The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-20, Page 16• , k�w '. PA6E SIXTEEN' • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, IUCKNOW,: 0,14T4.1 RIO, WEDNESDAY*. .4AN1.1*.ki`20, 1l11 � (k SPORTS .by'..Bill Farrell Before the Christrrias Holidays ourschool hag a ping-pong tournament, The following is the, results'of the Grade 7 tourna- .merit, : In the' girl'srdivison• Cathy Rock came first with Kathy ` Cooper taking second place, in F the' boy's division. ' Sandy; Liddle w s the _ch• ,taking second place honours Grade 6., 3 and 8 boys and girls'' are prepared to start house league volleyball. We'll have more, in-'. • 'formation on this s rn; the future. . Well, bye for ,now. See you next. 'week; GRADE ,5, NEWS by Sharryll Mas- ,Dn, arion Mears, Joyce Osborne. Miss Angela ; Murray visited Grade 5 on' Thursday , December 17:. She is a. native of Australia ' but is here as an exchange,student.. She is. visiting Kincardine for a' .Week. Miss M. urray'show:ed us;. film strips on Australia and.. . -:sang songs accompanying'herself .,, ,on the guitar. She showed us held their Christmas panty,' It: was opened 'With' the singing of Canada",‘u Nancy MacGuire read a serious Christmas; poem:', :Santa .then arrived. full of ho ho's. Gifts were' distributed.. After he had gone Carol MacKay 'read -a poem,'about a naughty'elf. The game committee .closed; the arty.with'a'ame:of 7u RADE: 8B NEWS by rlene'Tran G .,A,. ter On .December •22,, Grade. 8B .herd their .Christmas party. It took •place'.in their classroom. from 1:15 to 2:45. There were garnes which revolved around the room.' Records' were played and were':lined -up_ n_.a row_of ; desks. 8yeryone.brought'-presents which, were e o ned. following P g lunFh', koala bear made out of.rabbit; skin., a kangaroo' made out of•reai, kangaroo skin, `two''boomerangs,. ;and some Australian'rnoney.:. We thank herfor spending an .enjoyab-. le half 'hour with us. GRADE 8A NEWS by Carol MacKy. Qn December 22",. Grade 8A PUBLIC SPEAKING At the time this article was written .P,ublic, Speaking was in 'full, swing at our school'.:,Two pupils with"the .best speeches. will be chosen from. each , grade. Grade 8B has already chosen its speakers, .They are .Patti MacDonald and, Arlene'"Tranter.: Patti and Arlene' will compete. in the gyre on'Mon. da Januar 25 'against the :other Y. y g .students, Good luck Public Speak ers !. A Poena•by',Ma;ry Ke'rnpton-Grade3 1;9; sleep easy .ah. night I:et your sppper bei' light,, Or else you' 11. complain Of a'stomach in pain,. 01 .; Goodt and Bad Children;, Children, Youare very little.,. And yut.:bones are vetybrittle; If you would grow great and stately:,: You must: fry to_walk sedately. Youmust still betright :and quiet,' And content'•with the'simPle diet; And rernain;,through all bewildering Innocent and -honest chi'ldren." appy hearts.and happy faces , • Happy play ingrassy.. places.: That was how in .ancient. ages, Children grew• to kings and sages But the 'unkind and the unruly And the sortwhoeat unduly They mus,t'•never hope'for'glory.,; Theirs is quite a different story t Cruel. children ,,'crying babies., A11:;grow"up as ,,geese and .ga bres Hated,' as'their.age incre'ases',. By their nephews and. their nieces; 20 1970's iii''' various models :'sedans; grid 2 and 4. door ,hardtops in Fords,. • Chevrolets, Por tiacs_ including Catalina"s Skylark,; Buicka ' and 'Cutlass Oldamobilea. 1969-FORD-custon ,_power steering 2 1969- C'HEVELLES,' a 2 door ;hardtop and a 4 door sedan '•1969 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door hardtop 2 -,1969 CHEVROLET Bel 'Air sedans SMILE PLEASE! fl Wednesday . January .13 found'. boys'dressed in suits and girls dress sed,in dresses or skirts and blouses: 'This is a, rare. scene. The reason for this sudden impulse to' look P 'like' ladies and. gentle then' was - that` the school' photpgrapherwas around to do his annual job:.The photographer, 'Mr: .Hingley from Hanover ,.Who .took individual: and class'pictu:res ,. was his: usual smiles and chuckles. . The Grade 8A, and 8B classes'looked 'quite Sophisticated since their class'pic- ture is to be their. Graduation Pic ture. ;•We,'must made special note that •the teachers :looked.exception. allyY,nice.: too • TUE CORPORATIOIN.OF T. _ E.. o.F .LUCKNO VILL�►GE� BY -.LAW NO. 15• • 971 A By=law, to permit public games. and ,sports. in 'the''afternoon. - of the Lord's Day; , WHEREAS It is deemed ' advisable . by the Municipal '. Council of . the Corporation of the Village' of, Lucknow to pass a 'by-law permitting Sunday Sports. THEREFORE ...the Connell of the Corporation , of the "Villag a of Lucknow enacts as follows: o � ' Act 1960 61 is '. " 1. ; Section. of ..the. Lord's ;Day'_m(Olntano) ct to be. in force' in the. Village e of. Lucknow. ` " hereby. declared g Section .of the.' said act. shall �' 2.' ��The application 'of the'said:Se t apply l to the : whole of the Village of . Lucknow.. 