The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-23, Page 17WEDNESDAY, ;SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 . el !• , 17,-,Ik:.0 1•01•1rr -:. 116,... VW' *. W! Ver THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO• r.�"Y(ypu.sy.T.., /• • • ,,• He aReception .: WHY:.. LET..., e' • • r - �•----••41111ll� • BEAVER.'I..ME VVAYWAN,. -// ' —__ .�� � • -- - ' For Donald GauntsTHE IiCEi WHITECHV NEW,. On DER . AROUND LOOSE? Berg Cow -Saver Stalls and Berg ever Stalls were designed for' • • -the dairyman -who wants to han- •• . „ l a •f , Y . g d W _ le his d i cattle as lndividusls: - ' II f • -' alu c�'� ' prP.r•w I �-= II , lei 'Mill . - , -. . _ : reception was held in the Com- p munity Memorial Hall, White- church for newly weds Mr, and Mrs. Donald Gaunt of 'Kitchener °.:. Successful dairymen. profit by F •:: `' ' individualized mnagement bychallenging each cow. P , g° 9' rac- �, pay!, wiu, flees: that p ' a :. increased milk, p production iron . _ - .. Orchestra ,. • "' • ••� DIA ND RODM .. •�' I. IND A KITCHEN Y �' 11,1 / o•L ,DEDRODM a I . ;... . .h�Cl ...l'AINTHORNE..•. - - Joe .Tiffin S su ,lied' pp ... : the music' for a .large crowd •for o . , g dancing,;with. -Brian R>ntoul . •.. doing the calling off. .lengthening ::: is ;:::; ::: ::..:....:.::: every lactation. By.len henin ':: ...::.• s :Pro � � : ':;;» ,#:;:> each Cow'productive life..B • po. �; : # assuringyou of 'positive i ,nd . vidualized nutrition and dise `' v:#:r A .control. Put Berg statls�to.-.work-. ' AtDNoop itIR06-i' At lunchtime Mary and Don_w : increasing your dairy profits. I_ .: s•:>:»»<A :::::,;<:; ides'a free, cmplete p • g, roy ... •ald -.:.-t for m . were called to the latArthur .,.• , barn -planning service.' , W WIN YOUR OVER '3 DE IONfl MANUFACT)REI NI 0 E 1970: HO1VME PURCHASE even seats of honor while .•$•, tot chum r h - Laidlaw readem a � o , ous address• recalling many events• In their lives and Grant Currie on behalf of the atherm gathering presentede. them. with a gift of .money, Donald and Maty both express- • BERG COW-SAVEli STALLS Outlasts oche►►Ss by 3 to 4, tidies because • • f. hot ddipnped galvnized steel, tube Require dnt o e- coni rgcabl less- bedding {" - eePs cows drier Bell -she eds riches take up chain slack and pre- vent tangling and choking. Provides •L m Q ► m when. cows lie down. • ore hes ' 1 ' sponsors is•ed FOR � ' FREE YOUR appreciation to the and tho§e' who a�tiended and'for . their .gift., The ,extended an. e .e g Y ?.�. } :{�;. ; ;r; �.. y w• , ,.,., ti's�}} tl }y � � _ 'ASK-. �(. y ,.; ,.4 . e,,br CATALOGUE ' ALL HOMES FREE 1970 HOME AND DETAILS TO -DAY' N:H:A, AND V.L.A. APPROVED .'�,�' .. 1.• -CONTACT • rnvitatto-nto those .present to visit them at their apartmentat, . , Kitchener. A11 sang�For They o .. ' .. _ � Are..Jolly Good Fellows and Banc mg resumed to the closing hours. Mrs: Gordon Elliott'of Win ham is -visiting: with •�vIr, and Mrs, .. Yv fi� F�eritI�lida-.LLOYD ' • JOHNSTO�ILL .z: �>:'� 1`a:,�ry:;.:>: :;>>:�•R.R.3 , HOLYROOD. •;:,......p.:, : ;;>.<':• � ;> . Phone 395-5390 �•.` n„�',r,.,�:ri�:;i�if�t::���%-f - � � �, ::r:;>>>::::::4.A • ���qu,:..... �••v� �' ... , r . •. �• • BEAVER1UMBERWalter ,,1 3581 . KING 335-'31'43 Eliotanamily Mr•,;and ,Mrs.' jm Ross and Mark of Kitchener spent the week end •with Mr and Mrs. •,Rus• 'sel and 1 and, Mrs,, Orville Tiffin. , •Mrs. Clark' Johnston and -Janette. visited on Saturday with Mrs. Wm Brown at Finecrest• Manor and • the Caunt home were Mr.. and ti. Mrs': Don Dirste n' and. Richard of i , Ajax' and Mr. and Mrs,. Harold Banks of S.carboro. _ Ross were' guests, at the • McClenaghan-Cour`ney, wedding .:• with her father Wm : Brown. ',' Mr, and Mrs. Eric Cone Cher- i KI ;I Mr. and •Mrs . Ikoy. Dawson and, • ' Mr, and: Mrs.:_ Cameron .. - _- , , yl -and •David .of :Burlington .spent , '. •y �> Miss Blair of Hes 'tiler and . . Y . P Mrs: -Helen, Blair, of Kitchener ' Congratulations School for ni�I to St. wmnrng fust.pciz �/ •..- Josephs • •• fa x. a ended es ern air on Tuesday; ^week, ` • Jim Orr of London, spent, the _Scholtz =fLoncian spent--t-he end with Iver, sand Mrs. 'Elroy Laidlaw and family Iv1rs.'.'tzra• y, the week end•with7Mr, and Mrs. - Lawrence.Ta for and famil ' �. Y Y. visite a. Sunday with Mrs•. Clara •>4. • ,Courtney at Amberiey, • Mr: And Mrs. William Wilton ofLucknotnr Galt visited, with Mr., and'Ivlrs: Duncan..Thorburn on, Sunday, Miss Myrtle Phillips who. visited from time' to time',with relatives : . their float in the:Historical class, at the Lucknow Fail :Fair. ' The portable class room at the, school for -grade five arrived this week;. `.`' : ' • congratulations. to Mr.,and Mrs,. PercyvMc.Clenaghan-fSharron: week ena'with his, mother Mrs, Wm. Orr and Robert and attended. Fair. Mr', and''Mrs; Victor Emerson and lviiss Viola,Hill of Virde'n,: Man'itoba'visited'•ThursdaY• after_ •,. •with?Mrs�Ma-llac-e. Wilson , anei seem .: Mrs...Simmons , Wingha.m. • • Mr. and Mrs;'Donal¢',Gaunt o'f. ,Kitchener spent the w•e,ek'end ' with their parents Mr, and Mrs. W•• Pardon.and Mr. and'Mrs: Russel-Ga-u.nt_.-.:Other.-v-isitors at • •0 ,•`I nd - y. !^ "I Joann Laidlaw Of London and . John Gibb of Walkerton spent the week end•:at:their'homes here. } . • Mrs'. Bill Evans went' on the. bus' load from these arts to London . .' in the Ambeiley •area , passed • ; . :Courtney)' who were married- here • noon of West Waw'anosh Township. -Fa-ir-on-Vednes-d-ay „.. - away. suddenly'. in Alexander and... , • Marine Hospital i''Goderich . foll- owing ,a, heart attack on Saturday :-• September nineteenth in• her eighty'fourth.year:` � F, 011ie' Liddle of .Amberley is on'Saturday'evening'.: ' , .:John Howard returned home - from Victoria.'Hospital , London •' last Thursday. • UNDERWENT ''SURGERY Attending a .shower 'On Saturday evening'for Helen. McNee bride to be at Brussels from, here were, Mrs.' Gordon. Rintou .and 'Gayle: and Mrs. H. D::.NIacDonald, .. Mrs, ' Angus •Falconer and Kevin • ,; a • .' . • ••-Mrs-Orniarid-Heffernan. • . ill With measles, . : • ', ,.:d Reids, t,. Corners Women s Institute •,will,;be hostess to the Wo'mens'• Institute branches in this :district ,.: on Monday, eveni � October fifth,• uitdef- . ' ; • , ' of Strathroy spent the. weekend', . went surgery at Palmerston Hos- . 'i .. . . . with M:r,•an Mrs, Bob Mowbray pital last -Thursday when a plate • , .and.attended the Gaunt-Ptudori 'was put in• .her left leg ,to reduce ....reception'. • Compound. fracture she suffered.�in, . ` •• ' P .. ,, • • ' ,. '."4 ;.! n: `• . r , f at' 8, 30.o'clock in Reids •Corners •her•a hall': ..Mrs, Cecil Holland''will : .give a' report of the 'Federated ,� " Womens Institute' of -Canada Con= - c. r. • c if en' tee, wee s :prev - , iss ern demote King .returned iously. On •Sunda she began; •: on the week.end to artment Y' P, walkin on crutches, at Teeswater after:having sent g• • g P several 'weeks, at the home of her SUFFERED INJURIES; :• uncle Walter Arscoit,• � • . • .. e ventio•n , wh-iGh he-:attended.--a•t ' : Winnipeg recently; • " Robert MacNa of Amberle. is Y . Y -•' sailingon the Great Lakes for �a . . ' •, few week'. ----Gari--Rie' lin g -underwent s -kin graft to his scalp at a London hos- Rev'. Horace° Braden of London ital last -Wednesday.": The -week was• a• dinner guest on .Su`nday• 1? ,. - • with Iver.. and Mrs. Walter Elliott , before •Carl.:injured his scalp' when.a.ha.y.• rack fell•on'his, head and familY. •. GODERICH MOTORS ,n ' cordiallyi 'elite . • o n {{{p hem .li'�He• - and �•; �{ f . � r,,an. an• Mrs', .Arthur .Messes - • • . er of the fourth concession of Hu on attended .the funeral of -Mrs:: Messengers sister, -in- law .at : •'Dannville Quebec.' Mrs'. Messeng•• er remained to visit with her brother-mala-w-fariw-e--e• WON SERIES ._ , . ...•• �' : • - • did. not remain' in hospital, • , • Whitechurch Intermediate Jr; Mar,' and Mrs : Pete,Murray of- C' Softball team. on Saturday Detioit spent the •weekend With • �'evening at`T'eeswater played the ' John O Connor.,and attended the second game of a 2 out of 3'ser Wedding .of their niece Sharron• les 'for O. A. S .'A-, with Blenheim •. Courtne 7 � • see I1.1 • the NEW Brighter • • Idea 1`971:,MOdels. from FORM. 'i,. ► On Sunday at Pine River United Church Bob CourtneyGlen Boyd Y and Lynn Lowry sang a pleasingP trio. . . ndvere to .4. They -now -wait Friends of Mrs.. Nick.Perr f. Y o . • for the next 0.A.8. A . co•mpet - Detroit will be sorry, to learn . . in teals.• that she fractured' her hi' ' in' a fall Nlr, and Mrs. Carl IvlcClenag- . recently. an ka:ttended, Londo:n.Fair.' on Wedgy ners d• m SEE the •ALL NEW:, f� -PINTO � I ti r,;; ,3 .. „ .. r .. .. • RIPLEY ABATTOIR I•Courtney Custom; Butcher n — Curing and Smokin :: Butchering. g g Cu#ting. and Wrapping -r Sausage Making gMc Fast Freezin ., HOGS AND CATTLE' ON MONDAYS ; CATTLE ONLY ON. WEDNESDAYS s,• With Two Big Coolers , ''re Able .T' • Han Your Beef From � �► �_ � ,. P.erc oMcClenal elan and Sharon of. Percy Kingsbri•dge at Ki ri Church on S atu'rda ,evenin as o'clock__, y g • from here Were Mrs'. • Lillian _ Clens has ' Miss Mildred *Cleo, g .. aghan and Mr, and Mfrs. Jim Ross' bf Kitche stir', Mr:• and Mr's, Carl `: - lLcCle. hanaatended zhex.tece , • •MAV�R:CK I / . TORINO •tr �FQRD 'r LTD .MUSTANG, FORDS An:d Vii` i s ' � �, r' t, , t , `i 't �I t tp: .. .�..�..__ -� �__ . _...._ .We R _, �.�.� . p.�. . �. ._ � �. _ _• - _ - _• _ _ _ > ,.. 1 To ,W lcs,.=�- Whatever: our, RequirementsAre . For Home Freezers. We Sell 'choice Home Killed Beef, Pork ' and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Pries ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED POR YOUR , tion held for them at Saltford;, Allan Miller's Orchestra, furnished music for dancing, • Visitors during the week end • D T � FOR R� •CK :.... :k - `t" i • PROTECTION . •, CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP ABATTOIRSTOKE' 395.2961 355-2905. ' with M'r. and Mrs.. Dan Tiffin and farilily were Barry Tiffin of Oshawa , Mr. and 1�1rs. Bevin Tif- fin and Mrs. Stewart of Wingham 0 South e��c . Motors -td. .._.... or 7 3be til