The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-04, Page 16hi I Alia SIXTEEN • • THE t U'CKNOWSENTINEL .LU'CKNOW,, .ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 4thh 't'ir7Q FOR TOPS IN PETROLEUM PR...D.UCTS CALL BILL CHISHOLM 5291524 SUNOCO DISTRIBUTOR iR SNE-LUEI(NOW -AREA. 24 HOUR BURNER 'SERVICE. AUTOMATIC WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY PRODUCTS FOR FARM AND HOME District Director • Was Guest Speaker • The,'Ri•1e and District. H'orti cultural Societ rTreid their meei. ing on Tuesday, October 20 at • .?.00 p, m . at the home of Mrs Ewan MacLean with 15. members ►4 ,` ' . ' and 3 guests present.. ' i i The -meeting; opened. w ith a • minute's silence 'in memory of -r-s-Herb C-ia t . ing of the Lord's Prayer. • Business was discussed. Mem-: hers w tie uigedto-attend-tie. Noveinbertdinner meeting if they wished a :chance` on the liquid embroidered tulip quilt top and for a real •good• meeting to" wind up the year: • Correspondence was read. Tril- trip .• Mrs: David. Elphick: introduced Mrs. 'Klie of Hanover, who is director for District 8.. ,She gave an interesting address 'touching on t-tgmn_ 'of garden , composts.; ' and house- plant, house-plant, care Mrs . Noryal Stewart, convener for.•the'program opened with a • ,poem.' She also told :,about the •i • • 'the wild; rose . Mrs'. Bert. Mason took the topic speaking .on .pollution and how we should -a- -be . concerned -a -bout_ conserving our environment . She told of air; water and soil pollu- tion and the ,health hazards they'. present. . • •• ' • • Mrs: Charle:s'Smith gale; 'the: courtesy remarks. Mrs: Walter. ' Farrell successfully auc•tioned'the liur serviettes• and :note paper 'were offered for sale through the society ,and orders were, taken for these. Mrs. Fran Elphick and Mrs. •Norval Stewart: were presented• • with, trillium cups and saucers _in appreciation ortheiw7 arranging the London fair bus surplus: garden products' that the members brought' as 'their`;.rolh call resulting in:over.$4:00. The meeting closed with the Queen, and ,Grace".: ' • • A delicious lunch was served ` Hostess.; •1�71t's- nT.a-n MAc- _.: 1 Lean Masquerade Party At' St.. HelenS: Was dine success The,St , Helens Women's Insti,- Lute held a very successful Mas- querade party And dance on Fri- day evening, October 30 in the St. Helens Hall. qtr. and-iv14. Jim Hunter and -- Mrs, John Hunter of Zion acted as judges for the' party .. Prizes were awarded as follows; years.,and under Comic Dtess,, Steven. Errington,. Glen Raynard; , 6. years and -under fancy dress,'` .. Kendra Purdon:, Elizabeth Black; 7- ye-a-rto40-y'ea-rs--Gamin_Dr_es ,.-.._ Larry MacPherson; 7. years to 10 'yea'rs Fancy Dress, Barbara Ai-', chison;• 10 'years to 14 years. Comic Dress, Allan Murray;.10 years to. r4.years fancy Dress,,:Debbie. Er-: rington; Fancy Lady, Mrs. Jim Aitchison, Mrs.. Peter Chandler; Comic Gent , ,Jack Aitchison • John MacDonald; Comic Lady, Linda Little , . Ross Errington; 'Fan-' cy Couple, Mrs. Bob Aitchison and Mrs.' Allan Cranston,, Karen K%l atnck and Loree;• Garnmie;' Comic. Couple•;. Mr. and' Mrs. Bob Struthers; Mrs. Ernest .Gaunt and • Mrs.. Bruce Raynard . 4 Mrs, Andrew Gaunt supplied piano music for the contestants. to round Sandwiches and fancy Hallow e'en cup cakes• and coffee was served by the W•. •I • ladies immed ;iately' after the judging.. Dancing to music supplied by Tiffin's _orchessra .broughr afun party to' a close'. . • _ �'n'your drapery slcover dry,cieafling. Make your draperies and slipcovers look new again with Sanitone dry- cleaning.. Our Sanitoneprocess floats the soil out, 'then forms a protective • shield to help keep it out. So whites are whiter,• colors are brighter. Fab- rics feel and look new again. Act now and get big savings. Offer,good for a limited time only. Sanitone is the only drycleaning recommended :by • __ , -drapefes.. Nettla freak=fot�therr'quatrt bedpreads-and • ( * Sanitone. Cerl�ed MusteiTryrkaner. ' CARSO PURPLE _&RQ10E 'HALLOWE'EN PARTY ' Many spooky creatures.turned 'out on Saturday evening for: the Hallowe'en party at the'commun- ity centre. Prizes were given for costumes and•'games. ' A`danee followed the judging, with rnusi'c . supplied• by Mr; and Mrs..Aurel • Armstrong, Margaret Harkness . :and Walter'Coflins, The:commit• tee are to be 'Congratulated on • providing aline evening of enter- tainment. On the committee .,were Marilyn -Reid., Margaret ==- • CRAWrORG MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINOHAM ONTARIO PHO -.NE. 357 70 CHRYSLER 2 door. hard- tops, power. equipped' • ' : o , • oor a; an,; automatic with radio and power . steering ' 6$ . CHEV 4' `door sedan, 6 automatic with radio , 68 CHRYSLER, 2 door har dtop, powerequipped-and radio 68 PLYMOUTH Sports Fury hard- top, low mileage 68 : DODGE 4 _ door .8 automatic- .an radio , t, 67 FORD,, 4 door sedan*, 8 automatic with radio 3,862 . LTD. SHIRT @ORDERERS HANOVER • • FREE PICK -UF' AND DELIVERY. `'' EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY:. OR LEAVE DRY CLEANING -AND SHIRTS -A -I` SEPOYSTORE - LUCKNOW Harkness and.j,une .Elliott, Folks were sorry ;to hear the illne .goblins got to Irene Boyle and able. to attend ihe'.party. Miss Margaret Robertson of ,Lucknow spent the weekend: wittr•� Mr. •and Mrs. Don Robertson. Week_enc_visitor ` rel:'Mr,_aiidi Mrs, Francis Boyle•and fartiily. were Mr.. and 'Mrs. bill Hughs of Coderich': • Many from here attended th.e. e interest 67 DODGE Dart, 6 automatic . with 'radio �e with 'radio oor, , automatic 66. . ' FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hard- top,ALautomatic and. radio - 66 FORD, 4 door, 8'automatic, power .steering, radio ' , • 6 CHRYSLER, 4 ' door, power equipped 65 PLYMOUTH 2 door hardtop, '8 automatic with . radio TRUCK 58 FORD, 1 ton stake. Hallowe'en dance .in Ber.vie, on Friday• evening. • Mrs. Brian King. of Elmira Dianne Dore';. Linda and.: Karen of Teeswater visited on Saturday with Mrs. Don Dore and' farrtily. Dotes were Mrs. William Wood and David of Port Severn. Mrs. 'Frank Colwell, Mrs. Don• `McCosh and Mrs. Eva Me'llin . visited bra--Sranday-w-itki Mrsr�Ma --slid Ti ust. LL Campbell, Tri Orillia. • Mrs. Mell'in` has returned' to her home in Scott., Saskatchewan after visiting with herrelative s,: the--C--o\ve-ltl's he -re., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins visit- ed last week end with •Maureen`s parents .Mr,' and Mrs. Sam Green, of Arthur Mrs. Storgard of S. askatchewan is v"isitirrg-wit1..--lvtr--a.ttd.._=Mrs .Bob= Thompson this week. • Mrs. Claude` Dore of Bervie ' Elgin and Kingston Streets spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dore Jr. , and :boys of Goderich °524-73$1 Teeswater. - _. Never in its 80 year histor has this comp6n'y offered. higher rate of interest on i vest•.. ie fit certificates i• 83,/4.7 available to you right nov at any branch ofVictoria VG TRUST. COMPANY SINCE 1ee Lealand- MVO/tanager