The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-27, Page 12PAGE•' TWELVE ELECTRICAL CONTRACT.F.R. ELEC.TRie HEATING. WIRING. AND REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MoDE,RNI°zATiON, FINANCING AVAILABLE L.UCKNOW Phone 528-5802 Treg.t Accidents Randall White age 12 son of Mr and ..Mrs. . Kenneth White , Brussels, was accidentally struo,k • inthe face January 24, by a` hockevi •`stick .at the Brussels arena He. received, laceration of the right -Cheek. Murray Nichol.;, age 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nichol., . Brus :sets was accidentally, struck in the face by a hockey ,stick: at the' .Brus• y sels arena. He received ' lacera- tion over the_left eye.:' Cindy Campbell, age 9, daugh': ter of 'Mr`.. and: Mrs. Allan Camp- bell, amPbell, R. R..1 Bel ave was ridifig in front of her •father on a snow - mobile and she 'struck her face on '. the steering wheel ;while the ma -: chine was in 'motion. She.recei:v• ed `a laceration over°the right eye Wingham Q.P.•P. Constable McKittrick investigated.' Cindy. Brown, . age 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown, Gorrie received a: 'laceration to .heris lower lip when she struck the front of a toboggan which she was ridingon the first :concession • of''Grey; Township, David Baer, R. R. 1, Bluevale , received a compound fracture.to 'THE.: LUKNOW SENTINEL, :LUCKNQVII i N'>T'ARIO WEDNusDAY, 'IOU n4 Will Live In' Lucknow • his left footwhen• a tree fellon it. He was. cutting wood. on the farm of Bob McAllister.. He was admit ted to hospital -Barry Ta,ylz5r,=Wi gha `tad - horse, fall on him • injuring both',.}, ankles., Lorne McMaster, Wingham received injuries tohis leftfoot ' while skiing at Kimberley ski slope.'• Apparently one ski cut inio deep':snow., throwing hire. Denise' Norman, Wingham inured her chin when she :was'• x. driving a snowmobile on the farm of Ken'J Anson in the Alps. • Culross Township. ,Apparently the machine struck a snowbank .and " • Denisestruck her face on the windshieI. into kezton O. P +: Constable'Fad or invest g gated • ,JAMIESON' KAMANN e-ina - i- ge=of 'Arlene ' Louise, Kan aiui and John Wayne Jamie- son was solemnized at the Dundas Street Centre, United Church".Chap el , London on Saturday , ber. 28th at four. o'clock.: Thebride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. 'N It, Plant of London... The groom's parents dare Mr and Mrs. Stuart .Jamieson of Lucknow. Rev: Ronald :Hunt of London, officiated at the :double ring Gere •mony. • Given in marriage by. her father the bride wore a white floor--' g�.� len owIr. empire style "with'.a . row of daisies down the front of gown., the High collar and puffy sleeves with big cuffs:`were. edged with a .row of daisies. A. train fell from ;the' shoulders. Her threei tiered veil Was held by a large': rose 'She carried a • qu. dark red roses -' Mrs:. Brenda Stewart of London was • matron •of honour. She wore •floor length gown':of cherry pink chiffon with red ribbon` around. bodice. She carried a.giosegay of light pink carnations and, white. roses. -"`-'-Ga=Yi� " ,•. ;• C Luc-kno sisterof theg room , was brides- maid.' Her dress and;:flowe•rs were. the sa rne; as that of _the. rnatron of honour: Deanna .Karnann,ofLon donsister of. the. bride was 7. `unior bridesrnaid.:• She wore a dress ,of r, Eby:pink^`c iiffon. and carried, a nosegay of dark pink carnations' and white roses r Us" from: Romeo-and_Juliet • and' "A Soni of,io” ' • A.reception followed '-at the Barri. Reitatirant ;. London The'bride's.Tr rother,..chose.-a_ • turquoise, chiffon dress with beaded .yoke , pink carnationcorsage and black accessories. • The groom'smother' wore a coat and dress ensemble of silver r and. aqua brocade with .silver accessories and pink carnat4on corsage. For travelling; the ti ide chose a crimp ,knit aqua pant suit with black accessories., ' The couple are residing in •Luck now where the groom •is.: clerk- treasurer .of the Village.'. Sam Pa•lm'er of London was• . • roomsrna'n. Ushers were .Ronald• Kamann of,London,, brother'of the bride and Arthur Short f o • Woodstock •" brother-.inlaw of •the groom . WWeddingmusi ,was EY ABATT01 Custom Butchering ,:Curing and Smoking ng ;.a rap • ng : ausage a n " as frizzing $iSter.P�s$e! n London 'MRS. `EDGARG. LOVETT. Sympathy:is expressed to the: Hodgins .'farnily,.in the death of: their sister Mrs.-. Edgar ,Lovett,' 1049 Frances Street ; ,London:,• who sed-a-wa-y-at ictoria-Hospitaj,' on `Wednesday,. January. 20th at` the age of.71. • lvlis.. Lovedwas .the former . . d._.daughter.. Clara Matilda Ho giin s,, of. Frederick A.