The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-03, Page 13WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 971 East and West Wawa.nosh, 1894 lst row, left"to right, Etta •Wellwbod, Mamie. Joynt, Alva Beaton, Ada. Itintoul , Charlie ; itintoul , Hannah Couiter ; Will • ebster, not known, Alva Brawn... ce ; Evelyn Webster, Mary: eaver, Annie Leaver, 2nd tow Jirii Norman;. Jim, f3rowrilce 1.n� John Rintoul ,.. George Webster., not known; Jennie Leaver, Miilnie•Rintoul, 1lattie Wellwood Elsie Dow., Will, Norfraii,' peth•Beaton,H•Jennie. Norman; 3rd row , James McGee, trustee; Glen Brownlee ,,Matilda Taylor,. AlfredSmith, .Minnie Ramage , Margaret,Wellwood., wrn;•. Cer, mell, teacher;' Caroline McGee BertdWellwoo, .Eliza Iv1ae :McGee, Dave Brownlee , Susan ;Taylor,. Thisschool picture was' l,Oa ed. -T tous and the: pupils narned, •' b, 4y,'William Webster of West. Wawat►osh THE L.U.CKNOW SENTINEL PAGE THIRTEEN c This :handsome boy . with the friendly; smile is Brian, :11 'ears old. Anglo-Saxon ° in background, he is a tall, Slim boy with brown eyes;_dark hair, and a. fiealthy outd-mii look:---- Brian is an agreeable, co-operative boy who is not.. ALES THAT BEEN TOL ByRev'Duncan ;McTavish Qrr T;JIFSQI;'ARE: As. a•young Man l spent a: few summers' working in the ridding: trade . .On Brie occasion I:we,nt to build a.cement h9g-'pen for a far Hier, . H'c..had dug. a;trench in the Corner of a field and fil led. it withni sa:ll.'stone . But he•', had• nr?vr•etaken the trouble to square it ; and when I, put on the lime's in.:•preparation for the: corneas. I fot•nd-it':off ts tie .i,ua:re slightly 'lt :can't .tie'. h.e',Sa'id'when 1 told. hiril•about its.: It is 20 fe'et..at 'both' ends and ,:,3•Gtfeet on the fides ;• and:'in t"ite Corner of the':field it • has t'o be•:square : " I hastened 11to..„ u'.him that .all, his facts,'might-: be corr•ec't., but that d•idn':.t:prove' the,tre'neh Was square ' ..Well , What difference does, it iiiake?; h.e asked , and 1, replied.:" . ,You'll •' find.out'when you' go to he._:• into being ; I;;went, to supply in holiday;cirne:,�in a Presbyterian ,Church,. where Union services were° bcrig held I was met in' the vestry by one of,the' leading elders who .greeted me warmly, and cnquired'Of me if I' knew the man' Who had supplied there the week ._ house only a • fev miles away , biii.lt by' 4 nia'n he' knew: qu to well It;'was a fine -two story bii .lding of cernent;cons rtuctioh., but whei;i the •ca•rpe'nters .carne to. the: roof on,.they::found'' it•four inches off the square» • Needless ,. , to say there .was a` lot oftrouble.. cuxting the bet,or the roof.,_. A lot o'f foll< are.just like that man• with hishog,pe:n They don4=-sere-M- W think -that rl�akes. any difference whether they are, academically 'minded.':He; likes to do. things With his hands on'the ,s(i'uare, or, pot.So long as li tten0V-- pportunity la ays#hi E o it chola ••before;,: I replied in: theaffi,rrrna,- addrrig;tl -a-t'1-.h d .never :heard:him• •.'Now.,;, there is where you are ;for a d isa ppoi nr t" , sa itlt're- elder• ' l Ic's' a handsome .looking fellow .., when; he walked irito the pulpit last: Sunday•I sat up,. lis.great broad.shoulders,0•set. upon; a proportionate body: ;with .' features were arresting .When 'he::gay e the Call to;,Worship his' • 'voice. filled 'the whole auditori:uin activities are grafts