The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-03, Page 11WEDNESDAY FIFSRUARY 3 Mt *HE ...1.414,K, EN11140.14 rt•UOSNO10, "ONTARIO • PAGE , • . • ... .., • ,., AND WHITE . . BLACK... ,. . . . ,.. . , . . Portable "The Gemini" is a compact .thodel.. -A'. •. ,...totoplOte all 'found television set,..,tioik• . .. ... ' .ing Ls left 011t. Electrohome, does not 'coin- ., PrOraLse • qUality: because a , TV: AS .po,rt-,, • able.' No shortCuts . are .ever taken. it i's .. easy to',iriove aroupd ,...,....n the lion1C -.,,:.: at!. "THE :, ',„ •,, at the cottage', etc, ' . . . • . .. woo- 1 ,i . ***?0^? ' : r ••••,,;••,;.•.::.,, ••••••• • k 441.• ., ....• , -,..:•.?".,.-7:tt,---. ••.,..;:awm: • . • . - • ' .;,?;: . • '..14:!..t'.1i.::::,: •." ''''' - ' " , , , . _ ,:. . GEMINI",, . • •,, r . . .. , . . i , .• ..„ • ! ' , z - HITECHURCH 'Mr and MrS,, Johntbri Conn of . 1 Wingliam accOmftiodated four of . , the Stranded' high schoolers last - week and •Mr„,' and:Mrs,. Gershom ' JOhnStcfil accommodated three. We ' are Pleased, to report that ItISSql McGuire was able to return . . . ..,hprpe, on, so,tproay.frOm •W•ingham and Vistrict iio4Yital andthat mrs.. . ',Elnier Sleightholm was released' ittie„ i e f I ek,Pre.1...4.;PilS e .. ' ,. • : Whitechurch Women's Itistitute . will meet at the: home of Mrs. .' 7', IDUCATIONAL - , FUNDS, . . . ' THROUGH' , „ ....: 6, LIFE' ..,, 'INSURANCE .. . • . • ,.. • • , • 0.1*0 (88:100'"-----143=10.0.ft03=10=430E:10.1' . . . James Currie,::Winglrasrion, Wed, . Greer, , 6.,., , , rieSday, , February 10th at 2 p..m.; . The. roll: call - One duty of a goed citizen, and a tieat for. •Va lentine • ... • , _ . .Lticknow.Phe524, ' . . . itni.. ' , , . .. . 112 . 'VaCuti•rn• '.Arthl-tr . . ,, , . , . . . . Boxes'. Motto •-,'Today's Children' . . run everything except the lawn . ower, the snow .Shovel, and the . cleaner:- :Mts.. 'Roy. Me.',. • '1Speaker, „. .. . • . , . . ... 4 , Mrs apt aPt ? • . 's, CONTACT • • . . SENTINELS LATE . , --,--:-.-: ...0101VtAfr'FROtil'PA'07E-71 '411:111-1101-4341-----44-aarnottw-Hk-neg-k . , come and very 'kindly -served iis , .• . 1 . n. .•• , . , ',.-tit-:;7-.10-.Q*.-br-4.-y-T-•-L-ury.tr-,-,-,--m7tr..---- Farnell , ' :. .,', .: . ... '... .Y.alent.ine 'Contest -..Mrs, . ,. ,,....,..,..,-,4 .. • 1 ... : .. .... •ule•oh..Ttiesday.of last 'Week when •:•‘,Fred : a hYdrO•interiu.ptiOn. left ' tis,ftirrib' at the Rut•ledge.door, turned tip 'Young of pungatinph.,,‘Iii's, tWo.,..bOys , Irvine. Eedy Of Otingan\, ;.004,antir-Grant ...... Carruthers ... . •, - o . . , • . . Gillespie,-Mts. A. lVIcQuillin , and 'Mrs.: .Albert: Cotiltes,:•, .• . Mrs. ClarklOhnSton visited a . • -. - - ,..,-.