The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-30, Page 570 WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 30, 1970 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE PMI • K. J. .MacKENZIE,, O.D. Optometrist NOW IN RIFLE Y' 'EVERY WEDNESDAY , Office Hours 10;00 a,n.. to 5;:30. p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 for appointment. W.R.:HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST • • NEXT TO LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 357-1361 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Lucknow,Phone-528-3013 Day or ' Night • -Serving All ;Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices Established 1894 INSURAN-C; FIRE ;WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and : LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure. With Jack Today J. A. McDONAGH CARD OF T HANKS The family ' of the late Gordon Naylor of Auburn wish to express their sincere thanks and apprec- iation to -their many friends, neigh- bours and relatives for all their kind assistance, . floral tributes,. sympathy cards and money gifts in the recent lossof a dear husband and gather, Many thanks also to Doctor . Bozyk, •Wingbani Hospital Staff, Pastor A, Fry,. Keith 'Arthur Funeral Home, Pallbearers . and ladies of U.C.W. No. 3 who served lunch. The many-acts-of-kindness- will any--acts-of kindness -- will always be remembered. I' wish to thank all who remem- bered me " while I was in Victoria. Hospital with: cards, letters:: and visits. • Wesley Ritchie. R. BRAY DOCTOR OF • CHIROPRACTIC 256 CENTRE ST. WINGHAM; PHONE 357.1224 FQR COMPLETE, TIRE • • SALES & SERVICES `.Phone .5294600 KINTAIL GENERAL STORE CARD..OF:T H.ANKS We wish to express, ;our apprec- iation and ° thanks to everyone who, visited us:, sentcards, letters, and treats while we :were patients in' London Hospital, Also many thanks. to friend's .and neighbours who look- ed after our home so well. These kind acts will not soon be forgotten. Russell -and 'Mabel Hewitt • Mr. '' 4and 'Mrs.. Herman Phillips and family wish to express sincere thanks to Rev. Robert Nicholls and for the many expressions_._o yn- pathy at the-time:of the death of - his sister Miss` Myrtle. Phillips. All was deeply appreciated. I would like to say special thanks to friends and relatives in Lucknow for cards and phone calls I receiv- ed while I was a patient in St. Josephs Hospital, London. All was very much appreciated. • Mrs. Ken, Webster Mrs. Art Gilmore wishes to ex- press thanks to all who remember- ed her in various ways, while •she was a patient in . Wingham and Dis- trict . Hospital. A sincere Thank ' You to all my friends and relatives for cards, treats . and visits while I was • a. patient in Wingham Hospital and since coming home. Thanks also CARP OF THANKS THANK YOU To the many people who sent flowers, cards, letters, gifts and food .to, Janet and visited her 'dur- ing her illness; to those who ex- pressed their sympathy through flowers, cards, food, donations to. .the Cancer.' Society at:' the time of her death; to the women wh. o help-. ed' with the lunch at the Church, we 'would like to say- a very sincere - thank -you. These: many, kindnesses. will long be remembered..'. ° - • , —7-1 Lloyd -Ashton: Catherine and Fraser Ashton. Beverley and. Don Thompson: We wish to express our sincere thanks for the , many deeds of kind- ness and expressions of sympathy from our neighbours and friends at the 'time of the death of a dear sister. Margaret and Bob Finlay, We would. like to take this op- portunity to thank Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall' and ',family .fortheir assistance the day of the fire and for the lovely music provided : by Gordon Wall and family for the benefit dance. ' Edwin and Fern Hewitt and family Lucknow . Agricultural Society wish to thank all 'those. who. , n- =to0rAL nursing staf T .sore . na a . o er -entries Murray Moffat in the parade, the Lucknow Co-op for sponsoring; the Maitland Valley Saddle Club and all those ,who assisted on Fair Day. ; • AGI ESTABLISHED 1N9 . HOWARD AGNEW. Lucknow, Ontario , ., HAVELOCK. STREET OFFICE PHONE 521.2035 OER!lB•NN•••••• NGON. FOR SALE 122. ACHES Huron Township, lake range, level, choice cash crop, 5 acres bush. Just. $4,000 down. POINT. CLARK - new. two' bed- room cottage, Mahogany panel: • led interior,. spacious family room, sand ,point well :on pressure. Owner anxious to sell.. Terms available. Mrs. Chas: Steward thanks her 'many friends for remembering her while in . Victoria Hospital, London and since coming home, with visits, flowers,:. plants, gifts, letters and uc now, •'one R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Evsry°'}Wednesday end • n' 'Saturday Afternoon �Ifce in the ,joynt-Block Telephone.: Lucknow .'528=3116 • QUALITY . TIRES AT LOWEST PRICES Farm, Truck & Pass Tires restos. Wheel Balancing. and • . Battery .Service get well cards. This was all very nfuch-appreciat ' ' tom.smissmoBsummom■En■Es■s. ■ ■ nn. ■ :100: ACRES ;1-3,000 Buy now :: there are 65 acres:. /unworkable, balance bush. Goods barn with loose 'housing., K. 4:• • bedroom instil brick home With a kitchen and large living room. •Drilled well. • ■ ■ LUCICNOW AREA• •: • ' FARM • 'N77 acres with 75 acres Workable; i' ■ ▪ a barn containing boxstalls and mpg pens;: driving sh-e-d; a. ■: ■ bedroom home in good . con -i iditi'on. Machinery included in■ :the purchase • price. Listed at .