The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-27, Page 2L;UCKN;OW ;SENTIN'L4EL,,.CKNOW, ONTARIO..,, , The, , LUCKNOW SENTINEL . LUCKNOW,ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" - On the Hnron-Bruta . Boundary second Class Mail Registration NufnbOr 0847 Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon • 'Amber fternoo - 'Amber of the C.W N.A. _ •'and O.W.N.A.. * . Subscf iption Rate, $5.00 'a, year in, advance to the. USA.,,. $7.00 Donald C.. Thompson Publisher' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 37,, • SOMETHIN.1NRETURN Announcement by the . Ontario ' government ofa ; temporary measures to provide an additional 2145 jobs for the province's unem- ployed sounds -like: a sensible move to us. About $2,867,000 will winill bes pent on ' a ror am of clearing ks-,� an dof dead elm trees from 'lands near provincial highways 400and 401. 600work- im rovements �Prvincial othe will be employed • in improvements to the St. Lawrence parks system. The Ontario government has also accelerated its building Pro�ram by advancing more. than .$10,000,000 of new construction and public build- ings. : A-1ot-of money, w 911 -be sp nt,-but-it-i ill loe-spen g. constructive : and will not be handed out' in welfare and.social. *assis- tance. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY '1971.. I` .b .Gilch rist it New -President lent years at the Fair �,the reserve. had been .reduced $600,, $600 and, $469 over the past three year period.;. 'He ,said the trendcannot continue;. He felt that income had increased to the, point where paring of .expenses was the only. way -tel. handle'the Fair in,,the future. He said he. 'hoped the. committee in charge would look, . to ways,of3.paring.these expensesi.'.. This prompted a lengthy discussion of"wa•ys and rneans of cutting costs with the beauty -con- test on test the main target. After con- : sidefable discussion, at which :• tine a variety of opinions were •expressed , a motion wasput forth ey Jim Aitchison and Oliver Mc Charles to continue with the Miss:' Midwestern, Ontario Beauty ,Con test, Ar amendment to .the mo-. ,tion Was to discontinue the .beauty. contest and this was presented. by Russel Irvin and ;Bob Struthers', While the remainder of the •rneet. ing ; in excess of .3;‘,0 ,, voted to • continue with - the - beauty contest as part of the: Fair l • About fifty people were on hand for the -annual. meeting of the Luc,know Agricultural' Socie.ty',held at the huckriow Town Hall 9n Fri- day evening' of last .week. The'meeting had its beginning'' with a pot,uck•supper followed" by reports: from various divisions of the Fair' and the election- of • officer's.. *Bob Campbell acted as emir,: man, for the • meeting,. Bob has completed two. years as president: of the-Lu-c:know- Fair boa -rd. He spoke of the pleasure he had in , heading the organization for the • two year, period and 'thanked all those who had assisted in many Ways during his terin of office, :He paid tribute, to the work of the late .Harold Austin in the 'society over the years.: After 20 years of service to the ' Lucknow 4rH Calf Club, the res ig nation was received of .Andrew named to succeed him. ;During, 'his years as leader., the' Lucknow Club'has, had an impressive series of successes. t on so npthln Mrs. 'Robert Struthers :_secretar •o.f.the society ;'announced the dates of.•t•he. annual convention :of the `Ontario •• .of iation : as ' being in Toronto, on Februa 24 -and 25'.x. Details.on a proposed bus td the convention• were explained. Several names were .P Several: names sed.as delegates and P Po g . Mrs. Bob :Gilchrist, Mr. •and Mrs. Russel Irvin, Mr. and: •Mrs : Cam-' eron IvlacDonald Mr and. rs ,. Glen Walden, Mr.and Mrs .;Vernr on 'Hunter' 'Mr:' and. Mrs: Peter' Cook, .Mr. and 'Mrs.. Robert Carnp bell,..: Some' ex p ressed a willing, $ ' ness to go and others..dec.lined the proposal, These`' ro .ams could be carried down. to the county and munic- pal level and something concrete could be 'created -by men arid, women whon'•rmallyg o the'. route of welfare.: N , ' o Many welfare recipients will welcome.. work, but many others will cringe at the thought Of the possibility that the government . may find thein a job. By the adopting of socialist programs and thinking, all levels of government: have contributed to the "Who, cares, the government., will look after us" attitude' which becomes more prevalent each year: Able bodied hien and women seekingwelfare and's tial assistance o tstance shoald be required to contribute o somethin' in return: • Clearing dead ,elms sounds like an excellent-startc - e for the men.' We've ,lots' of them in our area. / OOOmemo On rngham Reeve s Huron Worden The 1971 Warden Of the 'County ..of Huron is Jack Alexander, reeve o• f•the Town'of -Wrngha.m. . • WardenArx oder waseelected ted on the second ballot: a 20,20 tie' vote between h • and Reeve E ' n im e . 