The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 21CETI • Fed, resh kil. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1970 •,. sluff•f -1046.10, MO0 THE LUCKNOW SONMARL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAG IE TWENTY-0Na K. J.'MacKENZIE, OD. 4 Optomotrist NOWIN RIPLEY EVERY WIEDPIESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 for appointment W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST NEXT TO LYCEUM THEATRE: • WINGHAM PHONE 357-1361 • WHITECHURCH Mr.. and Mrs. lvlaehan of Water,. loo and Mrs. Gibson and family • of Lucknow were Sunday visitors • with Mr., and Mrs. George Fisher of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenag- ,han spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Malcolm Stewart of Water- loo 'and Mr.. and Mrs. Paul Geiger.and Kimberley of 'Kitchen- er. • • Miss Joann Laidlaw, student nurse at Victoria Hospitat, Lon• - don is enjoying this weeks holi- days with her parents•Mr. and Mrs.. Elroy Laidlaw. know * from hors - EL DAY' hrist• Sent. ;attn. ,1 ming it re- iatur• t the &FN.' CEXT. sday; JOHNSTONE'S . • FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 Day or 'Night Serving MI Faiths ' According to' Their Wishes Moderato Priam Established 1894 INSURANCE 'FIRE; WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE' and LIFE • . To Protect Your Jack, ' Jack Today..' J. A. McDONAGH .Lucknow, Phone 538-3423 . . • • R. W. ANDREW anc their r Every Wodnesday and Dec- Saturday Afternoon nem. Office inthe Joynt Block Barrister and. Solicitor. LIStOWEL, ONTARIO . 1tetitCKNOW ADS ENTERTAIN AT HOSPITAL Whitechurch Y. P .S S. journeyed. to GoderiCh.PsYchiatric Hospital lag Thuriday evening, where they put on an entertainment for the patients. 'We understand the patients enjoyed the time im- mensely bercause 'they were en- • coUraged to take part. Hence a good time was had by all: • • Carl Mcdlenaghan joined the ourip_nDecierriber 15 that took in beef housing' Units and 'started at the farm of Clayton Watke ,a. R.- 1 Carlsruhe. • • 4611* -2*, SAVE, - YOUR SOLES IN THE, ,b 'men is or id of res.. lam: '3now. is to 1111 tion act or» in • Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116. 7. GAVILLER 'AND COMPANY:: CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS . , A -LICE -R -TON Phene 881-371 .H.KINLOU.PH. Congratulations, to Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Lane on the birth of a daughter, a sister for Janet . • David Rhody of Waterloo Luth- eran University is spendirig his holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody. • . • Elden EckenswilleP` is a patient in Kincardine General Hospital.. Mr, and Mrs. Torn McDonald were in Kitchener during 'last week visiting ,with their son Ken- neth and their son-iri-lavv Bill • Gillingham who was also a hOs-: pital patient. A Merry,Christrnas and Happy New 'Year*to all! • .; GET YOUR MAN WM1 ant Ad. tailvill1111111111111111111111.11111111811111111111111111 ■ ▪ . • I • • ■ ■ ■ ■ 2 ■ s a ■ ■ • • ■ II . • ■ • a ■ n : . • • ■ ' D ' ■ • sFISH AND SKI -D00' le On your own 100 acres with: :plenty of hills and ever-flowing. espnng_creek. The_rnoderniarm: home has 4 bedrooms, 2 bath■_, !rooms, kitchen with built-in. cup-: beards, very large dining rooms • sand living room; full basement: m maples and well landscaped ■ . grounds make it a perfect place. to live. The 80 acres seeded: ■ down and the barn in eXcellent• condition,'offer a real'good beef set up. Asking 325,600, open for! offers and try your down pay-; ■ rnent. ■ ■ • , • WILD 'IN THE • : COUNTRY : U . !Today's purchasing - dollar will: ;not bring more value than thisi R. BRAY ' DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 256 CENTRE ST., • WINGHAM, PA4pN E 357-1224 Allife and1 MILL J. H. CRAVVFORD, Q.C. ALAN L R. MILL, B.A., L.B., WINGHAM IN LUCKNOW - EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 a.rin. to 12,.noon Located in l3reckles Block , Phone 528-2320 IN RIPLEY EVERY' FRIDAY In Ross Martyn Building • Phone"Wingh,am Oise 357-3630 — Res. 357-2330 • ire FOR COMPLETE TIRE . • SALES. A. SERVICES Phone 529-7600 'KITML, GENERAL STORE QUALITY TIRES AT ' • LOWEST PRICES R, W. OPTOMETRIiroDERteft • • 'Two Square (PhOne JAckiati74:7661-f • Farm, Truck .&' Pass. Tires re$10 Ile Wheel Balancing, and Battery Service WINGHAM MEMORIALS • • GUARANTEED GRANITES • .CEMETERY 'LETTERING.. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Savo, Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 A. M. HARPER ''CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 5r7 - 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone • . TIVIiiKENZIE--. - MEMORIAL 011 iii$0,0100-40-vnI. 3 bedrOciin hOuSeil Churches: join For: Christmas Concert .WHITCHtJi,CH NEWS On Sunday evening Chahner's Presbyterian and the United Churches held a joint Christmas concIrt in Whitechurch Community Memorial' Hall With a large crowd in attendance. The chairman Rev. Carl De Koeijer opened the concert with prayer, , All sang al -verse of "It 'came upon.'a midnight Clear."*, • Welcome recitations were given ,by Janet Adams, Irene Wall and Robert Will; Away in a - - Manger and ChristrriaiFfKil rn- ey was sung by the Sunday School scholars with pianist John 'Gibb.. The meaning,of Christmas was given -by Darlene Simpson's aut. Linda Moore gave a recita- tion. Christmas. in. Toy Land was given by Marlene Weber and John Gibb's class. The small *children were -asked to give a reci. titian but none Were brave enough Christmas Star was given'by. -three- aasses-,•Jane,tai-draw' Mrs. Irwin's and Mrs. Farrier's. The Juniors sang Rudolph the Red, Nosed Reindeer.. • • ' • 'God's GreatestGift was given' • by. Ruth Elliott's lass. Frosty. the Snowman was sung by Linda• • , MoOte'and Kenny QuiPpH. The . Seniors sang -Silver Bells. God's: Messengers was given by Mrs. Laidiaw's- Class. The chairman Rev. :D Koeijer told a, veryjnteresting story Of a son , who itOleinoney from his 'parents: andran:awily., He was gone fOrover 3, years., His father put an ad in the paper. George "'our Father. Loves You Come Home. He' came home and • , . :great was the rejoicing; ' •A Christmas Pageant was pres- ented including readings by Doug ROss and Cecil De Boer, Angels , 'Wise Men',Wary and .josepkand. Babe Shepherds and a group Of girls and boys Singing' carols. The.Closing recitation was . given. by Faye Irwin:- The Queen was sung then.Jolly Old Santa Claus arrived With his usual Witty rernarks-for-the Children -an • — older folks.. Bags of treats were given -to lI children in attend.- • ance - Lunch"was then enjoyed byall. •'- • • • . • . • :(4 pc. 'bath and full basement),: s barn and drive shed, all in goods ▪ state of repair: 'Rolling, rugged shills and 40 aces of bush form :recreation and / relaxatitzt—VVel . :could continue -- 8 ft. spring U :fed pond for swimming, creek • for fishing etc., but you really. m must see this one. It's every-: . -lithing you want in a •retreat pro -IN m perty • :A -FARMER'S FARM,' • ▪ Hog and beef set up. Fully auto-■ • 'neje barn with lagoon, . to: :house 500 hogs. Large .beef :and silo. 150 acres with 125 top: ;producing, workable, acres. Am' !good solid 6 bedroom home with: ;all conveniences. 'If you "Ore inn' • the market_for„....a reaLworking•: farm, take time now to, inspect• ':this property. ( CRYSTAL LAKE MOBILE HOME SALE At THE MENESET MOBILE HOME COURT AIRPORT ROAD, GODERIcH Agents For . GLENDALE MOBILE HOMES • GOLD FALCON TRAVEL. •. • TRAILERS. AND TRUCK CAMPERS. Phone 524-6638 or 524-9895 "THE LIJCICNOW makes an ideal Christmas gift, $5 pet year, $7 outside Canada, an at-. ,tractive gift card mill be sentrat no extracost-phone--528-4822.. ••••••••tiotter gic.•••••••• FOR SALE 100 ACRES — 85 workable, level medium loam, 7 acres mixed bush; 8 room frame home, 4 piece bath, modern cupboards; drilled well, barn 56 x 60 implement shed 35 x 50. Full price '$20,000. MIDNID=11=. BRICK. SCHOOLHOUSE $3,000. 41,500 down. ••et • •• HIGHWAY BEEF FARM — 300 'acres, 150 workable, 140 mixed bush; excellent 2 'storey brick home oil. furnace; •barn..60 x 60 and '36* 50, cement stanchions, litter cat- tier, modern implement shed 24 z 48. Full price.$40,000. 50 ACRES •— 40, acres workable, rolling land, 6 acres hardwood; G. room frame house, barn 30 x5&' Full price $7,500. • Fiii.-Thoso Properties,' —Plias@ 'Contact-- ROSALIND HODGINS • 3954337 -Or ' q U . ■• • ':DON .HOLST REAL I ESTATE' LTD.,* ■ REALT_ORS,___ CHAPEL ••—*FUNERAL SERVICE, Services Conducted according • to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Mem - • oriel Chapel .at no additional charge, • • Lucknow, Phone 528.3432 Day iiir.Nitiht ' • WINGHAM, . lt !OuAi,/ctiMiico . , SPECIALISTS' us • ' • • ' • mBarry McDonagh, Rep.,: . • Office 528-3423 : Res. 395-532e • • DEAD—STOC REMOVAL SERVICES R.R. 2 Holyrood, Ont. NOW FEATURING NEVi PHOTO -LISTING SERVICE * * * 3 BEDROOM ALUMINUM sided ' • home, 10 miles from' Goderich• a paved road, situated on 3/4 of an acre of land, 'large garage and machine shed. This home has mid- erri cupboards, oil furnace, drilled well, 3 piece bath' and has' been recently redecorated. Make an ap- pointment to see this soon. Posses - arranged to mu buyer. Wanted — dead or dsab1ed cattle and horses 'TOP PRICES. PAID ' Small animals over 150 pounds picked up free of charge 'We pay you 'for. your animal at your farm 24 HOUR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL COLLECT 887-9334 BRUSSELS PET. FOOD SUPPLIES .R.R. 2 BRUSSELS ---LieensCNO7-273-C-70 150 ACRE HOG FARM, close to' town,.9 room renovated frame home-with-411---conveniencesf-c acity• for 750 hogs, stable cleaner and paved yard. 50 ACRE- farm on Highway ' 21, comfortable 3 bedroom home good barn. If you would like to live in a desireable area and work in town,, see this, immediate possete sion, good terms. , 100 ACRE FARM close to Goder- ich, lovely red' brick home with all Conveniences, large barn, 90 work- able acres, immediate possession. 4 BEDROOM solid brick, home' sit- , Uated on, one acre of land close to • Lucknow, 4 piece bath,: combination • oi and wood f _ urnace, spring vie and pressure system, recent renov- ation not yet completed, make this a home worthy of your,, inspection.. . . For These- ProPerties , Please Contact ‘• 'WARREN ZINN • Phone .529-7350 SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529-7403 FOR ESTIMATES • • m I - i.suiteastaisitaaastsaantantesisasin Wilfrei\McIntee & Co., Lumited • " .-WALKERTON Member of thi Grey and Bruce.', Multiple Listings SerVice , List M.L.S. — Over 60, Salamis . Working For You ••••••••••••••446•40•11414 tioAt tttattUn tttt tItt Ainkt 4