-r.,. . . • ling in.the'..dark., Work on.. ths,e,paper..had to • he . •,drOpped.Untit,Wedhesdaystriorning -.0111Ah--.04:-...4,-Shfie-ht;.' . . .. . , • ., . The : five. were rev -lining ft•Onk. . ,GOderiCh to • Dungannon with .a —Will-iath: Cutlibiertson:, :age ahOut .• 96, died at; the.earrnthers• Nursing.' Herne ,ne:ar.HolyrOod oi-i -Sunday, ' ' • :few days laSt;Week'With•her. sister Mrs, ,'Charles°:•Ti•ffin Of Wirighani,'• Mr: 7and Mrs•..,,Russell,Chapman • . . , . when a couple of us braved the • • -71(--a.T-r1:9 .'elenients":and.Wa,lked doWn-tzi . .coniplete the job : •.. complete However, it was impossible to ,.... . , .• .. • „ to 'print, Thnts,.... . . . . -11111. and other produce for ..Eedr'S Store ''' ',Eed Y. '' hatl.':' • .. .. . taken ..bre4d into'-6134ericrieatlxt i in'the' Morning -, finding the . • • • .,.. • • , • Weather teas:dna bly favourable . • • • " .... , • . A •A„native,:,.of Scotland,s,•he, had ..sp,eri many, years inthe Ripley til going to the ,CarrtitherS..Hottie a• few.,,yes.ar!:.agO. .,'• . • ,. ".: , , . ','.frir, :CuthbertSon.was A iand: Mr. and Mrs ..Gati)i;chapitati Ori• Tnesday last attended the fun -. •eral Of her sister•MrS':'W: j•'.. ••.$1-16.-.... ... ,.. . ..., ., , bridge .0rillia. When . • „ . from .R., I 1,u,clinow. - . .. .. 91hoiii.Wingliam. 357,1987. ...,. . •• • .. . '.. . •- • • .., . ,,:' , • . '.S.U.N '..11.F.E... COMPANY : Of ..CAN A DA. • • •.... -,,,.,,,,•,-.,.•.:... .. • ..., .• .... gei..10,:G.oderich, . day.damped•and some occasional , . ..,.....-4,,?,!:),:41. as we ,did.. While on their .A.rpe,r1t- er, by trade .4tid.fOr.:Many...yeats...'•:.... Ihey:had;,stinshine Orange- •• v ...e :' an. 4 ' 4 • I 4 ' I • .1fesitie , . •„",clea.r.,weather:put the editor iri.: •,.. -iraliTle":0!,r11,11161h074hgttriP.- .return trip, .the pn:cp4nterend..th'e..sOlith . . •W9.14.(q.: for the Morgan family and. Tuesday evening .got•:..6,. :far: ... .... . • ..stde.Tol-thrt at: Nile and. be* lat-, 'Ts . , - *• .-• 1 e. ` as G.rap.....:ii#I),..* :c.r.e roads were ..Bruce -Genealogical i ..tilight .. he: 'Undertaken ,a1).Otit l0',.....30. ,, • • '• .a :Ili,. lb. 'ciode;ich ..,'..Checking- , , .f .. , . arpe:.en.-Ipprit.,rii)., gt;,cm'..m..stoy.ed..• .,. as We..had...6.1-a*Pt Curran ..,..wIth.. . ley, al.g..a,. pr.joc to ...g9.4,18 to the . Carruthers Home, h.,a.., , ... blciCked.4nd:they..terriained,..O.Vgr.:. •flignt at A hou•sg ,:an,d.... • • •... ociety ee .• • , , . .• • . ...:, With .the .,01-in.y .rOad",'dPailf.ncnt,,•... .*fwe.. fOOAd' that the foatt•sotith,.:•.. ....': . So ' :•. his:Wifeand „family . had ••gOne., • into 'Codericli•Tuesda y*Morning, '.had 71. 