The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-20, Page 11.91n • •• , . , .. - • • ._ • -_.' • 20 .11.911---.'. . . -IKE • 0 - - EONE.-5DAY* JANUARY . ._:. A::,'kielKNOW.,-- s-..EriirrtiEk,i AMOKNOLvt,t-ONTARIv. - PAGE, Et.Elig.f#•.• , ,. 'U' , . .. . . '.. . Blokes' C . •. . , , . The '. J0,nnary. meeting 911 Trl ... , .... . , ...•,));al'i'. ,-(1..nitect Cli4t'oh,' WoMen. INAS' .held • at Z p; RI, on, January ., thatthe hc,rbe .ipt,...mr.s... /3ns.e.ilt., . • ••:Phillips. There were ten' ,,.. .. ......,....,..,....„,.. ...t.....: South Kinross: 5, .. , • • . • . Mrs Harry LaYis was`hostess • ' - ' • " 4.' :. . • : ''.- ' ' ..•.•-'.' •-• 7 la.D..tiary -in'Oeting .pf.:$, ou!ti ..Kinloss Worneni''S MiSSionary Soc., . . . ... . , „ . .. . .. . , . ,. . .. .: ungannon ...., . ,..,........: .„ .: .. United...„. ..... , . , , . :. , . : 'Chu' lociiteld - ' H. ' ' ' • '. . 4..P nnualMeeting. • -.•• ....''..„••1' ,:-'.-• . . . , . . FOR CONTINUED HEATING- .. . . .. COMFORT - . , .. Tmetribers...present ';,. ,Mrs,-; Chris..()01<0.4(09k.chrge.0f;the 40,6,, ., tions wlii-Oh.'clOoloped. a:rOund-T.the ... theme••• "Think:Of the need ib. • ..---4-', • ' ' ' • - ' ' '' • • • • . - ..ety,','. ,'Mrs...,.. Pgriald• 1\laol.rity(e. . presided.- • '-‘11.je ill.ble, Sttidy,,..:c.c.0,-. ' 'e;:sis..1'.'1'4•-••;a,..'eaP1' 1:?4Y: e•.'"1.?.14.i.n.,e•d..• ,b.Y.'' ... Mr.'''. • •••-•.vn. Keitha•'. 'Six'.1,:e01.:Plet11-: DUNGANNON _NXis ' , .... .... . ,......, . ... . , . . . . . .. • The anua1.1,n,q.04pg of. Dungan - jiPn.•'14.r.itt..01: Clgktch.,'ma's.sheld 0.0'.: • -ThlYrvd - . . - • • . finOW.,illa( 0.1,4,i...'.1•110-, are :Ot v,4,1t-ty .-. Mr,-...Willialn •lr.),,!,i,n•ilead die:.: • seriptiire..leisOn.' from •jOn.,, Chap-.,. • ter 1, ',.'•'.E.4.c.b' pers.on. is, unique. be rs---answ-e-re-chtli-e-ral-reall"w it11---- . ,,,,..,.: verse'.:.: ..s.,',....‘.• 4.-9,',k'-'?f.........W4q?•:F:•.:.0.!..',... . t\trs.:,„ pougla.s. (3r,,aliamr.and ' • Mrs. Ira •Dickie were appOin..ted, aN'i.' January ..14-th-'follOwing . !. ' ..;,,; ' , - ..... • .. .:,- ... - • .'., - ..,.. a. pot' -luck dinner • . ''. •.'R.e.!.,.. MOC•lenaglian.' presided' • • and • reports'Ygiyen,.*i.rictio. a. t. ed.. •a: :very' .• • . ••.. E$$0::; WI` .4.,-.44.,, • • .45.1 We rnitst. accept ourselyes' and ' know". there ,is.no.,O1rie'.:Q1S'e ill the • -•'' . ,, ..• .- • -. •:', whOle: world, 10.e. -us..". , 011.0w•InA.Proet:w s‘tolgr,q1c„,. . •,lf•y-n-in' -,•,:-"..S.tailding."al''..the.- Portk.as'-'..i •• . All enjoyed a tea.d nig ,by, ..lvii.s.,.., ItiSse•ll Phillips (ialle.d•,.. '!)2eSolu - . • - . ,' . • • • ;lions. Anyone'?" taken from the . '• .. ' : . • ' :January Reader' S •Digest,, • ' , . L.iv.irigs(0:ne •Nie.ri,a. r'y; ipt• rod, . .. delegates: to .the Aniitial•nOting Id in St 'Andrew,' • • .t.Q.b:h. • .