The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-20, Page 15EDNESDAY, JANUARY 2*. ,1l7i . lE REASON TRUN /S MAW TNANF/efl 4$' /S : BECAUSE. WE /1EAR SIAL/TIZE /T// ,UCKNQW PHONE-.4284430---L:- Miss, HONE..5283430—t '_ Miss, Nancy 1Ci•rkland.of Strat- d--.Teacher',' .College.= Was ',prac e teaching in Galt last'week High school',students are writing an;r;s ttri� week; The 'Ladies of t:he National rrli'I.;nioiiare l'ia.ving a'bake '. 1e, [ti Lucknow„ne:xt Saturday:: - Cha ric.5 aturdaYCharles Wilkins, .w.ith other, ates of the area attended` •'. ectors' meeting :in Ottawa' last Way' .to Wednesday. Mrs:• Je.ans11enr'y and: Faye re.-. ,. ned `home• recently after visit. wit'ii \tr ,lien! v's'sister 'at'' rdrna , :Califorr ia: They"made; trip'b}plane Mr.- and Mrs•. Andre•k 'Ritc:hie.. sited recently . w ith• Mt.. a nd :.--henry. Gardner and 'Laite , Mr; aid.:1\1r, • •Wm, ,Hiinter. in-hoiidoti: 1 lri4 . ere they. visited: Mrs.' Kern idlaw who has' becn.'sufferlllg ri a hack injury, which'resulted' ti a, f•all ;on ice' sone 'six weeks' o.• Mr: and Mrs, '. ohn-Hunter-and . niily. visited On .Sunday with • Mr d• Mrs fla'rold Mena ry - of Cain - r THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ?LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, PAGE FIFTEEN R�Iafe 'Experiences Brie In Mexico 'KINLQUGH'NEWS . Mrs Jack Scott.was hostess for: the Citizenship •rnee'ting'of the Holyrood W. pien's Institute at her .home: on 'Thursday evening and despite.the'wintry weather 12 71-a--01-.0 and- 6 genrlenren were in attendance, The -president,,. Mrs. ;Raynard ' :Ackert welcomed e•veryoneand• thanked the,hostess and..Mrs. Cox 'for having this meeting. Follow= ing the ode ai. d :the Itiiary Stewart,, Collect .;,.i1rs. LorneEadie read'': theT-torr-Sponde-nee , --Sever=a-1 of-� -these let:ters'•were 'thank you'.' notes froth those 'receiving cheer io boxes at Christmas and a, letter, of; appreciation from Mr. and • Mrs' Rob.Shouldice' (,J ip.e,,Acke.rt) to the ladie's for the capable way that, they, Served` their luncheon \buffet•the evening of:;the wedding. at Ripley,. ''A` donation was made to the ve;orge,Cear`fund ' Mrs. Frank Maulden re'ported'.. Fractures' Leg Ho. 4.ckey. Game KINGSBRIDG.E NEWS: Tommy Sinnett ,...son of Mr, and Mrs 'Jim• Sinnett , had the misfor:- tune;of ,breaking, his l.eg ,at a :hock ey .game in .Lucknow ,last 'Wed •nesday even>ng, 1,ts Dion,Wilson and children of :Tor'onto 'are spe nding •a few weeks holidays. with Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Vassella,' Also.spending the:week end with Nlr..and Mrs., Fred Vassella ,were Mr„ and Mrs. •'Art Bowter: of on, the unsuccessful efforts 'of .the committee, ,who were, in •charge -'of the 4 -FI course. 'MIS:. Lorne. gadfe reported on,the successful card party, on Tuesday evening.. • Morley will' replace 'Eric : Parsons on ,the. grotip,cornrrriitee of the Boys—Scouts. !2011 call was."If 'you ;were to leave Cana,da is what country would.you''like to go to live and' why? ko live' and why? Mr; ;Ackert- gave the.rndtto - Th'e Worldis'thy, country., Man,' kind. is niy frie:nd; .which concluded with suitable•,P oem . a ., • \Irs Morgan Johnston gave a citizenship .paper,.