The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-25, Page 18• 1114111TIIIIN • •• e '4n4E LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOWir• ONTARIO • weoutspAy, NOVEMBER •2$.th1-1/1 Married In Dun ann9 United Chu rch • • Photo by NIcDowell . • HODGES-- EFZRINGTON . • , . . , . Dangannon United Church, was groomsman. LIShers were decorated with mums in autumn . Rick Parks of Dungannon 'and shades• and candelabra , was the Dennis:Vanderburg of cioder -11. Setting for the marriage of Eliz- ' N1rs. GordonFinnigan Of Got Ditedin.-Londoto • MRS. WILPERT DURNtN • • On Friday, November 13th , - • 1970.Mrs. WilbQrt Duriiin of Lou- don passed, away at Victoria HOS- -71-61,. at the age of 60, She was the former Ililda,. •Noakes and was born in England on fune.17th, .1904. In November 1045 she married Wilbert Durnin in Dartford , Eng- land. Wilbert was formerly from the St. Helens area and was serving in England with the Can-. adilan Armed Forces at the time of their marriage. • ,• Following,the war Mr. and. Mrs. •Durnin residedin this area for a • time before moving to London.. • Mrs; Durnitt,is surypied by, her husband; one daughter Janet, Who is presently on an oversea: tour and -,is not aware of her mcith- er's death; her aged Mother and one brother in Bexley Heath, England The funeral service was held ' at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow on Saturday,. November. •14th. Rev. R. Odendahl was minister'. •. • • • Fa llbearers Were Charles young of London, Keith Drake. of Sarnia , Roy .Law of London; Al- pert -Taylor, J. i) Durnin. and Joe Foran of St. Helens.... 0- ppleilielits DAIRY C0 -0P46% DA:RI-FLO •SUPPLEMENT., BEEF COOP AND:4894:13E2F GAINER' SUPPLEMENT BOOK YOUR FALL NEEDS NOW abet Anne (Penny) Errington and • ich was organist. Nancy Erring Terry Jay Hodges on Saturday., ton , sister of the bride , as soloist November 7th ai 2.p. mi • • sa,n•1.1e" ••The. Lord's Prayer" The bride is the daughter of and "The Lord is' niS'Shepherd' , •Mr. aho Mrs.. Harold Errington • during the signing of the register... . of R. R. 2 Auburn. 'The groom •A reception followed in the ' is•the'son of -Mr. andThIrs. Lloyd • church parlour The bride's Hodget-ofDungannon. z table•wis centredwitha three.. • '•• Rev .. C. MoClenaghan officiat- tier wedding cake., decorritd• id at the double ring eerenion`y3 with yellow roses. The other Tarr-lage71-T-her-tath** we ke 4.11 er, 0/ie bride chose an A-line. and • bronze 7 '7. • • -great grandmother Mrs. \V•.; • }fancy of Winghan. tv Prior to her marriage*: the bride yds horioured.With three.showers'.- A relative •showeir was held at the home of .1114.§. .1.-erht-purnin., a 1.11. munity shower in the Dungannon Chu reh:, and girl- friends held. a show'' at 'the hoMe of 1rs Allis- • j1. • -The bride's mother entertained style gown of chiffonover taffeta; ,The bride's motile? chose i J•ohg at a tryusse,..!ti tea .on October30, longlilv-Point Sleeves and long . sleeved beauty •fortrell dress with . pouring tea in the afternoon were ' g, . ,. • train falling train the neck. She ;1i:eyeless metallic coat black the groom's randrnother Mrs wore a' three-tier shOuIder- icct.‘ssories and corsage of w.hite - Ifarry.Watson of Auburn and the ' • leng,th tulle veil and carried a rosebuds: • •' .- . • ,,-, • , .NIrs .• I cascade ot.yellbw‘,rOsebuds. • • Mrs Rick Parks of Dungannon, .sister of the bride Was .r.'.atron.of honour. • She wore, a ,..,,own of .. . goldrtr. ritialit.t., wit.: F-2...-ir ..1.-. t.:111.7..,, r..:-.,..:. ',.-...%.7.,.:c. ,:,..I.-.(..-,54.: .; ‘ •-•:•• T ,ck Nix1/4:ec., of INI,..,,,-1.-.,,,ni: . i .% •'- -'" "z=,"'•"'%/ 'fo -1 crept' t -'-; 1 • , a :-...•••:\ \ ...-..,,. 5 ... :.,..• .1.