• • • - --; • ',• a • . .Cliureli , Kingnam ,, January 1,2t1172..,. ,..,. Irs:,..„.E•vari. Keith introduced the : ,study.book, .".M a n .Nledia, and. the ' • .' -. -: .• ----„ ., • ., • ' .. • : . , -: ..... • ,, Mess.a:ge. ',.• which was, explain.ed. . • in an interesting Way.. . ' Several.'Merfibers -took part in • . . • • •-••• ,•,. ,: • ': -... - • :the'. Prayer Circle, . ,.. .. • KIrs,, Willard • DOw.ney• gave. the, .aetive year 111 all dep.•,artiiients., . Now Offieers..Were added.,..to/lioardS.. .. . . , Harold rErringt'on and 1<.;.•payisOn . S,V,,e•te,:elee. te.(10, :S7es.i.0.11..• ,".1:0. 111' Culbert , l)erk...1.,:o12,tenber_g,anct .. •, i ..• . -., . • .. .,.. s • • . . 139„p.. :yl.Q...N.C.,',471.: ,w.....e.r‘.4..a ff. oibte, 0,...,0.a tn., d Board, Of Stewards.,Two new . . . `V.rkitQXs..Wer(*.'. appolrited.'..;.' (..44110•11.1. • • • • • •. -.. . „. McNee.and.lioward Culbert. Miss - .... •'. k . i • . : .. • . . k. a....r....n...::::•171i,. ‘.1e:Ct-' ,t".‘?"P•t,41. NI.r.s..,t.i•Pird.- • .CIIIIrch, organ-1'st, . •, ,•. . TOP..QUAL:ITY .ESSO. . . . . .„ . . . HEATING EQUIPMENT: • , " • ; (tilodown iaitnetit,i0 years 10 PO' ROI( .IIAVE. Phone ' 528-10.12 , • •• ESSal)IL BURNER . . . . . . :HOME HEAT .... - . SERVICE. - ' AT. NO OST •TO YOU. S .140kncii0.. . • . . . , . . . . . . . . . SALES and••SERVICE: .• . , .. - • , i ,., .. ite"ed., the new .Study .1,3boKon '...1'he ,. Ame,ricas.....: she •d:).)0se. ttie stoiy ', eOurtesy. remarks ' Mrs. Douglas . • . . ...., . . - .. • • , . Graham, 'Closed the'rneetOg Wttpl .••' - • CH .tinrIll'i4,11.-4,s Mrs.. .K., K.:.1)a.wson is seCretary... .. ...... • .. , • •• .... : .. . 'date . . ' ' HOME HEAT SERVICE - , \ • ',Asseri')bly,l,ine" whilv., t90:', , *. place in. Mexleo. -A farmer 'nitcle. . . prayer. , . • : . :-. • '• .- . , • •"‘•., ' '. T. n• ncite..sS• and d,..irector.s. served ' .•:;A...cirilyer§a,ry 4,twit,itix.ely.,• set .for.Sel,te.t-iiner:i.6 , .10:•!•11.',.. ....... • ••:...... ., - . , • . Unit 2- 11....C.Iiil . i • • " Ltickn•o*:',. Unit 1. \ .ve,r...y...ft..i:§1.i.'i;J.o.ts. fl'Orr) native •111•11.01-,..-- • ' ., ...... . ••traws-and. coloured,:tli,ernfrom'•:. lid r-n-A•de-4-1-1:e-.-d-id-'4101 .' • • Stroh d donation of S25.. ZA) to be , . -a . 1 •Liiiit 2 'of...the, LticknOwt, . Lln:itdd, • 1 .• "NI r••s..;''ROSs .Cumming Was host. - for. .;:i ..... .• .. ... .._ ....... .. .,... ... ,. "tha rge...nincli for them :but enjoy- ..'.,',.