The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-21, Page 2• • • PAGE TWQ THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LU. CKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. OCTOBER 21st, 197Q ah d ' Tile LUCKNOWSENINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 1l l �,, ' is• ,. •r u Boundary 'Tho- • 4.�.+:' 1 } •. t, • ',' S�poY-Town -- On #Me kivr-0n-Bruch . Number Q847 Second Class Mail Registration• • Established 1873 — Published Each. Wednesday Afternoon N A, 0 W.N.A. • - �LAC'Kto •Mr -and. Mrs. John. flack,, R•. R. # 6 Goderich, at , T R „ ; ir . Memb.r of the,. C' W and 4. , J ' Su . cri in advance — to .the U,S,A. .00O• bS ptaoip. Rate, x.5.00 a year Victoria Hospital, London on Wed+ nesday , October 14th, a son 'LCIC • Donald C. Thompson,Publisher Kevin Kevin, John . •. OCTOBER 21st, 1970. •WEDNESDAY, OC • •.. LOSIAI ..'.to Mr.. and Mrs. Nichol,. ONE SOUR; ••�'' QBEIN . -.1 z'z6• _ • :<':. :..:::::>:<::: . son Losiak of R, '�R. 2 Auburn in Win ham and District Hospital, on edn do 40 Wednesday ay ; O .sober 1, th , 197 •0 : v• •WIu- dGaIN. EFFECT • -, •• ditor1a son..n� . e.• _Village_a ,. •• , • , •. THE TRUTH'• OFTEN: HURTS •• • ,.. - •. , • .. ••n Although ,the truth. must have hurt Washington, the United. States RIPLEY .MAN . . CONTINUED,FROM PAGE 1 ce had advised of• h's • __ mi.s sing on Thusday. - � Dunca Murray Campbell was a un ' COMMENCINGM • ..., 5t .:.. -.. aA. .Otbcoer • • recently,. decided.:to reveal some interesting facts about the Nationalist:. , regime of President Chiang Kai-shek: The U.S, Senate heard testimony that,the. Nationalists and not the Chinese Communists are the ones. who ' stir up most trouble across the Taiwan Straits. . • : _ _. ...__ _ _.___��TThe-State De artment so hiout at' the'Pentagon b 1 � _. f } r p ahy etting.,it Very large .., .,es •' •, •F• b� known that the United ;States had sold a�. ver lar a -number -of r � ; ; .landing craft•to:.the, Chiang• regime, :although it is official U.S. policy • to; discourage military provocations in the Taiwan Straits. • {• •,r It has longbeen acknowledged.b honestters;.M� ,iso • . g Y American. diplomats, .:it that Chuang, in attempting to justify the., myth of a Nationalist return xE: a • " • Iuron Township farmer on the, loth concession until movingto, ' Ripley about three years ago. In - 'tis years in the community he had mademan friends andwas wide-. Y ly .respect d' by al tray was • unmarried and his 'Mrs.. Vic- toric Smith resided with .him. ,She• is left alo with three other sis- fig. coach Martha• M • er,•of Ripley, Mit, Guy (Margaret) ' recognized Hong Joe ,' �r:Cantr�but Arcs Snnr* A succe sful nurr"rber s sand maria er g the villa e• of Whitechurch' g . last Friday • Tiffin �' ion . •The of ears as Y of -,ball to ams was at the Wing 0 School Board i din building 1 Cii : The en New Bruce •', . ° Bunarng new $328 ,000 Bruce of Education 'ad•mi�nistration. g • formally opened -was btivas r Y -.P •Friday. board office has j fore . .' ." - CountTQ at. .• been. in use .. ' - - • .. •,. _ to the u1 ,- -.-, i - ; tie.:re tion, , , ` :,; • f ' • The: •Nationalists .will•' only stop' endangering •the .uneasy peace. ' . that exists m the Taiwan '•Straits after' the United • States drops its . •, ;. • . •. P•.A insane boycott of . Peking, and recognizes the Communists as the le it- �, ' • � mate government of mainland Chhna. • At-least-the-=r-ecent,-testimony-before=the-Senate indieated-that _.:, lace (Rhoda) Rt.bey of 'Bruce#Town- shi • P Mr. Campbell was dist-�• �a past : tier deputy Of Bruce District; •No , �' • .1.0,, I O.O. F;• a member of the • - ham Le ion Hall' when Joe Tiffin g of Whitechurch was honoured by team members , former team .. membersinterested sportsmen and in the area. • . ' Joe, just completed,pilot.ing ... he sec• that --it o= -dated uky -fie p from rented quarters in the • ' Chesley municipal building. feature of the new building is an a'.udo=v'isual'centre where • •educ.ation..and_other: ro r can • p °s" he 'rP���ded andsto.red _he': film. . 1: a r Washington. is; moving in the .right direction, The United Stat swished � Rebekali-lid e' . a••-rn_etn-be-r=o•f- er J ihern Li •ht Mason•i.c Lod _ e•; Kin -library g g. 'Whitech'urch'juniors to the.'Ontario An3a�e-ur Softball Associ�X-ion is expected to hold betw'e - !: '•'rx. ,to fell Peking that it realizes the Nationalists of. Chiang Kai-shek'are: • the provocateurs,,•the••military adventurers, the potential warmongers m:,the. Taiwan Straits. • - cardine: ,rid a commissioner of aa/ ;the.Huron and Kinloss Telephone , :S sten . Y ;, „ for C championship. Th'e • . ,w,,__: Juvenile cream' wa's • en 600 and 700 films by 19.72; . S a:ce has been rovided in P P the. the budding s base7nien.t,'for they• ' . . s ; . .