The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-11, Page 10Langside WMS
Elect 1971 Officers
The November meeting of the.
Langside Women's Missionary
Society was held on Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.,
Peter de Boer with 8 in attend.
Bance. Mrs. Eldon. Welsh, vice-
president presided for the -meet-
hemeet-ing.. In. the .devotions the Scrip-
ture was read by Mrs, .Stewart.
MacGillivray,. the Meditation
by Mrs. George Young,and prayer;
by' Mrs. de Boer.
• In the business the next meet*
ing was planned' for December
10 at the home of Mrs Charlie
— if i,ri in. Wingham., There' will
be a gift exchange, Annual re
ports will be given at this meet-
ing. The was answered
by 8 ladies with.a Bible verse
containing "word".
The 'topic was information and'
display of material available for
. • the new study "How'the-Word •
Gets Around" , and ' was given by
Mrs. Gordon Wall. The ladies
decided to use the Bible Study
work book at' meetings next year .
.Offering was received by 'Heather
Young with prayer by. Mrs. ,,Wyb-',
enga'. .
For the election of officers ' Mrs.
164•bengare_sided and Mrs. Wall
' . was, secretary.' The officers are' -. •
re'si• ent ; rs.. es oung; ice
President, Mrs. Eldon Welsh Sec-'
. retary , Mr's.. Peter de Boer;.' Treas-
urer:,' Mrs..Gordon. Wall, Friend-
' ship'and Service, Mrs. 'George
Young; Literature. and Library. , .
Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray;
plN., Mrs. _Lloyd. Moffat; Glad
.Tidings; Mrs. Bob'Bregman:.,C.O.
/Leaders -Mrs -• 'yictor_Nyben-ga'
with Nancy de Boer and Helen
Wiersina as assistants;' Auditors.
Mrs ..Eldon Welsh and •Mrs. Stew-
art MacGillivray..
The meeting closed with .a..
hymn and prayer.--Iyu:n
served and a: social time ' enjoyed.
• UCW See
Slides On Far North
The Trinity U -,C. W. meeting
scheduled for November 12th was.
held one week earlier at the
church in the evening, when the
community, was. invited to attend'
and see slides of. John Amagoalik,
an. Eskimo, who is finishing his
training as a Commercial Pilot at
Sky Harbour Goderich. Although ,
John was unable to be present on
Presbyterian 11114,
The afternoon '.Auxiliary of the
Lucknow Presbyterian Church met
in the Church on Wednesday, ,
November 4th. Mrs. . Noble John-
ston lead the service ., and opened
with prayer. All repeated the
"Aim and Purpose of the Society"',.
Miss Maud Sherwood gave the
Scripture Reading taken from. Gena
esis 32 and chapter 24 verse 3.
Mrs. F. Miller spoke on the Cur-
rent Events, taken from :the Glad
Tidings, and spoke.on "How the
Word gets around".
An. Ecumenical Sharing of Per-
sonnel, held in Geneva in June
1970, sponsored by_ the. Divisions
of •World. Mission and Evangelism
drew a membership from six con -
account of an air light, his slides ;-s; --The~committees-set-u-p
iof his; homeland were shown by thought there could'be a new way
Mrs. Gordon McBurney and son' for the churches. to'a/ccept a. com
Hugh. John is the 3rd Eskimo to mon responsibility for. Mission
train at'Goder'ich and his brother and .Service in the six centinents•.
'Mark is to be interviewed by. "Huron Feathers":is the name
Pierre Berton sometime in the . of a pilot project in Recreation
future. ' •- ' al Ministry of the Presbytery
The .meeting was opened'.by 'of Bruce -Maitland, situated
on the waterfront at Sauble each
Mrs. Alex Hackett ,.with scrip Br.
t_ure reading by Mrs. Ralph Cara- They also hold coffee nights' in,
eron'and• meditation by Mrs. ' Keri ' the Bruce Peninsula. Special
Alton. Following the offering nights the attendance was
and dedication,'the_ilides of the as high as -two hundred The
far north were shown. Mrs. .inc- nightly average was over 190. in
Burney and Hugh commentated' on ' Japan, in the Christian Churches"
the,,pictures shown. Hishome is ' the Gospel of Jesus Christ is spok:-
at Cornwallis Island , 600: miles en in such a learned way, it' does -
inside the' Arctic Circle, where n't get through to -the people. in
John and his family moved from the pew. .Yet through the coun-
selling of the missionaries in the
homes the word' is getting around,
which can give: meaning. to their.
