The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-28, Page 111 .EI3NESI %;.,C OCTOBER 28th 1970 S TI4E LUCKNOW SENTINEL.. V LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE LEVEN FREEZl 1 C.• 11. r.B0'#wit ;.„...., _Hears -Of �.= . • ;.'. ` � � Choice Hinds°Choice' rOnt„ Lifei,tDenmark OLIVET'NEWS h • ersen was the speaker a,t•the Olivet United' , .1 � •lam~ 1\� ,_�� �(, 1 , \`,• • o • b8c 4 „ �.., Beef Be1. lb , �.�.,, Q • of Beef 48c Ib yPedersen's Church• Women's: meeting held. at the home of Mrs, Walter :Black on Tuesday Tuesday evening':of last week. Las spr n t• i � Mrs: Pedersen and: small dau hter Tina. visited with g Mr and• area other ���P. - '• e \d•, ,, -_ 0,,v;�A� . ''�` _ • '°�' q t 1\ �" . • .�` 'r : Choice , . •account'of relatives in Denmark•Her customs and conditions De_n-taaa.rk interesting _ \ =: ��.�,;� '-=' • o 58c -Sides s Grade -A Beef i .. WHOLE Olt 39c.j/and 1b.\ y P rlr-�in HALF _' '' • .were very and enlightening. The worship was rese ted by •p ,'P n Mrs. Walter Black, Mrs: Melvin. Calling, Mrs'. Stanley Blackwell Mrs. Elrner Osborne. Mrs . Oscar White. • e , i t e gave a report of th ' `Presbytery meeting held. use - • ' DAIRY • . • emecn s o „ „.„ ,��, „_,„ • Homemade or ' �. ,,, ,,. ,, „�„ „_, . Sausage' 2 Ibs. '99c•• h' O lbs.$475 • recently at Silver Lake Camp. Mrs , Robert •Osrne pided, forCO-OP the business with the roh:calY • answered With a•verse on . . Thanksgiving 36% DART' -F10 SUPPLEMENT BEEF • .. , • ' •• ' ' ..N..►N Lunch was served' by.the c.omttt>< .tee and Mrs. Gerald Collin'g gave courtesy remarks. • COOP 36% pNp •�89�. sEEF GAINER SUPPLEMENT' a• r: .. .KITLLT MLA.] . .MAKRtli... - . . . . PHOi445=-2961'. RII'L s . President - •YPS • Floyd S . T ,.. ^ . . • Gives Travelogue: WHIT'00,40" EC1iURCH. NEWS - Whitechurch Young People's •, �ie-1= - -. on all ' CO OP da�r�y and beef ,' Thi kno , ^ istrict o -rt--- icu'ltural/Society, met on; Monday , si�le-Seliooi-with-other='Fo • • 'pupils,• to gain-soMe knowledge. ocie4 . .. Sunday evening in the Sunday -' sUpple7 ettis , • } e'ven'ing,October 19 in the•Legion of farm' life' .and agriculture. ,' . School room of Chalmers Presby.- , • Hall:wi h an attendance of about Mrs .'Chris Cooke'introduced -terian,Church•with an attendance fort members and The . • y Floyd Stanle showed slides - 0 , : � 17 , . - •_ ' ,friends: ,who . : --President-open-ed`thre nTeetTrig with O':'Canada and extended a welcome to, all• present:' The .comes ondence was read.Social p and mention was made of a truth= et solo 'b' Eu ene Pritchard P yg by 'Mrs . T . Pritch- : tsf:,rhe T lz Feseival mHollafid and 'many beautiful views of homes and.public buildings, parks and the' country side • His description of his,. experiences as a teacher at an air fnrc'e hsp in Germanand his The-presi errt . s-Miss'Ruth Elliott;.. Secretary,., Miss .Darlene •'; .Simpson, ;Treasurer, Paul Laidlaw; Con%ener Charles a s ,• Thomp son, PAO. Elliott and Jane Laidlaw. The president Ruth Elliott pees-. ided for a discussion•and. ma•ki.ng. jjIRE•Akis UCPI'illill '' • .....- 'accompanied �_�-�_ • ard., which 'was inadvertently •plans �.. pictures "and comments on Germ- for a•Record Hop in White- L 1�. ; * • omitted'in the report of the Sept- : ember meeting. The :treasurer , Norman Taylor gave a \ery •' favou;rabl'e financi'l,statetitent. •AnnA•lton a•ccoM ani:ed MaryP' • by Her Mother Mrs. E31:� i<e:;Alton an"landmarks and the:, Berlin. Wall_ were Most interesting ••: ' Mrs,. . Russell Phillips thanked . Floyd for his contt'ibution to �' the: pro�rarllme: The President t thanked the cometh ee, Mks. C.'