The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-09, Page 15EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 1970 • THE LU'ERN6w SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • in. d S . Editor in Chief Robert Rooney Assistant 13everley Smith . 'Mary MacCharles Barry MacDonald - Bruce Aitken PING PONG RDHS experienced a 'firsts in its history as it launched its season of table tennis on December 3. This "Ripley Classic" , organized by Mt. Tutvill and Mr, Brown., ' consists of students, who • • voluntarily submitted their names to the aforesaid managers.. *Games are held every Tuesday, Wednes- -da-y-and-Thursday, ',Monday and Friday noon hours are occupied by House League volleyball conducted by Miss Mar- garet Machan and Mr. Edward Brown. The championship teams will: be determined before Christ - DID YOU KNOW THAT: ...On January 13, a curling team with Gail Courtney as skip will attempt to defend their: CWOSSA, Championship in Owen Sound, . • ..A girl' exhibition, basket- ball game will be held in Kincar- dine on December 17. (The regul- ar 'schedule begins 'on January .12. ) On-the-sarne-day theKincartline Junior Boys' 'Basketball teain*Will play an exhibition game. in Ripley, THE THESPIANS Last Friday the Drama personal:, i ies•-orRDHS journeyedlo Kincar- dine to atfend a work-shop.preseriL ted by the "THEATRE .HOUR , • COMPANY" . \ This' group tours . Outaria..aiding school theatrical Rooney,. was:' instructed and enter- tained', We extend our thanks -to Kincardine District High Schoszil who hosted the event with their lusual courtesy; efficiency and co-operation... • • CHRISTMAS DANCE Plans have been 'finalized fot. • our ,,annual Christmas Dance,The, dance will be held on Tuesday night; December 22 froth 9:00 12:00. The "Jack Pine" wil); pro- vide,the music for the Dance. Grade twelve students will decorate the gymnasium. Since this is our first dance 'this year, everyone is encouraged to come -and make it a success. What bet- ter .way to celebrate the 'Christmas holiday than to dance a night,at. R.D,H.S.? . SPORTS Highschool curling began this , Week.. There are six teams curl- ing each of the three nights for a total of 72 players. For a School.. of one hundred_pupils .,,:'this is a. very good percentage of eurierS. JUVENILE HOCKEY., On Friday night Ripley played •host tothe Walkerton squad • in a' fal. arena •of.cheering ehusiastic -fans__ Ripley started Off with a. 'definite tone of victory by chalk- ing up six goals 'in the first period. _..._.___T_Iae_seconcl period was 1-(e sinfitt PAGE FIFTEEN 4groups.' For an hour, they help-. ed 'the 'assembled students to devel- op dramatic skills. • 4 The Ripley delegation ,, includ ing Jackie Johnston, Mary Mc- Creath Marg MacKay ; Sherry Pollock, Donna Needham, Anne Stanley , Bill and Rob Bissonnette, Larry Irwin,. Donald- Martin, Marg- aret Anne Courtney and Robert • . • .. PERSONAL GUMMED LABELS :envelopes hoolta toms th 300 Labels $1.75 Put -your -printed -personal- • labels on all eisy,to-lose. items such as stationery, SLAPS HOTS Cheques, cameras, toys. -Dori MacGregor scored a goal You'll find alhOPsafiduses arra wrist:shot, (amaiing)., for IN* gummed labels Preagrv.44__ • • Tilt -eked in a handy phistic reuseible box. • period with both tearris playing .ashorthande.4 for the rria jority. of.. the time. . . In the, third period the team',s settled'dowp a little, Ripley • ' 'scored' two goals, while Walkerton scored three. resulting in the, final score of 8.-'a'in favour of Ripley. • SUNDAY - MADE, IT FOUR! On Sunday aft.ernoon Ripley \lap Juveniles barely skated by Durham to•defeat them. The game start - edlloW y. p ey seemed td be sleeping! (They we're suffering . from the night before!) Durham was playing good hockey while _Ripjejy_wmjuirj4ring to hng cin Again the penalties were handed out liberally' to.both.tearns.