•So in this way •,God_. is
working his 'purpose
. The toll .call 'was taken .by
Presbyterian Church
R,ev, Glenn Noble, BA., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
.:1OVEMBER 15th,
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:90 am. Morning, Service
Resolute: One thing mentioned
of interest was how'the dog teams
have now almost disappeared and quite. surprising, the Eski-
mos now haire'an average of 1 1/2
Ski -floes to each person. The'
supplies are flown in by. plane,'
three times'a• week with a ship.
calling once a,, year during the
short .su' nater of about. three or.
foul' weeks from last' of June to •
August.' The temperature
averages: around 60 degrees..while
the rest of the year it is about 60
'degrees below `zero:
'Following, the'showing!of the.
slides -the.• -U . C . W. hada 'short
.meeting. ' Mrs.. Cliff Menai)/ read
the 'report•of the nominations. and ,.
:,he plans 'for the bazaar and pot -
luck's'upper,w.ere discussed and
groups are to be formed, to' heap'.
With each of these: Plans were
Alton Friday—evening: •November•.
• •• . • - . •
• kA..
answering .with a. verse of Script-'
ur e--;--cQntairri-ng-rlrerode ac e
'Mrs.. Jilt) Smith gave.the Mission
Study. :Prayer. Circle 'was given
by' Mrs . ; Wirt - ;-,Porteous and Mrs.
Jas: Little. .
The singing of "Hym.n. 652, and
prayer 'by Mrs. W. Stanley,
brought the rrieeting.•to a: close.
;The Rev. R. Odendabl• .
Trinity 25
St.: Paul's Ripley -- 9:15 a.m.
Ascension Kinlough •10:30 a.m.
St. Peters Lucknow 11:45 arm.
Church School - 10:30 a.m.
St. Pauls, Dungannon — 3.'p.m.
2nd ' and 4th Sundays.'
Christ Chur3ch, mPort Albert
1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays
Hold' Fowl Supper,
Hear Of J�pan
W. Van Sternpvoort.' -
10:00 a.m. (English)
2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and
5th Sundays)
Denominational Radio. Broad-
cast, "The Back To God Hour",
every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford)'
— 2.00 .p.m.; CFOS (Owen.
Sound) 6:00. p.m.
Rev. Robert- Nicholls, B.A.. .
10'.a.m..Stinday School.
11:00 'a.m. Morning Worship
World. Mission Night
Ripley United; 'Church,
__November-17fh,, 8 -p.m -
No one could tell me where my
.. soul might be;
I sought for God, `but . G od . eluded
I ''sought my . 'brother outand,
found all ' three,
Ernest 'Crosby, .. The Search.
=A# dine �'ur
Pine' River United 'Church :con -
gregatio'n held. .their annual fowl
supper on 'Wednesday evening of,'»
last. week.. ' Over. one hundred, and
eighty enjoyed a delicious turkey
dinner:- ,
A short program' followed the
— - a -i -Wit -Rev -:—J -c hn'Hill,actrng
27th:: The.stamps.a d used cloth„
ing are to. be handed in' by Decem-
ber 1st. The Pot -Luck Supper will
be Tuesday evening December '1st
in the Sunday School .Rooms.
The bazaar. 'is December 5th
in Lucknow. Mrs.', Hummell.'
i closeci,_the neeting, prayer
'and 'Iunch was served to all'.pres-
The officers, for 1970-1971' year
are as follows President , Mrs.. ,
as. chairman.' Community sing-
ing, led by,Mrs;,_Jack'Campbell,.
was accompanied ;by Mrs. Lynn
Lowry.. 'Peter Walden , ,Phillip.
Paquette , and. Larry Irwin ,sa'ng
two, numbers. with. Joan Fergrrson
f ta.
