The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-10, Page 6'PA atter gleaners: • a AN© - • Iflloaders I� Q $IO:O.00 DOWN PLUS INSTALLATION BALANCE ',TUNE 15,a '1971 WITH NO INTEREST CHARGES ORDERS MUST BE: IN BY • ..FEBRUARY 28 • LOWRY.' ARN SUPPLY • AMBERLEY ' PHONE ;395-5286 ITECHURC Miss Phyllis S leightholm of Waterloo spent the week end•with' •'`her parents Mr and. Mrs. Elmer Slei htholrn. Mrs.' Bessie Mullissreturned • home with, her son RI ton .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Editor in Ct Rooney. • Assistant Beverley Smith.:. Mary Mac4barles - BarryMacDonald Bruce Aitken SCHOOL ENTERED ; Terry -Elliott and" Liz MacJKa,y%. Thefol'lowing'is a transcript Kathy's and Peter's teams were from an interv1ewwith-Mr, T!ury-- tied on the plus and the number ti •ill concerning the ;illegal entry - of ends counted but Kathy ftna llyr at the school on. Saturday night: • won the Darwin Pollock Trophy Ripley 'District High School was on the 'aggregate thirty: one points':. one of several buildings in •the • to' twenty nine.. Better luck to village that wasbroken into, ,Mr,, you next year .Pete. Donald. Mar Turvill'said that he was notified tin's rink of Bonnie Nicholson,' by Murdock MacDonald :of the Allan MacKay and Mary MacChar incident about nine o'clock Sun, les ,:•took third. The teacher's day • mor"ning He immediately; . • team: finally won one ; breaking throw h•a ainst a team who. shall; called the Ontario Provincial, Pot' g ' g ice, . When he arrived at the • be nameless....' We extend a• grateful' thank -you• school about 9.3;0 ; the .police • were'thert'startirtg-thei-investiga, to the ladies who catered,to the tion;.. It appear•ed,.that,the un event 'as well as to the curling - known ,person or persons had enter club for their facilities. ed by breaking the window' in the back door,," They entered several CONFESSION• OF-THE"WEEK • rooms: "•• They seem to• have "BigtRed'' confessed early Mon - been ,only'interested in attaining- day `rYiothing •to,breaking and hoxtidale:.on `Saturday night `. • ' Mrs:: Ivluilis'had spent, two weeks visiting with her sister and with X her-daughten.and_:sonian aw' Mr. . • . rQO'111. ' cash: asg _nothin else was taken`.. "' entering Fortunately•the school' does not, have a'policy of keeping money. They worke d their way upstairs where theybroke'throu;gh a door to again entrance'to Turvill's. -"Twiddle Twerps, , who was with her; confessed `to bombing :Pearl Harbour. ' -Mary McCreath and: Mary -..Mac;, Charles denied everything.,: office Here ,' thinking that. there::' might'•be money --in the filing cab.r. inet •.they broke thein open and strew the contentt . throughout the• ' •4..P:M ON'MONDAY FEBRU•ARY :15 -BY. and .Mrs: Neil Faw. The'y.too : They we• re unsuccessful in find - had the same bad storm as we ing .any rloney but "they did, ds ' had •ini tsocait hs locality. y cover two apples 'which they'dev Mr. and: Mrs. Carman Whytock. our.• d leaving only the cones; •The. e g Y and Jackie.: visited Sunday; after- pp ice are. still investi atin �. 'noon'with 'her 'aunt- and 'Uncle . 1?'''g. • and:Mr.-1,1 dmIli-ley:of Tees F -H -E DARW-IN POLLOCK-B.ONSPIEL water On Saturday,. February •6 , the • Mrd d` Mr B 11 Parke' r' On annual Darwin.Pollock,Bonspiel : an s .;: i, are a• ,,• f ; : : School Beverley 'of., Lucan were. Sunday or the Hig.h S c• curlers was �:. visitors with lir:. and Mrs;' Ben• held Two drawso. f six teams •••IvlcClenagh'an and Mr,and'..Mrs curled,.,beginning at;nine.•o'clock: Carl McClenaglian After, the final tabulation had • •lvlr•, and Mrs..Walter:Elligtt • been; made , Kathy Irwin of Grape. Ruth, :Paul, 'David., Barry and ;• fPOPU-1•A•TTON•;FXPI.Q„ON" During the snow storm the school was;onlY open 'for two days Y.• There•w-a-s.. not. •mur tracts on-at_the_ school ',hut :we have. had an addi tion to• offs student body The; new student is Geraldine.: Peet from Attie>ns Tasked her: whather1first irripression of Ripley, was; 'she a n- swered•,"'It's smaller•than Athens Ditrict-itigli Schaol-,;7-but the people are more ;friendly ". 12' with her team. of ,Boyd Carruth-� •'` Iers Joan Ferguson, and Davide Karen,were Sunda afternoon" Sit " y. -i Maemerged er ed' the victors •. ors with her father B :.1l, Forster, g sand but only' by two rocks in the 'Mr. Mrs.', gersh orri J'ohnsto n f' Wh `m were at the funeral`. aggregate The'4-a.Fw-be•a o ing a r out, was that 'of Peter. Walden. It' • • parlor; Goderich for Mrs Harry:. consisted of Shirley` McCreath, : Tichbourne, ;:'Weelt end visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul were Miss tori `" • Rintoul , London` ;and Mr. and Mrs • Gordon' Campbell of Waterloo. Little.Bradley and; Heather Young of Langside spent the week • end -With eir`gransparents:: = and Mrs.. Clark Johnston.•They • returned home with their parents on Sunday. lvlrs: Eunice Gillespie is spend- ing a few weeks with her son Jack illesPie and -s--Gii.lespie of, Sarnia. 4RE�YOU avow, ASK FOR SADIE HA WKINS :The. annual Valentine's Dance is to:;be held this Friday night ,• February 12 from 9 712.• The music is by the; " 5pott Farm" and it should prove exciting so: a. ll you girls ask •those boys 'for whom you hay.e• an eye OCHALSH 1• Another week Of, storms' and s 0"nc e-1 ga n -hi -any- residents were -without hydro for several' hours. lee., rain, light- ning and snow played havoc with travel and only one half day of . -ohoo1-w-a held_; But hope .for Spring around the corner was evident when the first crows were"seen. Perhaps, they had' other reasons for coming around the buildings; maybe they too were running short -of food. .,Two Federation of Agriculture` members were callers on many in this area and to their delight. sold several individual rnernber ships in the. Ontario Federation of Agriculture Mr. Torn Farrell who had been all 'through the storm was tak en to W_ri�h`am,�Hospita=l--on:=1��"d nesday.: • ► Has your fire insurance cover- age keptt:.pace with: the increas- ing value of your home's If not, your, insurance may re- build only a small part of your home if it isdestroyed byfire. Your. CIAG representative will h Q i reviewv home_and-pPl.� :' , conal property insurance in the light of today's rising,costs. ' Shef11'�:give you complete de- tails of CIAG's HOME PRO-' • TECTI01� plan .. . Sr JEAN WHITBY tr . LUCKNOW CIAG INSURANCE •CO.OPERATORS' INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH ,okimie DOA INVITATIONS 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS A? ACCESSORIES COME IN AND,. ASK FOR. YOUR FREE BRIDAL :G1FT REGISTER THE- - LUCKNOW SENTINEL • Gfader operator. Jim .Mac Ken - - zie:had trouble breaking•open the' township roa:ds,and as.a result so hay repair made the .. grader in Goderich and only those, who had to goto G oderich,• can realize the 'trip it was during the storm. telephone..�w tet,are_.tanglet1, �. mangled and twisted in the snow banks an along .the Ripley road No church wa`s held at Ashfield' Presbyterian church on Sunday.,. February 1st but 'the time of ger-3: vice changed and for the next sib months .servide. .wi;,11. be at • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY -10, 1971 REQUIRES AN.. FOR. �Illadill Secondary School Wingham, Ontario DUTIES TO COMMENCE MARCH is* OR AS. SOON THEREAFTER AS''POSSIBLE • THE SUCCESSFUL -APPLICANT WILL HAVE PROVEN EXPERIENCE IN-OPERATIONCIAND' REPAIR OF =A WIDE VARIETY OF AUDIO-VISUAL. EQUIPMENT . INCLUDING TAPE' • RECORDERS, RECORD ,PLAYERS, VIDEO-TAPE ....RECORDERS, FILM PROJECTORS, ETC.. THE..APPLICANT WILL BE IN CHARGE OF THE CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVIS- ION SYSTEM. IN THE SCHOOL. SALARY ':15 .NEGOTIABLE, BASED ON ACCEPTABLE EXPERIENCE AND .WILL BE'IN THE $5500 RELATED $700 :RANGE. ' o re.ect an or,: alla p lacations.. Hoard '.reserves :•the right . , • . J, . ,.Y , ., pP Select ' applicants w- lltr be ititervi Wed . e 'week of February } '15 WRITTEN. AP.PLICATI NS WILL BE RECEIVED` UNTIL; F:E. 'MADILL• i°• SUPERINTENDENT OF OPERATIONS HURON COUNTY BOARD OF• EDUCATION:, 97 `SHIPLEY: ST., CLINTO.N, ONT. M 'ELLIOTT Chairman: D. J. COCHRANE Director of Education. SKI TRIP:b'y Joyce Black Mr. Stan1e\•,, principal of'Rip.= ley Public School, will be taking olns�_on a� ski:zclF': to Happy :Valley ski resort in Walkerton: '.This will take place the first or: second ween in Feb- ruary. NIRS- COLLINS .by"Ann N4agold &- Priscilla, Zifel Nix's.. Collins ii'bur:subsitute teache' ' ho ' 'fill n in for .Mrs:' MacKay. „She decided to -be a. teacher .when she reached Grade 13.'' Mrs.:Coiling received her education `at_the Luckitow District.: High School, S.hrefe'rs-t.each ingthe.-primary grades,...It i`s I>iard for f ins,, c:olTins-tote-act ,raise a'fa nily at•t•he same;t;i nc Mrs • Collins hat taught in Goder ictt Holyrood and" Ripley., A NEW.ARRIV.AL The pupils of Ripley-lfuroi' Central School would like: to congratulate • Mrs.. Mackay on tlt arri%al.of hcr.new, •baby boy .• GIRLS' I OC.KEY ' by 'Donna Donald There will be a hockey l a m . between the: Kele ,'School girls'. hockey team and that of Brook- side School. The game ,will be• played in'the Lucknow' Arena at.; 4i 00.:,p. m . on January22. M The results' of the game will be pu bli.. Shed next week''rl, thins •column • t .is�1:?eh1•ws: P The Huron County Board of Education' and its staff. wish to express their very sincere :gratitude to the many, many residents of the,County who contributed . . ,-,--•-in-any- way `to •the- -comfortand-safety of" the student ` • who were forced to, spend nights away from home during the storm. Your "innumerable unselfish acts of kindness are deeply appreciated. Robert' M Ellottr • 'D. John Cochrane, .' Ohaititan.• "• Director of Education.