. church`Community. Memorial ' Hall on November 20': They r ' also are going •to'appeal for used .G.I.T. H+ave or broken.to s which theywill' ' y• repair a•nd donate to the Salvation. Pyiama P Armyfor use at Christmas. • o ' GUIDE NEWS . -The 1st. Lucknow Guide Comp- any wa.s'a hive of activity on. '. "i _: d- -w': deltghte T,he Worship morni't — Thursday eveningat their regular__ ire tfie audte e ith two pleasi g safes', Ntar, �lnnalso - introduced'a little girl from Tor:- on o, who is visiting tti her, home for •:a' weekAnd attendiu Brook- •' Cuoke 1rs.' W, Zinn •and �lrs R. Phillips and all who had•taken • girt. in the rogramme h, p p o T e an- �. 11ua1:banquet �Nill:•M held.in • :Li. ' . Service,was-in•= — Saturday g daw-ned�on-- charge •of Charles Thampsori•w:ith • thirteen sleepy C.G.1.T.egirls the. topic "Prayer" with all'and their two leaders who spent .. ':was takingP part in a discussion, • all`of Friday:night at''tfie United, 'Games were then enjoyed Churc Y h at Pjanartytiny meeting... After roll call,•the fiag • raised.by Barbara Cameroq;'' • , • Cathy Jamieson and: Sandra •Fin-• • • •lay. fAnnouncern• ents. included -games, stunts: and- contests were plans for. a Hallowe'en partynext •• ..;�°, with Jean Reid' and Joanne ' ,enjoyed. U IGEF, oxer wereweek N b folde'dand Made -ready for•the' , collection on Hallowe en and Ritchie •as hostesses'. An enroll- 'rnent is planned for'November 5th •• Phe ere asked e to �olun _. + .. . CRA:• _.... FORD oToRs • „everyonema-de l r e tisst7e � P'.' er flower. ° After evet'yone was • wellSpbykedfrIVingghos stoe candlel•ight the Seniorsare tear to sell one. more cart on o'f cookies each.. There was a , Pretry good response and the ,girls • CHRYSLER e DODGE PLYMOUTH the blind -folded iuniors and ••_ • asked to bring .their returns inled o ,,,tis.:)ona_ _ pil 1••• ` -_ eT.�W 'irr� erhro • ii .• WINGHAM ONTARIO P H` 0.N E 3:25 7: -`3 8 6 2 rooms to the accompanineit of • .ghostly music and sounds ' a After.a midnight snack,. the' halls echoed with . giggles and whir: ers and parte ring •feet until 3.30.a • ni;, . e Knots andfirst aid kits were the ma in; _projects worked. on and four recruits finished.up their tenderfoot tests:. ; •• .... ' ..' The Fire Brigade tests werelit • r • 2 - 70 . CHRYSLER .2• door lard- tops, power equipped .• • 69. PLYMOUTH, • 4 door sedan, 6 ' 66' PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8automatic with radio 06... .FORD Galaxie 500,2 ' door hard- -,- 8 . eaders ;had their revenge bywaking the • girls at'7 30 to the rousing 'music of'the-Tijuana Brass on•stereo: After breakfast and clean-up ,+ a • a ... 'o the .marked and e tester•corx�t>�ente that the ten year old guides had' done"' extremely well. Lieutenant 'Barb MacLe.11and closed the .meeting with vespers , .t s automatic•-with-th radio -and -power steering CHEV 4 door sedan, 6 •automatic ---•top' aL lomat-1e-ami-radiO Pr« 66 FORD, 4 door, 8 automatic, power � steering, radio -t'y"' r g$le-d-hom • --and { with radio 68 CHRYSLER R, 2 door •hardtop; power equipped and radio ., HR SLER CHRYSLER, 4 door,. power 66 C . ui edfair eq pp � 65 PLYMOUTH 2door hardtop, 8• , - • F or sound counsel. and correctly designed from come SKELTON a price quality material, EAR1 on 'a monument • rely on • •• • matc with'radio ..au ;, ' radio • 67 FORD, 4 door sedan,8 automatic' M1th ado TRUCK " - E 8 FORD, 1 ton stake • Pat O'Hagan, Prop ise Sixty Years • Established Over 4 WALKERT PHONE 881.023 ONTARIO ON ---. isi