The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-21, Page 14T7, - r /� /fir,, MEN ' r .tA� GJ 'FOUR�w'EE. � TM. B` LUCKNOW, $0":TJN1K#, LUCKNOWP ONTARIO 1N DNBSDAY, �tst� o9' f' Area Auct�one�r R. 11 L f B•rnve ..... 0U`0KS'1,0E .... HIA.PP', Die Suddenl st.. �a . , ROOM FIVE FIELD TRIPS he milk being, transferred to the ' t I .,s . _ i .. ncu:kc- gradel. ._Tues�a ,, Oc "olse� fi _ , - - -ems---fle-2•er-� 1 _ .. _. _ Eon y bull.-coal awn_the' omC. one and two frgm Room FivethankedMrs, .Durnin fot.show ngREPRODUCTIONS' OF + G went to Donald Durnin s farm,. them around the .barn, �: ;:. • EM,ILE Ma.cLENNAN: � EARLY AMERICAN 4:, While they were there they saw The 'Room Five .class also went •^, cows being, in the milking ARE to the Teeswater Creamery on - { A w ' Il known auctioneer. and g g GLASSW parlour. The children, alt saw Friday,, ., Mrs., Irvin, their teacher farmer Emile MacLennan,. Loch- P Y ! AND _ ,aF _.. --- and Mrs. Kenned accom anfed .. �lsh, died suddenl : ,aq Saturda - -- - i X y them on the trip:. At the cream- m_ HAND-PAINTED October.10th at County cif Bruce Mrs. Don McCosh and Dick werec er Mr, Thompson showed them, ; Hospital, Walkerton. He• was ss. Y R GONE WITH THE WIND • a i Mr MacLennan, with his son . ;Mr; and Mrs. Here Craig, of Hes- thevequipment for making butter' LAMPS a + L - peter, Mrs. Catherine Aitken Qf he class' ' of Huro T'ownshi is _ and.,powdered milk, T,._ Finlay n p, h•_ Prince George B.C. , Edgar Vat ut f+ son-4n-law 'Bruce.*Millet of Fa1m'-. also saw the milk being p son of Lucknow , Ben Rutile of COMAE IN AND $EE THESE: BEAUTIFUL PIE:CE$. WHILE into containers b machine.. - r: Ors�ton and. Bob-Mc-Na nm•of-Amber - s aid. � - - - c�rd7 � --- - e ". ter, th ley was attending .the Hanover : Cathie Dore,, While at Teeswa a class races: While.there he became` stopped af'another place to see LucknoW Phone 5Z8oZ9U6 . , . Ill. and they left for Lorne, but he c r e v'sited on aturda some quaff m ages, Kin a,din - t Saturday . x... -was dead o - y. reason for their, field tips was to e _ s n arrival at Walkerton with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sutton also the ch'airrnan, of.the Huron' about the.hstor and the L or' Hospital.. His death was attribut� complete their unit of study on y +Jf� P and boys. milk. 4County UNICEF Committee came UNICEF.. r ed, to, a heart 'attack. ' John and Sandra` Collins spent to speak to us on October l6 Mr, Pupils from B ,I rookside Public Born in Huron Townsh p'on the week end at. their home' here:. Sm th'talked a.bo"ut the U kited School may be stopping. at your January 4th, 1902 Emile was a A nurnber.of folks from this U:NICEF.ASSEMBLY Nations and told us that UNICEF house on'Hallowe:'-en night with a and area attended the Midget Soft.' ' Mr. Ral h.S ith who is, .the stands, for United Nations Interna 'box in which ou .can put our son 'of Roderick MacLennan o P. m. 5 t y F y Louise Humphre Ball games in Rockwood 'on' Thurso' principal,of RobertsonMemorial tional Children's Eri'ergency Fund: peirnies to help UNICEF hel . y Emile's mother passed away da and Monday evenings., School in Goderich and: w.ho is We saw a.' film strip which told others., P Y y y g ' w'hen he was thirteen days old and h r Y 4 e was s a ised on 't he 2nd co c n es 7 ?i cion of Huron n ••I .N H Township ` r s i b hi s r __�{' __� ___.._.. T._.__��ratrdmttre and grandfather U c. • Humphrey ........ ........ . He married Marion Viola..Fraser tn,Apr1.12, 1922. ..Site passed away on April 11,.1927. On June 15th, 1929.•Mr• MacLen- s' = . a�a�-a-�e_d-�re�tt-;a�lals.e—J,3-rd-m€ T.he MacLennan farm is .on High + i i k is way ,86; ;Lust west of Lochalsh Alongwith .his farmingEmile ... �- :.- .. is 4c: carried on an auctioneeirin ,, bus ;<;"`.' ness for 21 years.. He retired from'. I 9 �l�.i-tai-n=19B3 = Besides his wife he is survived 4 u by- four daug ,ters:an seven' saris 'Mks : Bruce (Louise) Miller of P'a N it merstan; Marion of:Aubu.rn, Mrs , :`l• Ian (Margarety rrlorton of,�Straifosd; y e " �.. t Florence at home Rodney of ,Wes tan, Eldon of uburn,• Donald of ' �: •. .• I+� Win ham Gerge of Agincourt Finlay. of:.Huron Township', Jack, of Stratford , Sandy of Tiverton; i. tt-- :XV � �-w•�nt s-tat= a-rtd��h=ild-r--h-;=e• . _ _.• ten,-t - _._._.___...: brothers Frank of Lochalsh x:>:�:n<':;::;:;. <> ' :.,:<• : t.- d Kenneth, ! Roderteh•of `Octroi an ✓' t ,.r.r IIIee .hV?'ti•i::Y..j•`]$iy., k of Win gha.m .. He. was,pre.decea'sed- by.,o.ne. 4 f , brother' Alexander, (.S;and'y).of � ', ''•> ��:r• .,. . ' South' Bend , , Indiana'. ted at `MacKenzie \lemorial Chap ` y ..Y s: el :' Lucknow ;ori Tuesday, October 13; Rev: Kenneth -Rooney of Ashfield •P`resbyte.rian Church was minister. - ' Interment .was at Kincardine. t� w .Cemetery. .. Pallbearers six of his ns, Radney.r_.Eldo.n_r;hanald -- __-- ,- Ceo'rge�: Finlay ind•.Jack.,:�iacLen-. �.. . + • , '. . • � • nan. 1 .. ` .Flo�,�er bearers were Finlay' and ... , David \!a'cDona1d., Ewan• McLean d} , b Robert \iclntcsh., . Art'liumphre} ., �. , Roj� Geddes .. .• „ +_ 0n ori PURPLE, GROVEIs ti eye a lace you'd rather be? p y _ . eepest s •rn at . • is extJ.ended ._ . y. P y. Ontarans are the kind •of people who wouldn't be 'a billion dollars '.has'been invested to date to build , from folks in this, community to _ , here if there was an. lace better: Vie are eo le water supply and sewage •s sties in dozens of c ani= the family- of,the late'..Nluzray .: Y .P P P Pp y, Y who.camefrom. a•hufidred lands and stayed to build, muntt es throughout tl�e rovince. We've tint LAN s Campbell: Y, p r� g p d a, hpna. r, to'' to prosecute : industries that , pollute the air a 11 Ci lex. and. Lsrt., t illiari, England le with. b cl.bo:ne and. brawn,.an �,.: .. • . .--,��-a-�-�; , �cee�i-etr -wctm�n�vho�e- �r�ed�r��d��d`"` �a�ei � W loans � and: �,ran�is-_�t`o��lp: ind� .�r�"tl . _ �ai•. and L.TS. 'r ,,. „�..� }.r,,mq:..�,...,.« • . •- ,' '^ -' `'t..` . _ _....- ..." :.: - or� :Err et-s©n. of•Itvin to decades that. other Tangs worked ten want to :do o'metliin to stop it. W need t'v i or aril Bob tunic's to 'build:,'If we have •a flaw it's our chronic nus econo.m ' of courser tci su ort these im _ octant Those ladies. from this area rho modest .Onto -: :- u-11 __ ., Y_---- -.. _.riat�sma _.b.e.., r..oud to b.e_O.ntanans. - ro ams, nd that s where ou come ins.-Tho , _.. -' - . a rend.erl _they-Br-u-ce.-Ca na . _-J-- —�� ----= _._ _�' --p -- -- ----� --- -- P ...gr _ _. .__ �, .. - t — -- - -- - - az�d fan clans. `the `ust seldom tell . an one: out• roduct`tvit has dou led in .ten ears and our RZ lly'at Park -Head on Thursday J Y P �' b Y were' .Irs t�'ihia' n Arnold \"r5 ' From an economic poi ' of view. that's . wron in .'in. twely On a ion don't sit on their ' P g. t r s Don tosh, \,rs. Cecil Sutton, The more people we'have boostncy Ontario and successes. There's a demandin decade ahead full :' g '• ?�4is:.Lyman Sutton, 1;1rs: Frank. Canada, the 'better it ts.• And w.e've mot 'a lot to of challenges and o o.. make the uality r' L3auld:en and \ins. Leith Kerslake. PP r unt les nes b bCY Dost with In the fi ht a amst ollu _.. n _...-..._._._.. _..._ __ _.:,. _.. , ,..:.,. _., _ w..._._..:,,.....:.... _....�._...... _... .•................�__�._.__,� ....___..._.... �._tton..for._exam_.._.__.Q.f._our lwes..bet e �_ _ .,._ _.. h ..^chane _._�........ _ _ _._ P..... .�.__,.__� . =�.__ �_ «�_ t _r 'yet-. To t�•�e�t . t. ese w le, _0ntano ha s become a World l u P-d leader. Everyone : we ve dot to believe in ourselves.lhch when'you Robbie and Rbdne � ; Ler, ; :and, .'Mrs . ' talks about • olluti n � '�.� ., .. .. isn't .'- � , Lyman Sutton and John Visited P o , N e do somethin More than, . .think about if, such a' bad idea. rece'ntlay with Mr. and Mrs: A1+ - , bert Cuksey of Courtland.Ver tinge . ou boost Ontario , Ort der. ' • .y �` tarto'and Canadaget• a little strop Srrnrlay vttrtzsrs witty IViT. Gayer ni ttE ntario o n a�arta, •me lois"ter.