• Hodgins "and , ., Sarah-�R�ebecca~Cerson;�•a-'nd'wa-s , born in. Kincardine Township on Se tember18�••1899'; She married P Edgar 'Lovett native of `Englandlt They were married in 'London: Mr, , Mrs: Lovett is survived by one daughter Mrs. Wnl.:(Marion). Clements of... Lo neo ntwo.,..grand - a children, Janice and Pau! and on great. grandchild Kendra; one • brotherOscar G Hodgins of Luck no:w and one sxster,•Mrs, .John G. (A;liCe)•Thomson of"Norti .'E3ay • HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS. CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have ' cattle . in on Thursday for Friday's,. 'gill With TWO Big „Coolers, W Ares'.Able To Hang''Your B.of Frani ' 1 To 3 W.ek — Whatbver Your R uir.m.nts Ary For Haire Freezers WO Sell Choice Home; Killed. beef, 'pork and Lamb In. Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT' INSPECTED FOR Tot* • PROTECTION ABATTOtit 392961 ,She 'was.predeceased by,her mother in:1929• her father.1946 brother Harve 19S6'and .a sister- • Eedie in 197 .at tare 'age of 13..' The funeral:service vwas held at :the Carruthers and Sons 'Funeral i1orne,.:l,on`dbn can Saturday;•January 2S'rd. Rev. Wrn: b►..Me'rcer was it »istet,, Pallbearers were i2ay William sot�,and ,five nephews Melvin,,,. Alvin Laverne C'i esteracid Lynn. Hodgins Interment was irr,Forest Lawn Ce''imetery, London,: fists Passed Browflie Me04 '•On Tu'esday,, January l9th,t1,:, BrownieMeeting opened with a;,* ( J game "Upset the Fruitbasket" After Fairy•Oueen Alice Vander ••• Klippe placed the Toadstool we'l. had. Brownie Ring.. " Inspection ;was tt see ;if 'all Brownies„werewearrtg:shoes and to' see if they had takentheir jub- flee. Badge off, Brown. Owl introd- uced' our: new Packie.. Nancy Rit- chie to the Brownies. .Tawny.Owl' presented First: Year: Service Stars to Mary Lynn Cayley, Dawn Nelson, Beverley Bell-, and Janet: Wilkins. • Brown Owl worked with Golden Ladder and.-Golden'Hand:.Brown- les and .some passed their parcel,': test, They were. Kathy Brooks, • Jill, Murray, Edith Greer, "Susan Thompson, and Norma' Mat Intyre. Those who passedcompass: test.: were Etta Belle Mac Donaid Brenda Arnold • and Susan Thothp son,.. Other'testspassed were:: le rules of courtesy,by Brenda'Arnd. Old , a story ofa planned outing by Lorna Boyle • 'Pac kie worked with :the Golden Bar Brownies throwing, and; catch- ing ball, some ':Brownies were able -to' do this -well -enough to pass the test and they were 'Bev- erley Bell ,,Debbie Bolt , 'Gail Hac kelt ; Na icfThompson and .` Janet Wilkins.. 'After. this Packie. played; a .game with: the Brownies. :.'; Tawn}i Owlread the Brownie Story -to the tweenies while Kath- erine McKim :cooked a pudding and horria'Boyle rnade."a sandwich.: and cooked •her pudding as this is part of the girls Golden Hand test.' These, two Brownies 'each ran an errand with. Katherine going to the racer store•' for the ingredients redients. grocery g;- for: her pudding and Lorna went to the meat market to buy some.•• meat.'. t•. During Pow Wow :the Gnomes' ate - the pudding that Katherine had 'made as 'they had perfect rinspection.;. •Brown. Owl` a. a sample of Lorna's'and all agreed that the; pudding• tasted good and; •.: the girls passed .their'test The=meeting-e-Eased-with--the' Brownie Taps and Arch. �lksTo nowmobile'Club • our; "sorneda home can -be ou r ,,. :now Why goon planning, for'. the 'future w1 en lt. can lieours today?. :Get that dream homer 'now .: �uvith helpthe of Victoria and -Grey Trust mortgage - and.., pay for:it.as you live in it..Enjoy it,today ; at' Victoria, and Grey. VG TRUST 'COMPANY •SINCC, 1609', Snowmobilers.took advantage': of the "Ski -'Doo" and turned out in good trumner despite---theTatorr-r-i weather ,on Thursday , Ja'nuarY 21st; at'a meeting'of the-Bluewatier Snomobile Club held,at the .Kings, s= 'brid'ge:Sehool.. They heard Wayne Mon_, .Godrich . Branch of the Lealand HII,:Manager :Elgin and King stonStreets Goderich 524-73d to Join the club just a's long, as ,: they had help from •the•.parents ;i . getting, the snowriobile across ti Highway to the•Snowmobile Tra ''Fotre►~rbers of the Lucknow Snowmobile.Club were on hand, Stuart •Reay.`e . Secretar Treasua t y er1 was asked to'- ive ideas. as t h rhe -L krrow C1it . ciatcd' He invited the new club to join' with them in a Winter Chrting • The nett meeting isto be lie? on; Wednesday, , •February. 3 why the •Gbderich W.inter.,,Carniva'i .w. Ontario': Provincial .;Police outline Rues and•,Regulatiorls, of the Snow- mobiles, Mr'.:'Moulton°said "Operate your: snowrriobile .dust the same as you would'operate your car", A driver's licence is re, 'quired to drive your sr�owrnobile On the highway a highway'behg• any road that'is open to'traf i P� -ne•dre= ted be .discussed )NUMENTS For sound . counsel and a' fair price on a monument•. Correctly designed from quality material, rely on .SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Haaan, Prop. Established (biterSixty Yearn WA"LKERTbN:PHONE.8814234 t. dNTARI