The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-13, Page 10• PAft THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QN•TARIO; . uc .now •& Ar -H Achievement:Day !a� HeId Last Saturday At Teeswater, lillcrest Central.Schooli, Tees,. water, was, the setting on Saturday. January 9,',fpr the 4 H;,Achieve- Mem Day'for thelocal clubs, •consisting of Kairshea Whiten church,'Silver.Lake;three from` .:. Lucknow and three from Teeswat er. Miss'•Judi Reasbect, Home Ecbnornist:for Bruce County was in Charge. assisted •by Mrs. Lera Ryan of Grey County. Registration: took place at .9' a.m; followed:-byan activity • speriod, class discussion, "program planning for 19i1.andlunch at the noon hour; The programfor the public began at 1,.15 p.m. when the. presentation of , exhibits, dress ' revue: where each' girl modelled her• outfit :witha commentary by one of th•e'club'.members,'com ments by the Horne Economists, .. and,' the presentation of Certifi • cates;.pins and, spoons took place: Those rec iving County Honoilrs for' the completion of six clubs, whichwere .presehted:by; Mrs. Wm.• Arnold•'of .Ripley, were Sharon Campbell of Luck- now Ruth Graham .of Kinloss '(Kairshea). Ruth, Gibson, Lois. Moffat 'and Jane Netzkeo;f•Tees= water. Jane Moncrief of Luck- now received ,Provincial•; Honours for the completion, of twelve clubs. Lucknow No..',1 Club was led.by Mrs -John )Kr'euzwiser and,.MSs A Ross Mac Millan'.with'members,' June Alton ; Beh Haha•rn •, 'Pianne Ma.Kenzie , 'Lynda WaldenNan - c. Walden ' • Lucknow No "2 •C1tib•.was led by. Mrs. m B Jioyle .and land with member$• Linda Boyle , •Lorraine Boyle, Karen Elliott', Marion, Johnstone', Jane. Moncrief, , Elizabeth: Ritchie , • Nancy- Ritchie , Joanne Thompson. • `Ltcknow No---3--Clu-b-was---led .by -'Mrs. Jim Arnold -arid= -Mrs-. John Pritchard with members Sharon •- Campbell, Kathy Hayes,. S;;usan_ '. • Hayes , Gail :Pritchard .,..Barb Stanley Kathy Treleaven: Kairshea Club.was led by Mrs;. Evan 'T<eith and Mrs., George Young ,with members 'Nancy Burt , Marg Doealman Anne :Graham ;' Ruth Graham Sandra 'Keith ,• Joanne' Lennips, Mary MacKinnon•, „ Jeanne .Reid ; Jan>Ce Linda Young'. Silver Lake •Club'.was led by Miss Jan Hodgins' and Miss.Dor- bthy Van'BeerS- with: meinbe'rs Federation ,Plan Unique Cornpe#ition The. Ashfield' Township, Federa- tion of Agricultrir•e Di'rectors;'piet, vn ,Wednesday evening of last week at;the.ho rie .of Mr: and' Mrs. Ross.Eedy , lt;.was decided; to -hold ' :. an, advertisement'cornpetition,, Details.appear in..theclassified' adyertisirig column; the'same meeting it was decided' to hold a . membership: . drive in January. If you. as 'a farmer wish to become a mertber of•the Federation .of Agriculture.' and receive 'more benefits such. as the 25 %0 -tax rebate, thei contact, any Director.; 'the -President or----•-� Secretary or. Austin. An;open meeting is•toile held' in•the near future'with Gordon -Hill as speaker. Watch for the date and place, • Elliott ,-Wendy England,. Kathy Purdori', Gayle Rint.ou.l , Janet Sleightholm , .Joyce 'Tiffin Much credit is due the. leaders of these clubs,'who give freeiyTd al,M their time, energy and talents to . ,guide their girls in the ;proper. procedures of;'sewing': Each :girl; cozripleted an attractive dress. or: jacket4dress and a 'book' of notes, describiiig•'tile different ina-t-er-r 'used- inthe project and -,the rne.th ods used in':constrircting.their. garments The subject' ofthe-ne t=^c-l.ub -ts c;ale . Frook ; Janice: Hodgins , Barb Stanley, Joanne V,an.B,ers. ,;Whitechurch'Club was lerd'by` Mrs.; John Gaunt and "Mrs :'Donald England with