The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-14, Page 8PAO. It NT THE •LUCKNOW SENTINEL* LUCKN'OW, ONTARIO for SaFeJgi Sade lIT/Is' CWRK.. 'hy,111Worgy? t N�i...• .a. Wipers Now Driving, 'in the rain is .•difficult. Don't add to that with worn window wipers which impair vision. Come, in soon fora complete. checkup, of your car. It, may save you. See through Rain J. E. MacDONALD Lucknow, Dungannon • For the week6of .October 7 and 8.the Lucknow Dungannon League ' found the following stars., • 'Men's high triple, Bill Button 736, • Men's high single -i ---Len • MacDonald 315. Ladies high triple Marie Stew- art tew-art 824., Ladies high single Marie Stewart 358 . • Great bowling Marie!. Men ower 250' Len MacDonald >, Culley 292,. Bill Nelson,291, Bill. Button 2$4, .Mel ..Dickson263•,, Zeke. Zeran 256.: Ladies over 225 Marie Stewart 26a ; T -r ldieZlelsor 291. • •Mary Lou ,Priestap 250. • Ladies 6:30 pm. Only four •.teains bowled on Monday. evening due to the. Than sgi\ing holiday. • • ' single 'spot with a 232 game. and Grace ElliottAhe. high triple of Games 'of. 200 and .over Ena Henderson 232, Hazel Webster 208 am. point TrudyForan's • • Emeralds 5, Anna l sae:Hu•nter,'s ,Opals•2, Catherine'Schmid's' Diamonds .5 ,. Mildred Cameron's '. Sapphires 2, : Ladies 9pn. Maiie,Stewart• rolled the•high single with a .247. . High triple: was• -also -ca; itu-red=bj-Marie with a 587.. • Games .200 and over: Marie ' Stewart 247, Mary"'Nelson 242,• Kathy Gibson 232, Lois Walden 227., Margaret Wilson 215 , Trudie Nelson 210, Kay Crawford 297, th Jardine' 201. • Tearri points: Eileen Lavis' Reds. Q, Anna Johnston's Blues' 7; Kay. Crawford's Violets 2, ,Kathleen . Forster's Yellows 5; Kathy Gib - son's'. Greens 7, Joy ;Dennis' 'Oran- • ges0, ad i.ig:. Gt.eens' 30 Yellows 21, Reds.17 ; Violets 16 Blues:12, Oranges 9.. Honoured On, 88th Birthday KINLOUGI- NEWS 'On Thanksgiving Day neighbours andfriends gathere8 at Mrs. Nl . McPherson's home for a birthday party. Mrs . Ernie'Harina welcorn'': ed everyone and extended best • wishes on behalf of the gathering and: Lois Hanna and Nancy McInnes sang happy birthday. • All joined in singing ":The More we get together" Miss May Boyle gave a reading "Thanks- giving"Day" and also conducted -a Bihle=Quiz . Mrs,„—,Frank Ma uld 'et" tested our wits. in a "Name the Place" 'contest. Miss Edna Boyle read a poenron. "Happine's`s:" Miss. Margaret •Murray Miss Bartlett Mrs. Lyman Sutton and Mrs, Dan McInnes also expressed birthday` greetings. Mrs. McPherson thanked every- one, for coming to. her .party and 'for the.` nice cards and gifts. A . de icious supper was served 'by her daughter-in-law Lorraine McPher- son and. • Mrs Dan McInnes.. Our community extends congrat• Illations at . this time: Sympathy is extended to Mrs Ernest Ackert and family in the , suddent• passing of the late Mr. Ackert. Friends attended the fune-f l on Monday afternoon. Mr ..and Mts.. Jack Scott and Mrs William Cox entertained .• Mr. and. Mrs . Bill Scott Barbara and Blair; M't:"and Mrs. Bob' . • Scott, Jeffrey, Heather and Jen nifer of Concession 4. Hu on; Jim Jean: , . Br -tree ; Be ve-r-le:y-a-n4-Mu-r-r-a-y•- Scott;of Ripley, This was,a birth- day dinner .for Bob, Wendy and it Barbara Scott-: The high single.••score this week was rolled by Donald MacKinnon with 298. J ck_Caesa_r took the high triple. score With 751.. -Donald Mackin • - non ran a very close. second with 750 and•Bill Stewart rolled a 708: • ws t Points won:.Oldsmobiles 7, Pon- tiacs.0; Dodges 5, Buicks 2; .Fords 3 , Mustangs 4 • _.._, _. •_ . _ Games of25&.and over: ,Donald MacKinnon 298; 279, Jack Cues- ar•265 ,: 254, RtAs.Button 285,. sl tewart ': G , tc ie 1252, ' Team standings: Oldsinobiles 15 ,. Dodges 15 Pontia cs,10 Fords 8,•Mustangs S, Buicks, 7. wEDNESDAY; oc QEp1 ' 114th,,,'k9-71 COLBORNE TOWNSHIP'S 5th ANNUAL DISPLAY AND SALE OF AREA, CRAFTS INTHE Township Hall, Carlow WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 AND SATURDAY,, OCT..OBER 2.4 z-9R,M; ' • BAKE SALE: - OVER 50 CRAFTS --- TEA. Those 'wishing to avoid crowds are urged to come between 5 and 7 p.m. or {on --Saturday, 'evening by -spent the-•-thanksgiving-week end with Mr. and Mrs.` Ralph Haidenby , Billy and. Connie at Guelph. ' Visitors over the week -end with Edna and May Boyle were Mr. ' and Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson of Lucan.• • Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnes, Bob, Dale and Nancy, visited Sun- day. with•Mr.. un-day•with•Mr•. and Mrs. J,..Dixon at Durham.. Some from here attended: the. . Ecumenical Thanksgiving service at Lucknow on. Sunday•evening. Mr. and Mrs, Allister Hughes spent Sunday evening with Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith - Mr..and Mrs: Francis Boyle were; recent visitors with Mr. and. Mrs'. Jack'•Scdtt• and Mrs. Cox; Mrs.. John Barr spent the. past. 'week at'the hon1e:of Mr. and ,Mrs Russell Barr and family at Agin- court , . She returned home on Saturday.. Donald Barr, of Waterloo spent the Thanksgiving week -end at, and_lamie..l angford of 'Woodstock visited over the week -end with Mr:•and Mrs.. Bert Nicholson. Sul day visitors at the same Koine were Mr. and Mrs. Truman :•Fillir. ger,andMr. and Mrs. Bili M.cLen ndon from Dearborn, Michigan and -Mr. and Mrs; George Cuyler of Millarton. Mr. and Mrs'. Bert Nicholson and Lois attended the Silver 'Wedding•Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs: Harold Slessor at Glanimis on Sunday evening. Brownie News In. place of our regular Brownie meeting on Tuesday we went on 'rhe Greer farm .coact of • . Lucknow . `• . We walked out and back. Whi we were there we built• a fire ane tne:Brownies rho brought hot'do for their lunch; cooked their -.' i - rs .over the - fire' • We also , enjoyed cookies and freshie .. Three of the girls were. trying their test for• their Explorer bad.g, They were Kathryn• McKim , Ma Lynn Cayley and Edith Greer ::... They completed t:heir'test at ' Brown Owl's h,me. the following day t The Brownies were reminded t bring a flower pot to the next Meeting. • /0 George Ha1denby .;pent the week -end with Mr: and. Mrs. Bob Smith and Debbie at °,North Bay. Mrs. •Ruth :Wilson and Carol went to Vancouver last week.., Mr and_Mrs. Hakde n- his home here. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh visited for the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh and family at. Melfor:t, Sask. • Mr and Mrs. Jerry ,Collison and Lois Nicholson of Georgetown pet foods leadership in nutrition • continuous research SHUN=GAIN DOG FOND::. THE BITE -SIZE RATION WITH- REALMEAT THAT D.O•GS LIKE =- MONTH F= =E MU -1 TH: als 17 Diarnonds 17, Pearls 16; Emeralds 14% Sapphires 13. • Mens:7 pm Ab Morton captured both high, single and triple scores of the evening with a`2,56 single and Gaines over 225: jack Haldenby • .234; Ab Morton 256.;. Art Purney 233, Ron Stanley 232, 226. Team points: Owls 0, Cardinals 'neat standings: Clarence Bell's 2 tuitur-es�-7- Haw-ks-5 - .---- lettuce✓15 iac•.k�-Ca-zriobell's_Turn.� . -Team standings Vultures 3 '„ . fps 10, Henry Carter's Potatoes 8 Hawks 19, owls 15; Catdinals,4 . and,,Mel King's Carrots 7. •, r TOWN:. and COUNTRY__ • This week sees Olive' Smith out in front for the :ladies with a 171. single and a, double df 320. , For the men we have Clarence • Bell wipirta• 1'77 single and...a ••336.. tl Team points won; Lettus 5 ,.' Potatoes 0; Turnips 3 and 'Carrots management skills growing animal health service Doesn't .it make sense that the Shur -Gain people, specialists in feeding animals, should really know wh,at's good for, dogs and: also know how to ma e • og oo. m a way -that really appeals to dogs? Yes! It does make . dense --•and what's more, thousands of dog;. owners have .found that Shur -Gain Dog Food 'With . beef givesogs t e vigour, loom a` eta good health that make them a joy to live with. • 'Treat your .dog to,Shur-Gain Dog Food. Pie •-- size with beef. - • LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2026