The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR - THE LUCKNOW SENTINE14 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' WEDNIE.DAYe.. „ 15 FOR. SALE FOR SALE - Hampshire and Dur-, oc boars, serviceable age,,excellent quality. Price $85. NormanMc- 4 • -Clinchey phone 526-7789 Auburn. • BERG. STABLE EQUIPMENT ontact-.Lloyd Johnston;R: lIolyrood, phone 395-5390. FARMER'S INCOME • TAX SERVICE . Tax preparation, financial state- ments, averaging basic herd, etc. cash or accurial system, work done at farm, reaSonable fees, , phone 14384401. FOR SALE - Royal Albert 'kit - FOR SALE FOR SALE oil, burner,. Edward Burt, R.R. 2 Lucknow.. • FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and manure handling equip- ment; stabling and pressure sys.: teMST-Contact-Beatty-Farm-Ser= . • vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. FOR SALE OR RENT .complet- ely • remodelled 3 bedroom house in Wingham,: one block from Main Street. Phone Lorne Howe, Tees - 'water 392-6172. • 'SINGER SERVICE • Repairs, to all makes and models; Sales and Service on new products; SINGER CO. OF CANADA • Phone 357-3730 'after 6p.Ifl. • FOR SALE -, storm windows, *wooden frame, various sizes. Phone Oliver. McCharles, 395-5266. VACUUM CLEANERS . Sales. and Service •for all makes. , phomV 262- 5748. . • SILVER. LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS,. ONTARIO • ••• Open' 7 Days and Evenings Closed 'Sunday a.m. and Tuesday 7 p.in. chen stove in good• condition, new grates; fresh white eggs; 25c' doz- en;. 11 weanling pigs. Contact *Ross Errington, St. Helens 128-6693.. FOR SALE - 63 Ford Galaxie V8 automatic, radio, snow tires, Al condition, priced for quick sale,' phone 528-2633 or 524-8688. FOR SALE -- about 25 ton mixed grain. Eldert Geertsma, R.R. 5 Lucknow, phone 395-2733. • COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pet of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealtli'games. A $30 Special. Jack- pet-Ga-nre-for $100:00-on--56-calls-or $25 consolation" prize. RECEPTION A Wedding Reception will be held- in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Atlee Wise (Jean Webster) on Saturday, November 14th at 9 p.m. sharp in Reids Corners• Hall. Boyds - Orchestra. Lunch will be served. Everyone welcome. HORTICULTURAL BANQUET The Lucknow and District Horti- cultural Banquet will be held Sat urday, November 21st in the Luck - now Parish Hall... For tickets con- tact Mr., Alex Andrew or Miss Ada Webster on 'orbefore Novem- ber 14th. . • • ANNIVERSARY SERVICES • • GOderich .Calvary Baptist Church FOR SALE - V 3 horse electric Woods grinder, V good condition. Ross Henry, phone Goderich' 524. 8004. , FOR SALE - 6 Holstein bred Shop For Our 'Weekend Spocia rs:-Don--Paquette-;-R-711-.--1 NEW LO_W_PRICES ON RipleyLphone 395-5175i, , ALL FEED • ' * DEAD STOCK. - • • • FOR SALE -'clioPped calves, . FF-lessf":"7dead---c-ows-vvei- 1, pounds, $12.00 each;. dead hofies, $20.00. each;. over 500 pounds ac- cording to size. LORENZ REMOVAL DURHAM Call Collect 3694410 THUNDER -BIRD • FOR SALE 1965 Special Landau, immaculate • condition.. . Contact Fred'. 'phone: 428-3202. . • . CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday and Thursday. Pis7and-Gattie-Tuesclay ' Gattle-only, Thursday in by 1an . p.. BILL'S MEAT MARKET PICTURE. FRAMING our spec- etat-Maxwell Hereford and Holstein. Alex Far- rish-.--Relt--7--Ltielmew, phone 52 7305. HOUSEHOLD MOVING • Local and long 'distance, excel- lent. storage, facilities available. Eric Walden, Winghani, phone 357-3221. • REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed .service to all types' Complete appliance' repairs at ' • BURKE ELECTRIC. Wingham 357.2450 Electrical Contractors • Appliances -- Motor Rewind Photo Studio, Wingham. James • Snyder, proprietor, 'phone 357-1851., BARN EQUIPMENT 7- complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton' farm- ing; *,,* Westeel - gosco•Granaries:, * Chore - Boy Milking Parlours; * Also Complete Line Of Corrug- . ated Metal* Culverts; 6" to 24" s1zC3 on hand at _ gerV pipe by order; Lowry Barn Supply, Amberley, phone 395-5286. •• • •.• 24 Hour Emergency Service • ANTIQUE CLOCKS` repaired and refinished. Eric W. Rice, R.R. 2 Lucknow; phone 528=6695. , 231 Bayfield Road, Highway 21, Sunday, November 15th' will mark seven years. of christian service to the Lord. Two outstanding guests' will take part, RevC Lambert Rap-' COMING EVENTS MEMBERSHIP 'MEETING • A membership meeting 'for, Local 335 of the National Farmers Union will be held at Brookside School' On. Thursday, November V 19th at 8:30 p.m. Bill Langdon, District director • -will-he-guest-speaker. • •.•-•••!.•., WANTED WANTED -- a roomer, and bre 'fast if desired: Phone 528-2327. NOTICE JUNIOR "C" HOCKEY For the best in Junior "C" hoc key. be Vat Teeswater arena every Sunday afternoon' at 2 p.m. Tees water Otters versus other teams in' the league. .1. EUCHRE PARTY Dungannon L.O.L. 324 will V hold. a Euchre Party on Thursday, Nov- ember 12th in the Orange HalL Dungannon. Everyone welcome. TENDERS . WANTED TOWNSHIP .OF KINLOSS TENDERS FOR • , • SNOWPLOUGHING Tenders wilt be' reivivibd by the undersigned until. 6 P.m. November 16th, 1970.. • , • State price per hour. . Successful bidder must supply own wingman.:- Stand by time of $10 per day tist of- Tillsonburg will speak at 4'1 11 . su. in be innin Dec - the 10 a.m. Sunday School hour ember 1st, 1970 and ending March and 11:00 ---am. Morning-WorsbiP-3-1st1971. service. At 7:30 .p.m. R'ev. Dr. W. Township Tender Forms to be S. Vihitcombe, President of the Fel- used, available from Road Super - of Evangelical Baptists 'of'intelligent, • • • CUSTOM BUTCHERING Pigs -- Tuesday Beef - Wednesday & Friday By Appointment Only RETAIL MEATS ' RETTINGER'S MEAT MARKE' R.R. 1 Formosa DIAL 392-6346 HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYR000,, The best in Home Grown, Dry Fe Drug Free Beef, Try our Fre Home Made Sausage. Custom k ling by appointment. Phone 52'8-2132 LUCKNOW SENTINEL OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday, 830 a.m. to 12 noon • p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon NOTICE • .OPENING THIS AND THAT. SHOP, RIP .L.i Canada and Pastor of Wishing Well Lowest or 'any tender ,i-islitTifed: Acres, Baptist Church, Agincourtessar4 accepted. will be guest speaker. Everyone Frank Schumacher, Road Superintendent, R.R. 1 Holyrood welcome: RECEPTION A Reception will be held for Mr. and -Mrs. J. S. Robb in- the Ripley District. High' School on Friday. APPLICATIONS November 20th. Boyd's Orchestra.. Everybody welcome: , • ,IIMM11•11.11mEk DANCE Everyone is welcome to a .dance ponsored by Huron County Feder - at ion-of-Agric-u-kure.-:-in-the Wing- TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS APPLICATIONS FOR WINGMAN APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned until' 6 p.m. November 16th, 1970; • -Starting rate -$1.75 per , hour for the first monthjhen $1.90 per hour. Successful applicant . must be available to start work, on or' be- fore December 1st,' 1970. 'Lowest or any application not necessarily ac- cepted. . ham Legion...Hall on'Saturday. Nov ember 14. Dancing 9 to 12 to the music of The Northern Gentlemen. Admittance restricted to persons 2P years and over.' SILO AND 'ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please call or write This can be done now. George Wraith, BOX -95, --Go Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop FOR SALE. - feed turnips, at For- mosa Turnip Plant, 881-1383. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is. for sale at Mel Stanley's Supertest in Lucknow.. Pick up an extra' copy 'from Mel. • FOR RENT • • • • ANNUAL MEETING Maple Grove L,O.L: 1044 will hold .their. annual' meeting with el- ection • of officers in Zion Hall Thursday, November 12th at 8:.36 p.m. All members requested to at - .tend.. ° Allan Gibson, • (Master) • • ENTERTAINMENT FOR RENT. - 2 bedroom apart- ment ' on Havelock St. •Lucknow, .available November 1st. Contact Wm. . Loree, Kincardine. .phone . Caning Nevem'Cr u 0 • ec- embet 5th, Pete Lafferty, "The MacKenzie Drifter", 9 - 1 each night. Danny's Tavern, Wingham. EUCHRE AND SHOOT FOR RENT - Pi story house The . Lucknow. Ladies Legion with garage at Amberley Contact "xillarY.