The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 27:110 St • and:• of • • r. -C•60,;,• II d tIshiF • ina war: nd :t of WEDNESDAY, 'DECEMBER 23031,. 1070 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ONTARIO' GODERICH 3Q THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED THE THEATRE WILL BE. CLOSED DEC. "24125 • " Nein Chri4411014: and . ildiffit Ile liter' SAT„ SUN, wioN. • DEC. 26,27, 28 SATURDAy MATINEE. • ,, .2- p.m. SATURDAY. NIGHT ' Two -Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. • Sun. & Mon, One Show. Starting 8 p.m. ) =IV CONX7 I . ,NORSE Ns TECHNIRAIRIV TECHNICOLOR lifif awl b. BUIP14 V1$1A OAT 1101.O10.. CO MC • //70 41.1) P4,4,1446.41.4, Y14,101.•• 0111(7.0111WOCH ...........o.. LIM 1.41111111I$' One .Showing Commencing at 8 p.m, WEDNESDAY. MATINEE — 2 p.m. ; 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! 1.041 BORT • ' RON l'OE0f..14, 'DOVER REED..., HA/0' SLUNK ^ Pottgobnri,;«11,.t • est Wowanosh:Coun.0.7.4•'. Di&ti. . , DECEMBER 15 ; .1970. 4. n• « • Family '.Dinner On • Anniversary AMBERLEY NEWS Mr, And Mrs. .ill g4mpbeil, Kincardine, celebrated,.thegleth- wedding anniversary Sunday; December 13th with a family dinner at the Tiger Dunlop inn, Attending the dinner was Mrs. Albert Campbell; Lucknow ; mother of 'Mr. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs, George McDonald of Ripley, sister of Mrs.. Cartipbell; • and two of their three daUghters and their hnsbands, Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Courtney,Ooyce) arid Mr. -and Mrs, Billilenapton Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Irwin. .(Joan) were 'unable t�'attend . • because of stormy weather in the London area. ' Following the dinner and cutting of the anniversary cake , a social hour was spent withgifts preiented and pictures taken. • We extend best wishes for many more happy anniversaries. flutes. The, year end session of ,West Wawanosh Township. COuncil.was• held at the home of the Clerk in • the afternoon of Decernber.15, with, all members in attendance and Reeve Lyons presiding. .• The minutes of the December, 1st' meeting were' read and adopted on motion of Councillors McDon- ald and Foran. • By -Law #17"; 1910'; was given. third 'reading and, finally Passed. on motion of CouncillorS Thither-. ford a art :names'the Clerk as. Licensing gf- with a ficer for lottery licenses for the. township of:West Wawanosh.. • • By-LaW #18 , 1970 levyingLa_ Nits • special rate an the, east half of ' Lt 17 Concession 9 to covet a tile drainage loan was given third reading and finally.passed on -monou-6-f-c-squnc:41101's' McDonald; , and Aitchison.... • The .roadaccounts were , ordered picl on motion of COun cillOrs.Pbran and Rutherford.' The 1'611ov-wing general a Cc ou nts .were ordered:paid on motibn of CouncilloqRutherford'and Foram:. • LirckriOW Sentirrel-TVOtir'S printing ads, 4478.57; :Town, s. hip 'of East. Wa w a nosh ; 30 To of 1?ark 'Costs , 8L WMP-Pher'. son, Vriork-at cemetery., 17.-00; ' t`c, C. Gyeer, holiday. pay, 26.'99; Joan Armstrong „holiday. pay, telephone tolls, rethming officer fee, revising voter's lists,. 116.90; Police Village of Manch- ester, poll.rental, 1.0.00;..Mrs. Annie Bere, poll rental, 10.00; Si. Helen's.Women's, Institute, • :Toll rental, 10. 00;•Wrii...McPher- Son ; rental , 10. 00; St. Aug- ustine R.C..Church , %poll rental, 10.00; WM. Caesar., D,R.O.; 18.00; :Thos.YOung,,Poll Clerk 18.00; Marjorie McDougall,•D.'R 0. ; 18.60; Lily -McPhee ,'Roll • 'Clerk; 18.00; Theodore Redmond ,'18.-00; j. 'Radcliffe Mir - ray, Poll Clerk., 18;00;.' George Nicholson Poll Clerk , .18.00; 'Allan Miller ,,D.R:O. ; 18.00; D6riald Gaunt Poll Clerk, 18. 00;, -Hilliard Jefferson D. R. O. . Poll -48-7-001--G-1•atenee-GibbOns-7-Poll '• Cleric; '18'.00; JeffersOn; Tile Drain InspeCtor, 20.00; Jos- eph' Forin , ,rebate tax ',"9.'.:3,9; Wel- fare accoUnts, 408.72i Huron Cbunty, 1070 levy, 3823$.28; Michael Foran, tile drain loan; 1453 53.,,'.• . . „ Elect .0f, icers Present Two Life Memberships The' General Meeting of Luck - now United Church Women was held on• Tuesday evening., Decem- ber 15,in the Fellowship ROonr. Mrs. Vernon Hunter presided and opened the, ineeting'with • Christmas reading. A group Of Junior 111embers:rert two 'Christmas carols and "The • 'First Nowell" ,swas, sung: • . . A beautiful devotional period., with the theme "The Candles of the Lord". ,, Was presented' by Miss Ada .Webster, Mrs,'Wilfred Ander- son.; Mrs. Harold Treleaven, Mrs.. Orland. Richards, 'Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and Mrs.