The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-28, Page 9WEDNBSPAI ., OCTOBER 26th,. 1970!. 'TH` .Marred At South Kinloss Church ,LUCKNOVIP SEN;TIN'NL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ANI)Rr:W NEEDIIAl. Sotislt,"Ktnloss.Presbyterian•�••• C1iiir•ch'Was the scene.of•this siert) , auriu.nn •wedding, s.ol,entn- i✓e•d'at three -O.:064 on Saturday, .Oct.ober.:.3rd wrhet t -,•Suzanne '.' Needliani was united in Marriage tci yiilli<tin Fin -lay `wAn:Thr • -bride- is the ,daughter of hlr..••an'd •Mrs John' A Need•ha.ni of it. R. 3 Luc know .. The grooin's• pZtrt;. are Mr. and Mrs. WM'. E,' A•nd:rew , of R..R.. 7 •Lticknow'. ; lev . Glenn Noble perforined: the r • a-b.1"e_r-i i c-e-:r� r-iaatr-� 4-i--tt- sett -i ng -L of white , 'Gold •and bronze chrysan• • ,thei mins, and: ahtiqut'catidela.b- ras: The• pews and windows were attr.tctive w'iih arrangements.-ofautit•uln leaves,' Chinese .and 'gold ribbon, Photo. By Maxwell .chrysan•th.ennims, and'a gold rib= bon bow adorned fief lia:ir. The bridesmaids. wereLinda Lew'- is of Dorchester., and \1rs . Ken- neth Tho:iri,ps:on.•of Sarnia'. Theirs; dresses and flowers 'matched ,those o -f=t -he• -ti -r -add -o -f honour Ripley Man Died In His 59th Year DUNCAN MURRAY CAMPBELL Duncan ,Murray Campbell; son. of the late Duncan and 'Kate (Murray) Campbell', passed away October 13..,. 1070 in his ;50th year. The late M.t-. Campbell was. born MS'y 24.,. 1912 on Lot 0, Con . cession 10 Huron Township,, where heresided until moving to:Ripley two and one half years ago. He •, was a,ineinber'.of:_kaQx. ,resbyter-'.. ian. Church; a Past District Deputy o,f Bruce. District No, 10, 1..0.0; F,; a'nae'mber.of Huron Star Rebekah Lodge; a member of Northern Light :Masonic . Lodge, , Kincardine; and a commissioner of Huron and Kinloss Telephone system,' Mr. Campbell leaves to mourn four sisters , Mrs: Victoria Sntith , Mts. Martha MacIver Mrs Guy,. •(Margaret) Ramsey , .Mrs Wallace (Rhoda) Ribey. One sister Mrs, Ann Long predeceased him in 19ti4. :The funeral was conducted' by his m.inistet, Rev. 'K.enneth. Roon- ey of Kr ox' Presbyterian Church on Saturday; October 17th from the \lcLeltnan-McCreath funeral .. home, 'Ripley'.. 13iiria1 was in l�igle-t1e 'Groomsman was. Stephen:And rew , brother of the groom iJ`sh- ,,ers Were John '.1ndrew, brother of the•grooni ,,. and. Allan NNItDoug- • ally, ,cousin ofthe bride, • • • -Iiss-;Gori-n:ne :�-I-a-c-t�otalei-of :• Ripley was or. a.nist: Miss Mary Andrew sister of the; groom', sang The Lord's Prayer. during.the:•'cere.- mony•and The; Wedding Be'iedic- 'tion'while:the register was being •si,Tned ..' ,Gi\01,irfritarriage,by her father, A :reception was held at..Luck"-' t:he:bride entered "the .church to now •in the Canadian; Legion: Hall. 'the strain of 'Fraise \1y'S•oul, The A delicious turkey ,dinner was. • King of Glory:" Slie was charntiing ' served by the l' t'fies of Blake':s:.. in: i white ;, English styl'edt-ft,Yo'r•`-• Unit of •'Trinity. United:church. , leti;crcrepe gown; with tlowit:ig, . ',\irisic on.the.bagpipes wisprovid= ed by •F.rank'NlacK:enz,ie.. The' guests were.'inv'ited to the Need-. ham cott.age on the ,fourth' conc.est Sion forpi.social evening. : accordion sleeves' and euibr•oidei'. ed lace neokline.' A jewelled . floral : a rra,nge ment held ' her.'r fou tiered,: shoitld;er length 'veil of ny;loti tulle. She .e crried a cas= ca<i'e bouquet of 'falistitan roses, -:For travelling the bride chose a :with white -chrysanthemums and . ..purple crepe dress and coat'set , trailingi4y. with black accessories and cors�ige sister ," Janie Needham of New .• Following a trip to Northern York,: She wore an elegant gold. :''and 'Fastein Ontario, Mr. and .Mrs'. crepe blouse and formal skirt" Andrew .:returned. to'the groom's fashioned •from soft boucle.