-. e4 thework ihis spare , dealer •fro rn...T.he',....11Init•ed. States• ; • . • :s. where could sell large . aw ... • , . . .. . • ..- cfikahtit.ieS of .these hisketS and , . • , .. • ,...... . • • ..ifs(d•lin .11:eVs,:for..k. in •St • ;•.1.9nnis.: . i,;. *ewfoordiatdShe•greatly appreciated •the it-..fhOughtfu lneSS ' 'and will f.dport,'‘',./h.on:,shd"lia. decided wh.ere it can.,,he•plaeed... , . • 1 - a :avattrage . ••• • t ri ldi • ' HoAnnua LA• ...l\lc;.$1DF, NEWS ..., r . . ,'La iigside • PreS•byteijaif.I41..rch ' • ., ., - .. .11:1-„O.171,Vonien, .rndt in he Fejloui 1s-..h.i•p 10l'0...111 - of trh.-..iLInit.d.'cr r'..,h.':u.r;.c'h' ..''C,.h.--u.rc•h with a).attndaneof 14 \1ri .13.4,y,na.rd''.Aclett•••opene,d the: mdc.t- in-.,• With'. 0Now ,Ydat'',' ‘4.1i.s4.,.• f ' ,. . `• ' , All:::repOrts.frornYthe coriini.ittee! , . ':, €ss b.rritti•'..0-f'41-Hk-n-Ow Unite, W.0n-e.:,.o.n....la:nr•.u'a..iji5 : .' ' • vi14'nenbers and i:VisitO' r' present .. • .r .. , ......, , . . ..' Iv.4.!..'•1\l'•:..:•4•q'g...7146.---nq,0 tt1.6, ..'r-r.W.''''' . j-Pg...''Ari.1' '''a. r.:•aqi'fig 7.The''. Old •a.rid ".. 'Eh ',....: - , •,',:le.:x jean -refused to. 6061ply...with ,... ... , . . , ., " 11..1•Ci 1:4.:it .a ri-nii4 1 ..-,.. ongre gari.a A •$f.; . 00 donat.iorl from Nit's, i ' ' • - '••• ' .. •-• , • • ••••• ' `..-' '.'' • . .. ..,... • . ...L....i ey ..____ conveners:- We re•giveh 14sc tt ssion • • •...-on.,:diffe„,,4.?..nr,...„Fr„6,,j,c,,,c.4,,s.:,,,lbra..4.11.0..L. coni.„';'.... , . , : • . . . . ..c.' ...NJrc._,.__. K,in•,..,a,.....P,Tf„._f_er._i."..0.g...•AiPr.:4y,e'.•fP.F....,.,......, ..... his• selienie7beettrusefreTOtrit-not-.,7 , . . . . . ••WeaYe.,s9.010 or hiS,p)Wfi song and ' 6,01 in16: i'lis'PrftY.'1•)ask.'"f 'he • 'orrrnai-IT'FSliaCkler9n:,was.'gtateful;,". - „ . . . - , (i enn 0: , •e , Inter.rp•-t.noi:erator ....,ly•.receiv.ed,' . •• ',.;,... of ..i.atigsidearnd..Wilite.c'hu'rM. , . ... ' .A:46'71. I)i'dgra,In ^ra,s .03Lighiv . chaired the itie.,e...fin:s'...... • ' . • .. .: % • • . '.1... •,.. • ' . - • .„ing. year' were. group'. .0p...h. ,lt. wls ...ye,did.e,d .to nolo. the ...j.t,10.e -i.ne:e../ i 'lg.,. iis.i is.. J. w vg.41.1 tile:. . •• ... .the New :Year • the ininuteS•w.ere':• . •••••.;!, „ • ..... , .: .1 '.., ,• . ,., .. . ..rea.d, and tr.ta:s9.r..O.t•f.s..rd•pOrt."i.,,,•71.).•e..n.", •• :•',,lrs..7 B..... 1.,:: forted,to.•,prod:ttOe 'h.'s wares ., ... 1.0 L,i,fge .n.i•inihe:rs.: ...,:l.lis" persOnal, .. , '.i.,..1.1.'s.1•1:1,71?"(:°:11..ici...1:1:,y.th.pitni,141•Y!...8b1-d!'eisst,t.ir.co.)a,coc.1°, '7,,-.1.,.P..'.7...,. r'S .;.C.li f..f,,..K.Ii1Pair.f.c, k...r e a d ., -.. ... ' ''..ston', ‘,., ..., cliellitr.,ie;i.S,..!