me ibers••Ruth heap •of washday woes?, • GVRATO.R' 'WASHING .ACTION: Hi -Zone' . washing action. Sixty • times every ni`inute, the tall, • 'wide vanes sweep • through' a full 210 degrees, nutting:-zllj MP' - .W attr to- work — trom -the -bot- tom of 'the tub, right up to the • top. • . • .SUPE'R' Et=F,(CIEN,� SPIN. •NTNG,. ..Yriu can spin; dry anyLabrie for •as.' long as. You went. Water mil' he• extracted qulek• ly thoroughly; • • FASTER WASH,JNG, • Th'e ' poa • tibia; use of both the' • wash tub and • epin . tub at' the • tithe time . operated, by two separate eon- • ,rola'. SIMPLE SAFE PRACT CAL, CONTROLS:' Toll Coht'rohs Simple, easy to ' cead'' ;and op- etate .,• SIMPLE, INSr;ALLAT(ON'' ;Can be ; used ,fromthe • kit6h,er1 kink'; g q ed, • ho'.:pliimbin re air • QUALIT,Y•; A N,ND SATISPAC., TION The ,SIMPLICITY. Super- • twin ' meaSureS • up to all PLICPTY.• quality •,sta.ndards! proven over 50yeara: All, parts guaranteed • for • 2 yearn �- built' Ili+Ler-tter•.; SLEW:1970 MODEL ' , WITH FILTER •! COM PL ETE-SPARKLING FRESH RINSIN.O Cohtintlotrq ':Flow Rinsin`," Spray rinse While spinning unto` dii:a`i'trr"Va= "- • ter cones• clean, Available In Avocado or Harvest' •Gdtd' - • 10;00 extra. MedeL ST2. y�ece��oe.e'�ee�•�si'i��Mei�eee�ir��e . CKNOW PHONE 5128 3112 "Dairy; pare end•wi:11' begin: -in: the spring., Huron Twp. Na -Died In The We: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, 13; ' ANGLICAN C 1 ACh, LUCSNOW 'AREAARI$H • The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector- JANUARY 17th ,Epiphany 2, St.e Paul's Ripley x'9::15 a.m.. r ; } As u 1036 aim. ' censioq °Rinlo g6 _ : a St. 'Peters . Luck .now 11:45 a.m. Church School, 10:30 a.m. St. • Pauls, • Dungannon 3 p.m,. =2nd and 4th,SUndays Christ Church, .Poi Albert $ .m • 1st, Std; sand 'bth' Simda- 1►s: LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN . • _F•O RE RINED- C'HURCH t e : . pip • St Pastor Services: 10:00' a.Pt;, English. 2nd . Sunday I}iitch 'Lucknow . resbyterian : Church ev.•, Glenn Noble, B:A., B,D; Minster Phone 528-2740 JANUARY 1ltk . 10;00 am. School. 1100 ain Mo • : Service LUCKNOW UNITED 7CH U.RCI Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister. '' JANUARy 17th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 1:30 .. p. m.'• •Confirmation ' Clas For. High ;School Youth :i1�`—Ad :,:�riti Confirr -atlo class POis'r TO PONDER'".. Life's greatest tragedy is lose God and never miss tum ive S. GUSTAF GUSTAVSON Word•was'receive,d, i46Ripley' •informing: them. of the death• of Mrs,' Gustaf Gustayson,.' the fotmer; Clara •Strathdee..,' She was born in Hur'on'Township concession four November 15 , •1893,•'daughter .of. ' the ---late Harriett -(McBer d-- David Strathdee She attended public school on the 'fourth. arid Ripley .111gh School, later becoming a teacher`, and taught in:the Ripley vicinity be.- 'foi a going west with her Iwo,.sis, ters (Anna' and. Hattie) to teach at Swan .Valley and later at: Barrows;' eta=citaha �' Clara married' Gusta:f Gustayson October 22',1920.",They farmed in Lavender :District. until 1942, moving;theri.to The. Pas :where they, resided until 1962 .Upon, r-et-7,7-..1tkky--n-t.oved k ac k ,Lavender to care for a.rernaining` :brot'her-in-law William Aherne. thie (Anna's husband) •until his death., 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred • Shephard (Hattie) also Jiredeccas-' VISITORS WELCOME - Denominational 'Radio.