The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-30, Page 12`e' P r E' TWELVE. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1P LUc$tlOil....1: OMMUNITY SILL A CCC MMMODA TION FOR .400 HEAD • ROBERT McINIOSH PHONE RIPLEY 395.5230 OR LUCKNOW 52849912 • 'AUCTIONEERS Emile MacLennan Allan, Maeintyre Harry Burgsma Gives.Trwelogue -r 1 by singing "O :Canada" with Mrs.: J. P P .The minutes.of the ,Apri1`meet- ing were read followed by com- ments on.the Flower Show , The-Lu.elniow and District. H t L -the 9'='p r""den T -0u1 - e- 1 -fa-mify-and-Maleorr _Pin1ayson-o4f Van Stem voort at the: pia o. • AreaMenOn: European Tour LOCHALSH• NEWS K, L. MacKenzie is enjoying --- a trip to. Europe and will visit Russia before returning home. Kelso McNay. is also on. the same tout, D. A. MacLennan is 'feeling much better and was at' Ripley Fair with the Pipe band: , Misses -Linda -and Donna Wylds' of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Warren • Wylds. Mr. and Mrs:.• John Parney and Mr. and Mrs. Max Crawford of Thamesville .visited with Mr: and Mrs. Lorne Luther recently. Mrs. Atlee Wise Wise Ir. and Atlee Wise III of Akron, Ohio spent a few days with Mr. and. Mrs. Wel- lington Webster Miss Jean. Web- ster returned'home with them. Jim Webster, -who is attending `school. at Conestoga , College , spent the week end :at: his home. • here.. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Emberlin , . • May Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Rogerson and icultural Society Hies .on Monday September 21 in the Legion Hall;. The President, Mrs, Alex 'Andrew welcomed the. members and ' guests. The meeting opened 'E J LLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 'it MJ, } ELECTRIC HEATINfi WIRING AND RIPAIRE: ELECTRICAL. •MODERNIZATION —P1NANCENG--AVAILA$ .E-- LUCKNOW Phone` 5284802 bus trip to Hamilton and the Aug, ust Flower Show. • Mention: was also made of the display of•., vegetables and •flowers..•in the Arena on Fair Day and the Horti= ch won fir;sti pr-ize in the Society class Mrs. A.vilfred. Drennan acted as chairman for the programme com m,ittee; Mrs. J. ,Van Stempvoort Mrs. ;R: Dani ma Mr. j' J;1Ha1l ; Mrs. E. Taylor. Nancy Walden played two in strumentals which.were much en -1 joyed. , Mrs. E. Taylor 'gave two very appropriate readings. ' Mrs : , R•—Damsma7-hrtroduced the: guest speaker Harry Burgsma bf Port Albert who, as he: talked , showed .:very interesting slides of a trip to Holland from which he and his wife and -five young sops recen• tly returned. ---Hls-p ie tnr-es-sho ,northern part of Holland is recover ing from the devastating floods which inundated their. lands about 20 years ago, In Amsterdam the. lea-ding-eor me•ic-ial- ity-and ocean`port ,, one sees both old'and modern architecture' with dykes , canals and boats a.part''of eveiy landscape Mrs.` Van.Stempvoort.thanked•• the speaker for his ;fine, contribu tion to the programme Toronto spent the week: end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finlayson and attended Ripley Fall.Fair,. MARRIAGE /S A 3-R/NG`C/RCVS. T1IE ENOAGEMENT R/H6 THE WEDDIN RING, QND THE SUFFF R/SIG • 44. ,yy Miss Florence MacLennan is ding-a-few,_da.ys i Lorne be fore starting to work as an R.:N. A. 'Mr. and :Mrs';, Ian Morton.(Marg MacLennan) of Stratford are the` proiid:.mnts_of ;a, baby boy: Misses Sally and Louise MacDonald are: spending some time at the former Dan MacDon- ald place. Mr. and Mrs.:Levi .Good have '' 1OW. NSHI AWANOSN 970T�xes:1n West 'Wavganosl'i . are due on .. OCTOBER 30, 1970 4% PENALTY:.V.ILL.BE ADDED . • To unpaid faxes.after October 30,•1970 AMBERLEY who is spending a,few days with the• Messenger families on: the fourth Concession of Huron. h Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tindall Elizabeth Srneltzer , 14 -month of Seaforth were weekend guests old daughter of Mr: and Mrs : FI of Mr.. •and:Mrs: Gary Courtney, mer'Smeltzer is a patient in St. Mr and Mrs. William Mates' • Joseph's Hospital, London ,• under of •Dundas were Sunday guests with .going treatment on her :leg. She Mr:., and Mrs.• George. Messenger will be there_,at least a `month.,` and family. Two new •granaries were heavi Mr. apd Mrs. Donald Courtney damaged on the farm-of4ack and Carol Courtney of Kitchener Byers on Saturday evening durin ing the Wind�storm; which swept anniversary' dinner on Sunday'in.. .through this area. honour of Mr, and Mrs Herb - Ilitt-•of Malto,n ; w 1 . . s e The Junior Choir with Dianne 4. empron" : s, organist sang the at the home of their daughter. and children's hymn This is my son-in=law Mr.'and Mrs. John Father's. World" at Pine River. Harper of Kincardine Township., United Church Mrs. Arthur. Messenger returned Rev. John Hill gave' an inspir- home,last week after spending ing message on Sunday stressing. some. time with: her 'rother' NIr. the need :to make the. most of Walter' Baker of Dan ille , Quebec.: -our talents "in service to God, ` purchased a: home in KiNLOSS • Congratulations to Mr..and Mrs. Alex MacLeod who •On Sept- ember 29 celebrated their fifty - family dinner' in their honour was.. held on Sunday at the home of theirson and daughter-in-law, Mr;. and Mrs: Lawrence MacLeod,' uesss_atahe_hnme of"Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Burr were . Mr': Robert Burt and. Jerry. of Tor, onto and Donna Burt of London. • M r : a nd-M is.,—•1N-•---F•_,. •.lac -Dan: ad'and' Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie visited Sunday with Mrs, George Lockhart, Mrs. Jelle de Jong, Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton, Mrs. Chislett and Miss Annie MacLeod . a:ll pat- ents_in Winghatri='and D_i;:s_...r.. trict Hospital. We wish all these ladies speedy. recoveries Miss Betty Hamilton of Niagara Falls was home for the week end arid visited her mother in Wng- ham and District Hospital, ' Miss.Betty Colwell of Western University was home •for the weeks tend; SHUR-GAIN animal health service 10001 leadership in nutrition • continuous research a management skills • growing animal health service LIFE ASSURANCE AT THE CROOK-OF-A-FINGEH :SHUR GAIN DIAL DOSER SAVES: LJ�tu.IS� _- _ '.. After ,waiting 115 days or .s'0. for.: a atter .of pigssense to let to arrive,it doesn't make • their lives be threatened with baby pig scours. Not when preventionis so easy with , a . Shur -Gain Dial Doser which helps you,tci measure and administer the dose accurately and with no waste, -at about nine cents per dose, Active ingredients in Dial. Doser are Bacitracitl — and Streptomycin ' a new combination of antibiotics that .fights sews-effect'y. Invest it the health of your baby pigs by getting a Shur -Gain Dial Doser available at •our Shur -Gain /Animal Health Service Centre, Anderson Products Limited I.UCXNOW PHONE 528 2026