__..__ . _ _-- • • ' — Upehurched Editorials iFdj', •e 'T'he funeral. service was .conduct- 'ed on Saturday•from the McLen-• nan-McCreath,'Funeral home in,- F •, 1962: FOL. --1- ;seven •years in°a••row ,.,the White- o church ;team , with Joe'at the. , hel Were. W . O A . A cha m, ,w O. nip. storageof• ,'all maintenance utas. e hal rettuired,.to.. maintain the 32 •schools.,.in the board's jurisdiction. SM, ,F E i, '`#�` ' . Ripley by' his 'Minister ; Rev : Ken- neth Rooney' of Knox PrelSbyterian • •Church, Anl.O.O'. F. 'service ions . Cards were played at last week's. evening..and Bill Ballagh of. .Tees= •water . . ; � ,• + Moble HOW MUCH e Thoughts. DO WE NE D? .• ;,. and T • Nicholls'` try to commit Y through. ollution, �_-g 'e compulsion Notions mass•.suicide we • so cern.r., a1 s tcLpa.t Qur-. was eld• at the funeral home on h Friday evening.•,.Burial'•was in Ripley Cemeter . P Y Y Pallbearers were Wray Osborne •' 'Wall `Pollock`, Clayton Nicholson; y. • ?' Donald Robertson Donald Mac- : Kay•and. Kenneth MacDonald. ca,Tled 'Joe .to the front/ OF the stall, along'with team'mem- . bens and former rearm. members, at which:time :Joe was presented with a 'gift:of money in apprec,- ., i:a•tion of his fine.servic.e to, White, church.sport� .F ' "" � NEW.SPAP "�n ;pt. . , .•••ter .wra;, GET �HI%7 , '. LFVIVC / mom *COMMUNITIES ADVERTISERS ri - ' ins always `to•be ust•:a .little •• ••• , S see y , . J 'More •' One 'wonders just what' is selves into an'.ec:onomic, Strangle.- g hold: • Everybodytalks about Flower bearers were meir�bers of she •Oddfeliows and Masonic •• •. • • • - - . . inspiring' the. madness behind . inflation:•but ..very little' seems to Lodges... . _ spirallingincome and costs.., . Wag•. be done about it. • r ; rr A •,0 it �'. "-., . •,., .. ., r,. u�. .... ,. as o- u Ices- o- >d -.p .. . .• rr _f-thi ', -,e w _ Agood lea •,' �• s �• and., one of the _ - : .. .� ... -. ..��.'. p g- P� exam p P ��,...•. `, r, `' `' " }` . we' re• not any, further'ahe•ad, :in,•' madness is evident right, in our, very few, expenditures to be in- . •Y, s. ® . facet• w`e'always lose, out in the end local • area 'According to this Creased... Education. took 35 '. $ •jo � It puts us in the position where we', are nbt a'ble.ta.coin ere on the p 1 • world market ...,the wages of ' sone go up and prices go• up but •:, the income of some remains the • paper the Board, of hducation,---•- .increased the salary of one rnan 'to 29 thousand .and Others to • :24,500, which means that.those• '.• people will•be paying' more In- • of the -total ,revenue : ` No one4 needs to be told that if that kind of trend continues it• won't be- , • too long before education, w ih, be : draining the.•economy at the 'rate •Y' "`(, t` a 445PI ,•: , sire ;Jttrrsurs ezrall true of -sp y most of the elderlyeo le . • Many p P come Tax. than 'most of us will ever make: •According to my. of 50_- &0.,.%b••_ :WOf-".course ,there i ,.. an alternative raise taxes _That _ :. ('• ' companies Kaye to, take Their • manufacturing intoother countries to be•able to compete on prices: , It doesn't seem enough that WW° •�, reading of.Lucknow's financial. • statement there was a decrease • in revenue of 25 thousand but :an increase' .m life .cost of educa - is a more. likely"•alternative'than another which is; that education • May In time•becom•e..the �-r'ero a- five only df the rich•.. It may not be too;'long before• this �ntry cou --7"---- . NO W --WherryYou Have The time •. • • • W..• can no."�lon�er afford its.,edricaton� _ ti 8� NOW When The Selection on Is iggest•.arid Best �� e • . • • • al systeiii as l•ias liappened even in I� . areas in the United States: I. suspect that all of us like to receive incre'ases� in income „..but, surely there most be a limit s o me ET A10W IS THE• TIM h • r•,O—T1'IE---RATEPAY-ERS . , • t place . Surely here are'still people who want to ;w:ock at 'obs . and receive' a great deal•of sat•isfact' ' • ion' from thea' work and k S pis ,C ritr DATE • OF FOR * FINAL TAXES • - ;• ,. . PAYMENT ,.. IS from doing Well at their work without the salaries always being l ushed'.0towards the 30 thousand'.DUE bracket, l believe it was the . Mayor of Hamilton who'turned �_.._.__ _. , WE' WOULD BE 'PLEASED TO 'HOLD YOUR SELECTION TIL CHRISTMAS. down the raise which had been:.,, • _ ,, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9th voted him by the: council. Ninny ople are u er restraint •because pe rid of necessity. its refreshing to ' alat 64/to . .,�. .�. , ,,..� .,�o ' hear about the 'kind of restraint a f f this rr� n set or himsel ; Apiaren �die•� HOME .F11R'�lIS�110VGS � 0 3 AICES /�OFF/#�"•� SOA T-�4-X--�IOTI�ES► WALL $-�1���ILE�D SOON . � t7y �ie'was'eonce�rned aboutthe • .._. , ... issue r w ss Flo Much d need: