The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-04, Page 6• t .13 • . • . • . PAGE SIX • • 1. • • 4"\ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' WEDNMAY , FOVMF1LR 4th, 1970, Notice T� reditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS Anthe Estate Of WILLIAM. LYON MacKENZIE ALL PERSONS 'having claims against the estate of the above Mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Manufacturer, who died on the 13th day of September, 1970, are requir- ed to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of November, 1970. AFTER THAT DATE, the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the • estate having regard only to, the claims of which she shall then have otice To Creditors CARD F THANKS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANO OTHERS, ••In The Matter Of The Estate Of DUNCAN MURRAY CAMPBELL of the Village of Ripley, in the County of Bruce, labourer, de- ceased. NQTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having any claims or demands against the Estate of Duncan Murray Campbell, afore- said who died on or about- October 13, 1970 are required to file proof 'of theirclaims duly verified with the undersigned solicitors for the Executors on or before November -had-botice. • . 30, 1970. DATED at Wingham, untano AND NOTICE IS FURTHER 14th day of October, 1970. GIVEN thaLafterthe said late the • .CRAWFORD & MILL. Executors will proceed to distribute Barristers,, etc.' Wingham,, Ontario. Solicitors fo rthe Executrix • . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate Of •• ISABELLA ALVINA THOMPSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, 'housewife, who died on the 11th day of August, 1970, are required to ,file proof Of same with the under- signed, on or before the 5th day of November, 1970. • AMER THAT DATE, the exe- cutor will proceed to distribute the • estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have 'had notice. "DATED at Win am Ontario this 14t.h day of Octo ter, 1970. CRAWFORD' & MILL • Barristers, etc. Wingham, Ontario • Solicitors for the Executrix • NOTICE TO • CREDITORS-ANOOT-14E-RS— ' All persons having claims against 'the Estafe—of-Heff-Edw----a-td Mac- • Leod late of the Village of Luck - •'now in the County of Bruce, who • at Penetang, in the County of Sim- coe, must file same with the un- • dersigned not 'later ' than the 20th • November, 1970, after which time • distribution will be made, having • regard only to the claims ‘of whish • notice has been received. • Dated November 2nd, 1970-.--- • DAVID 'WALFISH, .Q.C. 156 Danforth Avenue, Toronto Solicitor for the Administratrix NS • , • • •' • • the assets of the said estate- among those entitled thereto and will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to anyone of whose claims they shall not, then have received notice. , Dated at Ripley,, Ontario, October 23, 1970. • • CRAWFORD & MILL Ripley," Ontario • Solicitors: for, • the Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AND OTHERS In The Matter Of The Estate Of GEORGE EMILE MacLENNAN of the Township of Huron, in the County of Bruce, Auctioneer, de- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, all persons having claims or maids,--against_t.heEstate of George Emile MacLennan, afore- said who died on or about October 10, 1970 are required to file proof of their claims duly verified With the' undersigned. Solicitors for the Executor on or before November • The Principal and Senior Pupils of ,Luclaiow and District Public St-hool wish to express -their appre- ciation•to the residents of Lucknow area for their co-operation in the recent C.N.I.B. canvass. I wish to express thanks .,. for cards of good wishes, gifts, visits and assistance given at home by my relatives. Special thanks to Doctors Corrin and McKim and nursing •staff in isolation. All was deeply appreciated. • Harvey Alton • would like to say "Tjank You" for the many get well cards; gifts and visits received while in the hospital_Tliank& helped and were so kind to John at home. Everything was deeply ap- preciated. • / • Sincerely - Mrs. John Frook THANK YOU I would like to express my. sin- cere thanks to everyone who visited me, sent cards and letters while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital London and since returning horae. Thank you is also extended to all who helped in various ways at home during my absence. • Madeline Ritchie •Mrs. Charles: Steward wishes: to thank her friends for remembering her with cards, letters, gifts, flow- ers . and visits, while in Victoria Hospital, London and since coming home. This means so muchto one in hOSPital when friends at 'hoine remember them. • • ' • ••We would like to thank everyone who remembered Yvette with cards, and letters While in Palmer- ston Hospital and those who. have ONTARIO ASSESSMENT REVIEW COURT • ONTARIO Assessment Act 1968-69 --TAKE,NOTICE •that the first sittbig_of_the.4.ssess1nea,Re-•• view Court for the year 1970 for the Municipality of the. , • TOY/10RIP OF WEST WAWANOSII In the' Huron -Perth Region • WILL BE HELDIN THE TOWNSHIP HALL. 7fr • Commencing' at the Hour . 10 -A14.; -NOVEMBER -111,--197 • • . •NELSON H. KAHLE, • • Regional Registrar (Acting) Dated at Wingham this For Assessment Region No. 24 29th Day of October, 1970 ' . • Kenneth Houston visited over the %eek end With friends in Ottawa. • The Noyember meeting of Kair-. shea Women's Institute Will be held One week earlier th`i,vrionth on November the home of Mrs...Parish Moffat of Wirigharn. .