergreen tree with a branch missing, now rehabilitates the physically handicapped no matter what tie aiase of their disabilityr Y. TO TH MEMBERS OF THE"'' LADIES AUX,ILIAR E CANADIANS LEGION ` AND OTHER HELPERS, WILL BE CANVASSING " .ucKNow THIS WIEK: