The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-25, Page 17s•' WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 25th,. 1970: OBITUARY JAMES M. FARRELL • James Morris Farrell passed aeay in Kincardine and District Hospital. on Saturday October 24, 1970, after a lengthy illness. 'He was the son of the late Samuel H. Farrell and Margaret Graham•o1 Huron Township, • The late Mr. Farrell farmed all his lifeuntil his retirement •in 1959. Of unassuming • and. unpretentious disposition, he endured' his illness with'' quiet courage and patience. He was a member of Pine River United Church which he attended. faithfully whi :.health. rmited, Funeral service,ere conducted' at Mcnnans Funeral Home, in Kincardine by Rev. John Hill, Interment in Kincardine cemetery. Surviving are' his, wife; the. 'former Fmma Wilsons three.. by sons, Wilson, 'Gordon and Murray all of Huron Township, • `two daughters, . , Mrs.Clarence (Marion) 'McLeod of Petrolia; Mrs. Gordon (June). Elliott. of 4 - Arpberiey.,-' also •...eleven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. • He was predeceased by. one great grandson in 1969." Also • surviving 'is 'one brother •Wm. R. Farrell and two sisters Mrs. John "(Helen) 'McMurchy all of Huron `Township. One' brother 'Henry . and his sister Mrs. Alfred (Sara) Pollock also predeceased him. • ' Pallbearers were -his ' neighbors Mervin' Funston, Mac ' Boyd, p un er, rnre omh \li,'• _c,1 -Rt nston; Glen -Bo -y i.. • 711 I F lowerbearers' were . ' • his ed :. grandsons.. t NO THE, ,LUCKNOW SENTINEL; I.UCI(NOW, Was Resident At Brucele�' Haven MRS. EARL HODGINS Mrs. Earl Hodgins of lrucelea Haven, Walkerton died Monday , November 16th at B'ruce County Hospital,: Walkerton after a leng- thy eng•th illness. She was in her 74tH year. Mrs. •Hodgins was the former Margaret "Merle Whyt.ock daugh- ter of the late James.Whytock and. Maggie Hemmingway , and was born. on' January 2, 1897 in Culross Township;. On March 10, 192.0 she married' Earle 'Hodgins of Kill- loss Township.,who predeceased= her,in 195. "She is: survivedi y • one daughter , Mrs. Don (Shirley) Donaldson of Teeswater , and two grandchildren. She was predec- eased by ..two sisters Mrs. Dan ' (Annie) MacKenzie , and 'Mrs:. Thos. (Jennie) MacDonald., and two,. brothers, Howard and Wesley,• Mrs. Hodgins was a mcniber of the Teeswater United Church and the.0:C,. W. :She was‘a meniber of the Order of the Eastern Star, Huron Chapter ; 89., of Wiugham,. which held a Memorial service at MacPherson Funeral •Home the night before'the funeral. ' • The funeral service was held from 'the MacPherson' Funeral .z Home on•Thursday, Noveniber 19 a -t'. ' Rev. Arnold Proud. Interment • treasurer. Norman 'ay or, was to the Teeswater Culross The,report of the.nominating Cemetery, Chapel: .• coni mittee•,•Dr.•J. Little and • Pallbearers: were. David',Ross;' • _M1rs J. MacDonald', showed the Ernie Il�inna',.Ste•wart MacDonald; offices of' president, and secretary Frank Schumacher , Morley Wall vacant but other offices.filled. 'all of Kinloss and Chas I1od in;. The meet tag was-then-tu of .Wi haiu.• • dyer, to the' .pro TraMme: commit - Slides Show.r Of Holland At Annual ,PAGE SEVENTEEN The Parish • Hall was, the scene of the Annual Banquet of the Luck tnow and District Horticultural ('Society on Saturday evening, ,November 21. The ladiesof the Anglican Church prepared and served a delicious Meal to some 75 members, and guests. After singing 0 Canada and the toast to the Queen Rev ..R. Oden- dahl. said Grace. During the supper Wm. F..MacDonald was the winner ,of a'beautiful'pi•ece of china donated'." by 'Wm. Schmid.' The President ., Mrs.' Alex And, rew- weic-orn-e-d 'the gathering and in her. remarks,thanked'the execu- tive and all members for their' help and .co-operation. Reeve George Joynt brought greetings from the Council and wished the Society continued suc- cess inrtheir efforts to beautify our town.. A report was given by the secretary Ada Webster op the year's .activities which included' the planting and care of seven flower beds, .5' regular-nnee-anis-, a bus'trip'to'.Hamilton, attend- ance at District•S Meeting in Clip ton, display and float at the Fall Fair and two flower shows..• A very. favourable financial' stateiiient was given by the -r REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK BY MURRAY GAUNT •M.P',P..HURON BRUCE . The Ontario Government is pushing •banks, and mor7gage corn-. panies. to put up moriey to build 15,000 more homes as part of a drive to provide jobs' this .winter. The Government itself is ready to start oh a backlog of public works projects to•increase activity in the'. construction industry •ac cording to iremi.er John Robarts. Lands and 'Forests Minister Rene Brunelle announced this week that.: all people over 65 years of age would not be.required to buy a fishing licence. This was a mat- ter which the Opposition has pres- sed for during the consideration'of • the Estimates of Lands and Forests. I'm sure this is welcome, news for all old age pensionfishing. enthusiasts. Persistent r.u,rnours have been circulating this week that Premier John Robarts intends to step down as leader of the; Government. ., 'These •rumours have been making the rounds for.. the past few months,• but this week they intensified. The Premier' in response. to. . Mrs. 'Jim .McNaughton And Mrs. Ross -Mac -Millan with. Mrs. .-J.-.-.-Mac. Millan ably acting' as chairman. Following a short sing song .. • ." Rev. Glenn and. Mrs. Noble sang two very pleasing duets, 'My Grandfather's•Clock' and " Follow Me'. Dr. J. Little played three selections on the'violin,, ;accompanied by Norman•.Taylor and delighted the audience with their music. :Mrs. 'Montgomery'sslides of their trip to Holland :to visit' one 'of -the Canadian soldiers' cemet cries, where Gordon Mo. ntgom•r' 'ery's brother. Robert is buried, and'seenes of other places they visited in Holland, proved iriost, interesting,.. During the, evening,, on, behalf of all present Mrs:'S ie s t an ed Mrs. Ross Cumming for .provid- .ing pia'no• music before and during the supper; Cameron MacDonald, expressed thanksi.to the Anglican ladies for the . bountiful supper to Mr's. Cli f--Roulsten-r-e•spo•ftd - MacMillan thanked all who had taken part in'the prog- ramme. these news. reports announcing his; • retirement, told the Legislature that he has been giving the matter serious consideration. However., he stated that when he was ready to retire, he would' make the' announcement. It is reported that the Premier plans to step down shortly. and , that a' leadership convention will be''held in Feb'rua•r•.y,. with an•Elec, tion in the Spring or..•.the Fail.. . :This current session of-the__Leg- isiatu•re•prorog'ued , completing the work of this' calendar -year. The.'new. session will likely start in January or early Febriyary, depending on whether ,a-Conser- vative, leadership convention.will. -1d- a t-f-h'at time . Flower..bearers were Alan and •Jim Whytock "1'ceswater. tee •\.G•s. J.'. L. MacMillan Mrs. Clarence ,Bell , Mrs. 'Ross ,Shiells',•. 1' SWAPPED FOR, IT THROUGH THE WANT -AD WE ALSOHAVE PENT-MYCIN —Penicillin VRAMIN A -D -E INJECTABLE RIDS Calf Scour Boluses BLOAT EZE -Bloat Treatment FOR DAIRY AND BEEF CATTLE; HOGS AND POULTRY AS, WELL AS OTHER ANIMAL • HEALTH PRODUCTS',, FOR TREATMENT OF''YOUR:WESTERN FEEDLOT CATTLE' W44 —Od it �: . � ,.��, .a7v•yti v�; ,_:. 1 +,biF;rr;+i3"+?.v.r,Fi°ti3.•L7 thro•;