The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-09, Page 19WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9th; 1970 *r • THE ILUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN' A VISIT T.O. THE CHINA SECTION, . OF SCHMID'S JEWEL. LERY IN' LUCKNOW. OPENS AN ENTIRE NEW WORLD ii OF ok TON,DINNERWARE SPODE,WEDG OOD,'CROWN. DERBY . ROYAL ROYAL AL - ' BERT, AINSLEY, AND PARAGON . . JUST A FEW OF E. THE FAMOUS NAMES IN • CHINA YOU'LL FIND AT' IsSCHMID'S. ''WE HAVE. THE LARGEST SELECTION. OF DINNERWARE IN WESTERN ONTARIO• • * For A SPECIAL..`. ' r 47 P I ece . � Set • * Christmea Gift . Choose le lan1847-= _ BULOVEVALLEA OR CARAV' Rogers. ,Bros! 7 7— WATCHES al Including * ******,k***** BONE; CHINA. CENTENNIAL .. 'TLATES EG. $4.50 $1.50 CENTENNIAL'. * . ***.*******.*.*. CUPS and . SAUCERS * , 7 Serving. Pieces �/s. Price • *****,*'***** BONE.CHIN'A * •' 00 LARGE STOCK OF • REG. $4.50 * . , JEWEL CASES ,* *, * :*" * * fir. * * * * ,A• $1.50 **•***`***'***. SPECIAL PRICES *° ON * Discontinued E (GOLD , TUMBLERS Community Plate's 10' OZ: _ .REG. 30c * * Pnttern•s 20c * SOUTH SEAS' Sets 0f 12 OZ, REG. 35c • 25C !0' *******' • WHITE. ORCHID:.. AND CORONATION_ O Treat Accidents AtHospital' Dale Hunter, age 16, Lucknow,, son of Mr. and Mrs', Wm. Hunter. was playing hockey in the .Brussels; arena on November 30. He ap- parently .fell and fractured a bone in his right' leg. A cast was • applied and he was. released. William Eisenhofer, Lucknow received crushing injuries when he apparently was caught between a. tailgate' and garage door at' Symmes .Brother's, farm at Luck - now on December 5,'.. He was admitted to •hospital. . - Gordon Bryce , Teeswater , received painful injuries and par tial amputation.of'his'right first finger on December 5, Apparent- ly' a stone became wedged in the plough and` when the. stone, was released from the plough it tripped the .plough amputating a portion of the • right first finger. A car driven by Bill Melton, age 1.8, R. 12.. 2, Wingham, 'went out of, control en #4 highway south of Wingham. The car left the road and struck the abutment to the bridge. He received shock and contusions ;and was released.. The accident was investigated by'. Wingham' O, P,P. Balzer. • Bernard Ortlieb, tBluevale lacer- ated' his right',first arid.. second fingers on December 7 Apparent ly le•was sanding a pieceof wood, when the sander slipped and the 'patient caught his right 'hand itl ' thesander. • fiLLER _s7piecac�S Fronts of Beef 48c ro. Findi.. of Beef68c.16. of ' Beef ib.. . CULROSS CORNERS '/z PRICE Stainless: Steel.. *,`* * * * * * * * * * *.* Cutlery Sets ` ENGLISH BONE CHINA Cups and Saucers REGULAR $2.50 Special ALSO SETS IN.. 1847 Rogers . Bros. 'Community Plate Silverware Sterling Silverware F1gtw--are * . Mr'. and Mrs. Gerald`Stewart of Kincardine. .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Torn Stewart'. Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Ffiendorf of Kitchener and Mrs.. N. E. Halden- by, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and,:Mrs . Lloyd Johnston. •and Donna of Holyrood . ,R * * *.* * *'*• * * * * * *'* * * * *' *. * * "*• * ;It * . LARGE ASSORTMENT. OF ROYAL DOULTON ' FIGURINES.: **.*****,it**fie***•**•k_* _. :: Schmid's "Have The Largest Stock ,Ever. Tile 4 Bargains Are Too Numerous To • Mention. k***.-**-:*******' 0 ID S JEWELLRY ' AND CHINA PHONE -52-84532 :Purple Gr II W. C • took place Mrs. Don Robertson gave a wery eting The December meeting of Purple C)rove Women's Insti.tut.e. • was held 'on Wednesday afternoon at the home o'f Mrs, Norval Tey With. nineteen" ni nnbe itid : five visitors present.:: t . The roll call was answered with a Christmas Vers.e., ,Miss Mary, • Robertson rea• t e scripture,, •, card party is to be held in the cc mrnunity centre on Friday, Dec ember 11. A collection was taken for the Mental. Health Association, Mrs, George. Harkness reported on. I Io me Eaono►atics• and .Heal'th'. Receiving prizes in the Christmas Cookie Contest. were Mrs. llarvie Needhani , Mrs.:Win; Arnold and Mrs. Howard Thompson. An exchange of Christmas gifts Jennifer .and George . Barrell of Toronto spent last week with 1 and Mrs'.: James Haldenby while their Mother is ;in the. hospital. Week end ' visitors with Mrs. 'N. E.' Haldenby were Mr, and Mrs'.'' elbe•rt Heed -1 nd-f* n i 1 -y -•e - f Kinloe h, Barry from Windsor.. and. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Friendorf of Kitchener and Mr.: and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston' and Donna of Holyrood • Beef 'Pork Sides of ' • !WHOLE OR • HALF 57c lb. ' 35c lb.• PorkLoins.. •CUT IN CHOPS. 59c Ib. CUT, WRAPPED AND 'QUICK FROZEN ' AT NO EXTRA CHARGE.• 0000 o00 •,0000000 •.o 000.• 000'• *0000000.00 HOMEMADE SAUSAGE 3 'lb 99c. 10 lb. $3.00. -HOME CURED. Piece or Sliced.BACON 2 lb. 99c HOME CURED I IAMS, Whole •: or. Halve 49c lb.. • IPLEY PHONE 395-2961 EAT MARKET, RIPLEY, ONTARIO. hlirs. H ran e ' S oke TO St. Helens W.I. The December meeting of the .. St. Helens 'W:I .. was.held Thurs- day, hursday, December 3 in the hall. President Mrs. Jas. Aitchison was in the chair. The meeting opened with. the Institute Ode fol- lowed by the Maty•Stewart Col= lect. The roll' call was answered with a written recipe by: each. member. Mrs. ' Ross 'Errington, read the minuies and gave. the treasurer's report:' Mrs. Harold Gaunt' report- ed on the Convention she attended at, Stratford: , A Christmas ca'rol'was. sung: , Errington; 1v rn e :'a holiday The-gu. 'she. had: of Luckn ow was iritrod uced by •Mrs. 'Ross jrs. Hu 'niel• spek of spent in Bethlehem Palestine .and ►i when she was a fifteen year old' WI Mrs: , Chas. McDonald tha-eked-.the,.speaker arid presented. her with a`gift. • ' Readings were .-given by Mrs: ' y Harvey Webb and 'Mrs. Frank • McQuillin.. A piano instrumental was given by Mrs.' Bob Aitchison An exchange. of Christmas .Gifts • was held.. Mrs..Bob .Aitchison`, Mrs. •Jim Aitchison', Mrs, •Harold Cooper. and Mrs, Loyd Wh'ytock were :named as the committee for the December; 17 card game: Mrs. Peter Chandler, Mrs. Laura:Mc- •Neil',' Mrs. :Earl•Jamieson•and e.L Mrs. Ernest Gaunt were named as ."The-EP-rt-irni",iti.FiaTlanuary 7 card, game. A Christmas' Dance was planned for December ,29th: The 'meeting closed. with ,0 Canada 'Mrs. ' Harold Gaunt ; Mrs:.Bob.A•itchison•, Mrs E. W Rice Served a. delicious '1•nnch. interesting Motto, "The Joysef • ' Christmas" touching on the many sid:es•of Christmas. Program con- vener Mrs. Cecil Sutton conduct- ed a Carol sing -a -long , also. two contests,• making a rhyme Using.. !Iris -units and Ndme the -Carol Mrs. Wayne Nixon gave a reading Safety at Christmas and Mr.s. Mor ford Mackay rad' The Three Road to Christmas. F• Mrs. Donald Mackay was pies- ,ented wf'th a gift to honour their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.' Mrs. Mackay,..thanked the mem-'. hers and all who helped with the,;.. profs tit:T' The meeting closed with the. singing of 'the Queen and Grace.. Lunchwas served by the hostess • assisted by Mrs.' Morford Mackay . and Mrs. Harvie Needham. LADIES ANIS MENS WEAR rifts Tha:t'Make A. Happy 'Christmas R; HER. *. SLEEPWEAR ',SLIPPERS — HOUSECOATS * LINGERIE — PANTY HOSE(Colors) DRESSES (All Sizes) BLOUSES (Assorted Styles) • * SWEATERS SKIRTS' UMBRELLAS HANDBAGS — JEWELLERY — HANKIES * SCARVES. and BERET SETS F HATS —'CAPS.— HOSE — TROUSERS • JACKETS—..SHIRTS TIES- WALLETS • BELTS — BRACES GARTERS... . WORK CLOTHES.- T. SHIRTS .-- SWEATERS UNDERWEAR HOUSECOATS - SUITS • 0 BOATS - $i5.00 FOR MEN and WOMEN I 4{i} h�4��$;�tiF���lbi��C�i}.�.�5•tle��i�' i��H'�1�i�.� 1*s�;t►t�t,►sus