3: The application -of the said Section of the said 'Act shall be limited to the respective public games or sports in the Vil-: • lage of Lucknow as follows: Baseball;softball,-haerosseoece. g4; Rv liug Iop,, .. _ key, swimming; water sports, tennis, basketball, badmin- ton, . skating, curling and skiing. 4. The public games and sports named in this; by-law shall be, subject to the following' regulations and controls: a)" EWery such game or srt: shall be' conducted ..in aa', ( , sport orderly" aadseemly, manner. fb),,Ya..,s<sh.,,B6mt`=orsport,shall-- e- commenced -before' half -past one.o'clock..:in the afternoon of the Lord's Day; READ -A FIRST: • AND-SECO&ND-I I -T}11S 19th -Day - December, 1970:. • Mrs. dilbett,1-1:arhiltort. acconi'= panied Bruce Hamiltonand child ren toy London on. Saturday ;. where they: visited patients ', Mrs:_E3ruce: Hai:iiiltom-a►,d-fiytrs: Alex Mai Lead: Bothladies are snaking favourable recoveries, following:.., surgery'and are 'expected'home. 'this week G.W.Joynt Reeve. . • Jamieson Clerk READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED. DAY OF. • 1970:. . Reeve Clerk NOTICE : RE HEARING -.Anyone wishing to contest this -by-law, a hearing will be held on Monday,, 'January .25th. from • the hours ' of „9:30 : a.m. to.. 12": a.m. at the :.mnicipal; office in Lucknow. Council .will then act on the strength of the reaction of ratepayers: 3' —:1969 PONTIAC, 2 door hardtops n various models 1969 - PONTIAC, 4 'dolor. hardtop Z, 1968' PONTIAC-PARISIENNE, r2`door- hardtops;; ,fully'_ equipped 1968 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, 6 cylinder 2 — 1968 CHEV Impala'4 door hardtops :,.. Used cars ,from 65- to'613. in, various models, sedans, hardtops -- and .4 door — .90% of all cars are V8, power steering and: all , atitomatie w USED WILL VISIT NEW Z:EALAND • Mr; and Mrs .• John. Needham,' visited/With Mr ;and Mrs: lNrn;. Andrevi Jr on their.'retuth froin. Florida. 0n,Satutday they left -Halton by ,plane or' -ancouver where they'will,tsit• briefly with Mr. and Mrs`. Russell Macnougall 1'ir he fore sailing to New Z'ealand.. Week erid guetts at the home. Mr.l'and Mrs". Richard Malleck Jill , :;Kelly , 12anda1l,'.Todd and Sandy of "Kitchener 1970-CHEV 3/a, ton "pickup :with V8 engine 2 —' 1969 I'ORD V8, 1 ton stakes with .duals 1969 CHEV 3/4 ton pickup 1968 G.M.C. 1 ton pickup • • Mrs Douglas 'Gt'aha n , tiles Do'na1d.•C .Maciptyre, Mrs.'Ira.., Dickie', Mts.. Allan Mao1Doig11 and Mrs', Allister Hughes attend Maitland, presbyterial -Society held in Winghatri on'Tucsday. I)%ttner gncsts friday evening • with Mr. 'and yi.rs ' 'Wni . A idrew. arid' Mr0.,. and Mrs. John Needham were Mr..,. and 1r .''Lloyd Mat, Dougall and Mand Mrs ira.• 15i.ckte i r .., Maclirinon visite'd': etc fntly'w'i'th rN`e_il. Mac:1)oiald and Mr, anti ,Mrs.ftussali arlbo p 4t11d i'n 'Tceswater. 1967 G.M.C. 1 ton pickup 1967.. FORD' 14 ft. stake body. 1966 CHEVROLET: tilt• cab,. 14 .ft.. stake body 1964.--1,ton-stake .° . . ti Y..i A Lumber of Econoliie and Chevy Vans from.'64 to.'67. •111801S.: Served Station'__.._ Pkor.. 8816173 • Being mindful of the action of the Lucknow Village Council in reading .a ; first and: second time a 'b -law permitting Sunday Sports in the Village of Lucknow and being unanimous in its' desire_to• rott&the_pertods for__publ.ic_skating=aga-ins pre p b otheractivities inthe Lucknow' 'Attila, the. Lucknow em tin Arena • 9peyi�at><ng Committee have approved the -following policies• .� : in regard to the operation of the. Lucknow Arena: lin- kor, in., de- the rby. of lot Es- \of Fate' ted of len • • t -h 'iso activity shall fake place' nor be scheduled in .the Lucknow t , Arena until the conclusion of the 2 hour public skating. period.on any Sunday afternoon. The, following public skating periods shall be maintained and shall not• be pre-empted by:any other activities, ' except under. unusual circumstances+ •oiwithout h approval --and' ' the concurrence' of the Lucknow Arena Operating 'Come mittee. Wednesday .evening. 8:00 10:00 p.rr., 2' hrs.• Satiirday.;afternoon—Y2:00 4:00' 1n► P x hr. Saturday evening -- 8:00'a 10:00 p.m. -- 2 hrs. Sunday afternoon .....,'2:00 ,:.4:00 p.m.'— 2 hrs, " 8 hrs4 .wi.kiy• ("i<n•addition,, the Committee will shortly adopt further; rules and regulatiions to ensure' the best arena operation for the tnax- itnuni benefit and 'enjoyment), , +: itt