-are-Ileldiriguehre-ancl-1- Shoot party in the Legion Hall on • Frank Schuma,cher, Road Superintendent R.R. 1 Holyrood • • • E BER 16t -:-Operi Hours Mon., Tues., Ned., Fri., • • 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Sat. - 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Crafts, good used clothing household articles. If you have a article you wish, to sell phew 395-5321. or 395-2827 . • NOTICE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITI1 -Anyone wishing to enter, Oh in the coloured Photographic Co petition, sponsored by The Luckn Agricultural Society, are asked 'have them to• the secretary, M -Robert Struthers, Lucknow by N ember 16th. • NOTICE The child:health• clinic • of I Bruce County Health' Uhit-fer-p school. children and infants will held at the 'Legion Rooms, .Lu 'now on Tuesday, •. November 1 12 from 10 to 1410 am, NOTICE: Imperial Oil Limitedhas op ed a business office in the torn . • Noble Johnston Restaurant'. F STRAYED' . .HaVen, Imperial•Egg6 Agent,. in charge of the offiee. Hours 12 and 1 - 5 daily, except Thu STRAYED 500 to 600 lb calf days. from' Con. 1 & Kinloss. Can ident- i y y ran o'er rWIE-Photie 529-7337. 52-648 ' The FIED- CROSS i 1. PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU 524-6511. • 83. Friday, November 20th at 8:15 FOR RENT 7 room house on Ludgard Street, Lucknow., modern • PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated D singdouble decks conveniences, $80 per le decks from sharp. Everyone welcome. Lunch' and prizes.. HURON • $119 upas well as only). Drop in . at The Lucknow ' Sentinel. and euclire. ileckt- (euchre "-tards---Phorte:-.528-3423OPEN HOUSE -- . Beauty Gifts will be shown at the A display of 'Beauty Councillor • ESTOCK • REMOVAL .month: AD MOBILE HOMES 'home of Mrs. Joe Scott, Ripley on DUMONT'ALUMINUM -'SALES-ANIMRVICE',-wit-dowS-,- `THINKING-0E-OBILE-7Htim doors, 'awnings, sidings; For free estimate call, Roy Emberlin, your • .local dealer. .' - THE TEESWATER NEWS --- is ' available. at The Lucknow Sentiriel, Friday. November 20th from nOon • CLINTON of • We pay'highest prevailing price., for fresh: dead or- disabled cows and, horses over 500 pounds, • Smaller animals picked. up as a service to you: OR RECREATIONAL •VEHICLE? Many' makes and models to choose from. For a better aeai, drop us a • line or telephone • 1-------.---- --7- --I: ----,, ...=____Ige_per3:cupyA.f...you:..are interested ___ .:_...,..._ - . -RU_STO_N In the -lews of Teeswater and .ths" MOBILE HOMES,, LTD. ''. triet, pick un a copy. . • s r BURLINGTON eraVel, top soil and fill. Burying or , Ti. (Code 416) 63141400 ..• rernoving-stone_piles_Phone SymeS_, , Aro& 528-5203. un ' EUCHRE • Everyone .welcome to the Whitechurch -Community Hall, Monday, November • 16th at 830 . P•111.•.,...5,POnsoted by the. Hall Board.. .24 nour*Tyke„- i,..:_pAy„41irAgic.„ Proceeds for hair renovation. - ---- - - - ---- 7 . Lunch. served. 'CALL .COLLECT 482'.;9811 . of November, 1970. e, .Lucknow CG Christi" as VeSper_SerViee-enthe . License. No, 237,07° 1,97D0a.tec,1 th.is. .1day of Novem ,1th ..I.T. will hold their . 'Free Post Mottein evening of Sunday, December loth. • , banald SIT-Simpson-i-tia of .the Township of 43b1 . . ' CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS Orders will be taken by Lucknow Women's Institute Christman Puddings: Orders to in no later than December 1st Mrs. AleMacNay or Mrs. Gr, Greer. .. CLERK'S NOTICE OF • POSTING OF VOTERS'LIS Voters'' List, 1970, Township t Ashfiold, County of Huron Notice is hereby given tha tave-comPlied-Avith Section 9 The Voters List Act, .1951, 4 that I have posted up at my fice at Kintail on the 11th day November,the_ list of ersons entitled to voteinthe Municipality at Municipal Electi and that such list remains th for inspection. • And I hereby call upon all vol to take immediate proceedings have any omissions Dr_txr_ors-1 rected according to law, the iday for appeal being the 25th VESPER' SERVICE • • • • 1