The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-21, Page 18go aKA EIGH'PEEN Married tn St. Pad „.. 's Church, Ripley s, KIRKLAND - CULBERT • • Pipe . Major Bill McLeod of the Bruce County Junior Pipe Band and a cousin of the bride., was on.. •hand to pipe the bride and groom from•St . Paul's Anglican, Church in Ripley . follow ing theAugust 8,; 1970, wedding of Katherine Marg - aret Culbert and Kenneth Andrew''. Kirkland The bride is a, daughter ';of Mr. and Mrs... Walter :Culbert:of Rip- • ley and the . groort1 is a son of Mr ..and Mrs.. Gordon Kirkland of R. R. 3, Lucknow; • The church was decorated with baskets,. of pink carnations and white `shasta daisies. for the' ceremony conduct,- ed by Rev:; -R. odendahl ; of --buck= now . Organist was Mrs'. Stewart 'Taylor and the ' soloist•, Mrs Bill Scott ,,sangg "The Wedding Prayer" and. "The Wedding Bene- diction. ' . Given by h'er father; the bride wore a mood of the past. gown of 'Charm. crepe: with a fitted bodice. It 'featured a high neckline and bouffant fii1L-lengthsleeves___ scattered with Swiss 'lace appliques. A cathedral train attached to the wasitline had scal- loped lace trim. She carried a nosegay. of pink roses 'and stephan- Mrs. .George Sled of Stouffville sister of the bride, -was matron' of ELECTRICAL - CONTRACTOR • ELECTRIC :HEATING•. 1 1 1$ AND �REPALRS ELECTRICAL 'MmODEttniIZATI°N' `` F'NANCi NG AVAILABLE LUCKNOW Phone 528.5802; • CKNOW S ENTI'NEL4LUCICNmW, ONTARIO Thompson. Was. Quest Speak�i AtXtIfrhea Members from Holyrood W.I, and Lucknow W .I.., gathered ,with. Kairshea, W.1, at Kairshea Hall,. on October 13 for their Public Relations meeting. During the business, an invita- tion to attend•the Institute meet- ing in Lucknow on October 16 was .accepted. Also to attend •the Senior Course„,..Furniture Facts.in.,_ Lucknow on October 2.1 from; - 1Oa,iu. t•o4p..at, , •. • �. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 OWNSHIP ASHFIELD I :Mrs. Ira .Dickie and 'Mrs Rob- ert Gilchrist . were appointed to , attend the Bruce County Rally at Parkhead on October 15. The Nov ember meeting. will be held one week early on November 12 at the.. home .of Mrs. Farish Moffat in Wingham . Leaders for the Train- ing school on.'The main dish rnakesthe meal' *ere. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie and: Mrs. Gordon Wall.• . wiIhe Annual Pot Luck Supper. ll be held in Kairshea Hall on November `tat 7 o'clock followed 'by a short program.- • lhonour. 'Bridesmaids were Nand Kirkland of Lucknow', sister of the groom; Pat •MacCharles of Ripley. and Cathy •McLeod of Kin- ,cardine cousins of the bride'. • Flowergirl •was Susanne 'Kirkland of Lucknow niece of the groom•. • The: bridal attendants. length dresses of pink dotted Swiss .with, high 'necklines and long bouf- f- ing picturehats and carried nose-,. gays.of pink carnations and'white . shasta daisies: ' ' Groomsman. was 'Donald Kirk- land-; brother of the groom, of Kingsville. Ushers were David Kirklandt of Lucknow brother ;of the groom; Torn Culbert .of Toron- to,* brother ,of the bride.; and' Herb Hunter of Lond'ori.• For the reception held at the Ripley District High School, audi- torium , the .bride's mother receiv- ed wearing a pink dress of fine English knit with white accessories and 'a. corsa.ge•of gardenias. The groom's mother wore a blueshan- tung dress. and -aeket ensemble. with white 'accessories and a cor- sage ,of gardenias. • Followinga wedding;trip to New 'England, the coupleplan tore- • side in Toronto: -For 'the -wedding trip, the bride. chose •a deep pink •pant suit with white accessories The groom is employed ' in 'the. Building Department of the Bor- ough of E.tobicdke. 'The biide is employed "bythe '.Etobicoke Board of Education. Mrs. George. Young• reported for the 4-H club. Mrs. Allister Hugh es gave a short report on the Bruce County. Historical Society Annual Meeting held in Walkerton, recent- ly....Appreciation was given .to'• thecommittees.' who set up the .. displays, at Lucknow', and ,Teeswater Fa -l1 -fairs;. also to ,the committee _and helpers -.who catered. oLa wedding and to Mr ; and Mrs. Ross MacMillan for repair work done , Taxes..In Ashfield • are due on NQi.•EMBER2i' 1970 PENALTY WILL BE ADDED 'To unpaid taxes '.after November 2, 1970.• Remember? Mr.. H. D. Thomp- son , Administrator for -Bruce County Homes 'for .the Aged, was the. Guest Speaker..: He compared the ,former House of Refuge Act with' the rules of the' Department Of Family Services. , He stated that Brucelea 'Haven and Gateway raven were:not hospitals -but res- 'idences for Bruce County people Who, require a family -:like home 'in their Senior years., Institute .members could visit these people. in Uple Homes andalso were 'en cou •aged to take them outfor a dri-ve_or to attend, any socia 1=fu-nc--' tion in their own community. ' -- • .Mts. `:Ivan : Conley p-layed:selec- uring'their waistlines correct r Mrs : Eldon nlelsh ;'hostess Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mrs. Vird lviowbray , Mrs: ;George Youn Mrs Evan Keith as directors.. .served :lunch awl ea lall: Mrs; H -i- e- -• Tions -an -her mandolin ac,_cornparri-i ted , by:.Mrs. Wm.. Scott at the • -piano. Mrs. Lyman. Sutton was: the winner of the; Golden Chair contest. - Mrs .Frook and. ,Mrs ':” Brooks shared the prize for .meas - Houston reportedon..the highlights. of the ACWW convention she attended in Winnipeg. in:•August During' the program Mrs. Lorne Eadie 'gave a reading" - Do You , BER UCKNOW T milk production 3.5:yearsMried Mr, and Mrs•. Clarence MacLen' nan of Glammis.Were the honour ed guests at the home 'of their - son , Mr. and Mrs.. Angus MacLennan of Lucknow on October 10, , .to' mark their 35th wedding anniver- sary. • Clarence and: Margaret, were married at Barrie on September 14, 135: Mr. 'and •Mrs. 'MacLen- nab , who have farmed just' west of Glarnrnis'all:'of their married. lives, received gifts from the family, Those:_ pre se mat. the_ anniversary dinner iincluded Mr. and Mrs. John K. 'MacLennan ' and three children of Kitchener and Beth 'MacLennan of Glammis.. David MacLennan, also of Glam- rnis,. was, unable 19 be present. • leadership in nutrition • continuous research e IR1-111E-LOAFERS-FIRST. Then feed the rest the best= a_Shur-Gain Dairy program. When you recall that an average cow costs you the. price of 2 tons of hay and over; 3 32 naof--corn-silage-per--ear; ou-knowthere is no 'room in your herd for loafers that won't produce or even potential producers that can't because of inadequate feed .intake. Ship the loafers=keep .the producers -;--start a anage-ment skills • growing animal health service e .Shur -Gain feeding. program..' Increase ' your returns from 'your total investment in .feed. with a sound program from Sher ►Gain: • • See us about the most suitable Shur -Gain Dairy feeding program to fit your particular' needs. :PHONE -528401:6