The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-20, Page 20• • 7. t. • 0 k. , sl. k PAG.ti TBMT • • • THE LUCKNOW" SENTINBLt' LUCKNO' .- :ONTARI6 WN1 N r1 rl4"11r, ; ANUARY 20i _ 1 now District, ,, EETING•and BANQUET:. WILL BE IHELD TUesday, January 26, 1971 IN THE LEGION HALL, "LUCKNOW AT 7:00. P.M, . Banquet fickets'available from Directors, Staff. • or at the Co-op Office GUEST. SPEAKER -- JACK KOPAS • Y SEE .. By Th;Sentinel THAT at the Decernber,rneet ng • , • .of' Lucknow:Village council ,, a • Motion was,passed to hire h. M, Ross Cci.risultir g Engineers totake ground,•leves'of•the;area near tate arena as a• proposed':,site for a swirnrriing po91,,/' The matter 'is merely for the information of council in considering'` tuck a proposal. THAT,a firecall'on Sa'tu.rday' night about .8.30 took'Lucknow . Fire:Depart•ment to' thehom'e of •` Don' England on the division'line ' herwcen East and West Wawa- • • Lester. �� err V Qn Is �i President' f nosh• Township ; just south of 86 Highway An oil burning,, Gook Ripley'. Agricultural ;Society Plan 19'71 ' ::1r:'t l'ble to Fit On Retular t •i t extinguish the oiazbreak with the • The Ripley Agricultural Society held, its annual meeting' on Mon - 'day evening January: 11 in the cafeteria room in the 'Ripley. • . ,District High`School.': As'a .result the society :now has'a brand new president. Lester Ferguson of the fifth concession of Huron Town' ship and the same old date for the fair , namely the last' Saturday: in • September, next fall; 'cordon -` Roulston of Olivet , who ha's guid7 ed the directors through the past .: two years ,, ;now becomes.. past .pres ide nt . This t Thi ' ;t. e. first time, the st .., xslt o �P�. P of past resident•'has been added to .• the executive'°positions . Several` .' form.er. 'residents :are. presently serving ori",•the bma'rd•o#?iirectors .Francis Boyle; .Gordon Patterson, �c d.' nd' im.. John C. Ma Donal a Jim.. Brooks.: '.MorleY Sc out becomes a vice-presicen anlJac Camp -. bell'•of Amberley is the one new director on the board'.. Fou r'were added to the list of associate d'ir ectors•, na,nielY , Bob Rutledge , - >n==Bila--#rnold.�nd• Murray Thompson. Perhapsat this point its would 'bes,be . t,to.l,stthe officers and•dir- ., ectors and. hence make no orris. • . a. . ign Past. president.,: Cordon--Rou-ls•ton;- President , fester Ferguson; 1st' Vice President., .Hugh Mason; grid Vice Presid1' ' tt;• Treasurer, Mrs. Russell Brooks; Secretaries•,.Ab•and• Fran.''Wylds.. • Beard• of Director?, Jack Carnp bell, Dr. Fete Bissonnette•, Stuart Aitken.; Jack. Farrell, Norval Stewart , Jim Needhairi., Jinn Srooks•, Mrs.;':Gordon Stanley, ; .Fra.nci$ : Bgyle , Tohn C . ' IviacI�on aid', Gordon Patterson , Ha:tilton' Mackinnon.....- :Convener.of'the •Lady Directors, Mrs.. Gordon .Stanley; secretary of the Lad : Diectors,•: 1Vlrs: Y 'Arnold, The • names of :the assci'c-- late'directors and; lady di„irec r tors,.�+i ll b:giv een.ifi'.a 'later issue. . of• • hie :ttrffeterrt rrreir-,presrd eeci Over •the Meeting in •su:ccession.: The "out going" president , Gord-• • On .Rou•lston en.ed' the meeting. and wasz Charge of a e i �' rv'ewof last Septe•mber's fair .as well as ithe Societ �Y's:work•in 1970 , • Oliver MacCharles was' named t re "de over' '.:b the meet%ti o . si. Y, .S ,P the e1eetian o officertiand-dir ectors•.fcr'the corning • Y.eair. • , .Oliver handled ;this part n a.