The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-25, Page 8• 01 'EIGwr ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ARKET CHOICE. HOME KILLED BEEF AND PORK OO<aCa0000000•O O, O O, OO 0, 0 , Co 0 0 0 0000• O000 000000.0.0 BACON ENDS: ,_,, 43c L.B. FRESH PICNIC 'SHOULDER 49c LB. FRESH CHICKEN, LEGS and BREAST 59c LB. FRESH SPARE RIBS r _ 69c LB.' SIRLOIN STEAK $1.10 LB. FRESH HOMEMADE ,SAUSAGE 0 0.0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 O 0 0 0 0 0 CO 0 WE. DELIVER. lucknow Midgets.. Win Opener 6-3 BY DON JOHNSTONE • The. Lucknow Midget hockey •teams opened their regular season of p'lay with_awinning game of 6 - 3 over their closerivals, the • Ripley Midgets.. The game was', played• in the Lucknow arena last. Friday ;night.. Lucknow ;had..a 'c, ominandirig' lead of 4 - .0 till midway through' the third period when` Ripley rallied and put 'themselves on the 'scoreboard:, There.was,fast • action throughout the garje even. :though••there`was a four goal dif-•. ference in. the score at the end. David. Farrish got a'hat trick of three goals for Lucknow with Jim, Murray scoring- two:others-•and • Ken Farrish counting a single.. Assisting on the goals -were Steve, Hackett, Ken Parrish-, Da'vi'd Parrish, Jim Murray and David. • Black. Lucknow's'.goa:lies, Kim '• Cowan and, David C‘telagd , took turn -about in the Lucknow nets. • Boyd Cirrutheis'counted twa,.. goals for Ripley' and Sandy,Pol lock scored the other. Phillip 'Pacduette and Wayne.Ar strong assisted.. • The '.game was, very clean with, only.4 penalties handed'out'. Bantam. Schedule: Tue.'J o_v.:17 Ripl1y-at l.,t<.ckn_ow' Fri : Nov . 20 Lucknow at Ripley Mon. Nov. 23 Wingham at Lucknow Thu. Nov .26 Lucknow at Listowel Mon. Nov,'30 Listowel' a.t Lucknow •Fri.Dec.4 Lucknow at Wingham: sr.. HELENS , On Friday, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Mr, and Mrs. Earl, Sherwood of Carlow visited with .Mr. Les :Ritchie at Victoria; Hospit• al, London'. On' Monday., Mr..• Ritchie was to undergo his second. major operations. Mrs, Klaas Berndregt of St Thomaswasa week .endvisitor with Mrs. Don .Pannabecker. Mr. and Mrs:. Charlie McDcOn ald and. Mr. andMrs.. Keith C.ran- ston spent the week end in. London' and on. Saturday they Were guests at .the Holmes Clipperton wed - 'ding; at 3t. Mark's Chapel, Wol "lesley Barracks., CARD PARTY On Thursday evening,: twelve. tables enjoyed 'the first Shoot Party of the winter months at 'St. Helens.. 'High prizes., were won by Mrs. Victor. Errington and: !lob Jefferson•with second high prizes going to John'Andrew and .Mrs.' George Walker.. The travelling shoot was won by Lynn Anderson of G•od.erich. The next party is on December 3rdt• The December meeting of the W.I. willbe held 'on December • 3rd. at 2 Weiock, Guest speaker will be Mrs, `J. E. Hummel. There will be 'a gift exchange ,('.75¢). Roll.call - a Christmas recipe. (written). Lunch -and pro-; gra rn • Mrs.: Harold Gaunt Mrs. Bob Aitchison' and Mrs. E. ,W. Rice. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1970 BY DUNLOP FROM 1. E. cDONALD Lucknow Character i's'revealed .by ,what we fall for stand for. • A bachelor is the fellow who not only has 'bad 'habits , but 'is free to, enjoy them..rt act anta Suggests: 'ERSO XMAS GI - See our large catalogue of Personalized Gifts , for that: hard -to -buy -for person on. 1 F .Tue '. Deo, s..Ripley at '.Luc know, •• Tue ..Dec .,15 WinOhan •at Lucknow. Thu.Dec.1^ Lucknow at Listowel Wed.Dec.23 •L•istowel'at. Lucknow. • Mon. Dec:2S Lucknow- at Ripley. Tue.. Dec .29: Ripley at Lucknow Mon.Jan.4 Lucknow' at Ripley T.:e . Jan: 5 Wit Eharr: at Lucknow' Tht .Ian Lucknow at Listowel. C 4• Fri•. Jai/. i5 L :cnnow• at \y inl-ia:rr Fri.Jap.22 Lucknow at iti'.n_' a--. T e:am officials liar 'adkett Glenn Morninrstar. _:• r.:.CLei- land. 4, '. • dee Wee Schedule. Novice SFeduk.. Tue . NoV";i7 Te.eswater at Lucknow Fri. Nov. 20 Lucknow at Ripley Fri.Dec.,4 Wingham at Luck -now- Tue : Dec 15 : Ripley at/Lucknow Fri . 'Dec .13 Wingham at; Lucknow Dec.. 21 Luc -know at Wingham Tue Dec. 22 Lucknow at Ripley Mon: Jan . 4'.Teeswater at Lucknow. Wed . Jan.13 Ripley 'at Lucknow Fri.Jan.15. Lucknow'at Teeswater• JanLucknow at Wingham . i : an . 3 it ow a,L ee.twai 'r, • Tear.• 'officials ,' Glenn, Noble ... '-Herb Bar'ier. 45 • your Christmas List. t .Playing Cards: SINGLE OR DOUBLE DECKS - PLASTI,C' COATED – IN STURDY PLASTIC CASE SINGLE DECK $2.75 DOUBLE DECK. $4.95 Personalized Matches. • • MANY BEAUTIFUL COLORS WITH WIDE SELECTION OF TYPE STYLES'- ,INITIAL OR FULL -NAMES AVAILABLE.. ' 100 'PACKAGES $5.45 ' 50 PACKAGES: $2:55 Is.ion. Nov,Lac]kaow; at --Wed aze.r Mon. Nov. u Ripley at Lucknow iFri . NOv . 2- Lucknow at Teesw a:e: U.t"Jll. t•.'J .. WY.Yn rria em a. Ltc no,;.: a`rx.''Dec . 11 Wif ra-.•:`: Y.i . ce war Thu .Dec,. .at Mon, Dec: 21. L.'Ckncw a: p1ev • 'Tue Dec . 22 Lucknow a= tti'.in�h�n 'rue.. Dec irertet: at Lock; ow Tue.Jan 5 Teeswatet a: L:c-tow ..c..Tiveator.dt 14.uckno*-- • T'ue.Jan.12 Ripley at L<;ckr:o:ti Fri.Jan.1 Lucknow at Teeswatet Tue.Jan.19 Lu•ckndw at Winsha:r. Fri,Ja•n.22' Lucknow at.Tivertor Team officials, Bill Nelson I•>oth' Collins , Ross Forster, F:i.Nov.2-C Ripley at. Lucknow •' • t-ri.NoE .' 2 . 'Lucknow at .Wins ha: Lucknow at Bruss•eL, • at Lucknow- Mon•. Dec .14 Wingharr at Luc know. Thu.Dec.l" Laicknow• at Liston, el . Dec . 2 Listowel at 'L;:cknow - o. d.' cc ..S. .layth.al' Lc.' i Mon.Jar..•4 Lucknow at .:c ,ori' at M'om'ton u i,... ;. ,cY..oW at B .,sem at L�ckno : Wed,tan.1 Mor kton at 1;,.:,C ?now rue-:Jar..1 LLtov,el'at L crrcw.•. Ja , Li Lucknow at Listow Tue .3an. W Bodey'. at 1.44 know Fri.Jan LLcnr:ow at' F1vth. T ea it. c. tial , Al. 1',ar titor,, crdor,.C4 le•, Bouquet C00.#011.. 5: COLOR -s :;t S-41.14 :- --xwI IDE ..., .SELECTION .*OF TYPE STYLES 'PACKwOF 50,$2.75 ' ' "PACK•OF` 100 $3.25 ALSO AV .ktLABLE_ NAPKINS, •L' PERSONALIZED STATIONERY AND FULL OF XMAS CARDS BY TOOTHIL•L. ORDER"EARLY .TO T/OID DISAPPOINTMENT THE L1JCKN.OW SEN