The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-16, Page 1%70 • i $5.00 A Year In. Advance $2.00 Extra To I .;S.A. LU;CKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, `SEPTEMBER 16, 1970 Single*Copy 15e 24 Pages • t,ucknow .Counc.i.l., ,a .. et ng...;i.:i-t ' regular session last week , decided to take some strong action against local young people who have been shooting ,out street lights with pel- let" guns. The village has been put' to considers ble expense by the actions of Some of the youth • of the community , and confisca- tion and some stiff fines were • discussed as' a mean's to control the situation. /- Council expressed disapproval of a .plan carried out. by Ontario .• ,..Hydro 'of putting a�new' refrigerator in the ,,kiel_s_nOwAnd,...Disitrict Public School and:. charging' back the local Hydro utility for it' The need for a new appliance at the' sr;liool'w.as questioned It was • felt••that new, equipment was . installed frequently when present equipment was hardly broken in. Thissystem has been carried on • for a number of years by Hycyro d has_aways r'ece'ived some • "long,looks at the council table:,, To further agg'rawate"tl a M -a err Wouncil we're unhappy that the purchase was made from. a . Wing - ppaia-ha-lcr pass' --ha-m-a numerous ones in this community,: The Lucknow Women's Institute sought information from Council as to whether the :equipment in the kitchen in. the town hall was. insured and whether they should ' insure •it thernselves. Informa- tion is tobe secured' for the Insti- CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 BudlyTGashedin S.chooIAccident— Brin Lowry, age 9, son of Mr. and. Mrs.Perrin Lowry of Huron To sh'p ; Was 'badly. gashed on Friday in an accident at Pine • River Central School ;The youngster fell off a: swing and was struck, by. another swing under the right arm requiring thin:- tx stitches, He was brow ht' to the emergency department, of .. `Wirrgh-arI1ospital 1 Mrs. Mary Gibson of 'Amberley and was treat ed and released. CO -•ice - -W17111= Lucknow Fall Fair has been blessed with perfect weather for a number of years. Give the• Luck now Fair another break in the weather and this year's' event ,'L slated for Frida and Saturday .of' .this. ween , September 18 and 19',. will.be'the best ever. Members. of the Lucknow` Agricultural Soc iety have been working on the event•for the :past twelve months' and your support an the weekend will help to put it over. •. . * *. Fair president. is Bob: Campbell • €-L-uc1 now-who-is--compi-et-ftr$•. his second term in office. Mrs. .Bob Struthers of Lucknow :'is Fair` secretary. frid=ay _is=entry=;day=when exhib. itors place their entries and con- :,cessions set up. Inside exhibits -OONTINUE iiN•I1-AGE 23 rearmwormaskumniffivaiwwwayave MARK 5Qth/. 4NIVER ARY TUESDAY .: • ;yea Le 411 • .1 tolP STUDENTS GOING HERE AND THERE Following' a request inlast• week's paper; -a few parents and' fr e ds rave beenipod-eniou-gh' to fill"usin on some of the educa. .tion plans for district young_ people., We had hoped for .a much greater response and hope that it will be forthcoming in the•next w.eek. , Nancy Kirkland., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Kirkland • Of Ashfield, will train as a teach- er at the Stratford Teachers' 'COI - lege. Helen. Courtney daughter of Mr. and Mr's. Leo Courtney of Ashfield will train as a nurse at iv1R—AI�ID'.MRS:-'1lidM:AS SALKELD Tuesday of this week, Septenib- er 15th marked the 50th, wedding anniversary. of•a Lucknow couple, Mr. and• Mrs. Thomas J. Salkeld,'. 'Open. House was, held for friends and. relatives at the Anglican Parish 1•lall:on Tuesda"y.. A. farnlly MESS DOMINION OF CANADA Dies Su ' William Lyon MacKenzie year-old 'Lucknow ,resident-, .died _on Sunday at the Winghan'i:. and District, Hospital. The funeral service will be held today (Wednesday) at :2 p m .: at the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel in Lucknow with burial in South Kinloss Cemetery.: To Visit Europe Marion Buttonand,. ;elen.Mc Nay are leaving September 18 -for 3 l/42: weeks in Europe. While there. they will travel on their own through the continent: Marion is the .