• The hostess introduced' the guests of the evening;. Mr and' Wilfred :Sha•ntz-, who first showed pictures and then.. related soof:their.:e:xpe experiences r:iences While on their•winter..vacation,i.n' •Nieico.. • It was one :year ago that Mr. .Shantz was; put,into, jail there.''Their talk was followed by a:lue.stion,aiid answer period-77- Mrs. eriod- - Mrs. Eadie on behalf Of the.Inst- time, presented thetTi;w.ith`: •gift rrr appreciation.. O''Canada and:Grace were sung and refreshrnenta were. served. •Tart Hard. Ackert •on lehalf-of y gentlenieri' present..thanked the l es for'stich a, ..leasant •eVeriin ` LADIES AND MENS:. W'EAR ;Mrs..John Austin and iNsis•. John Howard. spent last Tuesday in 'Rid getow.n, where ,Farnier's week Was being held at the Ag'r`icu.ltur4 Col lege;there and Tuesday was ladies' day:; lvlr and Mrs; John :Moyer of. Ayton visited with Mr:, -and Mrs. Joe.Va.n Osettand, fartaily on Sun- day;. T.lic ladies' 'volley ball.anr`s -,re held every.'Tuesday.; evening; Y,, ai 8'30 in,the school -gym.:. 'All :ladies are invited to come'out for an :eveatrng's Helen Cotir,triey..of ,Kitcl ener . spent the week end with her par tt encs: 1 r,.' and 'Mrs.: Lep Courtney. , Y _ Mrs Con•,Hereogan win London on Mond:ay:o:f last., week and while 'there;=v-i'si-ted. with Mr:. attd—Mrs. Kerry. Hogan 'and Todd ,An.Outdoor skating rink,'ha-s g been rnade at St." Joseph's: School,: ltev Father Lloyd Ryan df • Guelph visited last week'w'ith: M.r.. :and Mrs„ WalterClara; ald Mary Luanne PURP LE GROVE Walter Collins returned home.. last week„ aft,e.r s end'in Borrie • - ••P•. time in Kincardine hospital Also hospital in-Wirtgham since ,New Years i`s 'Ralph Hill,Mrs. Jack.. el�i�s_s o>ti a SastP'ouJie."r left arrii.' Janet ,fractured;the'arni when she, fell:. .Best i hose who are ..still 'slightly. Under the weather. Amon those frorri this area . ea . who. attended C7rey.-Bruce harm' ers''week in Fla.no'ier last:`week were Walter Forster ;.k Gordon Pat- terson,'•1Don McTavish :Francis F3oyle ,. Don McCosh.;; Keith Mau•l den,,, Gordon. MacDonald' and Don Bit"`sheJl.. On• Ladies'. day' Mrs. • Cecil, S,u;tton, Mrs Francis 13oyle Mrs. William Arnold and Mrs... Don McCosh of this, area attended • Ctiests-on Sattirday'of Mr and Mr's Doig McCosh and DiCk'Were, • Re.v:..'and;\trs •Wii'liani'Colweili of Detrbt, Culbert.and , Mr., and `.Mrs; Ardill`'Nlason of :. �[Zipley iid Betty aMilli uc : Col'wefl. of South Kinloss • • The Ski -1)06 C 1r.ib Mei. at the; Community Centre :on Sat'urtir evening'•and Suiaday:° A card 'party was held at the,: C,ntrc oar Friday cvetitiig with ;cnouYt;h, for six. tablas attending, :Marion• E rn.cr'son and Margaret •`{4 =i r► e - ort =on turd -B • Etiiersori were Winners of pries:. - .1lri a. (. iliics and J•tliie Elliott • lr . wcrrr on't110 comtnitt0e." ,Hiss 1 k atl�ie-r" 13oylc• spent the week-er df.witli �'�1i"fi.- t3t�ssic• Fat'reil and boys of I<- ucardi°tre- ` arid' k1rs,. Farrell and boys;wcire' gu'ests'on•Stinday of< Nit''. and :S',1r5. 