The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-14, Page 9WEDNESDAY; .00TOBER 14th, 1970: :•THE. LUCKN.OW SENTINEL..,,; .I.UCKNOW,' ONTARIO' • :PAGI NUII '••••••••••!•M•••••••••••••*•••••*••••••••••elte*s e LOOKING BACKWARDS 11HRGHTHESENT1MtF1I WITH MARGARET THOMPSON 70 YEARS AGO SEPTEMBER 1960. The pouring of concrete for Luc.know's newsidewalks on both the north and south side of Camp ',bell Street (Main Street) was com- pleted and.opere_d..to ttaffio __ _, Road: repair work With 'hot .Mix . .aspha'lt remained to156 done along the new. walks. Fine weather favoured the Luck - habit' it s now Agricultural. Society'•s, 95th Fall Fair_._ 1t wa&seporied_as_nne of the best shows in. recent years. The inside exhibits set a record. as to quantity and in many cases quality. The Fair was offic- ially 'opened by Carl..Hepifngway, Huron Count. Federati®ri of -Ari culture Fieldnan. 0 YEARS AGO A: MATTEROF LIFE AND BREATH! e ..Your. ristmas-Sea.L- associa:ion-caneselp FOR FREE BOOKLETS ON.' HOW TO OUIT-SMOKING. write to .. • BRUCE, DUFFERIN, 'GREY TB & RD .ASSOCIATION• ': P. 0. "Box .665, .: SEPTEMBER. 1940 • Rev•. G, M. Young, pastor of South Kinloss and Kinlough•Pres.-- byterian Churches for four years . accepted a call to Dromore and. Norr anby, A; notice to. farmers announced • the opportunity to have alfalfa or clover ground on the premises. The portable machine was power- ed by •a 60 1-1.P. diesel engine. It was believed to be the only machine of this nature in the province that brought an alfalfa grinding mill to .your door. Fire destroyed the'barn 'a'nd season's crop Of• Mr. and Mrs, _S u : a who, lived. THEATRR' WINGHAM Phone 3574630 SHOW TIMES Friday and Saturdays ° at 7:15 and 9:15., All other days,, one show . at 8:00; except where noted on the program:.. • ** ***1ktit** THUR., FRI., -SAT.,.. OCT. 15 1t, 17 on concession•10 , . Astifield. 50' YEARS AGO Owen Sound, Ont. SEPTEMBER 1920 'r e in dsg bridge news .reported an account of the worst electric- al storm,of the season—The-barn- belonging, to Marvin Durtiip •on the 2nd concession was totally •des troye. .y ire an a n. • cattle in the neighbourhood were `killed by lightning. ' Threeinew'slate .blackboards'. Were installed in the Lucknow Public School. .It was a gift from the Lucknow Women's Institute.;.'who had•;aponsored`a" concert, ,with the..proc.eeds used for the new blackboards. I.T'.. 019 D)dlife 1111In 1*" aZ...(1.;e4foe "• Kincaid me LOCATED -NEXT -TO --GO IS I N G ,ROLLER SKAT IN G, SWIMMING, t& CAMPING NIGHTS PHONE 396=2341 DAY PHONE 396=21.07 FRiDA SATRDA— .OGTOBFER16; 1- ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! If I, 11JON •„ DUSTIN HOPffV4A?V VOICHT 1. Lo�JV�IV6�'v M f(1.0111. Deluxe United ArOSIt also IRAN ROSS- "Iva EAE PR6OUC}IONS FT ,• ,t IT'S AT11 COLOR 1 a nr•. to &Med Arians tD"avid Janssel t-Rosemaryforsyth--' o • rt-Onvas SUNDAY,. OCTOBER 1,8 ONLY SWEDEN \A1h'rt, Li'sAro 1P1,'b1.. `to'... AN AVCO EMBASSY FILM Vjb'( Love �t t AVCO EMBASSY \ PICTURE$: . IOUS. HEAVEN' ANo MELS•' COLOR . 'I UIGI SCATONI • Pnoror br cuuar o.co ** b1 Rtaa mow '-•' '�1NaiVfA'EMBISSYi1lM IN6o6GR • 'The . ,Cheyenne. Social Chub" Cinemascope and Colour Starring Jimmy .Stewart, Henry Fonda, Shirley Jones This could be the. funniest western of all time. ,See what happens•. wheat a= -cowboy . is left .by his brother, *****.***sitar•**. SAT. MATINEE . OCT. 17 r i. "Tmsan`sdmgle RebeUiofl" KINLOS' Thanksgiving week -end guests with 'Ivyr l and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton were Miss Margaret Hamilton, from Scotland', Miss • Betty Hamilton of• Niagara Falls.. and Miss' Jewel Hamilton of Toron to. . .. r. • 'Students home for the .week -end were Connie MacKenzie from Cert. tennial College , Bruce Colwe • `. 'from . Waterloo' University , Betty , Colwell and Rod MacKenzie; from Western and Jim MacKinnon.: Douglas and Walter Dickie from Guelph University • . Miss Ve•rda Alderson is visiting with.Mr... an• Pat arid Linda: • 'Mr. and Mrs Graham' Pinkney,, Glyn and friend of Ajax were Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ted Collyer. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wallace and• baby daughter 'ofLondon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer. Best=Wishes"to Mr -and-lIrs.-------.Peter Arkell (Barbara Ritchie) who were married in; Lucknow United . Church on .Saturday Following the wedding, dinner'was served fo aroundi=xt ue4-t as o. - rood Hall by members of the Kair', .shea Women's Institute. . Mr-. and Mrs. Fred' Bromley and Mrs. S. MacDougall,pf Toronto ehjoyed:the holiday week -end.•; R E PORT GODERICH . T On 'Saturday September 26 ,' 1970 on#10• Ashfield ;Tiownship sideroad south of 10th Con. , Mb- field Township , Desmond John Co urtney , R. R. 7 Lucknow. was ' involved -in-a-single- car accident • resulting in damage to the 'vehicle he was driving. • Courtney receiv ed injuries. • On September 26,,1970' a:torn- ado cut a path from the Bayfield: area to,Clinton. A tornado struck around -3.. 00 p. m .. causing darn. - age to hydro wires, trees and buildings, • ' 'At the farm of• Edward Deeves,. R.R. 2 Clinton ,: extensive 'dam age was caused to his house, driv- ing shed and barn. • At a small cottage subdivision' in Stanley Township a roof was blown off of a cottage owned by Mr, L.! Westlake of Zurich , 'Ontario, causing extensive darn= During the, brief life of the storm ,-tree limbs 'were snapped. DR!VIE.-I • CLINTON. -- ONTARIO BOX Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. First Show at 'DiisR . FRI. - SAT. --October 1.6-1 " DOUBLE FEATURE '— "THE .LOVE . GOD" (ADULT'ENTERTAINMENT) Don ' KEdnomtts ond -- Olrion Arsi-:Itranck In Color ' "DEATH O A " GUNFIGHTER" : (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Richard Widmark _ Lona Horns John Saxon Color Carton Closing For, The Season Saturday, October 17. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE See You Next Season. off and. many •cars forced off the road and.`'into the ditch by high, winds and heavy rains,. �E. W � `Ivli7U'L:TONT Pro'vinc'ial Constable. 30 THE SQUARE -PHONE-524-781-1 GODERICH DI -TONED T.HURS. F R L SAT. OCT.-15716‘14- (Adult CT. 15-16 i7(AdultEnterhirttnsttt) • • • w• Ors Donald C..Macintyre.has ,been soppy Kindergarten teacher for , Mrs, Hall, who has b been ill. Mr, arid Mrs: Ira Dickie and William spent Monday at Hope 'Bay. Mrs. J. Dickie, who has been visiting here for the past ' three wee,ks,:returned_home with there%.,. •• 'THE WREN t'I OOIICTION COIPMMY Rama CHARLTON HESTON WALTER 'IMIRISCH. PRODUCTION ''THE HAWAIIANS,, PANAYISION COLOR by odium' . h GP • One showing Thurs. at 8 p.m two showings Friday and Saturdey at•7:30' and 9:30 AT- iRDAY .MATINEE 2 M: °Mr ALL SEATS :50c MEET Slowly- THE ELEPHANT WHO ADOPTED THAT "BORN FREE" COUPLE! M11BEIA•El1$: colo!! M Movi.be• R.1.ds.d by CoMutotttal• Woo SUN: MON: TUES. OCT. 18-19-20 One showing commencing at 8 p.m:' A story ..of Southern hospitalitjr TUAiIIM-RIGW" 6POWERFUL, GEMOTIONAL eIIES-1.�eunt . ,.WILLIAM WilEI1 Iiltn S YOLTAG tg 11'Awe • ' A WILLIAM WYLER•.., GEXPLOSIVE ►� AONALD LUEIN PRODUCTION 'es w' r ? • TENSIONS!, NEXT ATTRACTION STAI17INp OCT 21 Showtime 8' p.m. • HOW THE WEST WAS WON 7 • ,1r v ` 2• METROCOLUR G ","e .'x..19 „<bdlk`,i;il4. fir:';• ,>'.,:-.;, •. b;y: .,j ,,b1: r�.• y•.