The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-16, Page 23WEDNESDAY,. `SEPTEMBER 16.'1970 r � ... a!" •13--wrr `14•.. A!! Ti:►" 11h 7!•" 1!71"*Inwa3'.' •q�C • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO. PAGE TWENTY-THREE n ENTER YOUR CF.1LD IN THE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER. 19 STARTING AT Y:JO P.M. At The Lucknow F6tl Fair CLASS 1SINGLE BABIES UNDER 6. MONTHS "AT'2i30 P.M. .CLASS 2. r- SINGLE BABIES 6 TO 12 MONTHS AT 3:00 P.M. Prizes For These Events 1st'- 3 -piece silverware set, value .$$.75 2nd— '2 :piece• silverware ,set, value $3.00 7.1 3rd -'2 piece silverware set,, value $2.00 . Also Three Consolation Prizes :For Each. Class All prizes donated by •William A, Schmid CL-ASS-3---SINGL-E-BABIES-12 TO -18 -MONTHS -AT --3:30, P.M. Prizes of $5:00, $3.00 and' $2.00 .donated :by the 'Lucknow Agricultural ' ►society , This space isdonated for' community improvements by LIST OWEL TRANSPORT ' LINES LTD. Ontario's . Silver i -Black Fleet' . COME TO 'PAIR CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 will be judged on Friday and the. Lucknow arena open tothe, public on Friday evening to vkw the prize winners; Sorne added features.on Friday night will be entertainment by Phillip Pacqu ette , Larry Irwin and Peter Wald- en, three..area young men. •Fri-- day night will'see;'the frog jump- ing contest and turtle race at-, .8,30 p.m.. A pie eating contest is a,lso'slated'fpr that night: ' • * * . Saturday's fun starts early with :the pet show a;t•the park at 11 a.m, . • Music and beautiful girls will headline'the Fall Fair parade' • which',kicks off sharp at''l p. m. Parade chairman Charles Webster is looking for one of the best parades ever.. Miss Dominion of Canada , as has been the custom' for• several years , will beat the head.of the parade. followed 'by twelve entries 'in the 'Miss Midwestern Ontario Beauty Con-' test featured it the 'fair. These 'girls have been :winners in•their own towns and come from Luck -naw Hanover,, Palmerston, Wingharn , Seaforth, Goderich , ,Grand ''Bend Listowel and'Howick. Five coun- , ties are represented. • .•*'. Entries' in the parade: are :asked to be on hand by 12.3p.m:maTl children with trikes, doll'buggies , etc. are: asked to' join the -parade at Bill:. Hunter's Fina 'corner as -it is felt that: the full parade 'route WOW. be too long for them. The parade "wilLstart at the Public Schools' 1 • CouJdYou.N.�nc The Photo? New Teachers. Could you name those in the - photo -on the front page last week?/ Itlwas part of ithe S.S. 14 Para mount school about.l934. Mrs'. Mike Sanderson of.Luck now (Anne'MacDonald) was teach- et 'and is pictfiired. with her lass 'LL° Front row ,.left ..to right ; Sydney •Crump, W'. A. "Bud" Hamilton , Robert McIntosh, Rayinond. Rich- ards , Jirn' Hamilton , • Stuart. Jamie= son ,.Donald Hamilton. Back row , Jean Raynard , Anne MacDonald, teacher, Isabel. Jam ieson Eileen Henderson Pian Hurn Plowing Manch Plans are going ahead for the •. 43rd Huron County plowing; match and ' Farm Machinery demonstra tion to be, held October, 10 on the Joe Ryan. farm, Lot 32, •Concession 14, McKillop Town-: ship. • A new, class h2s b -en:added• •-. thisy ear, in,which 'plowing will , be done around the field with each contestant required to plow three rounds,. A special prize ' . has been donated by Gordon Mc - Gavin for. best corner. There Will be a Queen of the furrow contest and Horse shoe pitching contest, AtAreaSchools.• Registration at Ripley -Huron Central School is 324 this. year, up slightly.from :308 last year. At Pine River .Cen'ral School, • opening enrolment was 35 as com-. pared.to .42 last year., Terry. Kummer of Kitchener. will teach his first•'year at Ripley - Hg a grade 'havin 6 class. The other, new face at•Ripley-Huron is George Armstrong, :formerly a . teacher at Preston, who is vice principal. at .the .school. . He teach es grade 8. Mrs.: Dave Welsh ,; the former Joyce Funston; is a new teacher at .. mime-..Riv.eLC:e.nt.ra ?.aC d -teaches: grades 1, 2;•3 it1 the.,priiriary room. In the senior roomthere teaching :grades 4, 5 6'is Mrs'. Marion Huston. Principal, in charge of the 'two schools, is Floyd Stanley who teaches physical education to the' entire school. p ' -`'Other teachers are Kindergarten Mrs. Betty Elliott; grade 1,; Mrs. Phyllis ,Todd; grade 2, Mrs. ,,Eil- een MacDonald; .grade 3 ,, Mrs, Homer Devitt; grade 4, Mrs. Bev Peterbaugh; grade.5, Mrs. Joan MacKay; grade 7, Mrs; Helen ' •Henderson» grade 8, Mrs. Isabel Martyn. • Sit :: John's- Drum• Corps of Brant- ford rant-ford a girls' bugle band with 7p 8u pieces', will .be..'featured',in the parade as •well as the, Lucknow School Band , Bruce County Junior Pipe band, Hanover Hi-Lites'Maj- ore.ttes , The •Ma joretres• will also performa baton twirling e'xhib'i,; tion with torches in: the evening at the perforrriance .. Listowel'Maitland Valley Sad- dle Club will be' in the parade with about. 26 horses and' riders. '. They will perform a musical' ride. The parad'e.is'also expect- ed .to 'attract -the usual large -nu -m ber, of. local riding horses. Along these lines,a rodeo will be good entertainment on the grounds:: during the afternoon. It will: mature a. potato race 11 rre1 race. musical chairs', .flag race , pick up race and relay race on'. horseba There -will be a full day of entertainment:oe Fair.g rounis. Jack Bowers , d'irector of education for , Bruce '.Co:unty•'and. a Huron Township 'native'. , will officially oo p ' Douglas en the fair.. Crawford of W i n gh -rrr-w:,-11--be-rtrast er-of ` -'" ceremonies Here are lust a few things for you to see and do ,-pony and horse show', baby show with\three , • classes. at staggered times, enter'- tainment by Huron -Bruce Swingers. square dance club; .wig demonstra, tion, candle making , Ontario `. . lsravirtic al-Volice slides ort a continual basis, flea mar'k'et , bal- loon contest` for kids, whistling Contest , clothes pin contest for senior citizens, 4-H Show,, * • A wide variety of parade class- es are open with big prizes for participants, See the list in this ram as A. 0r .11.Y .. READY PASTED r }r ON.SUNWO RT HY VALNOVERINGS PER SINGLE ROLL BUNDLE LOTS. FROM 60c • PER SINGLE • come -in and , see our colourful. suNuuoRMsr selection REV t 41111.1! 44111110. 4411Ellow 4111111! ' .'. YOUR COMPLETE . HOME DECORATING ,CENTRE ' DRAP,:FRIES FLOOR ;COVERINGS 1� inlay Decorators WALL-PAPE"-AND-PAINTS- LUCKNOW, 1t'AL PAPE ANDn INTS_LUCKNGW, ONTARIO PHONE .52'8-3434 Injured 'in Farm Accident: Harvey Heidekamp , age 17 ,' s'on of Larnbert.us Heideka'mp of. 'week's .paper, • About 30 concessions are spoken, •for:indoors so the-arena':should'•be, an interesting place in which to browse Miss Dominion. of Canada , al- ong with girls entered in'theeven- ing beauty 'contest ; w.illspend the day at the 'Fair. Carrera bugs • -should havea good -day. Satur- day:.night'at.8 p.m; in the 'arena the Vince Mountford • Variety Show. will be featured; .This show has proven itself in the: past an4'is .ba-Cirwith. a. tir Ertl-t're ele non of perforrriers'. ' The Huron -Bruce Swingers will'perform later in the e-vening=after=the-1=0 p, -m-, .beaut-y contest in which Miss Dominion of Canada will crown the' new Miss Midwestern. Ontario who will have a 'chance, to enter the Miss Dominion of Canada •contest.next summer. • The Miss.Midwestern Ontario contest has grown year by year and is''now "The" beauty con est in "es ern •ntario. Si. * . * If you are looking for family fun, beat Lucknow Fair this. . weekend. St..Catharines received concus' sion and•an injured left knee in a. farm accident Septetnbe'r 7th. • He Was working for Ted Vander-- velde , Highway 86 'west; helping to move an .elevator. ' Apparently the elevator tipped and, the youth was 'injurd; He was ta.ken to Wingharn Hos- pital and later transferred to Vic- , toria- Hospital,_,London with head injuries. Represent -Bruce. At Wester Fair Thirteen --g ir-ls.-from -Bruce Cou-n- ,ty will 'be':arriong:.the 118 4-H `Hotneniaking Club m=embers atten'. ;ding Western Fair on Septernber 18th. They will participate in t: inon'urrc -: 4da:y'-progra-rn_se_..._up�, l _ fi --- ._ .. tion with the Home Economics , • Branch of the Ontario Department .of :Agriculture aiid Food. , The evening program willbe in the form •of a banquet' and grandstand. show provided 'by 'Western 'Fair for both the 4-H Homemaking and 4-H A.gricultural Chit) 'Members. Delegatesfrom this area are; .Dinie• Kloq`sterboer,.#l2 , Kincar- dine; Lois: Arnold ##2', Kincardine Elliott., ##4, Ripley; Mary Mc- Creath , Ripley;` MaryMacChar.les, #5 , Lucknow; Dorothy . Van Beers ,' #4, Kincardine._,. • MONUMENTS ..., _For, sound:. counsel . and: a fair _..r_i:cea_ on_ _ monument P correctly designed' from quality 'material, rely on S KELTON MEMORIALS Pat &'Hagan, Prop. Established. Over Sixty Years. WALKERTON' • • PHONE 881-023i- • ONTARIO