$22,000.00.•.' i SOLO Gordonf McInnes • has sold his 50' acres on.•the 6th of Culross to' Mr. John„' B. Needham of Sarnia: • OAVhI,:LER : AND COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WAL.K.ERTON one 88 =' 1 ROY A HAVENS PLUMBING —: HEATING WIRING Esso Heating Equipment: and Home Heat •Service Dealer :. Lucknow - "Phone. 5283012 wMIT AIM' _13 IMPERIAL OIL. PRODUCTS for prompt: service, and quality products, t. • Contact: GRANT •CHISHOLM ..• Phone Collect • Dungannon 529-7524: "Always Look To Imperial - For The Best", • R. W. BELL CRAWFORD and MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. ALAN R. MILL; B A. L.L.B.. WINGHAM • IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 'a.m. to 12 .noon • Located in. Breckles Block IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY , In Ross ' Martyn Building Phone Wingham: Office 3574630 — Res. 357-2330. ■ :BUY OF THE MONTH: ■ ' ° • 2.$'7,500.00 will . purchase .this . 11!' ■storey home. containing : 2 bed= :rooms; -New -3 -pc. b tk, new -oil■ ■furnace. Lots of room- for a■ :garden. Located near Kintail. $6,700.00 will purchase . this torrp"y frame home-ahaving ■= ■bedrooms, large living room' 2 large kitchen, and 3 : pc: bath. . ■Lpcated in.Lucknow. Where else!' could one purchase .a home sol ■ reasonable?. ■ ■ GET -RESULTS WANTED WANED----a-colony-house-Phone- °Reg Broome, • CLOVER AND GRASS SEED Bring in samples for price quo- tation. Lucknow District Co-op'. 1.. 4 HELP WANTED ANAGEJL_F .. LUCKNOW ARENA Reply in writing (no : phone calls) before October 1, 1970 to BOX A LUCKNOW SENTINEL ELF -WANT -ED MANAGER FOR CONCESSION BOOTH. AT • LUCKNOW. ARENA Reps► by letter only (no phone calls), giving age, experience and- salaryrequired to BOX A, LUCKNOW SENTINEL D • DGINS. 395.2337. or R.R. 2 .Holyrood, Ont. NOW FEATURING NEW PHOTO -LISTING SERVICE' 150 ACRE FARM in West Waaian- osh Township, large modernized -ham-for-Weft-cattle, silo 12p in paved yard; 8 room home 'situated on a good road. This is a gently rol- ling : high producing farm listed at $24,800 with $12,00 down . and pos- session in the spring. 200 'ACRES, ..150 'workable,good it -suitable -for -dairy -and -mixed' farming, silo , and unloader; 4 bedroom home with . all convenien- ces. Inspect this ,property for fall possession with ,generous- terms available. ' ° • I W^• 2100 ACRE cash crop .farm, 95 ac - ems workable, 8 room stone home, 4 ' piece bath; oil furnace, drilled ° well, pressure system, barns 40 x -50-and-18: x--30: -This : is-a--farm--y , would be prdud to own: at a very' reasonable price 4 ACRES on the. Maitland; River - in the Wingham area, can be yours. foie; -'-gen y-ro ng : an = -- lar treed with a good spring..' This. would be an ideal spot for a cot-- tage. • WANTED full time female work er or d scleaning_plant _in i �ickc now. ' Apply by letter ONLY -to Bort 5;.. Lucknow Sentinel, (no' phone calls please). WANTED young ladywants room ' and board in ' Lucknow: Phone 3954364. ° -` OP'1'OI�fETI I`S r G'O:DERICH-. The Square Phone JAckson 44661) • A► M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 57 South Street, GoderiCh / Telephone 52447562- °,,WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES EMET'ERY-LETTER11 :` • • REASONABLE PRICES 'Buy Direct and Save us. Ph 357-1910 • • Res. Ph. 357.1015 MacKENZIE• EMORIAL_CHAPEL _: FUNERAL SERVICE' "Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Mem- orial Chapel at . no additional charge. • Lucknow, `Phone 528-3432 • Day.Or 'Night . ■ • t• • ■ ■ • SO IF YOU WANT .TO: BUY. OR° SELL • . O TAT trS AT ';` ■ ■ DonHolst. fR�iI1siitiTId] is ' REALTORS• le ■ ` WINGHAM • es at al■ 'a OF A MILE of rolling well treed scenic river frontage several spring fed streams, 46 acre D used oil furnace with controls, ingood condition, at least' 80,000.0 capacity; ,Ap- ply Box 86, Lu ow, or phone "628- 3434. - ME-N--ANB=WOMEN W-... 1 Continue Rawleigh Service to consumers. •Get into , a profitable business of yotir. own. No previous expertence ,or— capital-- investment: needed. Write • • W. T. RAWLEIGH CO.• LTD., Dept. I ' - 271 t 916 4005 Richelieu St.,: Montreal 207, our.! ▪ Rbral�Ontaria-Specialiss r;T� FEMALE HELP WANTED N ▪ For best rt results w th Don 'Hoist si y p pey■ IT'S EASY TO SELL ✓ um • • - • . • AVON will do the rest! or •a fun ■ BARRY McDONAGH . Rep. P '1 Lucknow 528.3423 . a' ;• is . Res. 395-5326,, • Iiiun ' ■uui■ ss■Bu.usuisiaur.u ■ THE. •BEST. — able located in the. Goderich area, a modern 4 year old cottage is . sit- uated ituated on this property,. 3 bedrooms and a 2 car garage along with all conveniences make this a lovely 'summer retreat or a year. round retirement home. This is on unique'. property and must be sold to .settle an estate, make us an offer, terms , can be arranged. • P and, profitable business, . all; r� BRIGITTE HOUWELING "COLLECT 371-0264 OR WRITE BOX 511 •OWEN SOUND, gigs For These Properties • Please Contact WARREN ZINN ':Phone 529=7350 s : I. & `Co., Limited :WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce I . Multiple Listings -Service . List' M.L.S. Over 60 Salesmes Working • For You NA•AAIAA AA•BAAaBNB!!M