• 'South Kinloss Y.P..S. met Sun day evening•at the home of Mr: and Mi. Evan Keith. • . • • „.• . • JOINS 'ROYAL BANK STAFF • • Mi,ss 30, 1070 • visited -us -since -her -return -home. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER . . GIVEN that -after -the -said -date -the- Ormie and Yvette Heffernan Executor will proceed to. distribide I would like to thank my friends the assets of the said estate among and, neighbours, who remembered those entitled_thereto and will not _me with at•ds and visits while I be.liabre for the said assets of -any was a Tied-et:it in the Wingham Hos- part thereof to anyone of whose ,pital.• •„ claims • he shall inot then have re -4 ileh .t.Jack VaOs coved nobce. Dated at Ripley, Ontario, Octo- ber 23,1970. CRAWFORD & MILL Ripley -,-Ontario • Solicitors for the Estate NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS . . The..Estate Of MARY LOUISA CURRAN ' Deceased' All persons having claims against • the Estate .o MaryLouisa. Curran late of .the Village of, Lucknow, the County of Bruce,. Widow, de- ceased, who died on:o. about the 7th. day 'of September. 1970, are hereby notified- to :send full partic; ulars-of,theirelahni-to--the wider - signed Solicitor, for the Executors of the Estate, on or before the 20th day of November 1970; after which date the Estate will be distributed amongstAhos_e_entitled thereto hay - mg regard only t�:the the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. ' ' Dated at Listowel,. Ontario, this 'iiii meeting on Tpursday .at 30th day of October, 1970." • , • Mi. and Mrs: Irvin McCabe. of 'Windsor and Mrs: Carl Johnston of • Bluevale were Saturday. -visitors • witb:Mr. and _Mrs. Fred. 1\-IcQtil • lin and Mr. and Mrs; FrankMc- Quillin. Mr. and.Mrs. Lorne Webb of • • Goderich were Saturday visitors with,. Nir. and Mrs.' HArvely Gordon Lyons is a patient in • Winghanr and District HOspit/al..• • 4 Just a 'reminder of the Novem;• 2 o'ClOc.k, :qrs.' Andrew Straugti- R_WANDREW, SoliciOntariotOr for the Exeeutors I wish to express thanks for cards and visits, while I was in Wingham and District Hospital. Thanks also to Doctors Corrin and McKini and nursing staff. All- was deeply appreciated, • . W. J. Pluton Listowel, • an of Goderich, distxict president, will, be, guest spe.aker. Roll call ParcerP*Package (value .25c) • The kernembrance Dayservice will be held on November 8 in the hai41--a-t iOn, and Auxiliary will be in atten dance. Rev. Robert Nidholis will be in charge Of the.service, LOST SAR.N BY FIRE. Wed ilfp-, .'• Coop& lost his'large bar'n'and Machinery by fire. Mr. Cooper 0 e • • * ••• • • - • was preparing for an auction sale slated for Saturday of la•st week. ' when the outbreak. occtfrred.., • 6 Miss Annie Clarke, a fOtrner,', resident of Stkielen's, pasted away in a Toronto NursingHome at the age of 93. The 'remains . hur Funeral Hamer Auburn with interment in \Green:. hill ce.metery MONUMENTS For sound counsel awl a fair price �n.g mortument ' correctly 'design&I from quality material, rely on TONAVIEMORIALS •' Pat. O'Hagatt, Prop. . Established Over Sixty. YearS WAL RHONE 8814234 • ONTARIO _ • •4•1 -:•%. =L.= = '•••• - .3 • - - S. - T.= = Stewart Farrell Elected::President ,•. . ^ • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton. Mrs., David Schlernmer, Craig and Susan of Stratford have spent the past two weeks with her moth er,• Mrs. Harold Stanley, • We are pleased to report. that 'Harold Stan ley , who has been a patient' in • Wingham and, District Hospital . following. a heart. attack , is mak- ing a favourable recovery. MASTER OF SCLENCE DEGREE • Congratulations to Donald Mac lver, son'of Mrs. Grace Maciver of London and the la te Dpna Miclver ,who received his Maste of Science degree on'Satuidav at the Fall Cimv9ratinn ar the University of Alberta: in .Ed mbn - wotk in the Royal Bank at London thii week. Sunday visitors with 'Nil.. and Mr-s.--John-Ne ' • .1111 N r and Mrs. Reid Sri -11th and, Mrs. Smith Sr. of Arva Mr. and . • \ Mrs. Wm, drahani and Mr., and /qrs.. Wm.. AndreW Jr . • • Mr: and Mrs... Ma:cKenzie ofKincardine visited Sunday with Ntagrier. • Cargill were Sunda'y vi;ifor's. • • r.;--• an lrs•..I..tarve.-y .•, Housion.., • •. . • • • '1 •”" ilOOKto buy in the WANT ADS • -The HtirorT.Btute Swingers en- , joyeda Hallowe'en ,iasquerade -and. Social evening on Wednesday ,' October.25th. • . Alvin Alton for Fancy Dreised• Couple; Mr. and, Mrs .•cliff Kilpatrick , Comic Dressed con* ‘a.nd ,Mr: and Mrs. Robt: Gilchrist Most Original Dressed Couple. Judging the Costuines weM re, r... •and,Mrs. Henry Donais and. Mr.:. and Mrs. Gordon Struthers. • This Square Dance group was organized last'Year and.Was very nf • successful With seve' sets O Square Dancers. .This year we • arettgving to organize a junior Club as well as the Senior Club.• „Thel_miors and Seniors hare been • dancing every Wednesday night •in the Whitechurch Community ' Hall under the supervision of Lgbert.Jacobs from Brunner; Ont' a:io. The f011ow-ing-t-latef-offietS, . . • LEN and FREEMAN OLSON CHOICE PIT RUN GRAVEL: CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHED GRAVEL • • .,-...SAND,HSTONEAND.'Fil..L• • • • • `.. • • • • 1)unganriori.Ontario „ IN -H URON-TOWNS P ARE DUE 01\1 • VEMBER 16, 1970 ..4% PENALTY VVILL SE ADDED were instaileddast Wednesday everunc; F:esldent ; Stew art Farr, • :ell, R. R: Ripley; Vie Ptesid- ent , Robt. Struthe:s, Licknow; Sec -Treas Mrs.. Ralph Dicksin, Seltr.6:e • TO UNPAID: TAXES AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1970