The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-16, Page 9WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1970 1 1 ;Tr AZI...141/t4'...114116911141117.iillf THE LUCJ(NOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO wirrIrr POO., Kincardine LOCATED NEXT 'TO GOLFING, ROLLER SKATI:N&, SWIMMING, & CAMPING NIGHT PHONE 396-2341 • DAY PHONE: 396-2107 • FRIDAY;__SATUR-DAY SEPT• -E -MB- ER: 81 1-9-- 6. RICHARD HARRIS GLUED HORSE" • InSANa P Ih 11\1114441, e .1 b111,',AL.! M. MI i.e•n lb.P,•. VI - A He has a wife. She.has a husband. With so much in common they just have to fall in love. • Jack Lemmon Catherine Aeneuve in • and "The.April Fools" ADULTENTERTAINMENT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER .20 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. StLMUR PIC1URES minute top1'Ly, --a , second to die!'.'. '- .e.o..cao.EAsiAAcap, NM' E. PETERSEN Pnaets HOT ROD. ACTION !al- Open House Held On The family of Dan T. MacKin- non held. "open House at his • ,' Kinlos's farm home• on Sunday,. September 13th in honour of his 90t•h, birthday. Many•of his former neighbours and friends called to extend congratulations and best:wishes on thishappy occasion~ Mr. AMacKinnon•'is the son of the, late -Angus and Cathorine.. mdcKon944nd was-bor-ti on. -they-• Gth concession', Kinloss 'on Sept .ember 18th,, 18.80. It was the., same farm where his father Angus had. come in 1854at the .. age of ten with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James MacKinnon from the Isle of • Eigg.• :This farm has been in the1a'cKinnon Warne since that time. 'Dan, as he is. known :to• his:: many friends,married Josie Berger of Luckriow in June loll, Following theirmarriage they ,took over the home farm and' Dan's parents 'moved to Lucknow • Mrs, Iv'acKinnondeath occur- red in \lay 1rO42'.; / I•n 1946 ,Mr.. Mac Kinnon's • COMMUNITY FO.RU Noble ` Thoughts, 'and' . Nicholls' Notions PAGE NINE Jack Farrell Heads C�IweII1Reunior.: The annual Co1wel picnic was Cld: August 19th at Purple Grove ommunity Centre with 60 mem- bers registering.- A bountiful smorgasbord dinner and supper was enjoyed by all. Mrs . Albert Colwell -presided • Over 'a short business meeting.. lvlrs. May Campbell, secretary., read the minutes of the'last year's picnic; A minute of..silience was bse, ved•�in• mein o r o�ry • of wo`me t - rrt• herswho had passed; away in the • last year.. • Jack Farrell will: be president for the 1971 reunion and Frank Colwell will act as se.cret- ary. • Betty Colwell .gave a •most - interesting account of some of • • the research she has done on the• Colwell family tree. She has: • , been corresponding with Rev! Wm. Colwell, Detroit ,'who wishes •to know'of Some of the Colwell history., She -as -ked_ -.that • anyone who had information per- taining to the Colwell family tree to pass it on to' her.;. Mrs. ban Gillies., Mr, and, Before yOU turn the key.... fasten your seat belt! Mrs. Sarn Emerson, Mrs,' Herb Farrell, -Frank Colwell and Lynn Fair of. Uxbridge •all expressed pleasure at being able to attend the ..Colwell'Reuni.on.. A sports committee of Susan • Fait -tell, Bruce and Betty Colwell, and ;Nancy Swan provided,a full and hilarious-afte•rrroon-fir--old • and young alike. A happy, afternoon ended'. with•.a baseball' game and everyone expressed. a desire'to return in 1971.. andnlade,his home with: hirn,, - Until 19,64 wheil Dart and lois .brother John 'went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jankowski, and of Kinloss... • -7 `•—i�rb-y y—•.444 -c4 - r How much should a 'w'orker he 1• would likt:.to,suggest.•c�ertaiTl :pa id61ll is labour? Should he •he• ...guidelines to help uS:lh•our think- -7 h k mr. MacKitin.onalso live at 4 lis .-13oh •Hamilton, Lucknow for two,yvars' but since December 1969,he has; ' in - been a' resident of 3ruce1ea• Hay •W 'lkerton • • •• paid a-c•c..ordtitg ,t-o-hip-ne.ed •sci_ihatt:anf 1 believe; that -if a`nialf- s he is guaranteed enough to cover, going to do a job that will Con - the ,cost of •Should he, he tribute to the Welfare of society • ..paid according • tothe••tyype.of..work no'matt•erhow menial that' - job that he does and the quailit y, of ., May ' he ,I he,:ought to he entitled work .that he gives? Should he .be' to: a.w ige That will allow. him to paid aecordi.ng to 'what other peop meet the costof living.in that le are being paid in•:other jobs •.society.. No. person should' be • ' whiCh rnay he: different from his? ..:expected- to'do•a ►iecessary or 