•busi• ness-:like_.niar ier a•.fter..thankitt •g• the frneeting •for the 'honour, ' men •had just returned •to town when' theywere:;cailed back. to; • :the scene when a'.small outbreak of fire, was discovered in'the Then the newly ` elected presid-. t-on-MacKin Ion structure o f ,the' house where the pipes .passed, through It was • under control; by the 'time fire men arrived' THAT• J'e:rry:Searle; 6-yearold son of Mr. and''Ivlrs.,;' Bill Searle ': of L'ucknow',"has been sporting: • a 'cast -on his leg,, He injured the :ligaments in the leg in an aecident at the ,Lucknow ski h"ill.; ent , Lester Ferg uson ,.''presided • over :the remainder of. the meeting. In his.opening remarks' he called for :cpntinued :co-opetation-of all ' those interested.in the society.: and' the fait, told diose • present.•t . ai all suggestions would be. gladly discussed at_,,the monthly, meetings:: and then• Proceeded„With. motions, •'. pertaining to 1971. The.' fall' fair • date,was' set: for September 24 and 25 on a•••motion by Bill';A"rnold ,and' ' Hugh•.Mason;• At the ;close of the: .meeting the lady•d'irectors served lunch �ihich w•a-s-.1-- ed Present were Mr.: and Mrs Wrri, •'rnald yrs Gordon Stanley ` Mr A and Mrs •Mervyn HHoaey'," Gordon 12oulston ''Lester Ferguson' ' Iia rill' Itemo• ti ottt HM • , tttt Mr rttt tnf Oliver' I`leGharles' Mrs. Pete"13is o imrn►,�s,rtn,nnrmrms.r+trtnt �tr �, �� !..-„� • ... sonnet e , Mr; an'd' Mrs,'•Jack Par ' .. cell ; I m t3rooks,' •Mr and Mrs :.' .Five .Killed In Scotland ' M FooaII j I uss.'•Brooks, Mrs.. Ernie •Thm' - o to `wn • .rrteo 'Tra� ed " Came' From Jim And Susan IIcNauhto- . The tragic'death and injury `of football fans who were crushed at,' the crowd' panicked leaving a, Glasgow Scotian ante a 'few weeks• ago was very real to Mr. and' Mrs. 'inn McNaughton of, Lucktrow 1.0''e of the.. sixt -�s�` ho'lost '.F e.s y.. �' lives 'carte froi -the horne theta li. s rn .. tow tt of the MtNatightOns iii Scot land, The MMNatrghtons. game. from Markinch s, a• tciwri of about 2500 in.the county 'of Fife* 'Five of the, dead'' were young , f e froth the n3eri *•18 or 14'years, o ag brrl general rreighbotitheod 'Where Mrs i -1Vio Vau . htor't. ato4 live . g. p bus had ,'been engaged, to take: fans from,+Martkinch. to the game .be- • tweeo Ce,ltic;,and Rangers in G1asy gow ,. about •90 fillies away '' ami "i i'"I es af`� ile` i .bays killed 'were..ail wdii kriow'n to Jim' and Susan McNaughton One Of • the boys•. kifled was a twin. Xher another went. to purchase tick - e -s• _ :only one ticket�rerri ined on >G a ,the bus: A c•oiti pias tossed' to see which brother would go to' the arid ultimate) which`' • brother 'wouid� live',, .{'• • A mass ftirietal for.che' five. voting `t i� Wit' held ti thy' tt5wti Of.: Markin,cii k-.. 7''11..'.1 •,ly 1V'1 L'1,V. Yq,i.• Stewart Don {, 1acTavish, 'Hugh Mason, Morley Scott , Gordon Pat;- terson : Jahn:`C. "Ma.cI)onaid and Ab Wylds; .Ranier itl the evening lcihn Strong of.CKNX,•'Wingham was'br'ie fl present.. " , Yi? • • • ' HUMPHitE - HANNA ,- Mr, airidMrs: ala: rnbnd•_Hauna y. of Auburn', On"tar so' are'pleased to announce the engagerne.nt of • .their 'eldest daughter Ramona 'Eileen to Mt. Richard Lloyd ' Humphrey, son of Mt. 'and Nit's, .lOyd Huttiphrey bf R. R. tiory 4. Mario. ` The wedding; will :tae ace in onn roo 'C .lurch ori Fridak ,•• January •2pth MORTON'S TN. DINNERS Chic en Beef ' Tur WHITE. SWAN Toilet Tissue S.T,. LAWRENCE 25 OZ. Corn Oil . Sale: •HYATT 14 OZ.' Beans grit CANADA STD. 14 OZ. green • Pec SAVE 31 For 951 SAVE ;20 Rolls 491 SAVE 10 'er Tin '591 SAVE .19 ins 49. COMPARE' BURN'S. Wienerson : Sale� BURN'S LINK l Sma I :. Sousa. e: SAVE 347 ounds 99c' o SUNKIST GOOD SIZE Oranges cSAVE 1 ozen' 99 •VALUES EFFECTIVE 'THURS., ':FRIDAY, SATURDAY JANUARY 21, 22 23 PHONE'LUCKNOW 520- �sl�e1�-CounH� Hold Inaugural Ne�ingiJanuary3 The first',rheeting of Ashfield. Township Council was held .on 'January`5, with •all rriernbers present —'-_ . The minutes of t.he':1ast meet in g �: were readand approved. B w No 1 appointing the by -Law PPoi Officers for .the yearand setting their:: salaries Was given two read ings wit fie.`7o1lowing pay oohed': ale: Reeve:, 45U.•b0.;,Deputy iLeeve', 375.00;.Councciliors., ;300•: 00, w it•h $10„,06' for each extra meeting attended, Clerk Treasurer $3,000.00. Road Su -' erintendent $2.25 per hour plus • .clerical feet' up to $300..and w�e1's-holiday ivtth pay; C rade:rw. Operator• *$2.25 per hour plus one week frOliday with pay; part .'tante d"peratorS ,• $2.,05;.• re°gtilar labdut,,' $2'.doR casual labour, .$1.85; man and tractor: $4.00; chain saw , • Rev, ilurnmel of Trinity United Church 'was present requesting' that council=assurne' res otisibilit; ipr mai'nta.inin' ..the farmer cemetery • Y at `,Zion. Action" Was `deferred•utt- t•X1. more in'for•n'ration is obta`itied :' Co,Uncil decided to -a • their • membership rrt the • Assoc ia.tion� of Antal Munic'ipa q''itie.s.and the.arit atfo ,Good` Roads'._ . ' ` • were ordc!rt d ':pa id ..: an agr•eenient''wttlr Alex) part of• lot 10, ,concussion, .the purpose of: reforestrat'ioisl given 3 readings and passe'... :Council adjourned tti,•rrrt.� i 'da`'' .Febr.i.aary 2nd at 1,,3c. , • • DONALD ivt $11\1!, iliji•i ElIlEtiiiti 1NItSmitisiim.f a _.tI u t S Goe ..gay . • .,. tr l Strik esa `vire Aut 0r,o bill« Snowinbbilc `bwricrs l ;:` r Under fire •,frbizt 1t7,.� tnunicipalines in th'is 1rt ;l to in, that,- thcro are i orts4u.i44./le. p5 ni t ra G' ice. The ,s-potli ;ht was t't,•flfT” lifted .from •tile 5r wirtoN i Te psw ate r: "last week and. horse and .buggy went titin'. trot and damaged two''auc.,,:: . 'eetjrtl .; , Who we, were• not abbe to 4.("1' .at writing time ; wa5 oprr,it ..g. horse and buggy on '1" c: c w a Main -street when the hor:c, 'kicked' 'up :a,'bitc' : After` i ways ali over., Ran'Iliil and 'Wa-ll of the Teeswater .co, ityv both had Slightly da.i6,1 ears and the buggy � 'also rc or� +f �gy y r il, 1.1Age ,• • Ik cans it W Li' damage the iy. eident wast darttage'� iti i• k p1 -Donnybrook k [lnited invest,il ate d• by the O t tr Road adcou(iXts:t5f ,X24:.,;0' and inc'a PCiice. _ y t t t�tN' ti h't+ r t+ c ;et i cenrttrt of .'s" 044.42' ' lf�f ilii t iwiilw ii [tttwtii i a i�►,' • • •