19ing•IiiitlillvIr;•••and, Mrs Bert .Maerr,4'vl..4 j!'1$.-• 'icii.01: Of 1.4151:cY:.•:‘ • _farm. Managed to rnake-ithOrne.Wed• • iieiday.afternobri;.,'•• - '. ' • •.• . • . • ' .- • - -:••• Bruce District Genealogical Soe had.been opened and• set,,O4t ' •.%"fitil't•ile..:.PaPf • 711°'•tr11). 4.s: fat'''. - as Dungannon was good, with . . • ..Glenn!:s.i.J41.prcsenting the only , - . • .. .. .. . .• . •.:_..citiestlallai?le - dr4v,rngpAlditons—•--:-.11-ari7h-i-te-h.ed-a-Ti,ide--.1k4the-f,Fe.d-y-,, and not been able to get 'n .. -.... 6'1for . ome.Concerned.,:,4. op• water ., h•- pigs as he had 'n6.h.:dro • he . : • wa:itie..63.• itfin'g• ,:t,)••'0..hbr.fie',.an,i, Known affeetionatelwas.'"Scott, 1.3t1l.'"• •h ). .--..:14.,1..a.:..k, c.,'en. it3i,..Presi • in' ' •farming.and.l=ilatsei. . „ • . The funero.',was...he,hl.d..E...a6.tii,..le.t.ht.:.;,:i. • IVI:a*-, ' • , .,.• • -,:, . ,, *Gary •Falconer and Leh ',WalterS, ,71,.. - • '. - - • .. • .• • - • .,- ...• of; cuirass , are oh:a trip. to.. Florida...1,. •.:.Ja,•.ekie .Why,tOc:k.,. V isited:: .,with...111S frke,nci..“Muga.LGilt after they .re..,-. ,. . . iety met at Mrs,. Jack...'Unde.rwciod's• . . • .... ... ... • • - . . .. - : ......: ,.; ••• at. Port, Elgin Concern . among .the . • nierb,er:S...i,?..as: 191 bsin.... g..,books.out• Ofil.... ,• .13ruce li_rarlye, .while.,...11".14._2••. ,..3'131405 . We . arrived in Dungannonf we .• found. the wind had....whipped op . . . .. ' ,ahd.ilie.eb.nditions...rapidl.y vi..,,iorieu-. . ed. •. A fter.a short .visit•With Bob •••'. .....„'Stothers.;' in (41iicli•We.d.is:CUSsed . ., , . . : the weather, wesagainittnck out '.''. -7-'-- . . trilicli..• .. '' , . " :,.. AbOut'the :sariie.ifmt.as.itie.. T4 r,edy truck became stranded, How .J.Cq.rnetery..chavel.•::.p.inal...rett,..:::. aid Blake of Ashlield ' driving ... . , . .. . . . school bus from Brookside, carne . , , • . - , • ,.v4it'ed.Friday.WithMr,•:...and.'ivirs"....,. 4lofig. . HoliiaiL.4...b4d..ten storrn- "L6,4,11iaj4t.:*e.---Cteat. :...-. ' ., Horne-ia:Ripley on Thesday: With . . . . temporary_ entorribpient at RiPle•Y" in& place will be Riply. • . , y ---turli-7-de .1179-m77:1<., fn1(:)'•''C•el-iti..4'1'''.....• School until getIlei,..c.ould.., hotne• to his patents Mr:. and Ws.... . C. ar.m.. an Inllytoc.k..... . a ; J.... ..L.e ... , . ,.. , .., . Joann and Henry, pann:an,..,. .ari.. .nnIps . . . . . .. . ..Cokinky. _ . , . --.• - 1...ng §P•e fpr n6" bc'T'os.'.' 1:1711..6.6c...;•:. ie. t.y.fee.l thatmuch:research' mat -..... : erial:will,be lost 'in old books from our county libraries, either *being . - . . •. -.• .... , ..... .. .... d .•• :. • , sold, outside • the .county. or. estroy 7 . 'ed.:, .. . .. . Once visibility ‘;44,. Only , a: : • . . „..•rninOr problem:until .We .discover- .• ';'..ed.'a nug.e..har4.,deift,4t.t.h.e,...fibettf,, . ••• end of:the:bend at Nile We We, ''.- • . were ni?,• §tilck•••• but sat :pondering ,, ... .. , . . .. , „ , „ . ..;,.-the-i-l-Wat-len-for44ew--rtiotirleftts-;---'' ... ....., , - •• ., . sta yed: it : Nile: store...since Tues.- : ...._,• . . clay 4fid seeing the same lair :' • A4,e4oef .on:Thursday,•Mor.pi...r,kg . .tbat we did, had been requested to •gb to. 'cOlbonecentra.),,$chobl.;.' . . , ' ..01s- and Howard•Bialie.:•'alsO„waS:of 7 , „ • , . • T.fere,d a....r"id.,6,116.17.1., 3.,,,,iith,curra.ns. on . t . ..• , . , ... • .• - yie... :snow. niachines. 'We 411.-41.i.geci. Aiilrh, Fred .ward tO.pidK•us•-t,lp 9,1i,: Fred Tiffin till they Were taken s..him.• .t'Ci:l..i.e 4-thdgr.10.essit' • ). 1Mr ..: Wa.11:.): 14 ith a •SnKiwindbile, .... la riie, arid ,p..a.(11, La, ..idiaw. 4hd ... , •, ,: 13'11 MacDOnald visited . frOrn 'Tues- day .tili.'; Friday • with Mrs ' :'8zra • .• . . Mrs Ezra • .. ,• _ •,-'..ThesocietyWill send -4 .brief te,,•. ;the chairmanof•Bruc.e •County Lib.- Lary :1\4is .6 George board thowingh.eifebncerp....' . ' ,'• . .- C ...Downey gave1 . illtistrated.tal.k•On'her trip to. - • • Brit - .. • . ' . ' . . . - ., .... , . . .., . ti,-..teiling.tbe.„71ern.b.er.s...4,W,4* . ,SeOnliPSIO'sa..y "We've .got 'You'. ' ...now.",-; the, weather .,closed •IP• •'''''': .'quieldy'and,wedecided that ratb7, " et' than •rislit,baCk Ifoniel,, we,. • . ._ .. . .. • ” ' 'of the pupils ‘41.10..Wrer.'s:tfaild0;1 -.. there to the. Dungannon area :*. , • e :lioilard. -still had in the .1?.us. two, • grandchildren .of. Mr and Mrs .... Teed. truck:. ..Fted was .the only. , .. . . . . • .. ... . ,.. .'..v.ehiE.ie on the .Lucknow„..- -. :......'. .. _inr-jii.g.7moTdr,e,c4.1:wr.oila,t0r.i.pa.'81...-w..diti.....i..:ft.Tei.;;607i'oti:a. v.,....- Sc • c oltz i••••• ' • .:Ka$HW ilk .en. s ,,,..Pou'gla,s and ....: ArhOld.:Morrison..,.f.,While straride, .t),i,,t:1:07.1e.s,t.'QiTri,..11,.miy.:.4:!,.to....-i.i,...1:uti.,..kii. .6.4,._..,. - ... • . --"--- • prepare. for.. research for..family ,.'.. • histories before youleave..... - -: ' The .Bruce district"btanch..now •hav.e.'Snfificieni:Menibers..to 'belong' . . . ... . . :10:;4.110. seek' shelter : at .itle neateit. .. farm home ...• - -'•' . . ''• , : • :...H. • • • • , . : . Mr and Mrs. 'Wilmer Riitle0iig... .. . ..•afic.,!..the'fr.'d:IUghter made us ... . . . . . . . . . - •• . •-••••.... :• •:- ..,7'.. , ,: • ''. : . .. • • • •' '. ... ..Wilitier 11.1(1.0dg0 Whenhe •i,,ot stye:4, a.t. Nile and 'also..a soPh. of. Mt.;• 'aaric3 6 . Mrs. 1-1arrY•irviii, .just up the. . , , , . , road .., ::Tho; two small childt.Q11 ;,. , .L.,'firv..ii,ei.gd.ry6.6a*/4-1.t.....ttoif.....1.011. we:re, brought .by the..'adUlts. to.. . - . . ,• . • Harty,BUrgsrna:ts,..• Pred•'picked-us ••uP about ."., p.....n1..after 1,•,,ie'..,§pet'. •.: • A',.cOrn.foriable,Afternoon in the • ;k,...%,:i.,p'..N41,1i._17.,'Ll:111.1.egb,:i.7.-_,,,ivirersT•t'0.11..re.:isfot;at:16:411.d.,•.44thi.l.,Hi..6.,.'iP:.*s'ir..dilida4;aily,,:).g7.hd,ftu,.7.'A',,,i;.t,:.i.,itl.,.4.,,stl..1,..e.i.i..n., sbri... . ' . ' • Elwood .Graskorth Viiited, froth:. ..,a,,..1.: • he rktario.Gen4Ealogical-Soc, . , •• • • ' , • ..:1\4.i....Ba.,s,.ii Lind'e: r.0'. 0.d,,...15r. es.i•ci• ..... , ' ent an Mrs; .George Downey ga.ve, accountd..b.e•-;:O...'0.rif .t.:4tri'ii.e:0: , xo.e,cbci..ou't,t'il...,v.....e. se4.;I:iti..' e:e,.1:•.,:it.. - " • . Itoviiite 0 . . ...Rutledge's and:.11OW.ard then, walk- .. . . , .,..• . • ed .up the.: road with, the: crx!..v)..n .:, :., ....,.. ...:..... ,..... r . . ' . ' ,r youth..., •• • ' •' ' , • :. zitinOn:.• .1.loward',Blake rode with '' the truCk'as far as Glenif.s 11111' ,. . .. ,anq thenrtratls.. tl .Cu.,..,._. . y .r. -q... Church Serviee was..d.a ncelled. , , ., . . fiT6-lei.;Ss.p...ilr'de,shr.),-.,....t-J:r.liti.„-at1141:TZndaIt' h.a-...te.',.u,hnttl::C.1, .'._s.' - itehenei.reteritly,, : . '' • ... ' 'key. John 'FO•rtier of 'Tive;tori. IS • : •iii;..).,•' • .., • ''' 1 ''• 1 .. , .5.49k51 ;it, •;‘,\_,. , -'' ;.: ••. ' .:' '''''; : ''' _,_,L,14., , '"--•:....• , , ,. , _‘:. . The ..r'eSt of ns-waitod it the , ..,.. ... . . Rutledge„hotise until ,th.e. ruanblie,*. • .. .of i'sno-vsi iiitivi vi.i.a8 heard. ':zoliiii,. : : ,,.,. _.tOi, snown.lobiles Who ‘walte0 .for•In.;rn , there.. . Aside n' froni a .feW difficult'. '. ies. tz.e.t-t.m.g.., through the .nairOw. cut Clit.fr‘cli. ' '' '.. - ' . • , . Victor Wybefiga of Knox Col- ” ,i .,,,..._,_L ! i-oconio f:.the.,P..-eti&,-.:•io-rbst8rie spent •eclitor•,.and..,w1.11.,..prepa=re-a•-=bui-t-*.rrit, -- for the tOtiety.. . He. also ga.v.e a. , .. report 'cri. the filing of naniei .from ' In BrUC-Lcotnity cen1;.; • ' \ \r-1-11, .'"•.'. DPINk/NO ../..1'.4 - - ' .'"UNNY NING: MAA'ES:11011RthiellE ' • ' .ii‘• ,: . - • a o. .' L 1 fra of •' • %mow .., : sOu'th;... l';.--c-i.u.s' .ree .' t,1*e•4.tri:k-:-, ,and wc: decided. to ace ompa% the . ... .. . •,. - ..- .' -, . • Fody v,ancl, into Dunc,)a•ntion think-. .. ' ' ' .. ' - in 4 til.'it we would' be, two miles ,.. ;at. ,c.:.,ler'in''s:r11114-the ride. to ilit-•. k, now was reasonably clear .with , . .. , . .... ,.. I ,.. ,,,\,..-„,:illy... very. little.snow ,on,...t. ie road. . • :is • Thility was•*.tho only pk.oblem and, '.-'.--e-ff. .' . .• ......:..:•••• : .2 ........ .; • with Nirs, •Wybenga theand„',fim•• ::.-,. I Tbe,'Scriier 8winget• Dance Club . . .eteriet:ShOwing•thirteen'ha.d now, .. been completed. The •work, start- ed last Shnmier will continue' this.... surilhler'.. 1 . .. ' : • L,.'.-.,,__,' -. . closer.to home,. . _ . . . . . this only ac..tintes.. .. were unable to •atterici their class On, Wednesday •eveni in Whitt:- . . A/1/f:REST.Of .0/ AP -7: ' 11°//1:1111 • ' . .: i . . • lirode -,-.-7--Wc-frit.-!tvery-snow-banli-7'on,the•-•., . , d\Erc, 0t, Lig:, ...(.1.1,,,I.,\ing '1..11(.,, .1:,..,11\' ' truck, had eyes:hike a 'cat 'a n,d . •Piek-ed.,ever:yhole 'in 'the, banl<s„''. ...,ag' ' ' ‘Vali, material for. the paper . ••. .. ' • ; • • ..fpft.tol).ory„aunon .; Fedy's. truck • On. C:a.l.ne -to.the're8.ciieon Pri''. r , • -• '' - '''' ' ' - ' . l< th-c.Ln•-ator .; ChUreh:Conimunity.Nlemorial. Hall .; 'tc., blacked .toads' and .stbrnis. , . ' , • hs . , • Mt •aric-1\..„..0arnet Farrier,. •• - ,, ' • the.:i.r, da.nce in ‘vbii,e'..c.i.lurchl:. isi'a..:1i,,,,.' . on il°11. d4. Y. evening, due ttl,•w. ea'th.'• '.' ' -1,:.-Lelt-y,•-B-1, . , . , or.,, .01,,n.e.--a-nd--too , ., . . 'Star . .„, . 'wholia-d-151arulecFon te2.01._ 7 " 9,-r .' '• '• ' ' . ' • ' • ' • - ' NI • • '' - H' • ." ' - ,•• ' .. • ' : '. ••• ' .. ..1 : ' ' • road:, 61:16c.tho resettc..c.nyeW'f, • •, , pushed...yours trui'y out but the scc2.- " er ' it was' hopeless Is. thc.‘ ' ' on inic • . , • • .• motor got wet'and. Ltii it ,., ,.., . . ' .,...1 • , . ii8t „ a.. that titne Fred Ward Of ,•• ial, tO tifie:§fignal ,PubliShinF - •iry 6 odcrich. 8igronv:aci tg.iilac.r,fif.ot,l.irschnel,aun , John Buchanand .. , - , • . . , ,, ',pa pers' but tef the, stri 'idea etitir.i - • el station wag,on near.1)imannon •miLst.;111 N'tilSt'Ar 1 idfit tomer the BoUth..On Januar.27., Were. not.. , ,.. ...., .. - ,,.., .,....... ,,. able to leave on account .of the, bloCkad roads • . . • , . , . , ..,,.. . . The may friends and telativeS. in this, c.aniniun.'it'f• Of IVITS,.' Jack --e-t7and4oad. conditions. --;.-.-- ' ' .. • ' , * • . • •'• -. • Folks of the .661.1,H110171it ori snow ' ,\biolotee k'ocfd thanks to wiolt 1:t ot extendi.Ockepe .r.0 John Ja.ira.son'i, who with his sjiow•,.,,. . . 'abilet•,,,Liw_..r.p....,,.....4 j,,,atilLsItp • . . . ' iliV1 ,. . . . • „.....,„ ,. . • '' '." '''''. /,7-- .-------.- ' 7 . . ..., - .. . ...• . . ' --. • '• . .• ' , .