• •Broad- cast, "The'.Back To God Hour", very --Sunday: 'CJCS-4Str.atford)- 2:00' ' p.m.; CFOS '(Ower Sound) — 6:00 'p:M .r„ were condircted by.Rev'erend Ander• son of the United• Church of Bows- rna,n. lnterrtient was: in`Bowsma.n Cemetery Along With her sorrowing • husband•she leaves to mourn her loss three daughters - _Mrs E,.. F Meadows (J:ean) Calgary., Mrs`. H. L. Libbrecht`:(Marie) and': Mrs,. C. R. Meadows. (A`nna•)'of The Pas and one sop .Alvin' of Calgary •„ 14 grandchildren and 2'great 'grand- children.' ::Three brothers and four ,: sisters;.;:predeceased' Friends will rerrtertt.ber.he(sister Mary: who taught. in Ripley E.ligh School'and.'brother' Charles who, kept Hotel which•is now' George ,Mcbea'ns stere;: $T.$ELENS Treat Accdenf, At Hospital illits; .hlary Liid.law•,, •h.;l.. •1, 'Luc.know fell on the laneway and fractured in her le ft'foot ;' 'She ;ted to hospital. Ivlrs..Barry:. (Be tty)Ncl)oria'4 R R; 3 , 'Luc:know rcc e iN c.c. b;l rnjuuics J`anuary:;10 w,h.i'1� ,dint 'on ',the back of asnow rnobi lcc e cy the ,first sideroad west'of 1',och: ;.Apparently the'.,ri achine triie! clur7ip of frozen eart'ft.c auiiriv, machine• to lurch and ::McDonagh!'fell`heavil'j coli a. eh-r,er l-e°ba;i=She-. riffc'r d (or signs• and 'strain to her balcck ar was treated. and. .rt:'•leas.cd Dr. :and Mrs. Archi:e:McQirilla'n. andGhildre:n`of Willowdal'e; Sandy and Sheila McQuillan of'Mount ;Carmel were holiday visitors with their parents , Mr.' and Mrs.' Wil- free ..NicQtrrllan . Eirht. tables enioyed the Shoot • ,Party on '1'h.ursday evening, High "prizes were won by M'rs. Allan ransion:and Rickey liuntphrey, with -The• sccOnd t i li,pr.izes' oi�►b to Mrs Gordon Struthers and Wayne Todd,. - Wayne also won • the travelling ;avellin .' sh'dot. The .ne.xt arty: is•planned for January-21s't -Gus and Clara:celebrated tiler •. 5.1}xh_wedddin annvs;_i_sar in 0ctobt t:,. S`ktc wa s in fariing: health and in'a wheel chair for se -ire -cal years:'. In spite of her handicap; she kept a cheerful• disposition and. enjoyed doing her own, worl y 'She o ed travelling with her and friends •anti .made a trip''with her husband , •daughtcr.Annc ,•so.n=,in' Taw. Cecil •Meadows andl grartd* d�ai l gin t c:(:l3oii-rY.Le.:t'o` this v l.411 y • two year Ago:; ` A'44 Mrs. l;\istayson was Vii, 'Charter. Member of the United 'Churcl) and a life member of the,C?oya1 isu"rj�1c;, 't;he Pas :Lodge 1`1,1,...513 After a sutjden.illrtes,fi `he pass s d aw y l"t1 St, .Anthonyts llospit a'1 'in I'he"'1'as, funeral Services A truck driven by lr 1}end ..kus''Crctic.r; of R R. blucs'.� swerved toa.avoid •a -car t.r iveil east; on'14•igliwa•y 86 iippr. xl:t ; three miles• 1 est. of Win ht 1. parentlytlic truck left tlrn'r7i the, South: side of: rolled: `Ntrs :Willcmpic n•e c was the:'eilly passe nge'l, ;.,>r nd sh admitteci.t'.o hospit��1''i r an umumscions snt, oc�•,1 11c i tate from dition • is now sCit,iSfac'tOt .Cretier ,was not`"il7jtitt,ti U:P:1''; c.d.. Allan ll'llcr alone girl:; sev.cra_1 other 1uz.al C:o din, tors , is this t} Co-op copy,crltiOlt ilrvIt 11;,1': The roup w.c.cc, co fly 'afternoon from Nia,ltotr-- IPLEY ABATTOIR',' PCustorin, Bhtchiring' Curing and 'Smoking; ='•-�tCutti�--ae�id=W----�ays e�Makin_ _.�--:est 1�'r_eeun9� �9 �e�hirt�_•_ . , a9 .. . S HOGS,AND. CATTLE • QN 'MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON, FRIDAYS Havecattle: Thursday for Friday's kill in on _.. With Two. Big Cool. .... r:, Wo Are Abli' ;To Heng Your Beef T rd, .1 To 3 Weeks—'Whalevar Your R.auiremonts: Are', .. ' ' pOl. • , . .. .:. ,_ . ,,. Beef :For' Ho'lne Freezers We Sell Choice Home; Killed , , and Lamb Iry •Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing' Prices ALLME'A TS'ARE.'GOVERNMENtINSPECTED FOR Yogi PROTECTION HoO1SMA, PROP �� � 3952961: ABATTOIR 395:2905 STORE .