The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 11MONO r. 'WEDNESDAY,, DECEMBER.:23rd, - il70 jafitkiP40: 5IP i ,•: Af16�'� THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO We're hoping that all ow good friends whom we have had the pleasure to serve for so long , will ' have the merriest Christ- mas ever. WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3714 LLOYD GILROY, PROP.' REPLACE GIFT EXCHANGE C.W.L. Donate To Peru Missi�n Fund Mass said by Father Cassano opened the Christmas meeting of Kingsbridge St. Josephs Catholic Women's. League on December 10. Father led in League Prayer with Mrs..Antone Van Osch Presid- ing. residing. Twenty three members answered, the loll call. • The minutes of the November meeting and, correspondence were read, 'Mrs. Cyril Austin moved that' all bills are to be paid: Mrs. Walter Clare reported that the Girl ,Guide building was complet- ed-at`trtre'tr' new care site --- . ilrs. Bob`. Howard •and Mrs. Dennis Dal;` tori are buying the Christmas. •flowers, Ladies taking donations for flowers for the 'following two 'Sundays axe 8:00',- Mrs. Walter Clare , Mrs. Antone Van •Asch and '9:00 'Mrs.' Mark .Dalton . On Tuesday' morning, December 22 there, will be 'a gen- eral cleahing eneral'cleaning of the church for Christmas. On December 15the C'W.L.. are catering,to the Federation of Agriculture banquet..' Mrs. John ,Austin, is in charge of getting 'a speaker. horn the Consumer Affairs; Father Cassano gave. a. Christ • mas m.essage ,dealing, with the Christmas story.'Mrs. Bob Haw,- 'aid ow-'aid read. aChristmas poem. Mrs.: Mark Dalton presented 'Father wit a Christmas gift Mrs Walter Clare led in a song sin' g of Christ- mas carols. • . Mrs. Gene Frayhe adjourned the r thanks and best wishes fora (olidaj to all of .8ou whom it has been our: rest s rivile' e and o Leasure to ow and;: to serve. MEL STANLEY'S SUPERTEST • .MEL AND GEORGE STANLEY PAGE; :OLE EN 6May this holiday season be for all our customers a truly. blooming • one;: We thank . you for your kind, patronage.: . -SOLOMON'S GREENHOUSES LUCKNOW: PHONE. 528=3017 meeting and h;prayer.- Lnstead of the annual. Christmas , � -��-a-�ior►s-we-re— given . to the Peru mission,. A`. ' delicious lunch was served during the s'o'cial hour Father ,closed' • • Pine River .U.C.W •AMU.ERLEY NEWS. • Pine River United Church Wom- en. held om-enhe:ld their_ Christmas -m eting on Tuesday evening of last week.. .r l-te r� _lnc a s a n_.afl dance of . forty-two. The President, Mrs. Pe'rrin•Lowry,'',opened the Meet iiia; with a. Glitis'tmas poem w'h.icti :.w'as' followed .with hymn I'he Explorer group , with 'their • } �s lolly -Santa wends his way, bringing` wonderful gifts for you,rwe'd like to add` our appreciation. Happy holidays. MARYLO'U'S..' BEAUTY LOUNGE leaders : Mrs: Ernie Gibsdn and Mrs, 'Jim Bradley,' attended • the: Meeting'arid singing by the Explor- ers was enjoyed;:. 'A .panel of 11.c. W. memberswas led by Mrs. 'John. Hillwho readthe'Christmas story.' Readings of passages of Scrip--.: ture pertaining to the' Birth of Christ were given by Mrs.. Carrick foiling,' Mrs. John 'Fe'rguson., Mrs:. Mervin Funston and Mr's 'George'. Messenger:.with:each •one li Thi tiny a candle. 'Christmas hymns Were, interspersed with the readings and were accompanied by 'Mrs.' Jim' Neshitt.. An address ".Look at Christmas" was given by Mrs. Eldon Bradley. who mentioned' how c.omriiercial ized. Christmas has become:.. So., "many beauTiful tr cora-tions,` :" — expensive wrappings for beautiful gifts. with no thought- for those wrtlrotrt the—ams to- bring joy tts . their families. The roll call for the nicetin•g' was,. "A Christmas. ", . • a -s -w -e kl-re spend to. The minutes ofthe lastt'- •. meeting were read by the secret- ary Mrs. Duncan •Thorhurn. Mrs..' Eldon Bradley: gave.a report of the 1970'programs A thank you card was read by,. Mrs. Leonard Reid ' Mrs.:Donald Courtney 'gave the' treasurer's report and read a . thank you. card from Mrs . Murray McLennan.: At the close of the meeting.tables were 'set in the. Sunday School room which were, - decorated in keeping with the' 'Christmas season, and a deli cious lunch was enjoyed. Article's. for a bazaar, were readily disposed of and a social.time followed SI Away for .Christmas tor Ne* Years. Have some visitors? Call us .' at The Lucknow Sentinel 528-281; and --t=ell us about -them. We'd like to hear from you.. If. you have 'a rural .correspondent ' in your area, give her a' call • • t this crisp and exciting time -of ; year, we are hopeful 'that your .holiday will. be filled with joyous warmth, richly shared '. with those you hold dear. ' And to . r : .. er, s, we -express our -thanks -curd appreciation for your continued ,patronage, Merry Christmas! Lucknow District .Co-op • atttlittittAtiltUal tallitntittAttiltaltettIttvit,