•N. J..Mac- ' 'Kenzie with. Mrs.. :Ras; Cumming playing , "Star of the •East!tt and Mrs: J. -W. Joyntsinging a beauti• istnias sal() ROAp.A.-,CCOPNTS: Harvey. Culbert , salary, 241.14; G; Hum- phrey , operator, ,.282.25; Dijnald , wingrnan, 128..42; R. Phillips, wingiman, 79.0J; Dhis Hallahan bUlldoZing 11'74. 00;;- • Armco Limited ..,corrugated .steel' pipe, 841.50;. Valley 'Blade , cutting edges, 476..79; N. Mc Donald plowing Snow' 312.25. Roy. Hardy , plowing snow ; 360.00; K. K. D Wson., steel posts 4350;' H. 0.. 'eTry, nylah rape and PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN The annual reports showed a ..-very successful and encodragin.g jear and a further donation Was r—rir:der'Io the bmiltriat-ig firm!. The offering was received by Mrs: Clarence Bell and Mrs. Jirn' Arnold and dedicated by, Mrs. ,Ray ard Ack rt. • Mrs. Vernonliunter, , retiring . President , thanl,<ed•the- executive and members fat:, their co -opera. and-encour,agenient during' her yeari as president. , Mrs. Robt. CaMpbelf presented the report of the nominating corn - CLEANERS. OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. In The Fortner 'Aalders Fruit Market • , MI11.0411O1P041.4104MOD1141.04611.1.1MR.41 a IN BY 10 AA, OUT BY 6 PA. mii!4)4111k)40134mmipoimioinsmNill .DRY CLEANING t • • .SH'IRT .SERVICE .4.0.94siwo4Foro 3 PHONE i28-2335 • . • • . . • clamp's, 99.54; Chisholm Fuels,' fuel and t*x , .22842; 1.4-n-potial Oil .Ltd .. , fnel and tax,, 237..09;. Roy .Havns , motor oil, 150.082.. Sanfax Ltd. , plow spray"and de.:ieer, 7,4.00; 'George, Smyth , welding.ete. , 10:00; R. Stbthers ,_ sealed heath', 4.83; Colborne Township, boundary account, 150.50; 'Robert 'Irvin, oil and fuses' 5.49; HarVey Culbert*, telephone. tollg, 8.35; Bank of Commerce , . „C,P.P. and I, TaX.,121.9 0; 1 pec elver General, .1.1 . 1 . 'stamps, 11.400. G . R.A , tilc.rnbcirship fee,' 15,00. CPundil adjourned to Meet January 5th-, at the home of rhe Clerkat 11;00'a.rn'. . • JOAN ARMS'ING • Clerk • • ' • q4„711144:11111 4iii.3011114ViiV, 4 6 ell.. it r It 77 OA' Pot Mums, Azaleas, Poinsettias, Cydamen, • Mbied Pans, Cut •Flowers etc. Solomon's Greenhouses Lucknow Phone. 528-3017 mittee and 'Mrs. R. G. Nicholls presided for the election of offic- ers. .FollOwing is the list of officers for the next two years. • Past President-, Mrs. Vernon Hunter; President , Mrs.' George NeWbold; lst-vice president , Mrs. •Raynard Ac'kert; 2nd vice presid- .ent , Mrs. 'Ross CuSming; Recording secretary., Mrs. Orland Richards; Corresponding ieeretary, Mrs. Jack Treleaven; Treasurer, . • . Mrs. gobt; Finlay!. • • • Mrs. Harvey Houston and Mrs,'"' Harvey Webster made the' presen, tation of life membership pins to . Mrs,. Vernon Hunter in reccigni— tion Of her services and t� Miss Ada Webster in recognition 'of het many years of faithful service, a. gift from her family All' enjoyed a Social hour with members. of _the •eiecutive serving tea' and Christmas: cookies. s' Santa and' his reindeer send their , best wishes, and we add our thanks! PHONE 3571630'" 4/ir;t:ir,kit.tifilinte*-A4Orktr-k-A7trikir******-044-7/cir*rii-Ic 'CLOSED. CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS ' NIGHT • , 'The management' and staff of the Lyceum Theatre would. like to -take -this opPortunity to' -wish its . friends and patrons .: a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, . ***.**-04-0cOrtririti-str*** SAT., MON., :TUES.., DEC, 26,28,29 Boy Charlie Brown' Colour Make sure• your children see this cartoon feature. There will be." two shows on SatCtrday evening .at 715 and 915 and one showing at .8:00 o'clock 'on Mcinday,and Tuesday. • ' • ., • • . • SAT. MATINEE • DEC. 26- "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" Vr THUR., FRI., SAT., DEC. 31, JA111. i,.2 "How The West. Was Won" Colour • Starring: Gregory Peck, „ • James Stewart • • This is 'one of the biggeit west- erns ever filmed.: .it's brought 'back fora second time, so make' sure you see it. Due to the length of this. feature there will only be one showing each evening • at 8f0 p,m. ' • IA" • ."