The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-25, Page 10To Provide Wall y Clerk, Pulpit Light The regular meeting, of Duncan- non United Church Women was held 'in the church Tuesday, . Nov- ember 17th at 8.3.0 p.m. Mrs. Howard, Johnston. president, open- ed the meeting with a reading•on Remembrance Day. This was fol- lowed by singing ".Hast` thou• not known,• has thou not heard". with Mrs, Gordon Finnigan' as pianist. The .Devotional -part was "Per- fect Trust and Perfect Peace", led ,by Mrs. Wm. Wiggins and. Mrs. Mel Dickson. Two Bible quizzes were conducted by Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan and Mrs. Wm. Wiggins with the members working in. five groups. The roll call was answered by 17, each giving an interesting or amusing comment on "I remem- ber when--".. Minutes of the last meeting wereread by Mrs.. George Errington , 'secretary, fol- lowed by the correspondence' and the treasurer's report. :Each con-. vener's•'report reveiwed the 'activ- ities and the results •of the. year re-reu -a'rd;ing. In the business it was decided to purchase a new wall -clock for the Sunday School room,, and a pulpit light. ''The sick and shut- . ins are to be remembered at hiristiitas., arrd-a11: chruretrrrrem hers ' are urged to visit. Calend- ars may stillbe purchased' from the Explorers or the leaders The December. meeting is to be December 8th'at -Fp. , a, pot luck dinner for all the, ladies • of •the congregation ; Collection and the closing hymn and grace followed by a dainty lunch provided by hostesses Mrs. Jack Alton, Mrs. lveis Pear son and Mrs. 'Leonard Reid.conf eluded another; worth -while meet- ing. • Rev .• Clarence McClenagh- an gave.the:closing prayerdirec- ting our ;thoughts' to others: ■ o i7 rr THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Kinlough WMS KINLOUG`H NEWS • w,r, Mrs. Don Reid was hostess for the November meeting of the Presbyterian W.M.S. which was held, at: the church on Wednesday 'afternoon. Mrs. Don Robertson, 2nd vice President , opened the , :meeting with a poem and the .. hymn "Softly. and. Tenderly Jesus Is Calling" was sung and the Aim and Purpose was repeated', follow- ed. ollow-ed• by'prayer. The devotions about. "Lydia" were well given by Mrs. Don. Robertson. The' roll_. call was "name, a piece of God's armour ". It was decided not tobuy any nylons. The election of officers is as• follows:President - Mrs.. Glen . Haldenby; '1st vice Pres, - Mrs Don Robertson; Secretary '.Mrs. George. Harkness; Assistant' - Mrs.'. Don Reid; Treasurer Mrs: Frank. Maulden; Assistant Mrs. Stewart MacDonald; Pianist -'Mrs: Jack Barr; Glad Tidings - Mrs: Gordon. MacDonald; Welcome and Wel- . fare Mrs. Donald 'Bu'shell Sup- ply - up -ply- Mrs. ` R.,Wilson. and Mrs., • Alex:Percy; Literature. and• Library- Mrs ibrary Mrs. Tom MacDonald; 'Student Secretary -Mrs: Donald McEwan:` Mrs. Lyman.'Sutton and.Mrs. Donald Bushell; were appointed. to remernber, Mrs. M'.'Mc,Pherson. and Mrs: Hazel, Hodgins. with a Ch.ristrnas, pift . . Mrs,:--'Geeorge' Harkness had the --- program. The:hymn "What' a friend we have in Jesus" was' sun •'. •eo Chalmers 'V/M Elect Officers • WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers Wome•n's. Missionary Society held their meeting on Wednesday,, November 18 at the home of Mrs: Dawson. Craig with the 1st vice President Mrs. Andrew Gaunt presiding in the absence of the President Mrs. Wallace Conn,. Mrs. Gaunt•o.pened.,the meeting With a poem. and hymn followed by prayer. Mrs.. Russel Ross read the'scripture . The meditation was' given by Mrs. Frank Coulter, 'Mrs.'Jas..McInnes , led in prayer and concluded with. apoem on Peace..