The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-02, Page 3WEDNESDAY, IDE.CEMBER 2nd, 1170. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW • ONTARIO PAGE THRUM • 4 + ~,4!+; "i•♦N+♦.44K••:NDN♦N•••:N1••:••♦•••♦•:•••♦•• •••••)+••••♦•i ♦~♦ • .N 44:.+i•4♦:4 A•. •_♦ BEST-BUYi- PROCESS-C—AN-ADIAN—SLICED 8=Oz-Pkg.-' .� FEATURE! = ROASTED FF. FEATURE! Sc OFF PACK ..'. FEATURE!' -- MAPLE LEAF iNc Chase & Sanborn, 1-1b. bag Ar .,'3 -Lb. Tin Shortening BUY -OF -THE -WEEK Libby s fancy Quality. MAT i C E 48 -Oz: `Tins 28 -Oz. Tin EAT 5 :� Vie- -- • HaveGeorgian-Bay M:aelntosh.--= BY BASKET' AND BY BUSHEL ._• Please •bring your hamper •_• FEATURE! and Spy Apples BEST BUY! SWEET MIXED or BREAD"N' BUTTER. EINZ Pickles •_• • +.. •_• f ♦_� r '• 15=Oz..Jar •_• F o or X R •_, .•_• 41* • ♦_• 4. �_• •: • •_ •_• 10 for. 590. • •_• •2• BEST BUY! REYNOLDS- ALUMINUM 12 -INCH 25 -Ft. Roll STRAWBERRY or. RASPBERRY Wagstaffe's 24 -Oz. 'Jar, 3:SCOTTOWELSHouseholdTowelsroll pcks $ 1.2 1 •. Tall Tins 15, oz. AA Carnation- Milk,, Y / . . :Z;:EXTR •• ,Stokefy,'s fancy, :Cream Corn •_• Campbeirs . t. Tomato Sou r iC On—Sale • This Week! COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA' Volumes 19 and20 $1.99 BEST. BUYJ. - 1NSTANT.'COFFEE .. . MAXWELL • HOUSE 14 'oz. FOR 10 oz.. tin "Red and White Tomato Juice 19 o=: ,Happy'Vale Standard Peas.':. ' 14o : 10 oz. fors GoodMorning f Vegetable.: Soup.Z ZI Marmalade _ Canada Packers Sweet Pickled 1/z, .. 4:-----C o=ttag- R s5. e • a-1�s--- Maple Leaf . Iotkeye 'SImou'. %z►b: tin PLUS MORE EXTRA DISCOUNTS • xN�N�N�N�N�H�N�N�•4N4N4.4.4.4. 4.4.4.+4.4N4N4N4N4N4•44+++++++++++4N)+++N+N+++++4••••++.00.44 44+ • for 13C 3i 10 -oz. jar. each Saturday nite,.till .Christmas, one,.ticket will be given. with each $2.00 purchase h :Week _ $25 In = Merchandise if Prizes Will ' � � : •z• , Be Given ._. TWO $10 PRIZES �. NE. 5 PRIZE• 24.oz: 450. •11,41144.114•2*•N•N•N•N•N•N• •N•N•• 44,4 4,1;• •••444•44.• •:• • •:*•:• •:•••;• •;• 4,4+, *+4, G • r IS HOLDING •A MEETING. FOR 'THE MEMBERS AND. INTERESTED SNOWMOBILERS On Sunday; December 6th AT 1'00 SHARP kr CLUB HOUSE • ('KNOWN AS RUSS'-BUTTON 'PROPERTY) phony— 518.300 • SHOP ` WITH • NO' PARKING 'PROBLEMS USE-QUR=NEWLY-PA=VED • •Z• •- PARKING •..LOT . --AT.--THE. REAR -OF THE STORE = ENTER THE STORE FROM THE REAR:'OF THE . 3: BUILDING 11 u111un. __ uu _ - •.• ♦♦f♦♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N•N♦N♦NN♦ N•H ♦♦••N•N♦N•N♦N♦N•N♦•♦A♦ ♦♦♦♦♦NN♦.•♦♦N♦N♦N♦f♦♦N•N♦N•♦f•••.♦N♦N♦4F♦♦•'♦•N••i♦NN N•1 •♦ Remember 4eri long: -hair musid. meant Brahms, Beethoven, and Bach? • • �r BUD HAMILTON BARRY", McDONAG . SEE....'. By The Sentinel sr: BMW THAT Mr.' and Mrs. Gilbert ,Fra'ne of Kingsbridge have mov- ed to Lu iznow or the winter Months, in erMonths. They are occupying the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Gib- soh,. who, are spending the wint- er in int-errn Florida. ,441k..144‘..4t: 'The lady driver 'told the• police. officer that it' was'irnpossible.for her to slow 'down with him going so fast in back of her. ICl SNOW PLOWING We will not be responsible for parked cars in the -road ---of snow -removal or any -other u uiiarked. objets during snow removal. JAMES . GIBSON'''' BUD HAMILTON.: MONTGOMERY MOTORS I 1r; I, ti.ti "�i ;'per r�'re:e r�i;i(i i. �r:i .Lr} ;ti.•j•iV j',;}�tq!7 .