The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-16, Page 161• l AGE SIXTEEN �+Rei11.4-s:7 lhf e.M.44 .fn; RfAN!•IW11,7 r.►' i':,.., THE :LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 197 SAVE THE HBEAVER HOME WAY I• OVER 36 DESIGNS MANUFACTURED Hoff BEAVER WIN. YOUR 1970' HOME PURCHASE FREE A.S K FO.R YOUR FREE 1970 -HOME ---- CATALOGUE AND •DETAILS • ,TO -DAY ALL .HOMES N.H.A. AND .V,L.A, APPROVED BEAVERTUMBER " 357 -TS JIM -KING 3353143;. OLIVE -T Mrs.' Walter Black, Jim and `:loyce-Visited-On Sunday:.with Ate:7 .. and Mrs;' A1>jert e- ifderich.' Mrs. Robert Engel of Dublin visited on Sunday with, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and •family:. 1 Mr.: •Annie Maclntyre' of Lucknow ---enter-faired-fr-ie.nds-recently: in______ honour of Mrs'.' W, T. Roulston's birthday,. 1; . Mr. .and Mrs. 'Frank Scott and boys of'Mossbank, Sask. are visiting with Phyllis' parents;. Mr. and Mrs:. Clayton.. Mrs. CiaytQti is iii .eeryu z KINLOUG Mrs.. Etta Drummond of London. Mr. and kits. Dougias-6rahari ,, Conc-e siOn 2, .Kinloss we -re -dinner guests on Friday with. their cousin Mrs. William Cox and w.ith..Mr, and Mrs: •Jack Scott. 'Mr. • and Mrs. Fred •Hodgins of �Kirtcardine. visited on'Sunday •' evening with Mr, and Mrs., Russell Hewitt.' , We ares sorry to report that: Art Haldenby. is a patient in th'e Wingham and District Hospital.' We hope ,for a speedy recovery. Moor health. ' .. Donald Barr of Waterloo spent the weekend -at his home here. Weekend visitors. with Mr.. and Mrs:• Bert Nicholson were Lois 1ichglson of Milton, 'Mr. and Mrs...Jerry Collison'of George ' •tow and Kimberley Langford of Woodstoc.k.• • . Friends .'of,Mrs, Ezra Stanley of Lucknow and formerly of here secontirear, Shar'oii C=o-1J--ing-comm-�a-re-sor-ry-�to-kfiow--tlia-t-she` is a iS-to attend as -de -legate -wit Sunday visitors. w>lth"Ivlr, and Mrs. ' Oscar White and May were:* Mr: and Mrs:' Doug Moore and .. boys of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs.: Gordon Mauer, Jr. .of Kincardine. ; i velyn White and Warren Rich of v' ngham . Joanne Harni.lton has returned' to University at. Waterloo for her Talk'and Slides On Ireland At .Webster Gathering The descendants of Daniel and. Eliza Webster spent, a pleasant afternoon on Saturday, Septem-. ber 5 , at Londesboro Hall visit,- ing and playing. games. To give the occasion an• Irish atmosphere, • the tables,were decorated with blarney stones and„ sha rrrocks ,, and beautiful arrange.. meats, of roses from Mrs. Harold— Ferguson's .garden, • The host and hostessof the afternoon, Mr.. and' Mrs. Les Bris tow , presented their tours of • Ireland in story and coloured slid- es, The pictures which we' reexceptionally good' took us. from the glass works of. Waterford to the Giant Causeway,, from the:Lakes .of, Killarney and Shannon River to the busy streets of'Dublin and other _cities. The scenery .i>lcluded ., thatched. cottages,. mountains, donkeys pulling cats , ruins of. castles and abbies., i village homes. All joined in singing Peggie O'Neil,and It's A:Long Way to Tipperary acco.rnpaped on: tTi"e •piano by Mrs. Melvin Raynai•d. Mrs...Mervyn. Lobb was presented by v1rs. 'Mary Bristow ••witJ a pair Of mugs made • in' Ireland from,the family in appreciation for her 'work'•in' writing, the farnily history.; i��r:-Ke*h-Webstor •expre:ssed the thanks of the .family to tliehost and hostes$ arid' their' helpers' .for the. fine a fternooii--anti- bouirtifrr supper ' a COMPETENT IN INVESTMENT AND ESTATE COUNSELLING Sterling Trusts has a competent team in money and money markets to provide sound investment coun- selling, plan and administer estates, and look after tax and succession duties. We invite you to use this service. 372 Bay Street, Toronto, 364-7495 Also Barrie and Orillia Just one of the many ways Sterling ieusis looks after your money ;Moss Township 0until .1lhinutes • Kinloss Council 'met in regular. Session 'on 'Septenbel1st Reeve .Orville Elliott. and -all Council 1 .