The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-06, Page 2PAir TWO • THE 'LUCKNOW •SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARII WP.DNESDAY,, JANUARY '1111 The LUC NOW SEN. .... IN:L LOCKNOW. ONTARIO "TIM Sappy Town" On Ow Huron Bruco Boundary Second .Class Mail Re gistration*Ntunber 0847 Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Abe f' the C.W.N.A ' and' te, 55.00 'a year, in advance to the U.S.A., Donald C. Thompson, Publisher SubacripHo WUDN•SDAY, JANUARY 1' LUCKNOW SNOWMOBILE' CLUB Requests snowmobile .owners to please stay off-prwate-Prope > t time -an most direct route in and out of town: IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED. IF .ANY, COMPLAINTS BE DIRECTED TO. THE `SNOWMOBILE_ CLUB. UR ,CO3-OPERATION IN THIS: MATTER WOULD BE' GREATLY APPRECIATED. ANY NEW SNOWMOBILE OWNERS ARE: ...WELCOME TO JOIN THE CLUB RURDOp USS LU. P �._ . N resident'. STUART REAVIE sec-treas. ,.., ,C.0.00.1:6 :01** th Anniversary :LOCHALSH •••NEWS Mr, and 'Mrs. Dan WY lds.cele- brated their 50th g: wedding anniver sary with a dinner at the Log Cabin Restaurant in'Lucknow All-mem'fhe•r family: were 'present, Miss Doris Wylds • of Toronto Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd • W lds, of Ripley; Mr. and Mrs'. Warren grandchild- . seven randchild y ren and one great grandchild. Mre:: and Mrs'. Wylds, received �., gifts and ; pod. wishes from their. many friends, among them a tele; gra_orn Prime .Minister. Elliott Trudeau. Lucknow Resident Died In Hospital CHARLES HA'LLAivl Charles .Edward, Hallam. of Luck now..P `` assed away 'on.Sunda .. Y Y, December 20: in Wi`ng ham and District Hospital, following'a heart, attack.'• He was 61 .' • He was born. in Eng land o.n ..; October 18., 1903 , 'a son of "Thom- as 1- allam acrd Elizabeth Adcock. When Charlie . was •ab, dut three ,years, of age , he came to Canada. s Parents arents and four brothers.,, Came to St Helens , later They e ,. , movinggto the , Auburn area .where Mr, and ,lube; 'Hallam both • pa,ssed.away some years ago On November•15', 1928, he mar.' ri d Viola. Johnston,"of: Summer They .were married'at' .•—'Auburn,,—.Where ,they•'farmed for a .. nurnberof year's( later moving..: to Ashfield and, for the past , `. . twelve years,lave. been residents. ' of Lucknow ' •" • Mr Hallam is •survived 'by his wife; seven sons and twodaught- ers, Tom and Ross of Goderich Fred7of.:{ineardine'.;:..L-es1te-of :Kingston ,,.Mrs. (Dorothy) Schneider of Auburn,, Cecil, Roy, Yirnmy •and Beth, all aoilaorne; ten grandchildren; three brothers • George ,. Jack and Arthur, all of .' Auburn He was ,predeceased by hit parents'and one brother Les. 1.ale Tun [a1 serVide W ,11eTd�' 'on Tuesd; y, December 22, at. the:.Johns oho Funeral Horne , { Luc'know.' Six sons acted •asp • '1l . bearers,, Tom,, Leslie`, Cecil, hoe, 'Eloy and .Jim rev. It C, 0,icholis of Lucknow Urii'led Church, .was r iinistery Interment was in Greenhill Ceyretery:: arried'In Lucknow Unt. rcr SHOD-LDIC1 The m'arriage;of June. El iz'abeth Ac"kern; daughter' of Mr.. and. Mrs." Raynard,>Ackert of Holyrood.and. Mr. •.Robert Beverley';Shouldiee son of Mt. and Mrs.. 'Beverley,: Shouldice of Shallow Lake was c - solemnized ata do uble ring er emony: on Saturday , Deceprnbe 5 ..at 4 o'clock in. Lucknow United Church The church was d"ec.,:ated with in and white' 'gladioli and can 'delabra. ,Rev:. R. G. Nicholls Officiated The wedding rriusic was: provid - • ed b Mt. Bob `Hall .Owen.Sound .. Y � organist anise and, Mrs:. ;Raoul' reel of London ,'" eloist, • g who son -"Bless s th s:Hous&'Weddin •g Prayer!' .Y and "You'll never walk alone." 'Given in marriag e' bY'� her, father, the bride wore art elegant: f-o'r mgtfi-gown-e. ripple _pea -u= de sole w ith wedding, ring neck i line trimmed with Guipure, lace which also trimmed -the -long sleeves •to form a deep cuff effect: 'The :lace was also used to fashion .a _panel '_effect,ori the' • front and back of,gown. • A.chap- el:train. was' fashioned•frorri the waistline,.' A matching Juliette cap held the, silk. illusion: cathed..