(.1.?,....:NekWit.. ,1'..,,,.,1•:..ii...ir.).'t.<,...()0•1-eie,es.i:ii,,iii.,(5•g'1'1.1....i.1id.-."1,1.i1;ei.,.i..7fil,.iried..:.,'-...t.e.....n...t.h1.:1:11:.;t$1•1''),.,.,pn. ,... No 111 -.5.1tzictile.tun ,,, :N1 r'S ./. . .• •• ,... . -• . .. . •. .. . ..• ".• . • .! 0): :7;..r..011-',: ,:),If,S:,:(e,ori2;e•S‘,..0..1.1der'S. , rs'i'H'I.).ori.'51.10'11.:: 'NI''r:'-•••'1••en,.''' N45.•:' , st,,i's,iii .‘'.x.io*I<Q..,.. \i"rs';'(;raiiSibP, .^.1,7hc •-:,1.?..'•11:•.:0•.•,..E.'10. 4)ii...a,1..:iiI(J.,.:1..\11:• S'.:1 k' .0. --, ' '..."..toit,,At m...y ..•.. • .• • • ,..i.:::hc,,, c•Toirp 0s:ern( Nirs-,. 144 ..s.:*(..... .. . ...••'; , .•••• • • • 'Of• . , ..,.•• . ,.. . . ..... . , drafted, to he printed for .use,..,.. ''.'"I'he...viA rious reports silowdd..t.11,e • . . .. . ....thrbiighoutthe• :year-. . •eo-igre.,gati:oi:i. has 'mad c .. p,ro,i._,,treSs. • ' 1:17fie.,Soe•ljecy 'ex:te..nds-ii's4N....rnpa 7 .,;..p.irfi'flia, 11.• and financially under thY 1.6 '''1..t. • • "i.tid..mi's.': Rigsell...j°1-1.ft- ..tly....) Pa.s.tOral:•••lead.ership'..of Rev.. . who..iost their 10171e. by fire..., , Horace Braden and '.N1r ,..Xiictor::: -);..'s,..', aalt....:tN,'''FlOit...t.se." .ci. : I-45 . '..,.,W..,,Y., ble.4-..a1.,(.ati,r:..p.. re:„..s.elit..:.S.:.:t!..it c2,. cl, sip., d - ii [TIC,. • : .. : ':-....' ..''....`...SUPP )''. .. . .. ';'''' :::'. :: .',: .. . . . . . . ''•fli,e ittem.berstbtsession.are. ..t\'-'101.1.. ;fie. $:-1.:11,1:tii;11;1, 01,1c,.(7, 1 ed; .'keY . .C. 'ilen 11 ,N61)1O'.,.. inie.r'l 1)1 (.).(1• - .. . ., .i.Or- '1.:s'e',1.11..,k01.-6,•1.....-. . -. . - .. '' '. ..era tor „..,.i. trier Scott .,.. Arno (.. scott. 1 '. II' • • . •'' 1 l'' , • . ,ie nieetine, wa. c,lose. w 14. . - and ,(,•ordon Wall •• • :. , .. .0.1..it,O. 1,,,. • Lk. hos, .1 '4..s.z'c'.'s. '...: :.1.rs.: .,Prii,1 ' ...:..".1'he'..15oafd of •Manaii.,' ers -is cam 7 .ii.ps...i.i.nct:.,,,,u-,."3...,,,qp,6,1w:§Q.1-..,..;.4.,.,... • - . • . . . •••• • • •••••• " .. pr.ised, of David W:illian•I: • dU...i.hty., ln ut•-. h.,. • . .-.... „ A. . : Y 'ID UO14 ,Yreter. Lre• Rot: f• „-.Ja-mes. - . • ,.,„: • • • .. • ... , • •.:%. ,Yoiitig .; .)tOhi..qt. firerild'11..: c‘'coi..0. .7' . . ' • ' ' ! ' ;.j. il,. ..YOuno, , •ElMer Scott-, .(...ordon..vva.11 ) • •-•. -• . , .,,.. ......• , , Li id M'r's,.14:iii.CS'... YOt 0ufl (,;' • ..1' rQacti rcr.. . . . . °frfc''''.1s 'Qtect:•c'd.f41:7. 111 1' -.'AI'l° -. at. .;,Joynt...,. , h b•I , . • sale , d ..mrc • :j , it .i. e ., .. ,o )y, ,ap . , . ,.., .o), i , , .c. 'a. p•. a hie,ab. 6.L10....11L L 1 ' , ,.; • ' ' . .::.,.. :t .1.1 :w.orsh.i.p; ser...v..1•,"c'.e..,.w•as .gi•v'ell: , by Mrs .HFidon 1-16ndersoi 'Open- .