and gym. Though he is )not an especially iealous student, he has. . broad general' • knowledge, especially on suchsubjects as space and electronics: Brian' likes' boating, swimming and. .4._and-iav-es-long-:=r-ides on his bik HCL gets on h d 1 life, Th with both children . and adults. This lad understands all about adoption and hopes it will happen 'for, him. He 'longs for a home that will be for keeps • -=P�t anent. a.n-•a.ppcaxa nee of being alrigh'they • are 'satisfied.. An inch.'9r,two' one way oranoth'- cr never'enters info their calcu.. lotions:.They -are heedless as to, the, 'etai.1s ofi e e, never' strike any lines•to test their'way of life he fore they put the:: corners up ,.'Tien later they have»trouble with-Che-roof-=and7Wand r•:wh y. They are off'the square his. world is a (natal uniwers&and we are meant'tb live' as mnrai'beings There at rules of livitil that : must he observed ,:.'There are as rtiircr. beer„drawn ,a:t right angles .o r'sontething is hoi'nd to: go wront , '`So• When yori are tentlit:ed toethir7k,it doesn't mal<rb any difrcrcrce .when youdeviate justL4,-lit tr ier Pone ratbet'. you Lire fo'r trouble. You haven't •ii;ot'th .roof oir yet,, , . I.AiZA.Nt i. WAg yM111511?A'1)IN,ci, Rack:. in tlle ' rrirl ' .tcvc'tri les , • 1i fore' the Lrrti,tu•d tlitirt lr 'had come ,`ILan+quir-e bout adop n riian.-please write`to rrday�s Child', Department of Social and Family Services, Parlia ment Buildngs, •Toronto 182: For general adoption info'rma lion, ask'your Children's 'Aid. Society: .For sdund counsel .and. a ffair .price on a monument correctly designed from quality Material, .rely on,... see his good appearance: was ails - leading."' leadin•g..'t No one would care'to;.argue 'that there was anything wrong with'>his man's fine physical appearance and c:omrnanding 'figure.,'.• Any •man. so richly endowed Has some distinct adva.n; .. Cages over: the..one who lacks. `. ,these ;physical -attributes: .But the. incident serves to illustrate that it required more' than bigness..... if body,to-meet *the demands of life', and the worship of..Jtinib- oism may, prove v. 'ry misleading: There 'is, a bigness of mind, and d :fie art that surrdoui is•ali little .ness of'statur•e,: that makes its i-nde-lible _im.piession ugron soc:iety;, I.TA1Ring One. ..day '.to a. iden lady who:WAS to say the least with lielody, Life many, others 3 little woman, but possessed a. 7 I thouht we Were in for .a treat. All well..untilthe serinon t•i.nie Then he glued his eyes to; a :Manuscript. and never took•,.. thiii:o.ff for•.a moment; while • he' read the .etitire;.•fliessage. 'You keen• Ili ind.and a gracious she pet it thus .°'l May be little,,: ',but. I need•not.,,be small..".: She was,right ;There :is a difference between littleness and srnallriess. 1 • P ur-aeg�de-e�-ebr-u Returning February: 19th.:. ' For as;.low as $199.00 Starting , February',7th Weekly 'Departures CALIFQRNIA ,Fo SKELTON , . MENORIALS Pat ,'Ott Agan, Prop. Established O' er Sixty, Years : WAIiKERTON PHONE 881.0234 ONTARIO' Ontario's Finest Holidays Nine Departures Starting As low as :$345.00 135. SPECiAL • NI'NE_DAY $135.00 Teirm School --Holiday Leaving March 20thReturning March 28th , Also ask '`about our Easter week -end' holidays Travel Agent CONTACT LUCKNOW, Ontario Hanover iray. Travel • `dY'OUR ALL.,STAR AGENT” HAN.OVER ONTAR�iO PHONE•ZENITH 17850 (NO TOLL)