‘.....:..:•‘..,..:.!.. , autumn shades of. em.broid,ered frelWilr"ttlraTilug ripturp h11- - • Tile...o,roo!-..,.'s • :7,ither w Oft: a. '• • Elsic„.1-1.aney SLW-1,1*1-14.141-. • routin, g t al bluedress with-er....broidered • in•thc ' i jt 1 • brideis.,•4•randr5 ruoth___ • • e..,*\.irs• Vietb.r • o R. R. A.ubtirii. and • . with broWn-streaniers arid brow • A ft. c: aecessories. She car:ied et Of rnurlis in•Autu7',n N.12;,•1T2 •:%%+.1s 7 . "•*0..i",1C. ‘s. 111: in ;tiNde-S-le.„, • BridesMaids Were Miss Marsha • -,tst-L.7=-of tIHrizin..perl. siste• •-t:e •-",'-q,:•-••c•,••,..,e'c,.. • - • d • f -c--- • • ,the ..z,roorn and Nfa-S. - ' • • • " Cartbir of Glarnis, ff:encl'ef • st or. „;:,. :5$•,s- • • the, bride: •Thei: as and • 11,-)‘...e:s e:e' si11ar zo the •:Or C4; I.C/1A--cr:- • • •ge FetzlanC •• 7.0:0:C . Ls:".1.:.,t07... • . . _ • • • . or) all CO-OP dairy and beef -s-ypple-rn-en-ts ENQUIRE AT , CO -0 P Luc 11611 tt :.P119NE • 528-212 T011cOnlluiltsAt. CUIRQS$, CORNER! • .Sillver lake -W I ..,...,::. and ,Ti.rls sPent the week -Mr. and MrJa s. mes 1! 1 a (le ii 1-)% ":-------.i-•-hle-•••-h-a-d-a- lla-n-0---c-foe-h-•• • • wi ...r. and-N-ir. lace cloth, c:oelieted by the :The November meeting of the • (iCOP4c hurre11 and. family. :. •.-•,„•:•Les7,•;t :1•311dr-.0ther mccee,. Silverlak‘.> ‘yonien's Institu,te met , • J,tok t,ckly•-7 co, . Ths-:":,it'le. was' '...-crIt°.-ed with a sii‘c7 '-.-,-.1ske: of chrVsantheniums by with twelve, members.nd a 1 1,1 Id e nbv and fa mi 1' : : '. • -. at the hoe • of NIrs. Glen 1•Iolden- • . , • Port Flg.in \ istied•W ith'.'•'.r.s•,' '.':. • ').., • • visitors present . •••• 7 ..' • .. .. : 1 .•• . . . . ' Vie, itrs with .`. Ir. .11.10 \ :::'• :F02,1 Stewart on Sunday were, N1.r.. :did Harold Stewart anci•JeftC. the Ode and repeating the.Ntary . •9f kl::•ie ,. Nii; aid '\Irs. ...i..•'rald',' -Stewa rt • Collect . Roll c 4ft1wl-s . . -l-c'-w4-r-t--ofKli-i1F-a-rd-tri-e.. •V•1•• z3tapt-e>..., Shirle'y,'-Nitr.,• , rid 11:),-, answered "b\' ". An industry unknown to.r...4% 4 r.i. rid mo. t hc r ..• i • . • bie. of 1.:,:inildss arid • i•ranci(1'hi1- i • • • . • .• . .. ••.. • lipi.of Chepstow.: . . • • Reror.is w..•ere :.;1).en by the.stand- mrs. A..,ns .11,6d,•,In. et Kincar. •• Mc c.ons,;--i-tt.'e- , A • . :7• •gins gave the. litgplkights of the . • ::.11"01110 tiL. re . 1 ir. Maple Grove L.O.L. Elect Officers 1.44 held. ... • • "••••,, .N•e\ :•• 'atZrHaI1 th a. • and • • Mrs. John Hodgins preided., assisted Ellison:Hodgins. •. 'The meeting opened b)'Isinging . : Area Cementien •he attended ' . • - • • Southamr,On. Nirs }Lith Kers-: is t.xtt.rh.12:,.; •Mrs.lnd . , sse :ha: a••Ia.ke rebe:ted on' the Bruce ind Don Do•nild•son• • e\ery • Rail% heid.at • • farO% in tlic ccath of Mrs. Earl lioth:ins. • ea•son. Park Head. . 1. '; • •‘N4.. eh c.11 ‘1:111,0.:S. '1•4.11: .. r:. • ..1; • - . a......:-.. L-...c.i :-.....?.... . .• . • • .. . -,., •-. • 1,,,,,. .. 7; •,..... • • ,•... ..z,.. ...... , L'., .1 t. ,..,,,.. V...1.:, t. t. •.,c. pt.... ,,. .1 E .--1-11t111i C^‘• V.C:c: 1.1 ‘1.7: - . • t, , ,... , '.. ." C." . .t. 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L. . ... . ., •. • 7,--•'4L - 1-,:.' i.-:',.:`,.:. :::::-.!••* ,:. ...ti‘lt.-.,*.:::,,.., -,':• • -.....r.s."-t:-.7x: .•._ •• • : i" -71.-.7,,r; !"tt. t,,,,t ,,.,t.t: .. .1 tlt, . „ ..t, .,. - Z -Z. :. : f "':':-.e.: "11.,-* .' -4- - !`1;ni . '.:•'• '-' ''''• " . , ... ,..,, A, A. -, A . ..,........ . . .AA ..,.. .......‘, .•...z. .cis-uee • let.a.c•St.:71..t.'d Is\ tht. 1 . .0 a., 1,.. :•!,:-.,„, -.., - -,-.e.... A ay.* a........1•• I . - . b) ':,:rs. 'i-eith Ke:siaxt. ,,,f:-,*. ‘.1..;•,i. --- - ..... ..„... ....„ - ... .• . • • 1. • 4'1..4. • I 1.Lts. W ; Arnolc itpley Hodgins ; ••