The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 3WEDNESDAY,•..DECEMBER 23rd,, 1970 1 SAW CHRIST ON THE TRAIN It was in December 1931. The Depression had reached .its height, or should we say its .depth? 'At any rate things were about as bad as they could get, and 'unemploy meet with all its attendant evils :was everywhere.. 1 was on my way to Toronto travelling by train.. We stopped .at a .railwaycentre where two wdrnen, got on. , They.. seated themselves immediately in. front of me., and talked so freely. I couldn't help hearingtheir.'con versation. . They were the wives of railway men, travelling on a pass to do .some Christmas shopping in the , big.city. As they rode along they discussedtheir financial problems wit'h'each other. Both.'husbands :had suffered a Severe cut'in pay. and •were working on short time',! This meant that serious readjust- ments had' eadjust-•mentshad' to be made in the household budget.: Little by little ' they unfolded to each •other the :• 'retrenchments they had, been'forc- ed.•to Make, and 'the many things `they had to do .without. ----wit!' a -voice . that .quivered --a--- little , one, mother told of'a laugh - 1;41re: T • +I4",. T-I'! THE. MICKNOW SENT,iNEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' • TALES THAT HAVE 'BEEN..KBy..110, Macaw McTavish. f'4112' 411111r *10. �!• ��i�� � -oma.. • . ,, `, ;•> •'x4� Like the sparkling beauty' of a snowy landscape, • hearts are filled - with peace •and good will. Over the mountains, through' the woods ...or wherever you'll. • • be at 'Christmas, we ,wish you a merry one and sincere Thanks:. for 'your continued support., tore ter with rare musical talent , who • had to forego . further training be- cause she couldn't afford it. Her dreams of a musical career seem- ed -for the-rnoment to--.be-wrecked; .and all because her father had ;Here's hoping that•.. Santa >brings . lots of good t.hin-g.:. your way! Thank you.. SHE FAMILY AND STAFF OF E MAYFAIR RESTAURANT offered to take a cut iri,pay..rather than see ' a ' fellow workman. ;out of work entirely.: It was anoble de- cision ,to e•cision•to Make , • and one that - • perhaps few wives would accept graciously. ' But this woman had done so in'a spirit that Made me ... marvel. After. recounting the fami lys, misfortunes: and the reason ' for them , she said, "I''d rather go on 'parr=rirrxa paycrd-fe l tha ,others .had some too, than have ' my . envelope full'and'know that•others hadn't any." • memory of his parents Mr.:and Mrs. J. B.' Hodgkinson,. former . Kinlough residents. Congratulations .to 'Mrs .:Glen Haldenby who was the lucky win - net' of ten dollars in. the Hall's Red and , White Store ,' Lucknow Special Christmas draw The Presbyterian Sunday School held their Christmas. Concert on Fjiday night in the. church and Sunday School pupils received their awards. . AN ADDING MACHINE — for Christmas, manual and" electric ' in stock,; The Lucknow Sentinel, phone. 528-2822. -heard that remark.; and= looked at that noble young moth- er,. I thought I •was.seeing Christ On that train. I was hearing His . voice in :hers. I was witnessi'ng the re -incarnation of the Spirit ` of. One who was ever giving of - Himself for others.,. yet never 'looking for. anything for Himself. I.was'seeing'the Word again being made flesh in this noble woman. I was seeing -exemplified in her the spirit that really saves the world. Lwas..wit.nessing the spirit of the Suffering Servant who'wil ,ingly and gladly, gets,.'undern.eath !the burdens of others, .and suffers ?with them. I was hearing the ?Christ saying: " Inasmuch as. ye }did it unto one of the least of these my 'bethren ye have done `it unto Me" . we'd like to • help brighten your holidays with our sincere thanks' frir' the privilege 'of seri- —ing you- ai d -our warmest wishes for every happiness. Dion. and Starline Farm Equipment CHARLES HODGINS • >w; EET7NG •'ere'a wishing• you the fulfillment of all your dreams for Christmas. Thatik'.you for your. patronage. HACKETTS FARM EQ U tPMEN T KINLOUGH Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy .Baur of -Fairbanks • ; -ala s lc-a� r e= -v -i s i -t 3 nig -=-- •-� here „with his mother Mrs. John Barr and with Mr: and Mrs,. Jack Barr and 'family and other rela ties in the area. , Mr. Wilbert;"Hodgkirisoti of Winham visited with friends ;here on ;Thursday... Miss Lois Nicholson'of Milton, Miss Joan Percy of Brantford', Mr.; Donald Bari of Waterloo are holidaying at their'respective — homes here. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh joined ,members. of her family at a pre- -Christmas dinner--on-Sunday-at. : thehome of her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hartwick,. Kin- cardine. ' Misses Edna and May Boyle, 'were dinner guests at the home :of ,Mrs-: Edna Whytock at Tees - water. on Sunday•. . ' The' lovely pot of mums in the .Anglican Church on Sunday was given by Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Hodgkinson -of Wingharn in loving • • FROM boo nderWoerd- Bros. Lid.' :BUILDERS O . _ POURED CONCRETE SILOS R.R. 1 Mitchell, •Ontario -„orfseteviti sue ItttlintaitOMIONiattltolw