The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-20, Page 8r„. • PAGE EIGHT' THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' WEDPIESDA 1:! 111 Bull Bt.►�t , n is�_top baw1etthis -.-.� week with high si gle;""artie'of 333 and high triple of 754.. Bill Hunter' rolled 740 and Harvey Cul- bert 731 triple. • dice bowling! Points won: Fords 7',, Buicks. 0; Dodges -5 , Pontiacs 2'; Mustangs 5, Oldsmobiles 2: Games of. 250 and over: Bill. Button 333, 'Russ,: Button 287,Bill Stewart 267, Bill Bolt 307, Harvey ' Culbert 256 , Bill Hunter 303 250 Clarence Greer 267: -Team standings: Fords 73, .Old; smobiles 66 , Dodges 52 Mustangs 50. Pontiacs 40 B•uicks' 34. '• • !anbow Leave. LADIES 0• . ;High' bowler On Monday evening was Marion -MacKinnon with.a 280 single and u72 triple` Gaines of 200 and oVer:.'Marian• A1acKinnon 280 , 250 me Mac Donald 211, Anne,Airney 20s 204; Pearl Murdie 9, .Ha,ze1. Webster' 296', Ena" Henderson'224, Jessie Joy-.nt 234', •• Team, points: Anna Mae • - Hunter's Opals 7°, Marie Greer's - Pearls 0; Trudy. Foran's.Emeraids 5 ' Mildred., Cameron`s Sapphires. 2; Bell Mole's Rubies, 5 , Cather- ine ather-ine Schmid:s Diamonds. 2. Team -standings= Rubies 89 , Emeralds 67, Pearls 66, Opals 65 Diamonds 56, Sapphires 49. • Lucknow Dungannon. Men'shigh: triple :went to Jack Caesar with .83'1. ' He also had the Pictured are Members: of the Lucknow Juvenile hockey team. who were champions in their div ision'at: the` Silver Stick :tourna - merit in Mooretown early this year.. Left to right, front row. , are: David MacKinnon , Doug Steve n sort Greg Hunter,,Jim.MacDonald John Etnberlin and Nuke. Courtney. Second. row Allan "And rew( James'M',ontgornery' Bob Rite'lie ;, Abner. Ackert , Paul rrayne',. Ru--'. sei1.: Monc:rief and coach :Keith lCilpatrieli. Marie 'Stewart bowled both high single .with 29'1 and high triple with a 710 Games 20.0; andover Marie Stewart 2b1-incl,254, Kathy Gib • Irene. 'Nelson 272 Rena Forster '247,, Barb Whitby 244', Mary 'Lou: Barger 244 and 221,' •Donalda Stott, Gua,y. 219', °Margaret' Hackett'216 Kathleen .Forster 211;.'Janette Rudder. 209 Barb 'Stfidersorf 203:, Tru,die:NelsOTi7202,.Lois Walden f 200. Team oints: ''KathleenForst - 0 h t . arts Yellows. Anna Jo ns ori s Blues 7;:Joy Dennis` Oranges'.g3, • . -Kay Crawford's Violets 4; Kathy • Gibson's Greens 4, Eileen Laois' Reds 3'. Team standing Greens 73 , Reds 69, Violets 67 , Oranges' 65, Blues 56; Yellows 48. nig sig - Men'over 250 Jack Caesar 315 ,263 ,• 250 Bill °Stewart'. 301,!.A J . Wilson 286 Len MacDonald 273, Stuart Jamieson 266';'Bill ;Button '264, Zek Za.ran 260,, Bill' Mac Pherson 259 bill;Nelsou Jim 1�Cil.sorL2,5a. ._ . dhigh tr. �e'went t . La les iPl o Shir- ley ley Hawthorne'.with. 673; She ens 7 e-lug�h=s-itle of 249 ,� Ladies''over 225;:;'Shicley Haw= thone '249.;: Marion McKinnon 247 Gwen Caesar 230, Mary. Fisher 226; to • Points.. won ;Tigers 7, Chip- munks 0; Coons 5; Kangaroos.2; Squirrels. 5, Zebras 2; Wolverines. 5, Lions -2; Beavers•5 „Gophers 2 Pole Cats 4 Cubs 3. Teamn.standings Cubs -82', Beavers'78 , Ti ers':71, Wol eriries.. 6.6 ; Coons,59 ,: Squirrels 54, Zebras 50, Pole .Cats 46„• 'Clip monks 42, Gophers 38 , Kari:garoos; 29 ;, Lions 15: Hugh Johnstone . captured . both : - high:single and tr.iple,of the even- ing with;'scores of 267 single and: &44 triple . Games over 225i Ear1.'Swan 242., Fred Horton 24.2, 'George, Stanley 257 ,,.Hugh Johnstone,267 ; .Ro' n Stanley 254 2, Vultures 5 , Hawks 2 Teem standings: 'awls 67,.Card finals, 24 -Vultures-86=;:Fla wks 75.. own an -Star for the ladies this week is'• Olive Smith with.her 216• single -and 352 double ,- For the men it s • Walter bexter,' with a 2,12single and Mel ,king. ,with a 341 double 4;Tcam points won Lettuce 5., Turnips :3,. Carrots -2 -and' Potatoes 0. Team, standings:. Clarence -Bell's Ixttuce 43, Jack. Campbell's Tur- nips 41' Mel king's Carrots' 38 ' andIienry, Carter's Potatoes junior League .Zerla, Ca had, a high single -of 212 aid a hi ;h'dotible of 400. Murray, Button had a high'single of 221 and'a 'high double of 410, m Points Lrfe°savcrs.'rr,, Waott WhcrC15��",', Ch;ricts 0, Pot' ltto-',Fillips; 0.,. • *'1'c'a tit'. standings:' Lifcsavas 39: , wagon Wheel 20 ., Potato 'Chips -lc C.I ' 'iets•.ltr. Bt C--SKA1 fNG -=•- Public School.