1 ticis•1'3oylc� and faritily,. N1ts.,t)on i:obcr;t'sort •ittc;nded� the Annual•Meettng'`of tlic 1�1aitland +17r'esbytc&izt�1 Wou p's 1�1'issio'nii'ry Siii ie;'ty at kyi ilarir+ on Tuesday, Editor ''in, Chief Robert Rooney Assistant Beverley' Smith Mary MacCharles =- Barry' MacDonald •Bruce:' Aitken:• ;11tLS' I3rAS-K'E1BALL Riple):tea ms played host'to • •Sac'red Heart, Thea senior teani .played 'a' Vry close exciAtin game .and carpe out: -on "top with. a: score 4'9:7 43 over Sacred Heart. The :junior 'team walked all.: over. Saercd Hea"rt"w ith a :decisive. victory:.of 40 = I1 infavor of'IR. D. F1`..S.• BO'i S','I3'ASK1 TBALI. The :male team; fromk?iple, Y •• journey1ed''to Sacred l-Ieart;�Walk . . erton:.• the'pressure 'Orland Bill Kirkpat ' . rick: tanage;d to score what turned' out.: to be the w innin ...,goal g. Luc k now ulled'th 'ir o lie .in the "last last., minute minute but failed to store against, • Ri ple s d•efensive<set u F Y,, p. "SLAPSHOTS The 'Ju,nio'r. game was`' very ex -iii • time' the' score• was• tied The team 'then played. an over.-- Y `time er.iod which ag ain `re'sulted- P. g iti. a tie of 50 5CY..`' By this tithe,. - a •• - r Ripley'.was' beginni-ng to:tire; and - - by,tlie end of the secot d.overtir> ie y pe=riod. the score was. GS '7.50 for ` • Sacred' Fieart. ' The senior team had a.very'', rough game,, ';Within: two nunutes of the start; our :scat guard was hi -tacked' by.'a heavy elbow of a,ii'oplo{Tent: Donald_"Moc” Martin"is; sti1l;cecovering frons:his two black eyes a,nd,�cracked' nose ., received in that cheek."' Sacred Heart won the. encounter JUV-ENILES I3REAK SLUMP' Ripley Jtiven:iles, �rec;overed from their four game 'slurp with a vie tory over L•uckiiow on Sunday.' •Alla•n• Ma.d(ay: opened the scoring, thanks goes to. Eric Thacker .who 'Waited to • ive De ' ' g nnis . Martin a ride.:to.Guelph. -Brian •MacDonald ` play ed a. . played 'great : amle `on defense g -team spirit was exceptionally: high,during'Sunda:y's game. CURLING •' •:-cosec` t=hs�k were :. Moeda ;'Do•n:Martin 7 .Kathy Irwin 9,; Gle:n' W Ids 11; 'Joan Fer Luson.-,2•, BrianD9-, Judy Hod Te: 8 g • Ttiesda ., . -.Robert Roone y•.6 ,Nl .r' r t la Anri�C a e ourtrie c , Ter r Elliott7 Gailail.Courtne •??.; Peter e r •Walden: 44 ,'"Wendy Courtneyr . Wednesday Joanne• Mcvarve''• 121 Barry .lvlacPonald 8:, ';Mary \lac,; Charle:s 13; Mary' McCreath '2 Margie.-: 1\-1acKav .$ Bil%lCir'kpat rick 'S.: On Wednesday of last week; half of•th-e Rtti. H. S, Gra-d-e =Tho teen class :went t o Owen. Sound ' to see the CWOSSA•ronspiel. ',The RDHS girls• team ,. composed' ;of :KG atth1 yClor irte e y. . Ma x 11/4.1a Charles •- • sae finished their last &ta•ttle `before he' six':,ar� ved VVe' = '`N•loc" with a,.si..zzlin.g slapsliot frons . > • t • center ice . .41-' t _the; scrota:d ?'Iry McCreath , Jackie Johnston .- .Jud)^ -..dodge 7ea.R Scbtt-and. korb- ert Roone) -had-:a .nice, dri�ee anyway. The , i-rls''Won their first 2 Y a dies', ;agains,tGalt and West Hill. They. wer�e:finallt= .cd�Wed. by SauY(*eetir• Luckno.wtied the score .arid twent ,al cfi'd 3, - 1,-St•arting the third period , two down, Ripley had to worli to get,bat.k into the waple, Elliott Courtney 'scored tw,o,goals qc rc Rip1e.y. that!.32 t_.. LEANERS OPEN MON., TUES., VIED , F`.Rh•,. SAT. 9 A,M, CLOSED THURSDAYS ALL . DAY «. • DRY CLEANING, 1 SFIIR1, SE ICE 'HONE 6 P.R. INBY10A,M, OUT BY - 6'',P.Ilil, 1 r28.2335':