• ...., • • •• ...-..-.1', •,/ . ....,..•,.. .••• • .: . .. tlik...: y inn .-0,.. Uod,. our .. • help in in.,4,1ds" • pa's'f". ,'" tile .t..h.e•I'n'., was C'n.titIC(.1.."Tinie Tor takii,i0 'sib(' k" . • - • ...••••••,•,...". ' .,.,•.... - ...,.' • .v..'•,‘..,,•: ... ,s('?.".'•Pl.-11r.L•' 'f.'"(1111.gS ••‘.q.'••(.- rc 'I i'•,11' troni .the,.•Hehre.ws iirid'ionh.,''.. slit.:.,... . . . - • , •• . . - .stat•:.ed..,we'<rsan tart •our..New..:1'.e.Ltr...... • ci.,, -. , i _Idol' .-c .k „ :1, W 'fill . ;.i...11 .(.41101 ,a r ., gt . 1. •,--,. . •. ' .,, ... . • - .• . . - .. ' • •-. • ..' • . .,1 ti 1 1.),.. for . ta krno. 's•toc..1;,• c.).1 .•pur - ., •,,...... ,...,..,. ,.. .,',T.... ,. , .. selves% , N,11.11 (,,titi'st ., 1.wip Ny(..' . ' „: - --•,,•••,.,- • ,, ' • - ' : ...,...i.li ,.-N.,;.6.•....n. pAy,3.v.:pi.tr,r:es214.Hiettrz: • - -, '• ', :•!,,,.... '' • „; •••• ; '-. . i 011 ••• .;attu pi.';‘,,,j1i,(.tt'c'e a...t)c! rypcn,..t. o •,.,r. ... . . • , .,.. , , -, ,. ,. • . r • •,...n“ anq ,iinci lorL....1% c,„nc...z.s.,- for • , • ' • ' ,..... ,,.. •',..•.,-. ••; .- ' ... ,...... • ( foroi\,es and, lotoLts.. This art lo'f.'171I'd•••••I.n'd,...1.it hi 10(1‘,,ia.s.'..clOst-Yd".:: ,. ,W.... ,,Andd'rson.,• . . ...7-,.. •(•-..onverted 'for, t,be.pr.0..rari opeP.''',. :in'e• with the, teadiri.,"..iew Flori7'.., . . . • ,Tiz.01.1".,..1...A.,. fly n)r.),. ,w-,-,,sii-ng:•,..," 1:.11-11'.e'''.. • lv. readiri0s,'"Greet the; New"' and. ./. , . 0 ' • ., • - • , • The 'New. ..1 ear. • were 1\ en •: . , .•,...-•._ ..:•„7,....., ...,.. ••-,,•,•., . .• ..',. '..N.,:l..r-s7,.. (-,.....P.m..171.:1,.P.g. ..,,-., NI•r*.s.:...,. 1..1••;•n, '2.......,r.!,,,...i. ' • J'15••.scr'Ttur...,ana"....17:1--clit..a,P9•0..'...' closing.w",ltii '1)1'A \'.'r.. '..A. readino ."If,:lesUSCa Me to Yoiir...kcii.:%:••••e.'"'...- ' . ., - ' .. , - ., 7:,... ..... was read. hy..Mrc 'N' • J. Mac ken 7.,. , .. . ,... . t • , ....‘.. . • -.,.. .7.le. ...'l•he to r iy .()11:.:'..3.1itiid'al()"": - . ' ... . : . • .• • • ' - ....:.. :••• ..,. , wmi „ta Re n-:•bv. Irs. ..F. Rice ' -At. . ... - • ... - •,.. . - • '.• ., • •••• ..,. iiite.i6sting.que.stiOn and .•"ia ns.\,,,. period followed ••••:',1.1i \`'n,n ‘‘as••'• . .. . .2 -,- .' . •.• '-. ., ••. ',.. 'qin.,,, -;\ 1 r: -• Kim,' .A,•er \;. .'c'ara blv •-. ,... o.,...., • . .- -:.,.• ...7,, , ..,,".. . , ,..•••• ,, 1r.L..sontc.L.1 tl-iv ,first cliapter.o.f.,-th,c.4.Y. rik'.•N,....•••stilay;b0bi:.....:. .- , ..- ..•*.l'it'''.'".11•.'-',11 'V`is:•an"Sw•e.r:t;d...'.1D)' ._ . Friday,. JeL,Fititity ,...; , 221.14,.' . . .101: , ipors ,• .1.4O":1-iert ,Ireeman:-and. . ... ./ - • . .. . •.. , . . Robert • Orr; . Trustees 1111 Cr Scott..., i Angifs•-•StrOnite ari.d t.',........rraliaiii.. . . h,lOffat:i. •L .4,hors , Simon •de.'ifoct..... . . .. NAO.-Elat Don,,1141,,,sCott. . : • , • , .. - ' .1••• .• • •..• • d a ,LW ;ear .s' ,r,eso talon and- with .a.„ N.,-!..v.,....lear',s. •re..!:0,1xtion..an. • .. , ' ' '• .':. • ' ' '' . • pa'nicn.t of-fe.es!„: ..lt 'was, deCided . • , , .. ,. . ,...t.O loll.ow ''la'st "year7.s Frogralli : The::: ... •I.rs.., ,110yiit.T,n..(.',...a 10\.0y. .t•,ei'i-d'ili, otilit-i.d :',,:NcA,',:.,,;:ear,:;.' • .1'...'bruary •tile,etirig is to'. bOleld .at .. . . . , e_lruirtie-OILL.%\lr..:i King • P-toje'zt.$....' ..k_tur4'0,y ,., • one of our ..• .. . . ..: 0.nd•'bonglas. Wa.11:,' Sulid";.i2).•,•'..i'icliciol..- . , • . ; , • .- ,.. . .. ly.O'asuret,•; .JOhn .de. 1:360r.:...• . • . • ..i, MR F..,,1 ..McNAB . . MR t\-.4-shc.s. e ,N1ts....Aeki.rt •IntrO•dite-e-.• . . . . ..... . ... . . , . tilt.,.,..1,10.‘,„. :i•ilz:i.• •ht5,0-1;,,•qiv:.i.thl fh‘e, ...I. :,,ic-..i-e disitdissecr: ..A ir)otiOn,•was ; ..'• ..lst ..1.,fi•i•.,p.t,,•c. r t..,..n,t-i.t.l.v.d..•.'",,..1.),'"1.ni.s...:..11.,,(.1 afilli4delse.,,chby.n.\,d1r..sc..j....b1>-.)1,....N.;11.:..s MacKenzie ..et,hr..istian the . •. will be at „. (oo' .,. stressing ..c.itiezi.t, fdr-','a•nk„':.W• i I 1,11)1::111.it.,:i...,alld ..'. We,,,h0vd 7.A •Stoc*Ipg,. Tea" ... '..i.rs.. . . ., , ..,,,,....... . : ",... ,...•.. ,. ., .. .. •• :..,. • - ., • ... . • --'-..--4-f',7L----.•----:,-.------7.---• THEREDFORD..:„ROT:EL',.GODERICH . . . . . . , • . " Sri.',,,.'1.1ELENS..N5WS ' . ....,,, *()11•,.-I'LlOsd.4'}',:•. s .,..W' '&10 l e r ...--,--g-40{..f...-;17-a,ke.,,•thk.-t-b&4iits . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , .. ''' < • '• , 0- ,•,. : M • s . -• i rio r . r I Nirs,...L.ordonissirl land a‘.k. two r . Cu Tirni reported fo, t, , . . •Teadincfc • , ., '.....••••••:',.. . -flOcy'd.i.'conlriiitted., rand NIrs : J.a.le ' • " - • - .... • ,. ... .. .. . . -. ', Ilic..414..0,_o_ii,),g:...t4.1.01&.e.a.:7.W..it4:.,:the,..... f_o_r,..Er.i.:e..ndship...:•• Tlie.,•ge t..... ,_____,., .,.. ,Mr , ,. -.,., lii%thiS''diStiit' and thronghOut'. tanada; tnany . ,b.pofic*ci .hcr lidiiie.,t: :th:o...Jantil:4.f.y '" . •..,. .. . -...• .. . ." ... , .. . • ' '.1,1•1:elliirtg.. of they,s'.1•.•' i'lei.e.i1.5:ti :(2.• W 'persona:and...firma .in practically all of' .. ... 11-1.0.L0,04in.<4 'W .„.14.,tinter nii.zpah .b.e. hedittion .., • 4‘,I,te liOstesS pc. a ti.ng..p f the iiiitpa.b...benedie't•'• ;,.:111d d.(111 iiil 1 i•L.c..,.e• se rved. lii rich .. ': tiOn in unison clos.e.d,the ,, . . .. hiliii•Joi),.