•present.. •_ . Silver'Lake W.l. Th.e-.Silverlak-e__Wo uen's._listi- tote held the: September meeting. at the hom€; of Mrs _James Mc - Ewan. ,The President/ Mrs. ,John• Hodgins opened, the 'Meeting. ; The' roll call was "Name an old farm implement and .what takes its place to -day". The Secret: ary Mrs...Ellison• Hodgins read the• financial report' and correspond- ence. orrespond-ence. •Reports'were given by'con- veners of: the Standing Cornmit tees. The Annual Convention will be held. September 14th1 and 15th in - • Southampton..' Mrs.. John Hodgins‘ w-u1i_:Mi•� • - m'ences, her. third term in Western patient in tlie. Wingham:and Dist- . Hospital.; We wish 'her im- proved health. : 4 Georg y University`,. London, 'and to Fan-. shawe College Pat MacCharles'• -and Bill •,,:• for their second ' term-,--and-David Black to Guefph University. September 2 at. 9 p:.m.., the rt.eve and council. all present. This meeting was Heid to' review the County assessment on the Black Creek. ?; TW.. Seetion�l9'?I After the adoption of the Min utes of_Au.gust 4. and'specsial: meet- ing reet - 'ing of•August .8 were adopted',. the following business 1w as dealt. with.. • By-law 24, 1970 was passed, being a tile drainage.•by-law on. lots 2 and 3 1RS for $250b. Ou; to • be repaid at the rate Of. $308.2 - per year ,for. a period of`.10 years.. By-law. 25 , •1.970 was. passed. : being a,tiae drainage by-law, on the E.H. 9 8c10 'Cone. 4 for „' id -at -the rate. of $5,67.18 per year fo,r a Period of 1,0 years. 'By-law' 26, 1970 was passed . being tile dra inage: on Lot • 9 Cone. 3 for $600.00. t.o- be repaid at the .rate of..$73.98per year for 10.'years .' ,Cou.cicitaccepte'd an applica- tion • or tie ra.rna,ge ,on• ` 1:: FI ,Lot 4 Conc. 6 Township of 'Kinloss. Bill Stanley alternate. Mrs. Harold Bannerman volunteered to.. make an article for the ;sale ai George Haidenb` accompanied the convention. Mrs. Bill aMir :tea iii hlrs : C -la r S p -° -P�r=1•�ng��nartriey`;=agtrea=ltu-re-co�rrvener ,, boys to Londn on Sunday.:• . gave 'the motto, The love of the land is a love, that lies deep in• the heart:of aman,_:rMrs._- Harold ,_. Bannerman' gave.a reading ''All good things.on the farm" ,:.Mrs. Stanley followed with a topic on • Horticulture = four•'steps to grow - ing an African. Violet. l4rs. Ellison Hodgins conducted' ,the saleof vegetables .brou,ght to ting-by-t1ie.rnetrrbers Re Pellet IT IS UNLAWFUL TO FIRE A PELLET GUN .:-.-._W T iIN_TI E wVILLAGE. OF_L :UCKNO..W,V W _ ._• ._ 1 ANYONE FOUND 'LOITERING,. WITH A GUN IN . THEIR 'POSSESSION,, • 14 LIABLE TO • PROSECUTION ..•AND THE SEIZURE OF .va4maa.a• ,. '� M+mmr.:.;..ar ...,.w ,rr.. ,aw vwe.=.,asr,.*».,»u. :w, n-rr:w:.,netsta+«.w�:a•nern•:•;�.+riw•_�e»-anr e.41 m sr Plans Were made' for the October meeting to be held at Kinloss Community Centre on October 7 at 8 .3'O..p•. M. The -guest speak.: er will, be the Public Relations Officer from Douglas Point. Reeve �ndCouncii ViIIae -of Lucknow • Mrs. William. Arnold , District President,.. Bervie Women's Inst i'- 41&e,..aIL(Lt,hA.-TivA r.om ery e, w and Kinloss are invited. • Happy Birthday wassung to Mrs. Harold Bannerman and Mrs. Ray Stanley. The Meeting closed with`"Tile Queen" and "Grace",. 'Lurict was ser'ved'by the hostess and Mrs Al Hedley and Mrs. Ray Stanley, A;grant of'$15;00 was made to t .e truce ounty + owrnen~s Assoc. The clerk was, instructed tb Pre pare -a by-law restricting -the dumping of garbage', etc: on Township roads. Court of Revision was opened at 9 p: rn, on the. Blacl< Creek. N. W , Section 1970 and the reeve. appointed' chairman.. ; .1 here b-e1ng`twb appeals ow . assessment,, the acreage for Vern-: on Hodgins was. chariged.to 59 acres on S.O. Lots 6 - 7: 2RS at $g3 'OvYfnr Outlet ortthe-:main' ___ drain and the N, Pt 6 - 7 40 ' acres added at $42.60' outlet on the main drain'. The appeal frorb County of Bruce •was considered and' the Court of Revision adjourn= with E. , county engineer present. The Court of.l'evision was re=opened•a►u1.tbt decisicin was arrived ar :t� reduce ttw• Countya.ssessinent on F. .. and ±1.4_,dza.i n to $501 ; U.0 A lid increase. the assessmenvof Jaii c 1cEwa'i'to $2613 00 'on the sar;l the .per•forat.e4.pipe.`to be extent 'ed on F. and H. drains and. the. County'to• irst/al the catchhasirt on E drain.: As there. were no further appeals; 'Court of R'evi ;sion was closed. . • The meeting adjourned to niE on October 5th or at the call of thc•'rccve . FRASER MacK1NNON •' CLERK. A LOT Of 1 `. MARRIED MEAS ARE :TREATED: LIKE KINGS-. GET HOME CATE ,NDEY GET. CROWNED ed to meet at the site on Septem- ber 2 at The following accounts were orde'red paid , General, 998.40•, IOrains . 17,868.86, Highways, 5 w'778,:08. A specia'1 meeting Was held -on LUCKNOW PHONE 528=3430