• ' ' ' ' . * . tucknOw ,. driving (Jot& 8rooks , .'1 rport a.nd •delivcrill,p, "1'.'rc„Acm''.... i's Fe ed• to 1' larry FurNsind.on 'the, er •,. • , , ,., . . „ 2nd of ,Aslifield ; c W14' ;i1 Id IIP,', . ., 1 ;re -d -had' ILAAMILI-1--:„LiALN.:t.N In 4.4 . ' d -Stat ed :Motors:drove iis'.doV.R.aii • . t . . , . • • otir a'tiromoile, 'Ille .ptYpers , ltrived 111 1,11c Inow 'Friday about : , , , . , , -I p , In . Tliqr. usua 1. a, rr,iva. 1 t•i,r,i,ie .A.L.A.N,_C.c1,11‘...d.,1,.. a b_0.11t 1 L.,..L.4......,111 v, Carruthers 'of .Wirr It ''•tri 'will be .• , .: .• . ,..,„...,, • g . a .. .... , sorry-tO. lrn that he wat,admit- toe'. - rO: Winglian 1.,iogyital.pri Sti.1.1-• ., ., day ., , ,. . ... ' - Ale,x,q,,Afpiltilpihe11.$00p.' . i d the' ' comMod it 'es dur'ri ' the- • •a, 1, o r ... : ,,,, • 1 • 1 g, . • -' storm perrOd-..,;,.. . , •.. • . WordJ• ,,,,.,,,s.1;e't eiv,6.d. he... ,f ..„ ,, : . ,re .r0f11, ' 7._ ,,. , .,, .,, , , , . . N.irs.:, Olive_ Boss of Win.i.,,liarn , "bet . .. .. ..."',, ' • • .• " .LUCKNOW , ,, • iPHONE,'$28,143,0 --- : :. 1,51FitRfEif ,. ''' ' ' - • . • ' ' , .. • .. .. .. ''''''-''' .,.,...; - ' ' • . '" . . ''''. • ' • ...,.. ,• : ' . • pulled us ont, • k.V(` i C It. 6C1,1'4,1'( 61. frant .01 -Frani l'entland's‘,. 'pi:St.. • south 6f.barfoltiiion. .1.00, rollitinuod ant tr:111•.itt the hi 1(1 trucl' V,111,4 1 r..Itibte <c. 1 cOne (I' Wfilt0T,'41,iiyelfS., t ' " ' ' ' "). . 1 'e't kir , •• Cirant cal.r,11.' '''trIP'14'-, c, . . his brother,s-td tome Out tO IlAng... - ' . :It i....c. 1.,11(::' first. timcsincell.te .Sentinel clianzeel to tile.offs,ot , lilethoci'ofP.rintin. al)dtit 'fly.. e' year,'S,, a•,90 ,, ,‘:1/4illi..6.11.,:mac,le.t,leC.O,,,SS,,a,ty':W. , a. ‘s, C C." kl',..tr11) t.'0 .L01)(1011. /Or ..j ..I./ ". : \•0 A r.;° and to 0041,erk1.1 fOr'ft.hO P'aSt .,.'•;• * 1 •.. that w 1 ..„ :..,v,,,' ' '411.0 years., that vY.e 111\'.'0 t -LI' c: employe..c8„Aix L'itowej.,,.vi, F., able .. AO go: to'''wbrk do mohdaY,,, the ''' flist.sifico.Tuesday of,:last ,,tec,huro,,,11..,..‘„Vi.;...1...,...,vi_Ilag.e 111011 be' ar , u t 411 ve ara - : , . , 1 ,,, , 1 , ,in., p , p for their valentine :dance, • • tion ,) 1 r . . : . Pchnl'arY la 1.,,. . , .• _ , .. ., :, _ .,, 't,Ilat aunt Mrs..; Jim Moffat,': • the fortner Kate Macciregor.of the • • • .., . . , , , -. . '4,an,i-:'1.d. 0, v1(:.Tlill.t•Y now ‘0T. RIv'er ' • . • ours , Alhorta...,,.had .fa,lren at her .. farm home .atil IirOkett her hip ;SO badly, she had to,..b, taken IS., 'Ed 11 la Titan. t 10Srita I ' $1i is ti8 ,, . , f. , . 0 • ': ''' -'. ----'-' -' -'' 1 i--- 1i WT to pitP--littili-Llietio-lattl--4v.:444•Lthe..4.1e's.w4.4: II nt ( 11 ,', , t, , ' • . . • , ' _ _ _z_rlic_.7.1.144110.r_.s.:wit4.ger4.1.0tr:11.01,...1,1.014...years, . 1