(11w:LcI.it,hts,4L: , a's. 111 c.:11a r42;(;. -414,1t,8 4.:74-10-..: . ' , . .A,;s_acLt.1 ' '-boinoipiotiiii4a- - .• • .. .. , .... , .., .. . ... Mi.fler" ,:i..tid. ..1,t`s•:., ..toliiy.(.2,-.rnierOri-.: . . .. - • • ;Agriculture . • 0.• Tourist arid. Recreational. Mrs. ,1 lintiniel reaa.t.lte.:S:Cripttire... Businesses '.... .4. lc. sSOii Jah'n. 11.,..\;ersvs 1 •,-.14,-and ea . Rice •,' :Mrs..- Anderson and •N,IrS',.7N..•• • , • •:::,,,,t,,.,,,,„2,, a',..gsist'ingH•the. host,ess, • .. • .. , :Construction •Professional .. ., •• .\,...... Services • Transportation••Wholesale and: ; N'Ir.s.',.. Miller led ..i.fl.prayer, irS. .. . - • . .. . • .c4:r: q . r..' 4 0 . 'i poe.tu • and 't h,c creed, .:-44.MitiitTrrili• ii. . :Ha. . • ' ' On Orient• • • •.• • . • • • .speal:e.r.:wno was intzociuce.d.,.by. ' Mr.•„,..A4lie=-1#.'' , -01.6'-Welliistr.Oititet4t* f „ . .. . . ,. . . . „. ,•. - . , • . Was re pc a t.c...,d,i,..n „utilson... : have obtained }bang Tioni the 1.0B . to ' acquire . .: ••••1 ,he •tOple..•••was• Ott :.13..ta Z11" ..: M,tS,. .. - ... ... . • • - • ' land,. buildings, and l'..nachittety,.-.tii *iiii-etiae . . , . l'Oili , Todo and-Mr...."1"raill MoOtill,- . . ,. . , . • • . . . .. • •• .. •,. ,..• .. - • . - • • „ ' ' ' II.:114,?'S ,.A''.1'1C1', 56 .:9-1''.1-',11.C.' ki:Id•,'; tilli.tC,I. t,.° .t14She8e'a'iC):ti'e',.rit' aaH•pti'dal-nSe°.:60,1\h,:eEra:t‘''.eAri.'°''. ' . Church Wonien 'held their j•inuary ' ' . - • :- ••• .. , .. • -. ' : - ' • . - •.• '.' anxious tc, piea.o...., x.lt,s, .H.t.ltie. 1., ,. .111-ect,i.rig_•:40.. ili0J,74-ttfrolti?a-rjour . , „ • -i... .• ' . • - - ...:, ...-, .::wotitingLeeisttelo: :to 'retext:4:,-Iiew business, ,and • l.tn-read two 'art•kc te.s•on, ...u.razki, ,,.r' ' '.for othei plitOC:osea: if yoti considei,, thatIT)1A Mrs,,....1).00, •(,...,a,,t.n.i.!,:ron. r, ea.d,:.• i'l.' stbrY •on.' . . . . - ., • - . ...Can be otaervideo, you are invited to eltatige .an . ,'Sara:h.',..,. ,On'e'.8.1 :the:, wonien of ttle ., . , . . . . . , . . „ . . ....... . bilite.v , ReadingS.•were ....t,iveri. I.,•iy • • •• appoititinent With the.. IDB representative by ,, . . . .1cli$.s .:.1),• : Rtitherforr,ci;and e..' : • li,t...q,. .!..„.. Wa O, . ilephoting . • - d,; • "..• 2-12,t -': .47--th son . , . .... , .• „ ,. ,• ,. , ' • . , .4 . • . I, ;:•Y-8.ch'•11.nit.,. had the.i.'f'owb....hustriess.'' the'„1.1.?..st...::1:dlpo;:l'hro?';'.1:'1lott'Ia..sfv' School';i,..-;.-''.' ' , • . . , • ., . : 'Teqing. t,lien a-11 JOlned....tog.ether.. 1,1i.8101.1.aiy,,..... •;N:.%,:iss.. •N)41,,t!i•cl•sie .1.:..ih.or... . . . . for ,the - jOint: i'lleeilt,ig.,:' ''' show,ed ilideS•.bf,the...plaoes• the • visited. A. social .1 1 . • ' hour. W'.,• , ,,.•,.. . Mrs. Arnold tCAOa penTnd . ,• . . ., 7..•. . Pe•fVJ•6ltXijoyed withlunch prepared by ,r. ;, .., .,,•. ,.1'\; -.„.. ' .a, o.. • ' , -. • , ••'.• :--C1-:A .N1r:5.- . 47 37 -1J- 0, ----M.• -I-,t•,-• • • -5• . ha.re of"le'in;iness periodl'be . or in adVaneo by .vvriting f(1.1,. ca II was. ansY:icred byladies. .C.: . ....je:• -.a •'.. woittiarg6ofdevotonsIW40:11-011St•V•1-1.1 . • -„.. .. • .... .r ... ..„ '. :. ,ivtimun .:?is I have Pronisd'preenttdwith asma„l itt • ', , ' . '.. - ' t ' • ' • ' •,:-. . , • : • . . '... . . , • .. „.14 , . , ..„. . . , .. , by the •pil•y.in.0-, of fee -se- 'The. .aiintta 1 . :repms-were. given., • • • _. , .. .• . wasytting, Mts. NicKini, read a - •. .....,.. .. ,.. , . paper on tilOnglit8.• pf, tile. pa.st. .2Clile.f...• Nlatchitig' MOthe-r. for.-thi Yr,?..4...r"•••4it)..c1.,.,..1..,lb6.0-.T.,',°,.r., t.f1,...'. ,1,,4:":A,,,i. lan.n.il•tLy 'C'4.111"'pll'iiin•,...0... .. - . trwas,..i:ttEcid:6irt scn4.111,e 01)te• . ,... ,_ „•,.. ..,. ., ......, „. .. ..., . !v.er ;to e.acn ,tan.ii„ky in tilt, c,ori,er , -INDIISTRIAL , . ,., - ... • . -, ': mien, in 10:11, .!rhe fotlah, -4111.1.104t : ! ., • ';' ' ' ' •-• : , ., ..-ti.,,,,c,„\v-,,..1.11.0etifyg of ate .presbyter,!,. .. :DEt/ELCIPMENT .BANI(,.... . I 'al is• to• he held on l'c'bri.iar vi ill •lio•itt,,:tiell., ' -, ': , . ..:. - • • . NI . . r•1•rs4 littnlinci t-lbSc..d tbe'ifirect. 2 0 1 . „. nu titla., . ‘.1.,,:ee t . • Lori d Off,: I 1. ' 10;.t tir•10. w-..' fiLig., with fita,Y6i'',:iiidlinietl wii,,' ,• ' .L.:1,•'v't..,:e1,.by -11:ts,,, l'olin (`'.;•-aillei.617i'iorid• '1:011e1 &tiller ,, .., , the';‘•A",hilit, • ') ear.... • .NI•rs. Sell closed with a .. • , , : . . .. . . .. , r Fund_(Ma. ft•h: Of -btmt O. i . . . prayer ' , . . ... ' . . . ,, . . • : .* , .. ..rVit:... i . • Niararei, :Ctilliti..-.... • ' HX•trS, 'Arnold. turned the t•vte.-etifict , ' . - ' .' .' . . '1A.' • ' , .... . , .. .., • ... , . 7. . ,...., :conini.nntty ..c.o.risetotts., . One.nittio-et 'bv.c't ,.a ,Irs:, Illtfvey W,0b$U.'21.‘ who liO‘lewife o'f .PeriThroke,.0ill. 'N;tr.,i', Was ili ie,harge.,o(1,11..progfalll,. Collin's' .. biga Os an ,iitn'ily 1:.1.: 1(1•J-40'.' ' • . t , „ lit•''s,,' 'Vs/q1i$irfl.tela .0.10 :•;t4:t. ott4:Pter,1} v64ilit0;e•ts, "60'Ilyi.i•sing- on liiiiikj,f: 0 ,; Of thE ,'..:gt1-14 ,.11.01'<'' i•itttjd: All, 't'lli, ' POI:6f •:'01N.A0lea.. i'i'd:Hi'l.t:$'. '21;1..li..C.i•c•''1: ailit'.1'...:1:itiSt:1411:1-tde.'''•i'-- , Ilits• lieen:-- Allartliloit NI.,i,)--tlitr-•ftv. ' ' ...... .. . , . . , . .. . '•N.l'ts-. 1,..fia• lltridefson., Ole' ',),,,.,tiest' fTtatlY Y"rs'•'• ' '