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ;Bill Button of Lucknow' and:Helen`s parents are Mr, and , Mrs. Kelso McNay ,. Paramount. Both $itis reside in Kitchener,' Leading the :Lucknow Fall Pair parade this Saturday will be Miss Dominion of•Canada . She will „,, spend the day in Lucknow and on Saturday evening will crown Miss Midwestern. Ontario at the beauty contest held in conjunction with .the Fair.. • Miss. Midwestern Ontario will_• be picked from a groupof girls ., g. representing towns throughout the area. She will win an all expense • CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 O • i St, Marys Hospital in Kitchener; "Donna Wylds , daughter of Mr and Mrs. Warren. Wylds Ashfield Township ,. commenced nurses - - training at Victoria Hospital,. London on September 3rd.. On. Monday , 'September 14th, Francis J. (Frank) Foran,' son of. �� v. s, •,. .ran, West' . ,Wawanosh , commended his .first year studies at the University of 'Guelph'. Frank graduated from Grade' 13 at Goderich- .Collegiate.. dinner had earlier been held at . the Parish Hall on Saturday, Sept .ember 5th. Guests; were. present at the dinner from Calgary Otta- wa ,. Brockville, Petth ,:Owen Sound oderich and ,Kitchener` • Amy Lillian. Wark and. Thomas John. Salkeld were married :at the. home of the bride's parents in . S.mith,'s Falls ;Ontario' on Septem- ber15•, 1920.. Rev:. Ellis .of the Methodist church: performed the, ceremony'.. .. They 'came .directly 'to; the, Wil - Hayti E. • MacDonald farm in West Wawanosh , on the first sideroad east of Lucknow. •They resided therefor airs , retiring. to their present home on Gough •• Street in Lucknow .in 1965 when their son Laurence: was married Mr. Salkeld 'is a. native of Goder= ' rch Township.. Mrs.•Salkeid's :. father was an engineer with the' CPR and it was while living in. ` Goderich that she met herr future • husband. • Both ME a;nd Mrs.. Salkeld ' have been' long time members of St, Peters Anglican Church in Lucknow. Mrs; Salkeld has been CONTINUED ON PAGE24 $2500 Dpmdge lis Cpr Strikes Home . Dr . M. 8. 'Corrin of Lucknow escaped ,injury on. Thursday night • of last week .when his car was in collision with a• horse at the Lang- side turnoff, about three miles • east of Lucknow on• Highway 86 Dr, Corrin was alone at the time and was proceeding west towards •Lucknow. The accident sshappened-•a•bout though. he was uninjured, his car , a 1969 Mercury , was damaged to the 'front end, roof arid 'Windshield in'the ariiountof about $2500. ' Provincial Police from, Kincar- dine investigated .and at tiine of writing Tuesday ; still had not' found the owner of the 'dead" horse', n **•&;�4iiiyAr(.'7Y torik"ro+at.a.a On the same date, Frank's . sister Anne commenced her sec- ond year, studies: at -the -University of ;Windsor: •Anne is working toward her B.Sc..N...degree:'. Another sister , Eileen has .'re - turned ;to, her. teaching duties at C: F.S La Macaza Qu''ebec:Prov• •ince. La .Macaza is'a' Canadian .. Forces base about 106 miles north:. of :Montreal Michael McNall of Belgrave left Monday -to- enter Sir-S1andford • Fleming. College', Lindsay , _ Ontar- t Juggle Costs To Secure Approval FortcitOOtSt�rt At; last week's 'meeting cif the Bruce "County Board of Edrication , Leonard Courtney, chairman of -the .Lucknow building committee` and •representativefor the munici- • palities, of Huron and Ripley , --called on Neil M'cConnel7; area' superintendent , .for a report on ,progress to date regarding the als from the Ontario Municipal Board and the Ontario Department of Education for 'tie addition and . alterations to the Lucknow Public School:: _...,' Mr. McConnell stated that some objection had been raised by the Department of Education re-• garding the cost of the renova Tions to the present building being included in the total.arnount to be debentured;" However, foll'ow-' • ing several meettngs'and : ' telephone conversations with officials--of-•th Education, it was decided that "alterations" wouldbe financed by debenture but that "renova_ • tions"' would be financed out of - curren.t operations: M. M. Warder, chairman of Fin ance , explained that• this would Col fi1NJED O1 PAGE 2