'These are'irrtportarit questions • helpfulnjob'•in the•,cornrrrunity . which we must ask' ourselves when without receiving'an adequate there is so much .:labour unrest wage to enable him to be -a con- •.over salaries.and Wages. Are tributing member'of that society. postal workers right to ask for • We 'make .a mistake if we allow higher wages? .should;;E-fydro work our prirnary producers or service ers receive' more'moaey? Should personel to become a' burden on., we, the tax -payers be continuing the community Our government to raise:teachers• .'salaries and• is right to establish minimum wag- . encouraging an annual inc'rem'ent es and maximum hours for workers, policy?; ' These questions are :just some of the .current issues • • : about: which wE all must be think= ins. • CLINTON -- ONTARIO First Show' :`• Starting at 8:30: p.m. Mr: \lacKinn,on.has three sons. .Donald of.'Lucknow ..Angusof :Aurora and Bil1.of Calgaryand • eleven gra.nde.bildre.n.' Secondly-, •l think we need to re assess the value of the jobs.that_ people do in order that• people .be. paid according to.the. importance :of the_ joli,they-::do_A. i._cotitrfbut.f_ng to the, welfare of society: As now,,many jobs become • valuable 'because they •,help: comp- aniesand individuals.ga.inwealth _dor -se=l=fish=ends b:ut-d.o=little=t=o -benefit ,the whdle society. So: we, pay famastic.salaries to public!.relations officers who spend. their tinie and ability 'cretitilig a good, iniage of a company„(which May not deserve it)., but we Skimp on N1 iffroi AiffittS d, :.�, A. THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CaNQESSIrN RD. 4 • PHONE 524 9981 TH U RS•.F-111-7-76A-T.. ACADEMY AWARD demand :that workers accomp- lish no more.than what an average 'w,orker can do in a day and that all get pad at the same rate. , When• the, po'oi - workman earns as much as rriost .accorrrplished 'workman, doing the•same job, it ris,time we changed the system.;, We have too rnany•people who:coast: along on the standards of their union'or' professionalsociety instead of • giving value for value received .., or receiving, value for`; value given. People get paid .annual increments even when they are •not -worth, it because :the union demands this policy. People. are , promoted for.years} of: service over others -,who are `better` qualifie,d' • because unions demand it; •Err' Tp10 otr-gli be� tale to-__ receive value for value given a..,(1: not .be. forced to-pa.y out money just 'bee-ause someone has seniority • a degree, or a union';rule to sup pdrthim, . l bclicvc that FRI. - • SAT. Sept. 18-19' DOUBLE FEATURE Alfred Hitchcock's Suspence Thriller "TOPAZ". John Forsythe —. Frederick Staffoid Darty Robin . In Color .• THE --LOST MA (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Sidney Poitier Color Cartoon Coming Next Weekends• "S,CREAM AND' • SCREAM • AGAIN "VIVA 'MAX the• salaries of resLa.rch worliexs who are siru'ggling.to' find a cure - for:cance.r or'an answ 'r to the pollution proll,eni. We pay $150,00u•a year a hockey play- er alld $15,uUti.to a llniveisicy professor Our sense of values has become distorted when we , invest more in`"ent.ertainmert than in the education. of.people,- Finally , a person ought to be •paid according to his ,contribu- tion to, society, and not according: to his seniority , his acaderric qualifications, or the work rule if one bricklayer can .lay. .1200 bricks in 8 hours and •another can only lay 800 in the same length of time , the workman who cap work more. efficiently is ; worth •mdre than the one who cannot accomplish so much, But'unions these guidelines we woirld have • '`,a niuch better,system Of paying', workers arid in turn have more stability in labour relationships.. • LUX -KNOW. SENTINEL • .44.1tAt NOVA: *Mi. .1 it BEST ACTOR—JOHN WAYNE NAW$v'-Pf'u4S PtF,N •JOHN WAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL. KIDARBYM JM ODUCTION LACUS" PR ri JtRErT suit NOMI OUVAtt • sTRotNEt URN . NENA/ NEN—AWAY • MARi11EA(TE IOIBITS ETARLES FORTIS y7017:1;1110 (OW ii u,i...TECNNeCOLOR' APARAMOUNT PICTNAE••1.!. . _ PARAMOUNT PIc7'UitFS PRESENTS. ROBERT -13• R�1DI�T1"FZ:PtuinucTio• • '.1., MON., •TUES: WED. SEPT, 20 ; 21' - STARRINC - ' ••PatHINGLE -•� Don STROUD • Diane Y`ARSI:= :.._; COLOR , ,.., � • ,: :•. •. V,RAe "" 1 AN AMERICAN tNTERNATIONALeicT•uae Flo 1'1970 American International Pictures, Inc: • tndaclen ajth4- United presents �RST•t(T•O ti To q•AON%. W . RQL.YN„_ Nl?.R1C16 EaSImanCOlpt' Released by COMMONWEALTH UNITED