The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 9it. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER. 23rd, 1.470. TME LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, �NTARIO TALES THAT HAVE BEEN TOLD By Rev. Duncan. McTavish PAM' NIN• riscfniao Peace ecce on, Earth.,. Good. Will to Men." May the blessed ,words re-echo in ' every heart this.. Christmas, bringing joy to One and all •Best Wishes to all our friends and customers JOUWSMA MARKET .GARDEN . :cod Greenhouse,.Wing. am WHEN SANTA DANCED A JIG When I'was in my mid -teens I lived and worked at Uncle John's., Uncle was a thick set, man, entire-, ly bald, .and with a beard that was. as white as snow.. He had a "round face, and little round belly •,"'and'because of this he. played the role of Santa Claus 'every year in the little school- ,house in the neighborhood. In his youthful -days hp had loved to -step-da-nee; and-on=more-than.one occasion as the years went 'by Santahad obliged the'audience with a.little "step", Auntie ,:.a eery precise English ;lady was somewhat'disturbed by . ,her hsuband's nonsense as she deemed it -to be , and . more than once had remonstrated with him. As Christmas time came around on this"particular year , Uncle was booked again to play'the rple of Santa ; but' had promised very solemnly that he 'would not dis- grace his spouse by 'anymore danc- ing. . All 'werit"well at the first. The little schoolhouse was'paeked with outhful; parents' -and 'the-ir-little ones. The concert, finally came to in end , the • jingle of bells was heard and Santa burst into the room, clad in a ,,coon• coat and nice white 'fur, cap. These weree, days womentalk took-atrt weir pres- ents and placed them on the tree_, so Santa and his helpers were con,- fronted on=fronted with .a -considerable task. The. room 'was• hot and Santa swea atd'as he called ouvrt names of the kiddies. `But all; goodthingscoxae to an end'. Fin- ally the last. name was called and the parcel' delivered into the hands of 'its rightful owner.. . Santa Was just about to say good 'night and take his departure, when something happened that __ o Our fine patrons, sincere thanks; and warmest greetings • to `your" and yours for a' Merry. Christmas. Lucknow Community Sales. Robert McIntosh, . Proprietor ..,.. Compliments of the Season FROM THE MANAGEMEEN` ' AND Si AlT VICTORIA:EY GREY TRUST • A `e • 4 It's time once, again to take' pause, r _ . ul-Cbristin aso11, to greet fine friends and neighbors with' best wishes. And to add deep appreciation for your favors, good will. BUD"HAMI.LTON. BRITISH PETROLEUM AGENT AND ,STAFF ., II' changed. everything for him.. Somehow, it had leaked 'out that Santa` had promised'his wife 'there would be no dancing, andsteps had been takento put him'on the ;.spot. A the--last-na-tt led and Santa. was about, to go, suddenly there came the scrape :of'a fiddle bow, and the whole building was echoing,to',the ;strains o- f "The Bares. o' Mar" , It :was. •too much for .Santa. ' .One hand 'went up; and one leg crossed and the dance was on. It only • lasted a few minutes for Santa's. wind couldn't hold out very long, and panting, he made his way from the, crowded building.. • All went well until he' arrived home. Auntie shad long since re:tired•and 'was• fast asleep, It,. and uncle crept into bed -and, went off to sleep without much qualms, •. Of conscience.- The incident was. ' closed so far :as he was concerned. , It would have remained that e was eat way wer,e it not for a little six year old gland -daughter who rush- ed in the next morning, and 'in :he presence of grandma' greeted the old man thus: "Well, Grand= . pa , howde'you feel -after -your , jig.." 'It was an embarrassing nioment'.fbr Santa Claus.' There was nothing he could say to ' defend himself; se he remained; . silent ;--as his better -half :at • look of disapproval' at him , and .'` contented herself with' one word "John." seemed: as though' the 'breaks were coming his wa_y Until he tried to. get •his• shirt off. But it. was so wet he just .couldn't 'Manage it, 'and 'finally'had to waken his wife. . "John"., s5ie exclarned as sfeiried to wrest the shirt, from her ' husband's back," have you been dancing .again?" Santa .thought fast , . and decided -the ' best course to take was to offer a;n alibi for-. the, wet shirt , while evading the 'embarassing question. "Mother" he said', "that' schoolhouse was. .so'hot I thought I would roast. Just imagine rue in that fur coat and cap.for, nearly an hour, in a room crowded with people and a good wood fire in the stove." That seemed to quiet her fears, .. • A TYPEWRITER ' for . Christmas, all . price range's starting at $59.95; !ay away 'yours. now : and don't be ' • • iisappointed later, The ' , Lucknow. Sentinel, phone 528-2822. • ' Correspondents." • Please -Note! The next ' issue of this news- paper will' be on Wednesday, January 6th. • . We would :appreciate news of the holiday period bung sent to us as it happens, rather than holding',all copy until the' Mon- 'day after New Years. Provision has been made to set •any available copy between Christmas and Nie`w' Years. • } OA' I ItitAnt tt#�:�t►