=• ral veil and•she carried, a'classic 'cascade sof white carnations. cen= .' tied, with a white orchid. Mrs- Ernest -Ackert 'of Holyrood' Was matron of :honour. Brides maids were Mrs, 'Paul Fatroll, Owen Sound,. Miss ,Shirley•Reid', Waterloo and 'Mrs.' Joe .Sinclair , London. They were similarly. essed...in purple -and mate—pa—nt.--• res'ses . The dresses had a high • waistline trimmed with a band • of.embroidered lace in purple and at►.42 sleeves gathered a.t tum wrihLs, They wore rriatching hea.d-piecer and_ carried, white fur ifs'. With p. . ink miniature' ca'rnations'. Douglas 'Shouidice, was.best. Man and; guests were ushered bjr :Fiil;shbul'dice.,.'Ernest Ackert " and Paul ,Parr'oll.. A+ dinner followed' in the - . Photo by Maxwell •churchP arlour which Was'decora ted with pink and` white' `candles • and carnations .. Later.inthe: evening a' dance. was: held in t.he-Ripley :Distriet: High School: The bride's mother. chose a formal gown of peppermint green chiffon ,The groom's mother 'wore a formal gown of cathedral,. ink silk: Both wore a corsage: of whiteg .'ardenias.'•' For: travelling the. bride chose a Ion gi sleeved:, purple: and off. white winter crepe dress. . Foll'ow ing. a wedding tip to the'East'ern States,�the'couple wi reside, in Shallow Lake $efore her marriage the bride, was .feted at•several events: 'The staff and friends of the' Lucknow tc-tars'-office- hld�d-pr party at the Piz ., za Patio;'Godes-_ 'loll.; 'a Farrell;relative shower .was held. at. Claa' rk's. Church; •com munity shower'at• Holy,rood, ' Mrs Rae'Grant held a *Miscellaneous'shower.at .her home in London and. /a reception was• held for the couple at Shallow Lake..:; Mrs; ;Raynard kert entertained at a trousseau�,�tea at her;horne,, Holyrood , a week prior.to the wedding, ristmas Ph one, :aIle Frpm family 1rou�d The World 0 Mr, ,',and':Mrs. 'Bert Alton, of Ashfield visited' by telephone. at . Christmas with tne•rnbers: of their family , who; are many,, many miles from home. They first .received a .ea1l-;from.' their daughter4JoAnne ,'who' is now. ri. England,. After: returning'. ',from 'Sydney Australia JoAnne arid her friend. Helen Maughan , - -= also from Sydney, completed' a .. seven-month. training' course at Goderich "Psychiatric Hospital. In.` late November the two girls left.'• Ashfield motoring' to, Vancouver where they'boarded a..ship which". took'them through•the Panama Canal., toured sorne'of the islands and arrived' in Southampton, Eng- land onDecember 5th'.. JoAnne. is now matron of'a: working'girl's hostel and .Helen is doing private duty nursing,..both :in Surrey,'. England. /. Mr. and .Mrs.. 'Alton then visit ed by, phone;'with their daughter •, Dorothy and.son-in law David Harris ir�ydney •. Australia'• and•; later in a' call to ,Tinimns they ughtcr Mary ',`son' -in-law; Al Irv/ in, and family:. • NGAGEMENTS ,OTT EEDY Mr; and Mrs.. Irvine Fed , Dungannon wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Patricia Ann to Mr ':Robert Edgar Ott , son'of.Mr.• and ,Mrs Edgar' Ott',Listowel The marriage will, ta'ke:place.:at' ,Dungannon United Church';' Jan. - nary 30th at :NICHO.LSON PANNA(3ECKER ••, • Mrs ; Donald Pannabeckcr.. R R. L kno r w-i&h e no u Cie e the engagement of her daughter Mary .Louise to Thomas.Chester '‘Nicholson, son of Mr; and Mrs Chester' Nicholson .R. R. " 2 ,.Luck-, now . ',Thewedding, wtake (i' . place on January •22 1971 at 7 O.• p.m. in Calvin. United Church St. Helens. ::ST.HELENS .Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Roy and Mr; Herb Taylor of Goderich were New Year's Day visitors with Me. and Mrs, -Ken. Taylor at Tillsonbtarg,- Sunday visitors, with My...and Mrs ..Albert Taylor 'were Mr. and Mrs, ioe: Hawkwood and family of Calgary,. Wrn Bancroft of Cochrane , Alberta and; Jack.and Ken Ritchie of Ashfield': . • ftES S. ANT RE O ,.P HYBRIDS TO .LEAF; BLIGHT ? ' G4.082 80-84 Days Y50-»84 8'7b (N) THESE HYBRIDS ARE "PRODUCED BY THE DETASSELING • ME'THOD•AND•HAVE SI10WN' HIGH RESISTANCE TO YELLOW AND S6UTHERN ' LEAF BIGHT (4970) • EesrE FUNIC AGEN`f 1