--- 15c High School - 25c Adult 50c. Sunday Skating 'Sil as Collection THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 8 - • 10 Ice Rented FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 8 If Ice Rented �- ractures` leg ; n�lovice dame. On: Wednesday ,' Januarys Lucknow Novice c•a me .u' 'with a big Ri ' le score of • 1? Y by Y a • 3, -'•,wit 'over 1,, Lucknow's first line,'who.; playepayed' very well, got•gaals from:;: Mork d. and Kevin: Asssts wentto.KennKit tr c i� . pa, i k_1 ,.y. Ritchie: 1;' Mark Fra ne'1• and Kevin` Kilpatrick 1*,. A very unfor'tunate.accid.ent' occurredduring this game , result ing 'in a 'broken; leg`,for. one of.. Lucknow's stars, Tom Sinneett'.. He. will.;be_' out .for the :,rest: of the, sea son. "His'absence will, be' felt, by the whole,•team;.. • On F:ciday. , January '15th the• team',after defeating Teeswater n ►a-ry 4th. bj a. score .o.f� 4 ; Post to. the same tea tri 'by a score of10.-6. Lu'cknow's goal scorers were: Mark Frayne 4; .Kevin Kilpatrick 1; David Errington 1.: Assists went Co Stephen MacPherson T; Kevin Kilpatrick 1;.'Mark 'Fra,yne i; and -'Ken. Ritchie :1 Two of Mark:Fr yne's.gToais.were•unas SATURDAY, JANUARY 23;_ 8 10 Flea, Practise 10 12 - School HockOy 12. 1:30. Novice Practise. 2 - 4 Public Skating •'• 4:30 6:00 Pee Wee -Practise 6:30 Flea ,Game' 8.- 10 Public` Skating SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 130' . 3:30 Public Skating 6 8 Figure Skating 8' t- 9 Bantam Practise 9- = 10 -Midget' Practise MONDAY; JANUARY] 25, 8 .0 Broomball: ! TUESDAY, JAN,UARY� 26 C. y 5 P ookside,...SchooL ... 6 - 7 Pee Wee Practise 8;30 Midget Game WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY n 2 4 Preschool Skating4 5 6 Plea, Practise 6 - ?' NoVice Practi3e 8 4uvenile Practise 8 10. Public Skatnt FI'eas in T` Luckno.w Fleas defeated the Teeswater Fleas in, a. game at 'reeswater:on Stir -Ida y with the score 8 O';,.Brian'Murray and Mark fialdenby shared' the goal,. tending for the shutotrt,, • Goals wE'tescored by Paul Mur ray with 3 goals and 2:dssists;. Steve Sirripson 2'goals and two :`t assists; Blair Alton , Patll°'liannilton 13r•ian Elphickwith one goal each and.•each• had two assists;, La,rry MacPherson -got two -assists and Donald:borscht. Barry F'lphick and, 'Jeff Van Str:mpvoor;t , each Credit-. ed,Viith 'r€dit- cd:with one assist, ,uokriow 1 eas ow;ne' i ng harry fleas with the score 5 - 1 in a i;arrne. on SaturdayYJa,nuary 16th at the. Lucknow. Arena I=or Lu l<now:, t.ro.als Assists Stc ver• ,'irnpsbrr Paul Murray • Larry•l>lat:Pherson' 1, Harry f:lphi.t-k 1 -Jeff VanStcrnpvoort 1' For Wing -tarn.: (oa;l :r"'ervit w• assist l'-asSinort;.. Rckrees.-:.C�ary;Ssitton and... i3tian McLelland, sisted. ' ' . On. January 17th , Lucknow tray • eled`.to Teesw.ater for, a Sunday afternoon. sante ','. losin this 8 rite - S g K•. by a, score:of 6 l , Mark E:rayne • • was Lucknow `s on'l. -scorer Y unassisted.' record. to'date: stands at .4 wins .,' 2 ties; a nd•.7 losses dgets Win 1 Lucknow Midgets trounced IZ:r.- ley fl 2:as ,part of Lu'cknow'a• Minor: Hockey`week' in Fra:day night:.• goal scirers==for-l;riokno-Mw- 7 lien 1'�arr.ish 5 Kim.Cowan 2; ' David f'arrish :�raha ria tiam 0,toai Steve -ackett ; Jirn; Murra with-, 1 each: , Assistswere taredited to ." Jirn .Murray ,. King Cowan Ken Ham lton., plan; ^:1ont on�.er Graham •.HaMil.ton; Greg'liar�rii• - Follgw:ing isrthe list of Lucknow, scorers - • Mark Frayne :1:2 • :Tom Sinnett ii„ Kevin Kilpatrick •9 David 'Errington •5: Ken 'Ritchie' 0 Grant .Gilchrist • , 2 ;Allan Stanley :0 Kevin. Machan Paddy Murray .: 0 Granit: 'Frook • • ,Pts 17 13 13 1 6 3 K` irz Cowan, :who has been CoWan.' nto'ed'uP k froni,oal:to play cent',.. ice has •becorne. a pleasant 'scortn' surprise,.: J)a'vid Cleland and ]?but;: (orr1i - share 'the .net na:i:nd..i'ni; COMPLETE SERVICE FOR ALL CARS ee• .3% motor. that's. running right sounds iti'..; easy o:n gds ., get yop'. yiiote you want: w�th''out troub e, Let 'our expert me chanic gave your car' at tune -u *'***:,►*-**:***w**•***,