The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-30, Page 15I, 1970 Nom g"- :hre _lofty vet-. were Dray; 1 ,st piece" chair qt. fling ler ;and ers , esses, WEDNESDAY,, SEPTEMBER 30.:1978 !AMR' ? rlre • --°? •tom• 7.. ; IT*",NR y' .' :+1. THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 3 If you 81/20/0 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES want a sure thing, here's a good one: interest on 3, 4 and 5 year term Guaranteed Certificates. Minimum deposit $500. Call us or drop in today. n 372 Bay Street, Toronto, 364-7495 Also Barrie and Orillia Just one of the many ways Ster/ing Trusts looks after your money ShowerH.eld:For Suzanne Needham PAGE PIPT/IN Couple 5..pent Honeymoon to Great Britain KINLOSS NEWS Miss -Suzanne Needham ; :bride- to -be , was honoured at a com- munity shower held in Kairshea Hall 'on.'Tuesday evening. _Mrs. Ted Collyer presided.for a short programme - An,arnusing reading, was' given by. Mrs ;Fraser MacKin- non, lively'Scotch music was played by Mrs Roy MacKenzie' on the' piano, Mrs. Sparks.sang "J Love You Truly" and. Mrs. Gordon Wall'and Mrs., Harvey MacDoug- all conducted three contests. Little Heather MacDougall helped.; Mrs. L MacDougall carry in three baskets of .gifts' and Mrs. 4. MacDougall assisted in opening them and read• the verses. Suz= .anne expressed het hearty thanks and Mrs. Needham invited all to; her home to a' Tear on Tuesday, afternoon , October:6th. .A• tasty lunch was served• to close a. pleas- ant /evening . leas-ant/evening. Miss. Syke , de Jong,' who has been employed' for some time at CKNX at Wingham , has accepted a new TPc`retari BROOKS•I•DE- WINS -FIRST FAR ... THEIR FLOAT • ' Brookside Public School entered a float in the parade at Lucknow Fall Fair. The pupils ,from our school, who: were .marching follow ed behind. -.The float wasdecor, ated with a twelve gad -figure' •:-'- with .flowers of the ten provinces on it . Different people . dressed up, to represent.certain countries of the world. Our theme: "Ca sada Loohs' Abroad". was stung across the top. Our'float won first prize of fifteen dollars. .We .would like to thank C and M, Transport for, the use of their truck and for their co-operation.. ACROSS • CANADA 'Although there have been some wet. days, many pupils have been able to add -to the total number of miles travelled. We hope for. good weather so we 'will'•lie able to complete our' jog across the. country. One-quarter of the • :total distance has• now been com- pleted. Douglas Point. Mrs•. Ted Collyer and Mrs., Allan Macintyre attended the Eastern Star Convention held:last' week at the Royal York:Hotel in • Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. Robt-. Gilchrist ,. Cralit ;Murray; Da1e nti-'Dainn} and Mr.7and Mrs. Robt.,:Struthers and Sharod enjoyed a' motor trip tok'Santa's Phage -near•=ttrace bridge and the Caves at 'Coiling ;• wood on Sunday ANDERSON - MacLEOD ne provi . e' a' vi . rant setting. ' 'ham accompanied her husband as'. for-a-traditi-onal-Scottish-wedding— lie -sang "The-infedti-ing--Prayer" which tookplace:at St. Janies and ."I'll Walk Beside. Thee". Presbyterian Church; Chatham at'• ' : The weddingparty were piped p, rri on t*rday ;••-l- ine-24th , i from the char-ch-to-th srLaint-of :1970, uniting in Marriage Sylvia "Road To The' Isles" •Christine MacLeod , daughter -of •Following the' ceremony the, • Rc r. and Mrs. Roderick MacLeod _'Chatham Pipe Band played tradi- of. Chatham and William. James tional Scottish airs on'the.church Andets(in, son of Mr. and Mrs. •, lawn. Gordon Anderson ,'R. 'R. 7, Luck The reception was held in the now ;--Offitiar ng at the -double.. c urch parlour where the St ring cererr ony were Re'v. Roden James Chinch ladies catered to a ick MacLeod of Chatham and Rev sumptuous banquet.. • Gordon Kaiser of London. • . Receiving the guests the bride's' The' church was beautifully . 'mother chose .a dress ensemble of : decorated :with .floral arrange -: Maritirrie blue silk .shantung with Merits of white gladioli and two 'pearl and crystal beading: Her er_ whit.. ands wore a white orchid corsage. The groom's mother chose a beige Trevira double knit with crocheted vest. •Her accessories were beige and-cchart-reuse- w4th- a yellow orchid. corsage. Guests visited at.• the MacLeod home following, the reception: •. , For travelling the'bride chose a pantsuit of white jacquard`weave damask in Edwardian style and wore a corsage •of red, rosebuds.• The newlyweds.spent.a month . long honeymoon in Great Britain. partxcu r y visiting with the- bride's hebride's relatives on the Isle . of Harris, Scotland. lvir and Mrs. Anderson will reside in Hamilton where the groom is employed at the Cayuga.' To the. bagpipe 'strains' of "Over 'the, Sea toSkye...piped by Bill • MacIntosh of Chatham , the •bride entered thechurch on the arm of het father ..•.•She looked-ycha ming in a Juliet style floor length gown of white dupioni satin with old fashioned.leg o'mutton sleev- es, high •neckline., waistline and cuffs had :Alecon lace trim. "A` - chapel train drifted behind, From her Juliet. style pearl cap fell 'a full-length, veil of pure silk illu- cion. •She carried a, cascade bou- quet o w ite roses' an d ivy. The bride was attended by her sister' Catherine, 'MacLeod of,St. Andrews, New. Brunswick as maid. of honour. She wore-an:o'ld fash- ioned floor length gown `in an A -lin ise. lace 'banded, the high neck, 'empire waist and'short huffed sleeves. She carried 'a white ruffled parasol with handle nose- gays of variegated carnations:. ' e ri esmai's were Miss .Patricia Anderson of London's,• sister of the groom , and Miss Peggy MacDonald of Kitchener. They 'wore', identically styled" gowns and. carried parasols. Lynne and Mary Anderson, sisters .of the groom ,as flowergiris wore . long white gowns of honey love, fortrel fashioned as the brides:_:,_,_. with laceand rose ribbon trim. They carried nosegays of white shasta daisies and variegated - carnations. • Best rnan was John Aiderson, brother �f the groom ; and ushers were bill Anderson of Guelph,, cousin, of the groom'and Vance d Logan , of Guelph. . Organist Mrs: Bob ling of that, • .. .mom w.. ✓ AMVI/FMI stereo radio ▪ Powerful ' 80W chassis with . 10 push-button manual • Provision for Satellite Sound and. Environmer t I concert hall effects • Deilcraft'cabinet in autumn oak Garrard 4011 'record changer Great value at this low price.. $4900 1 CASTANET WHITECHURCH Quite a few from here attended the Teesw-a-ter Fai-r- .Mr. and Mrs.' Wilbur. Sclwichten i),ergand family. of Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs Jack Coultes and family Ipf-i3utlfrigtosi-were-.week-endi;:it;=, -: Drs with their,parents.Mr, and Mrs. Albert Coultes ,and were ,guests,at the .Olson-Coultes wed- ding 'at ed-ding'at Calvin Brick Church on Saturday.. DUNGANNON Mrs., Neil Ladd of Benmiller visited with Mr, and' Mrs, Tom Park on Sunday. Bob Tideswell and Miss Isobel Pethick of Sea forth 'called on. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Parkland family on Sunday.