- The last 'five minutes of the game were the most exciting.. With three minutesqeft tOtglay Minis Martin,scared to 'tie the scOr'e. Ripley put the preisure on! Bryan 'Boyle scored with One minute re-rnaining! Ajurharn pulled their :- goalie! • They go0a break -away on Larry; but Larry Made a• fan- tastic stop to save the, game!. Bryan -Boyle:scored again into the empty net for an insurance goal. This viCtory made ,it the' fourth : ORDER 'NOW phonograph AT records THE UCKNci NTINEL ZION Lane Gardner attended County 1--coUrt GodericirTon Monday ' ,and Tuesday 'as a witness regard- ing the liquOr store robbery at Wingham a year ago. A.,car stol- en 'following the robbery 'was' abandoned in the driveway of 4 Line's farm at that time. • Trinity Church ladies held a very successful bazaar on Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw London visited on.Saturday with relatives in the community, «'.'�:i t 01 '0 0,0'4.'4' "4.1.‘?;`"0*Ni t** I I NEW NYLON BEATERS! 3 SPEED STAND MIXE aves time and trouble. • Mixes, ' whips, blends in • -seConds. Fingertip button. speed selector. Avocado With white base - • ' 120 volt. Reg. Value $14.44 • •Special Price $12.97 • ..ENGLISH-TEAROT CREAM *SUGAR SET ,4*:1:414?-,5),,',*:g•;:: • A SHARP. CHRISTMAS GIFT* 4 PIECE CUTLERY SET. Genuine. Lama Wood handles are' unbreakable, boil • proof, and' burn proof. ' • ' Regular Value $3.49 Special. Price $2.99. MEN'S SUBURBAN COAT • Ideal gift for. relatives or. friends or for yOur own .use at home. Avail- able in various coloured 'floral pat- -terns. Pre-packaged in •a beautiful gif pox. Regular Value $5.95 •• SjECiaLPnCe $4.79 Made of wool and • nylon with a. deep black pile lining. ' Collar has an irriitatidn black seal piniles.levuei t.edivolining outside 'pockets with weather flaps. Sizes available from 36-46. Regular Value $24.95 $S1p9e.c915al. rice, A DELIGHTFUL. KITCHEN ADDITION "FANCI. 4.;;:•• 1. 14,911 ,) PAs ,• 34idof tif 111•, Non -porous surface ' • can't' absorb food .• • • ,. odours .or flavours. Easy to clean too . . . a sponge wipes. 'sparkling new. Safe in 'any 'dishwasher. ' Regular Value $39.95 Special Price $29. Regular Value $39.95 Special Price $33.99 '• DELUXE .111 putcp. SOCKET TOOL SET Every Piece' is fully' guaranteed. ' All are made of fine professional qUality to give maximum use. • Set contains: ,9 piece Drill Set; 8 piece' Box and Open Wrench 'Set; 8" adjustable 61/4" slip joint plier; 6 piece Screvidriver Set; 13' piece ½" driVe'^ Socket Set;' 11 , piece 1/4" ,.drive Socket Set; 7 • piece Yin drive Socket Set; • Hack- , saw and .21 blades;•• 19" • x.6", x • 61/240 metal box with tray; 5 piete 'open end wrencti. set with clip; 181 piece. Allen Wrench' Set. 'A COLOURFUL. CHRISTMAS' o . • •••• . . AS RICH AND COLOURFUL,. •\ AS CliRISTMAS TOWEL SET by "Caldwell" Made from the finest heavy quality 100% cotton in bright, new bold colours. Each set con- • tains: 0• large • colourful Bath Towels; 3 large Hand Towels; 6 Faoe Cloths; 1, "Terrycloth" Bath, Mat, Regular Value $22.50 Pedal. Pice895.'.) A SANTA 'SAFETY SPECIAL , DRIVEWAY MARKERS ,• Scotchlite ieflects headlights from every angle,, clearly' indicating driveway,' • Regular Value $1.59 • SPecial IPrice $119 'CHRISTMAS I.N. THE .SUN';, White, 150 Watts Regular Value $3:33 Special -Price $2.99 ulti-purpoSe-ki-t, iS ideal -for -- floodlighting driveways, barn yards; entranceways, Voltage ;110 C.S.A. Blue, Red, Green,, 100 Watts' gulr Value $3.88 -Speciar-Price $3.49 AN IDEAL GIFT FOR T,1 -E ' HOUSE PROUD MOM ' ,•7( • .Mboltt, ..1 ever yoU gO plus •••• full wrap around soft vinyl . bumper 'prevents •• • l• "HITACHI" VACUUM CLEANER • Convenient, • • attachment basket carries all the • attachments wher4,,, furniture damage; “'":' Push button auto- • -,matic-cOrd-rewincLI-- ' No paper bags required. Complete with attachments. $8,9.95 Feel healthy -look: good. Enjoy a soothing Sun Bath and de- •veloP a tan at the same time. Regular Value $17.77 • Special -Price $14.99 .$t • , • 1 -SYLVANIA- , SYLVANIA. - "BLUE DOT" ."BLUE DOT" FLASH CUBES FLASH' BULBS .4,-.,, .s \'L NI.k 4 :\*.k 1111:113131111 12Id - Ellj ,..11.A1B/AR • Re-gular Regular Value11.69- ,Special• 'Price $1,29 Special Price $1.39 NOW...DISTRICT C-0'.6.0.P.H... 2,528.412$: • r. PROMPT MAIL ORDER SERVICE, If the Items you require are not available in the store in your community, the store manager will be pleased to order them p. These value packed items are distributed by Kjii=c3 • UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO f•-*IrNfr.:,k. tf " 9. arlath..iff'firtn._ 0 Ws( 0•LisrstnOiti; hs. A's 1,0 t5 i5,515 55 1w • .. • t It it! ilt tt • 0 it* 9'. V t•V