• ' Mrs..J; Cbnn gave the treasur- er's report'that $181'had been sent to the treasurer. A'vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. A. •Gaunt for all the work she had done in looking after the.church the past summer. Mrs. Gaunt read the Armagh' ;news letter. It was decided'to answer the roll call in December with a gift for :a girl 'at Armagh. The roll call, a verse on Peace was. answered :by 17. Mrs. J Conn received the offering dedic- ated by Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Rob- ert Ross gave a reading, "The Time for Things • . Mrs. J. Conn gave .the topic "The Past Year and the Be • innin of another".. She hada question naire.,:.and a discussion followed on each such as , should we have a •discussion period in' each 'meet-" ing; should 'the birthday tea • be _continues!:. how can we make the. meeting more meanin:gful;''should we take a -meeting to a Rest- Home. estHome. It was decided to go to a Rest `Home around Easter. • Mrs. Earl Caslick gave a,:poem Decision .;.• Airs. Wesley Tiffin. 'reinrted the' supply bale was less in amount this year but value of' .$45..00 was higher. The next meeting is December 16 ai the . • owe of Ml`s . Robert Ross. The meeting closed°with ;the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs.. Andrew .Gaunt 'gave the courtesy remarks. Mrs: Elroy' convener of Study Book "pare to Reconcile"• was given. Mrs. R. Wilson .read... "Help me tb help". :Mrs Dori Reid ,read "Throughthe open' Window",. and. Mrs. Gordon Mac Donald •read "Johnny Entertains'. The Lord'"s prayer and Grace clos- ed the irieeting.•..Mrs. Harkness.. gave the courtesy. remarks,. ' Lunch was'served and a socialtime was spent: • • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 197a L:UCKNOW • CHRIST•IAN REFORMED • CHURCH. J. W. Van: Stempvoort Pastor . , Services., 10.:00 a.m, (English) 12:30 p;m, (Dutch 2nd Sundays) vISrroRsWELCOME: Denominational Radio Broad," cast, "The Back. TO God Hour", every Sunday;:. CJCS:.(Stratford).• — .2;00. p m.; CFOS (Owen. CATHOLIC CHURCHES SUNDAY MASSES BEGINNING NOVEMBER 29 ST. JOSEPHS, KINGSBRIDGE 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. ST. AUGUSTINE. 11 a.m, ST. • MARY'S, 1141.JORIOW . . 11 a.m. the Nominating comtnittee • brought in the slate of officers:' Past President, Mrs. Victor m ,Eer•. son; President, Mrs. Wallace • I I . . mill;2nd ,Vice , Mrs... Wm. Evans; Secretary, Mrs. Dawson. • Craig; assistant'., Mrs. Wm. .Evans; Treasurer , Mrs. J., Conn; C..O. C: Leaders , Mrs. Archie Purdon , Mts. Hr>-gh- Sitrapsan S Wesley'Tiffin; Glad Tidings; Mrs. Walter Elliott Home Helpers , i Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw; Literature and Library ; 'Mrs. Donald Ross;'.'Wel-' . comne and Welfare.; Mrs: W.• R. :Purdonr, pianist, Mrs. Andrew • Gaunt; .Nominating committee Mrs:. Earl Caslick ,. Mrs. D'. Craig Mrs. J Conn. Mrs. Andre w Gaunt closed. this• part with prayer. • The Ladies Aid, meeting. was held.. 'Mrs. 'Frank Coulter gave the' treasurers report. It lwas dec-, ided to buy a 'mop for' the church The'hostess then served lunch: P LUCKNOW UNITED' .'CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls,B.A. Min stet NOVEMBER 29th Advent.1 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship" POINT TO PONDER , • What the kids of today needis a lot of L.S.D. Love, Security and Discipline,: ANGLICAN: CHURCH, LitmoW . AREA PARISH:` The Rev. R, Odendabl Rector NOVEMBER. 29tH Advent Sunday S. Pai.l's Ripley. — 9:15 a.m. Ascension Kinlough 10:30 a.m. St. Peters •Lucki w 11:45 a.m. Church School - 10:30 a.m. St. Pauls, Dungannon — 3 ..p.m.doth-Bund : ' Christ' Church, Port 'Albert 3 p.m. lst,' 3rd and 5th Sundays' Lucknow Presbyterian 'C urc Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A:; B.t Minister Phone 528-2740. NOVEMBER' 29th 10:00' am. -.Sunday, School 11:00 a.m.. Morning - Service � .r'ta:ifl 1. Typewriters For hristn,�.s . i. 411t9941104109941PQ99 ® e ®e9999999999 • ®lowee ®•**, COME IN NOW AND -LAY -AWAY -FOR CHRISTMAS.