The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-18, Page 13INEDN'ESDAY, NovernbeK 1U1r11, 1970 THE LUCKNOW''SENTINEL ,.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN LET SNOW CONTRACTS.have Appomted TO Phone Co. 11ntil, •.Council Annual Meetingp • • HURON: COUNCIL ,MINUTES regular me• Themeeting of Huron Township Council was held on November 2nd` with all members .present. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. • Walter. Culbert was asked, to. five Subdivision wells insur- ed against fire and malicious. damage and added tb the policyMembersof the Township has with Frank Cow- an Co, appointed Reeve. Rus.- sell. Stanleyto the Huron and Kin- loss: Telephone System Commis- sion until another member can be a omted•atthe annual meet= pP ing of.the. Tele hone System. P y H. C..Gerster.asked the Town- Q• ship t take. over his roads. in sub- divisions in Lots 4 and 8; Conces- sion A and Council will ask the Department of Hi hwa s, to insect the roads before accept ng ahem. the unit. . Comm y.pollCouncil planning Brartc. h offered to, attend. a meeting w• ith Council. to, discuss.• •official plans and zoning in the 'Township and a•meetin was later g set for November 16th. Township Nominations were; set for November 23 being�the •: e dae the Sehoo n arc nat v n set forSchool Boardom i9 s, and election, if one :is required , q will be December 7th Council placed the two polling places .along the south endof. the Lake front at Reids Corners Ha11 This includes number 4, 5, 6 and 7. Huron Townshi•p farmers will again be subsidized by..$7, 00 per can for ruelene or neguvon treat- g Ment for warbles by presenting the paid bill to the Clerk, s Snow town contracts:.were P g let to. Bill Kem ton, Gordon Stew ar Co hn Bros a d G a am , t, l P, n ; h g Cook, . ..c .-b. ' Townshipaccounts of. $4;395.,16; Drain accounts of . of $3,642.01 again p.m_ and; Road. Accounts were ordered paid. adjourned to. meet on November ,16th at 7,.30 ' .. E,RL TOUT, Clerk. ...:••,,,y, : , : f} rrf-,...„,...:0;•.w.• ;;. f GET YOUR141All will !' . • lit Ad j �-.- . • l ff,,, r. 100 • Face thef=nct:; you're :su 'rounded h. y • hizuirds ais'you:.wOrki' Too many•.men. and women get hurt:,'Just : because they don't kook • • thP.j .sh. . • The secret i' to 'work defensively. self-defence it pays, off: Th.lksafety. The next man .zxsave your life. So work as a team. /1 l,Jse your ears. Self-defence means. 'staying alert, in every way. • Protect your hands. Easy to injure, difficult ` to live without. i • Watch it., It's the little things that cause big accidents • The reward.' You name it. It's your life -'enjoy it. Keep on your toes: Fa'ITs:hurt more people thari'any other . job accident. Be a champion o' Your Workmen's Compensation Board, Ontario k•