-textitr farm in Ashfield,1.• ed material, in a clever blending • Bridal showers were given' by •'of autumn shades, She -carried a ` nurses of Victoria Hospital with nosegay of yellow and bronze• • hostesses being Nitss Lunda' Lewis RIPLBY ABATTOIR 'Custo'm Butchering-- Curing and Smoking Cutting and, Wrapping; — Sausage M kin • -- Fast Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON Me ' YS CATTLE .O With'Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your. Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks Whatever''Your Requirements 'Are' For Home Freezers We Sel:-Choice Home Kilied Beef;, Pork and Lamb In Any .Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices Th.e Pallbearers were Ray'.. • Osborne, Wallace. Pollock,; .Lett- neth' N.1ac.Doirald , Donald \,]ac= Kay ; Donald Robertson, Clayton Nicholson. F'r'iends of•the' deceas- ed were flower bearers.. and Lorraine llaclrityre;. b9 friends -of _the_bride atthe,.honie,..o.f Mrs. Donald KimballCoronna; by former school friends at, the. •. home•of Mrs.' Ketine.th Thompson, Sarnia', and -a <.c.om:niunity .showar at the Kairshea Hall; . PAGN IIIfNt THURS., MGM presents A Rot; Tit •Nelson Film. `?`" " ti UA`PE ;,PHONE 5244811 URCONbTIONED^ still Spar. Ni.oColiiwwr~ ADULT tnttrrwnn MGM presents An 'tato Zingarelli • . Production ,.,SATURDAY, OCT..,31 MATINEE 2 P.M. RVING ALLEN PRODUCTION i JOHN MILLS SYLVIA SYMS BERNARD MILES MARK LESTER.P' A SUN., MON.; TUES. NOV.• AWAIT T TECHNiC•OLOR= Valio From WARNER' BROS.n 7,r,,•� :'• • One ;showing nightly at .8. p.m. OUR.. NEXT ATTRACTION MULES ceu ATftE WINGHAM Phone 3574630. SHOW TIMES yriday anctjAturdays--at't-15_: and 0:15; 1A>i other days; One Show . at, 8:00, except . where noted on, the program.' *,. *. * * * * * , * * t • THUR , FRI., 'SAT., OCT. 29,. 30,-31 .: Adult Entertainment 'A'Man a e Horse" FOR SISTER $1,RA". Kingsbridge Guides-- and .jewel case respectively.'. The - recipients expressed their thanks to their neighbours for their'gifts' . .... 'and for the social evening which, The Kingsbridge Guides: opened their, October: 22nd meeting with r'oll•ca.11: Two. new 'members ` 2r nnaAlota_n n_d .He -.Len -Beller _ were present.. Then everyone went to .patrol,corners.•where every body studied ,for'tests. Plans :for next week's Halloween Party were discussed:: Afterward the. Scarlet Ta'nagershad :camp .fire and ended with taps. Cinemascope Colour Starring Richard ' Harris This is one of the most ' talked about films of the year. It's an extraordinary story about an extraordinary man. • * :* * * �rLL,k ,tw i►r ir' SAT. MATINEE.. OCT. 3f ALL 'MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ,ABATTOIR .3952905 STORE 395.2961 Run, Wild,. Run, Free Colo _ tSta.r,.ting John Mills, Mark Lester ... All Seats 50c • Honour Families At Social Evening . • •AN1RF12LFY NFWS `• A presentation at .Amberley 'Orange :hall on Friday evening of last week was held ,in honour of: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fox , Dun- can and David, and. for Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin %enderson, Patsy and :loan. . The "Fox 'family are tioving. to #; `Bayfield and` the Hendersons are' residing.' in Ripley. • Games of euchre were 'played during the, evening and musical selections were also,enjoyed: lv L,_and, Mrs . Fo c w ere present ed wifE a hiassd 'k and Duncan arl David with tyaveiling alarm clocks. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were presented with a hassock and the girls,reoeived a erystal bowl , s AD 00 iii•t followed •A 'delicious lunch was served by, neighbours and. friends.' the 1 b'1't IT'S'.. A MATTER �Of LIFE AND BREATH! • Your .Christmas Seal association can .� help. FOR FREE BOI1KLETS ON. NOW TO QUIT .SMOKING Write to BRUCE, DUFFERIN,• GREY B :RD"kSSOCIATI'N:- P.0.Box665, Owen Sound, Onf. i ti: