The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-25, Page 23s. ere Tees, nd • rith their nbs aw ited amiald EONE.SOAV, NOVEMBER 2..,5th, 1970' THE LucKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO The CKN W SENTINEL $5.00 for Canada .....4mummorneeFe Bervie Resident. ie r ear MRS. JOHN W. SWAN Mrs. John Swan of Bervie •pass - act - e ....,1__Wiarton, on Saturday November rhe 14th in her 73rd year. She was born in Kincardine , Township•on December 25th, ., 1897 , a d4ughier of JOseph Eng. ph, land and Elizabeth Jane Pritchard Following her marriage to John W. Swan on January 2nd, 1918, they lived at creWe. They lived eight years at St. H.elens, for 'a time at Port Hopnd-hacLbeen__ residents of 'Bervie for the past twenty years. • ' , . MrS: Swan has been a‘.resident :of Gateway 'Haven since last :January.' • Mr. Swan is also a res- • Born in Ashfield Township, he ident there. •• • wasii son of James Alton and • They observed their GOiden • Amelia Reed; He attended - Wedding Anniversary .in January, •sehools in Belfast „Lucknow, 1968. 'Open House was held the Wingham and Toronto. He taught .previorips October at their home , at Donnybrook and Ripley where .Bervie in4ionour of the occasion. he became Principal of the'Con- ii ;moVed to ,?rotarito and had taught there for: 20 years When he was • appointed as.principal in North : • That• lasts the. Whole Year 'Round. A GIFT THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN ENJOY $7,00 for US,A. and Foreign • , "'?„ • tru , "et', • • •,..1;11 J• !it% • n- n , ...• . • • Red and White Announcement • Serving 309, Red & White Stores and 28 Super Save Markets in •Ontario,• National Grocers has announced that these markets would join in the Current food price war. The announcement • was made to The Sentinel last • week end by National 6rocers.. Serving food retailers with sales in excess of five hundred.. •million dollars and operating 27 'strategically located distribution • warehOuses, National Grocers holds the Red and White and„ Super Save franchise for Ontario. Funeral Horne , Lucknow, on . Former Resident day; November 20 ,.at -2;00 p.m.., with interment at Greenhill Cern- ietery7---Rev . Jones of ofkVillowdale— iu. • . was minister . • Pallbearers Were Harold Thornp- , son, Bert Thompson,: Prank . Thompson.; Jack MacIntOsh, ail brothers-in-law and two nephews Jackton-and J C Alton • " I ir . .PAGE .TWENTY4NREE Ftiur:Guides Pan • 1•01:: CIOSS•Composs. Roll call for this week ;included,: inspection for neat , pressed uni- forms. The colour party included Sanclra Finlay ,•Barbara Cameron, and Susan Hayes. • A new shield was presented to the patrol with the most points so.far this year. it was presented. to•the Scarlet Tanager Patrol and will be presented each week to ,the winning, patrol& After. -Patrol Corners , a whistle and hand .signals game was play- . ed. During a work period; Sandra. Finlay helped the .recruits, .while Each-StoTels-l-o-cally-owned7and--- -Lleutenant--taught-beginners-Com-- •• managed. • ' ' .• pass „and Captain instructed the A spokesman for National Groc- older guides. After vespers, ' Taps concluded the meeting. On Friday flight, four guides passed lst Class compass: Brenda MacDonald , Ruth Henderson, . Mary Ellen Havens and Kathy • Treleaven. :ers states "We will be following - • our usual practice of being corn- petitiVe in the Ontario retail food • . field"; WM. Wi ALTON • • William' Whitney Alton, 66, of •. dale died Tuesday,•Novern- ber 17 at Princess Margaret HoSpit- TorontO. • He had. completed 42' years in at -ion dadaeioietire • two years ago but continued as Principal of YOrkview Drive PUb-• •lic School until last June to intrO- drice the borough's first audio- visual teaching programMe; His. reputation led the school authorities to -select YerkV:ie-w-- 'from among 100 school§ for the initiation Of the new and ,experim- ental:technique using cable tele-: • vision in classrooms. • • KINLOSS Several from the community attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto including: Mr: and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon and John Mac - .Kinnon.' / Harold Stanley is a patieht in Victoria HO.spital, London. We wish him a speedy recovery. • Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dlckie arid William visited 'Sunday with. Mr. Besides her. husband ,• Mrs. • . Swan is survived by four daugh- ters.and three sons Mrs.. Harry •-__clona)__Middleton_of:Oshawa , Mrs. • Lefbnard (Marie) Phillips Of, Wing- han-i, Mrs:. Willis .(Dorothea) • Craig of NorWood.,.Mrs. Ivan (Betty) Cook of Ripley; Harry of •union, air1drftWt1tow'd'a1e --eGibOfne To -w- Liam n United Church and a 'member of the Masonic Order.. He was ,active .,in'sports and successfully coached many,schooltearris in.baseball, • .hockey and soccer. Alrhungli he had not resided -In --- the LucknOW area for over 3.5 years, Bill•kept in touCh with . many former friends and was a frequent visitor during the slimmer vacation... : • He leaves his wife, the former Grace Thompson of Kinloss Town- ship, a son Dr.. Douglas of the to , one brother Sam oftuCknow ; one sister Mrs. Jack (Olive) Mein- tdsh of Oshawa and two grandchiiel• renHe' was predeceased, by a brother Charles in 1946, • Mr. Alton .was a past president Of the North York.Principars Association, a founding director of the borough teacher's credit , „Robert, both Of Kincardine; twe.n• ty-fOtir grandchildren and four • great grandchildren;. one sister. Mrs.. Eber (Nellie) Willsortof. • Flint , Michigan and two brothers land of. Luchnow and Torn England of Galt. • • She was predeceased by one \ brother Jack, England of Lucknow. The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel,. Lucknow on.Monday, November 16th with lRev. Robert Armstrong 'ster • Pallbearers were L)rrin Middle- ton of Brooklin, John Phillips of • Kitchener , Paul Craig df Norwood• 4 Wayne Swan of Goderich , Murray. McLean .of Tara , all grandsons, and Kenneth /vIcLelland of,Hanov- Flower bearers were Clayton. • Nicholson, Russell Swan, Donald • England a1nd:Ps Smith. Internient was in Greenhill Cernetery. A mernOrTar SerViderWnireld at Willowdale United Church, nursday, , November 10, at. 8', 0Q. *The ,funeral service was conduted at the MacKenzie • 1.• and Mrs..Carl Dic,kie and family: and Mrs. John Dickie at Hope Eay and with Mr. and Mrs. Russell . BeacOck and John at Wiarton. Eighteen ladies .attended the 'Senior course "The Main Dish, •Makes the Meal" at the home of Mrs, Leonard MacInnes.on.Wed- nesday. -Mrs. MacInnes and 'Mrs. rende Ritchie•are the leaders for this interesting course. • Mrs. Robert Gilchrist was ..• supply teaching at Kinloss Cent, • ral, School.on WedriesdaY7. • • et Finlay Decoratoi1s beautify your home with Harding Carpert— , crIicfibre •. z4aV vs' • A ACRILAN , se ryllc fleet' by 'Monsanto', AUTHORIZED HARDING DEALER tt: KODEL • FIBRE 011.141iNT t SPECIIALS • Saving's On 4.11 Carpet. Purchases • REG. ---SALE • Pleasant Valley. *, 12' x 11'4" • Moss Green $180.56. ' $135.0b Sun Dance , x 18'4" • Algonquin Gr. .$292,80 $256:00 Acacii Twist , 10' 3" x 9' 4" • Antique Gr. $123.50 $ 99.50 Acadia Twist 12'. x 5" ' Bronze Olive $87.65 $ 73.00 Green Nylon x 10i 7" Foam Back Special $ 62•00 HARDING.; WESTHAVEN • 80% WOOL 20% NYLON REG. $15.95 SPECIAL $10.95 SQ. YD. • • Reg. $9.95 Ilerculon • 'Stainproof Kitchen Carpet $8.50 SQ. YD. • Reg. $11.95 Value Acrylic Hardtwist $895. • SQ., YD. • CARPETING Barbados • - Herculot •Stainprdof Gold 5„9 5 • • Reg.. $9.95 Value Acrylic -.Random Shear • Light .Green ' SQ. YD. • LEISURE TURF ,•-DYNASTY GOLD L1 CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE DRAPERIES • Lucknow, Ontario WALLPAPERAND C44,.. PAINTS Phone 5284414 . megot rzt-zi oielvk 11 ttl 1$: $r 't"; :71;th • ,