1 mer Ha te'r, Stanle Townshi In theevent of, a tie', .the represen 'tative Of the municipality in, on g County '.:with the.hi:hest:'asses-• . ...' sment:casts the deciding baliot a`. Goder.ich'Reeve Paul Carroll voted for Mr. ,Alexander' giving' him �'t' the one:vote e w in The first ballot •showed 14 in favour -:of Alexander;; 16 for Hay ter and •10` for ELeeveHugh*Flynn of Hallett the:'third candidate in the'race.•.',• LADIES AND MENS WEAR .r. • it was decided tha.t.Lucknow Agricultural Society would, again havean advertising -display at the-conveion with Mrs.. Bob t Gil- christ, in charge of arranging it. Mrs Oliver .McCharles, retir-. ing district lady director.., thanked . members of Lucknow: Agricultural ' Society,for their support dug rin her term of office on the provinc- ial rovinc ial board.; She; reported. that a' judges school would be held in Chesley in March ;at 'which tithe judging. o ay grain , vegetables fruit and .flowers would be studied-: , • , • .flowers, would Mrs... Reg. Jones preser>:ted. a pro- posal.•to' the 'Agricultural Society • concerning the establishrnentof;a Band Craft Shaw i_n_.Lucknow under Agricultural Society Sponso�sht'p. She said"it.would b'e. patterned after the Carlow Chr'istm'as country fair and wound 'be'he'ld in the • . summer Gime -during the tourist. season. She said Carlow,. are pros= ently -not able to handle 'Many who wish:'to show at fair because off• -lac -k OtHspace -and1the-propos-a-i is'niade with the cotiplete support of.the Carlow 'executive who want to, establish a su;rmrner show in larger quartets':• It was:pointe'd Out 'that the Agricultura•1 Society cou=ld.,=Ortinl edit i ll space to the exhibitors.. The sug;- ge.st;ed location Was the Lucknow arena; 'Before the 'meeting ended. the. 'matter was further discussed and -a- he-etitig-c•onc-err ing-the-pro posal was called fora Monday of; thikweek,. The overall financial • statetnei t for the year showed''a net -deficit of 6B on the• year's operations, 'hi giving the auditor•• report ,_ van keath la d .that the_: financial statement disturbs .hktn•. He 'sai4 that despite'three e:xce1- • a • •- a president could•not be obtained, and, Mrs'. McCharles agreed to continue.. The motion for • her re-election was made' by Mrs, Dan McInnis, and Cam .IvlacDon- ald. 4 1st vice .president is; still to ,: • be named: and Mrs.;. Vernon I untrt er has consentedto take the Office` Of second V:ice' president Mrs: Robert Struthers is secretary:, treasurer. DIRECTORS . One Year, Mrs,, Frank McQuil lin', Mrs. Robert Campbell, Mrs. -Roby: Gilchrist , Mrs. - Vernon Hunter .` •,. . Two'Year,, Mrs. Ross, Shiells Mrs. Russell Phillips Mrs. 'Torn • Todd , Miss Isobel Miller. g; • Three Year, Mrs. Allan Miller,' Mrs.' Jirn. Arnold , Mrs. Donald Maclntyre Mrs. -Jim Aitchison. AssOci AT E DIRECTORS ., Mrs. Orland Richards, Mrs., Chris 'Cook.;; . Mrs. Da .Mc lnnis ; I rs1. r rIes -Caul-t,;. Mts .111c x . 'Andrew',Mrs.. Wilbur`.B3rown Alex' H s Hackett"; Mr Walter Dex•- ter , Mrs, `Peter Cook Mrs. Jas.. Ira rs He:nderson ,. s. I a Di ickie, M s, Oinar-Brooks; Mrs, Jim O'Donnell, her.Mrs Bert -Alton., yi\1rs :Gordon Kirkland, Mrs,.: Bryce Elliott., ' Mrs: ;Chas. Wilkins. , fair -board .presented pass presid ent Donald Maclntyre.with an agricultural service •diploma. in r,'ec guidon-. f his service to the society'. President; Bob Campbell vacated the chair and Donald''Ivlaclntyre -presided:'for the election of offic 'Campbell is the immediate past president. - Bob -Gilchrist of Kinloss was elected president on a mouon of Frank Alton' and Jim Aitchison:' Omar Brooks was'. elected ,ist .. v.ice,president on a lotion of:Don :Cameron and Cani Macponaid. Glen Walden is second vice president on a motion of Russel Alton Irvin- and Blake, lvtrc eert Sirutler„. is secretarytreasurer. 'New directors. named ":