A highlight ef.the 'evening 'was
a: narration of the history of Japan
and a .filrn.prese'nted',by Mrs..'.
Doris MacLennan of .Win'gham ,
a estr•rier . member o Pine ;River
Alex Hackett; Vice President , .. •
Mrs.: Bert Alton;'Secretary,• Mrs.
Frank Ritchie; Assistant Secy
Mrs. Allan Ritchie;' Treasurer, •
Mrs. 1Narren Z7nn Assistant
Treas. ,-Mrs. Blake Alton; Pianist,
Mrs., Blake Alton; 'Assistant Pian-
ist, M'rs.. Douglas Raynard;
Finance •hors'. ,Warten••Zini , Mts.
1=raa. e. rs.. ®,a a _:_ton, •
Ivies:' D. A. ,Hackett; Programme,
Mrs. Chas. Wilkins', 'Mrs1 'Jim
=-Hunter , •Mrs'. Ken --Alton , Mrs--
rs Wilfred Hackett; Social Commit-
tee, Mrs. . Andrew Ritchie , Mrs..
H rve Ritchie;'Mrs. Ralph'Cam -.
eron, Mrs. Alvin Alton; 'Supply; '.
Welfare and Citizenship,. Mrs.
'Donald Hackett ,. Mrs.: Reg'
Broome, Mrs.Bert Alton, Mrs.
Robt. Helm; Card Secretaries, ..
If you want a sure thing, here's a good one:
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$500. Call us or drop in today.
Mrs. Allan .Ha.cke'tt•, Mr's. Harvey
'Ritchie; Press,' Publicity Litera
ture and Communications•,. Mrs.°
xirr -Hunter, 'sirs:. Frank Ritchie,
Recruiting and Leadership, Mrs..
b.. A. Hackett, Mrs...Blake
Alto ; Mrs.1'Russell Irvin ; Mrs.
Klan Ritchie; Flower Committee,'
Alvin Alton, Mrs. Warren
Zinn; .Community Gifts and.....
--Cards ; :firs, Cliff Menny, Mrs
Chester Hackett; .nominating
:and ",iernbership.Cornmittee,
Mrs. dPrank Alton., Mrs. Chester
Hackett , Mrs, John Hunter..
Just one of the many ways Sterling Trusts looks after your money
United Church.
Mrs. MacLennan atte.nded Expo
70 in Japan` this. .past summer.
which she enjoyed and -is now,
sharing her experience with s.
She w'o'fe' ' blue silk 'over blouse
with gold embroidery 'trimthin•g ,
over. black slacks and silver getae.,
Mrs. ,Bob Courtney Y expressed
the appreciation of the audience'
for._,the 'inspiring parratio.n'-a:ndihe.
film which followed. Mrs Don
L.a .n gr's ide
Langside Young Peoples Society
met•en•Sunday evening at the '
home of Mc
fat with ,19 young pt:.ople in attend
'ance'. Murray, Moffat presided •
and in the devotions the Scripture
was •read by Russell Young and the
meditation 'was given ley John de
Boer, Mr. Wybenga• led in, pray-
er. Marlene -Mann read the min -
utes. The roll call was a scrip-
ture verse containing the word,
"nation". Offertory prayer was.:
given‘by John Visser.
• The next meetrng'will be, at:,
-Pettier-der'.Boer-'s-;on_ November 22nd
The.Y.,P.S..wih .
ber for the Community concert.
The topic on 'Religions in Can-
ada was given by Doug.. Wall ,
who alse.showed pictures pertain-.
ii g-o-the-refigir e�3 -k 7e ttri
Closed with•a hymn and' the Miz-
pah Benediction:
Cliff Mann 'conducted a game
of charades '• Mrs. Moffat served'
lunch. Robert 'Bregman moved a '
vote ofthanks to the \ioffat's.`
a ld Courtney presented airs , tae
L�irr a[ , rrh a -gift in re'cognirrou
of•'•her part in the evenings enter-
tainment, Items of interest from
Japan, were also -shown at the cion
o,f:the programrrie,
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